Chapter 118 Don't Get Out!
Liu Brave's girlfriend is his eldest brother's cousin. If it weren't for his girlfriend, he would be the lowest-level younger brother now.

So I am usually very afraid of her, otherwise I would have broken up with her and chased Zhao Qingqing.

Zhao Qingqing looked back at Feng Lin, ready to nod her head in tears.

But Feng Lin suddenly grabbed Zhao Qingqing's chin, "Qingqing, if you dare to do such stupid things in the future, I will definitely teach you a lesson!"

After speaking, Feng Lin went out and closed the door of the room.

"Yo! The kid is going to fight us!"

Liu Brave smiled disdainfully. He took the cigarette in his hand and pressed it to Feng Lin's face.

Feng Lin took out a gun from his pocket and swiped at Liu Brave's hand.

Blood splashed, and half of his fingers flew out.

Liu Brave, who was still full of self-confidence, was so frightened that he forgot the pain. A few seconds later, he let out a howling like a pig.


He covered his hands and lay on the ground crying.

As for the few people around him, they were terrified when they saw this.

This is so...

it is true!
What kind of person is this person in front of him?

They had roughly guessed it.

Several people were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe.

Feng Lin aimed the pitch-black hole at Liu Yongyou who was rolling. Liu Yongyou felt his brain trembling violently.

His cold sweat instantly spread all over his body, and his excessive tension made him forget the pain again.

There is only one command left in his brain now, that is, he doesn't want to die.

"Big brother! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I was wrong, I don't want to die!"

Liu Bravely covered his hands and kowtowed frantically, hitting the floor with his forehead constantly, and blood flowed out.

He never dreamed that he would meet such a big man.

"Feng Lin!"

Zhao Qingqing in the room heard the scream and immediately opened the door.

Feng Lin quickly put away the weapon. There are only a few bullets left. When the bullets are used up, it will become a toy gun.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Zhao Qingqing was stunned in place.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and it wasn't Feng Lin who cried out for mercy, it was Liu Yongyou.

Looking at the blood in him again, Zhao Qingqing covered her mouth and was speechless.

"Sister-in-law! I was wrong! Please say something nice to eldest brother! Don't kill me, please, I don't want to die!"

When Liu Brave saw Zhao Qingqing come out, he kowtowed frantically to her again. He was really scared.

Although Zhao Qingqing didn't know what happened, she still shook her head at Feng Lin, "Feng Lin, someone was injured, let's forget it this time."

"Okay, for your sake, I'll spare him once." Feng Lin nodded and shouted to Liu Brave, "Don't get out!"

"Yes! Thank you big brother!"

Liu bravely lowered his head and picked up the broken finger. With the current medical technology, as long as it is within the effective time, it can still be connected.

Zhao Qingqing didn't notice it at first, but when Liu bravely went to pick it up, she also noticed it.

Zhao Qingqing suddenly felt nauseated and nauseated.

No wonder they were so frightened, it turned out that Feng Lin broke his fingers.

Several people here fled with Feng Lin's permission.

Seeing them leave, Zhao Qingqing lowered her head, her voice trembling, "Feng Lin, tell me the truth, are you...are you doing something bad?"

Zhao Qingqing remembered that at the last meeting, those people obviously had a black background, but Feng Lin was so familiar with them.

"You think too much."

Feng Lin flicked Zhao Qingqing's forehead with a smile, "Hurry up and pack up, wait for me downstairs, and I'll pick you up in the car."

Zhao Qingqing hesitated for a while, thinking wildly in his heart.

Feng Lin is a bad guy now, is he planning to let himself live with him and help him release his anger?

"That, Feng Lin, I..."

Just as Zhao Qingqing raised her head, she found that Feng Lin was long gone, and she immediately crouched on the ground.

After hesitating for a long time, she decided to go with Feng Lin and start packing up the things here.


Feng Lin drove his car, parked downstairs, and found that Zhao Qingqing was waiting below.

A lot of things are put here, even the bedding has been brought.

However, Wuling Hongguang is enough to stuff all these things in.

In the end, Zhao Qingqing sat in the co-pilot, her pure face flushed red, and she kept her head down and did not speak.

Feng Lin turned the car around and prepared to call Xu Ruoying.

But before making the call, Feng Lin said first: "Qingqing, I lied to you at the last meeting. Actually, Xu Ruoying is not my girlfriend."

"What? She's not your girlfriend?"

Zhao Qingqing's face was full of excitement, and then she coughed a few times in embarrassment, then lowered her head and said nothing.

Feng Lin didn't know Zhao Qingqing's thoughts, he explained: "We are childhood sweethearts, but her family has money, I just have a crush on her."

"Secret love?"

Zhao Qingqing lowered his head again and became dejected.

"Well, I like that kind of... very big woman."

Feng Lin first gave Zhao Qingqing an impossible task. Her model looks like B.

Unlike Tang Qianqian, Tang Qianqian is still young and may grow a little longer.

But Zhao Qingqing is in her twenties, and she will be like this all her life.

Of course, except for the artificial ones.

Zhao Qingqing looked down at her own, and remembered Xu Ruoying's back then, feeling a little ashamed.

No wonder Feng Lin had no feelings for her.

"She opened a company here, and I'm going to introduce you." Feng Lin sent Xu Ruoying a message, "Don't worry, the benefits are definitely better than you are now."

Zhao Qingqing nodded, it seemed that she really had no chance.

Not only beautiful, but also rich, what man doesn't like this?
Feng Lin drove to the Starlight Group.

Zhao Qingqing looked at the big company in front of her and was shocked. She originally thought it was an ordinary company.

I didn't expect it to be so big, and it seems that it is richer than the previous Li Lei family.

No wonder he didn't dump him at parties.

"Feng Lin!"

In the hall, Tang Hong immediately came over and said hello to Feng Lin, "Mr. Xu has already told me the matter, is this Miss Zhao?"

"Don't dare." Zhao Qingqing nodded hurriedly, "My name is Zhao Qingqing."

Feng Lin waited here for a while, and with the help of Tang Hong, Zhao Qingqing successfully entered the job.

Under the leadership of Tang Hong, Feng Lin drove them to the apartment prepared by the company.

Put all Zhao Qingqing's luggage in the apartment, and Feng Lin sent them back to the company.

Zhao Qingqing was extremely grateful to Feng Lin and didn't know what to say.

"Don't thank me, remember to invite me to dinner when the salary is paid."

Feng Lin said goodbye to them and drove away. Just after starting, an unfamiliar number called.

He glanced at the address, which had the British number written on it, and he connected strangely, "Hello."

"Hehe! Brother Feng Lin, do you miss me?"

The familiar smile, like the whisper of a demon, came from the phone.

Feng Lin's eyes suddenly narrowed into a line.

Same month!

Feng Lin asked in a deep voice, "Have you finished your work?"

"Not yet, there are too many people, how can you kill them all at once?" The same month's smile was a little gloomy, "By the way, Brother Feng Lin, remember to break off the marriage, or you will know the consequences."

Feng Lin snorted coldly at the phone, "I'm never afraid of threats!"

"Hey! Brother Feng Lin, if I tell the high-level officials of the Nine Netherland that I know the true identity of the dead doctor, what do you think will happen to you?"

The same month's smile is a little crazy.

Feng Lin's eyes lit up, and she finally waited until she said these words.

(End of this chapter)

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