Chapter 125 Desperate Ye Yan

In the distance, Feng Lin smiled and shrugged. He didn't expect this woman to be quite smart, so he should ask first.

"That's right! Is your purpose also to Feng Lin?"

The middle-aged man wearing a mask on the other side asked in a deep voice.


Ye Yan nodded vigorously and sneered at Feng Lin, but she didn't expect him to repeat the same trick, she really thought she was a fool.

Seeing this, Feng Lin immediately ran to the back mountain, it was inconvenient to fight here.


Ye Yan said sharply.

The two of them followed behind Feng Lin until they came to the forest on the mountain behind the park.

Feng Lin looked around and felt that he was almost done, so he resolved them here.

The middle-aged man wearing a mask noticed that Feng Lin had stopped, and without pausing for a second, he clenched his dagger and went to kill Feng Lin.

His mission this time was to solve Feng Lin, so there was no need to waste time.

However, Ye Yan's purpose was to capture Feng Lin alive and hand it over to Ye Kai.

When she saw this situation, she immediately rushed up and stood in front of the middle-aged man.

"what are you doing?"

The middle-aged man stopped quickly.

"I want to capture him alive, I can't let him die for the time being." Ye Yan explained.

"But my mission is to let him die!"

The middle-aged man sneered, he missed Ye Yan's body and walked towards Feng Lin.

"Don't worry! I'm going to take him back to torture him, and then he will die." Ye Yan's eyes gradually narrowed into a line.

"That's right! I said bro, these sisters are going to take me back to the Ye family to torture me, and I'll die in the end, so go back first."

Although Ye Yan was wearing a mask, Feng Lin had already guessed from the clothes and hairstyle that she was the previous Ye Yan.

"So you're from the Ye family?"

The middle-aged man suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Yan.

"Not bad! Do you know the Ye family?"

Ye Yan nodded with a smile. There were quite a few ancient warrior families in Yun City, but there were only three masters of transformation.

Those people still have a lot of fear for the three giants.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's dagger pierced Ye Yan's body.

Even though Ye Yan avoided the key point at the critical moment, the dagger still pierced her abdomen.

"You...are from the Wei family!"

Ye Yan immediately took a few steps back, her clothes were stained with blood.

In Yunshi, only the Wei family dared to treat them like the Ye family.

"Haha! That's right, I didn't expect that when I killed Feng Lin, I could kill a Ye family master by the way. How would the master reward me?"

The middle-aged man took advantage of the victory to pursue, without giving Ye Yan a chance to react, he killed her again.

Feng Lin leaned against the big tree and looked at all this indifferently, but he did not rescue him, so as to win the heart of the woman.

There are countless beautiful killers who died in his hands.

He will not show mercy just because the other party is a beautiful woman, as long as those who threaten his life are all the same.

Feng Lin felt that this scene was good, and it would be even better if there were melon seeds.

Ye Yan wanted to run away, but the other party didn't give her a chance at all, and made a move to kill her.

Suddenly Ye Yan's legs became weak and she almost fell.

The middle-aged man took the opportunity to stab Ye Yan's body again. Just when he was complacent, Ye Yan suddenly stretched out two fingers and pierced the middle-aged man's eyes.


The middle-aged man screamed in pain and took a few steps back.

Ye Yan kicked the middle-aged little brother, took the opportunity to snatch his dagger, and directly sealed his throat.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

Feng Lin smiled. Just now, her legs softened. It was a fake, just to let the other side stab her, thinking it was over.

The middle-aged man fell to the ground.

Ye Yan's body was also pierced twice, she could not stand still, and finally knelt on the ground.

Because of the lack of breathing due to wearing a mask, she tore off the mask and gasped greedily.

"At this time, is it time for me to perform?"

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards Ye Yan with a smile.

Ye Yan's face was instantly pale, she felt that she had lost too much blood, and there was a possibility of fainting at any time.

In this current state, it is impossible to beat Feng Lin in his heyday.

Of course, Feng Lin didn't need to fight at all, as long as he stood by and spent a few minutes, she might fall.

"Feng Lin! You should know who I am! If you dare to attack me, the Ye family will not let you go!"

Ye Yan clenched her dagger tightly and was extremely nervous.

Now she is completely pretending to be calm, and she feels that she has no strength to hold a dagger.

"The Ye family would never let me go. Your reason is useless, not to mention that if you die here, no one will doubt me."

Feng Lin pointed to the corpse on the ground and continued, "You and the Wei family perish together, what a perfect script."

Ye Yan gritted her teeth, her brain was spinning fast, what did she do to save her life.

"Feng Lin! Don't kill me, as long as you let me go, I promise that the Ye family will not be your enemy!"

Ye Yan was a little panicked, even if she said such a thing, she knew it was the end of the fight.

As Feng Lin said just now, if you kill her here, no one would have thought it was Feng Lin.

Feng Lin crouched down and snatched the dagger from her hand, but Ye Yan didn't have the strength to resist.

"Don't kill me! Feng Lin, I have no grievances with you, it's Ye Kai who wants to kill you!"

Unconsciously, Ye Yan was so frightened that she burst into tears.

She really doesn't want to die.

Grandpa said that her future achievements are limitless, and she must not die here.

At this moment, a text message came from Feng Lin's cell phone, which was from Sikong Jin.

He told Feng Lin that from just now until now, several ancient warriors have been wandering outside the Narcissus Club.

Feng Lin stared at Ye Yan in front of him. In his eyes, the Ye family was just a piece of garbage.

However, at this moment, the Ye family cannot be resolved.

No matter what, it is big news that the Ye family disappears out of thin air by a master who has the transformation realm.

Hidden in the nine secluded land of Yun City, I will definitely take the opportunity to retreat.

However, Feng Lin wouldn't leave it alone, he needed to find a way to temporarily stop the Ye family from jumping so much.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Feng Lin's mouth.

There is a way.

"Feng Lin, don't kill me. What's the point of you being a thug with Ye Xin? Follow me, and you can choose the rich and beautiful women."

Ye Yan has not given up.

"Speaking of beautiful women, isn't that right in front of you?"

Feng Lin will take off Ye Yan's clothes and turn on the phone to record.

I heard Ye Xin say before that the old man of the Ye family has extremely strict requirements for family style.

For example, Ye Xin's mother, as her own daughter, was directly imprisoned in the cave in the back mountain for almost 30 years.

"Feng Lin! What are you doing?"

Ye Yan screamed, but she didn't have the strength to resist.

Feng Lin's hands were not idle, and he did not forget to say to the mobile phone: "Friends, I met a lonely lady from the Ye family. She seems to be unable to move."

"Feng Lin! You are courting death, and I will fight for you!"

There was some despair in Ye Yan's eyes, she desperately resisted, but she was not an opponent at all.

She was in tears and her voice was heart-wrenching, but it was unavoidable that she was a lamb at this moment.

"Let's take a look at the model of Miss Ye Yan's underwear first. It turns out to be C."

Feng Lin photographed Ye Yan's body with his mobile phone, and said lightly, "You cooperate, this is the only way you can survive."

Ye Yan closed her eyes hard and lay still on the ground, only to see tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Feng Lin didn't go too far, so he recorded the front and back of the S-curve.

PS: Ahem, Feng Lin's mobile phone is for sale, does anyone want it?

(End of this chapter)

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