Chapter 1252 Trapped
Feng Lin didn't use an attack, but used ice to freeze the feet of several children.

Shu Rongrong's eyes widened.

She couldn't believe that it was the stranger in front of her who saved her in the end.

But Wu Jianfeng, who she likes the most, doesn't care about her.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you run away?"

Feng Lin looked back at Shu Rongrong.

"I...I'm in so much pain."

Shu Rongrong wiped away her tears, but still gritted her teeth and got up from the ground.

She clutched her wound and fled outside the palace.

Feng Lin looked at the frozen child.

Carefully feel the formation runes on their bodies.

He finally understood, these dummies made with arrays.

It can absorb the energy of being attacked to strengthen itself.

The same is true of the ice that Feng Lin froze them, it is slowly melting.

It seems that there is no need to waste time with these people.

Feng Lin didn't care about Shu Rongrong in the distance, he used the empty step and walked deep.

The man in black robe behind him saw Feng Lin go inside.

They also left the surrounding villagers one after another and followed Feng Lin's footsteps.

The villagers behind followed closely.

Feng Lin passed through the village and was blocked by a clear river.

In front of the river, there is a wooden bridge.

There is also a stone tablet on the side with oracle bone inscriptions on it.

Feng Lin could also understand it, roughly meaning that after crossing the bridge, the consequences are at your own risk.

However, Feng Lin originally came to find Bao Bao.

Naturally, you won't be intimidated by this kind of thing.

The small river was not wide, and Feng Lin did not step on the bridge.

Instead, with a light leap, he jumped to the opposite bank.

Seeing this, the people behind them all jumped over.

Only these villagers dare not follow.

The earliest long-haired middle-aged man was carrying a hoe, pointed to the people on the other side and said, "You are all dead."

After speaking, the surrounding villagers gradually disappeared.

The destroyed thatched cottage in the distance has been restored to its original state again.

Everything is calm as before.

Only the corpses of the men in black robes lay conspicuously on the ground over there.

Feng Lin looked at the people around him, most of them had wounds on their bodies.

The black robe was also tattered.

They simply tore off all the black robes, revealing their real bodies.

The only member of the Qiankun Business Alliance is Wu Jianfeng.

There are three more people from the Holy See.

The second priest, Cassius, the fourth priest, Diana, and Pope Juno.

Feng Lin met the four priests when he went to the Holy See.

She was a tall woman with long blond curly hair in armor.

Hair tied into a ponytail, very typical western appearance.

There is a difference with Juno.

With Juno's appearance, it seems that he has a little Middle Eastern blood.

Except for the Holy See, the rest are the Sun Clan.

Now there are only two.

One of them is Smith of the sixth level of Dacheng.

There was another person still wearing a black robe.

Feng Lin also noticed this person just now.

Didn't make a move, just dodging back and forth.

In fact, he had already guessed that this person was the ancestor of the Sun Clan.

The Sun Clan and the Holy See followed up together, with a clear purpose.

Feng Lin took a deep breath, the target of this battle was somewhat out of scope.

Still have to be careful.

"Mr. Wu, I didn't expect you to come too."

Feng Lin tried Wu Jianfeng first.

What is certain now is that people from the Holy See and the Sun Clan will attack him.

Wu Jianfeng of the Qiankun Business Alliance still doesn't know the purpose.

"Hehe, I just saw that there are many people here, so I followed here."

Wu Jianfeng smiled and spread his hands.

"By the way, you are a member of the Qiankun Business Alliance. I think you should know this relic very well, right?"

Feng Lin asked with a smile.

All of a sudden, the people around here all looked at Wu Jianfeng.

"Thinking too much, only the ninth-level masters of our Qiankun Business Alliance have been here, and I haven't."

Wu Jianfeng shook his head, "Of course, even a ninth-level master didn't find any treasure."

While speaking, Wu Jianfeng jumped to the other side of the river again.

He looked at Shu Rongrong in the distance and shouted, "Rongrong, are you okay?"

Shu Rongrong covered the wound and bit her flaming red lips tightly.

She immediately turned around and ran towards the exit of the palace.

"It's fine to go out, it's too dangerous here, I can't protect myself, let alone you."

Wu Jianfeng has no pupils, so he can't see happiness or anger.

Shu Rongrong ran out faster, and when she came to the exit, she froze.

The previous hole has disappeared.

She remembered seeing it just now, and it was clearly here.

"What about the export?"

Shu Rongrong searched back and forth.

At this moment, she was in the field, and the previous exit had indeed disappeared.

Several people on Feng Lin's side also heard the voice and jumped over again.

Anyway, I know the weaknesses of these villagers.

They dare not cross the shore.

Everyone is also relieved.

"what happened?"

Feng Lin walked over and asked.

"The exit is gone! I saw it just now, and when I lowered my head to bandage the wound, it was gone."

Shu Rongrong looked at Feng Lin and said.

Feng Lin stroked his chin in thought, and asked, "Did I go to the other side when you bandaged the wound?"

"As soon as you left, I started to bandage, and I probably haven't gone to the other side yet."

Shu Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"Understood, it should just go to the other side of the river, and the exit here will disappear."

Feng Lin guessed.

"No wonder, those people said just now, we are dead."

Juno's face was a little ugly.

The formation here can't be broken even at the ninth level of Dacheng.

In other words, they can only go inside.

Feng Lin took out his phone and looked at it, there was no signal here either.

It is indeed troublesome.

He went to the thatched hut just now, and found the middle-aged man with long hair, still lying there.


Feng Lin called out.

But the other party did not speak, as if dead.

Feng Lin just kicked up.

But the man still didn't move.

"It seems that we can only go deep."

Feng Lin sighed and walked to the other side of the river.

These people around me also look at each other, and finally choose to keep up.

Only the two of them stayed where they were.

They are Kaxiu and Zhuo Lie.

Seeing Feng Lin walking away, Kaxiu said in a low voice: "Mr. Zhuo Lie, you can't use teleportation here, and Feng Lin will definitely not be able to escape. Why don't you kill people directly?"

"No, there are outsiders here."

Zhuo Lie said in a deep voice, "What level of power is the Qiankun Business Alliance, you know better than me."

"Then kill him too."

Kaxiu looked at Wu Jianfeng's back. He hadn't forgotten what happened at the Kunlun Ruins last time.

This Wu Jianfeng actually didn't give himself face in front of so many people.

I have long wanted to kill him.

However, Wu Jianfeng broke out with all his strength just now, but he was also at the eighth rank.

That's why Kaxiu wanted Zhuo Lie to do it.

"I think it's better to be steady."

Zhuo Lie said in a deep voice, "Have you seen Wu Jianfeng's eyes? Those are the eyes of Yin soldiers. He may be of mixed blood. If he cannot be killed, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Damn! That can only be done according to the original plan?"

Kashi clenched his fists.

"No! There are no outsiders here, you can choose someone and replace them with four priests."

Zhuo Lie said with a smile, "I gave you face."

"Thank you Mr. Zhuo Lie!"

Kashuu burst into ecstasy.

(End of this chapter)

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