Chapter 131 Protein Supplementation

Sikong nodded close, it was a solution.

Feng Linxian and Sikong Jin returned to the Narcissus Club together. The two took off their makeup in Sikong Jin's room.

"The seventh, the fourth and I are going to pick up the second master. Don't go out during this time, just stay here to protect Ye Xin's safety."

Feng Lin took off his mask and said.

"What character have you met? You want the second master to take action?"

Yan Yibai asked beside him in confusion.

"Prevent problems before they happen."

Feng Lin smiled and shook his head. He took off his suit and put on his ordinary casual clothes.

By the way, I called Xu Ruoying and told her to go out for a day or two.

Xu Ruoying asked what happened today, and Feng Lin explained the ins and outs of the incident.

However, 8000 million was said to be 6000 million, and at Xu Ruoying's request, he transferred 6000 million.

Seeing Feng Lin hang up the phone, Yan Yibai asked with a smile, "Boss, how did you get there?"

"Take a flight, it's too slow to drive."

Feng Lin went to the bathroom to wash his face, then came out and said.

Sikong Jin also washed his face and removed all the makeup.

When Feng Lin came out, he also explained to Ye Xin.

After that, Ye Xin sent someone to take Feng Lin and Sikong to the airport.

Arriving at the airport, it was exactly 02:30 in the afternoon, Feng Lin calculated the time, and he would be back almost tomorrow.


The second master lives in the countryside of eastern Guangdong Province, and several other people in the dead night have been instructed by the second master.

Especially Feng Lin, when his mother disappeared, he was only six or seven years old. His father searched for his mother's whereabouts alone, and threw Feng Lin into the second master's village.

While waiting for the plane, Feng Lin first asked Sikong Jin to call the second master.

Sikong dialed the number and waited for a while before saying, "No one answered."

"Haha, after all, it's an elderly person." Feng Lin couldn't help but smile.

The two bought the first-class cabin, anyway, Feng Lin still has 2000 million in his hand, it's not his own money, so he doesn't feel bad about using it.

The two of them were in the same position. After sitting down, Sikong Jin took off the mask.

Feng Lin looked to the other positions, the first class was currently the two of them.

But it's normal, it's not a holiday, it's not a Sunday.

At this moment, several young people, both men and women, came in the first class cabin, all wearing name tags.

Several people were talking and laughing to find their position, but a man was the first to find Sikong Jin here.

With pigtails, those eyes, that face shape are perfect.

The nose of the plane wearing ear studs walked over with a smile, "Beauty, are you going to East Guangdong too?"

Sikong Jin didn't even look at him, let alone answer him.

The rest of the people also looked over, both men and women, all were amazed at Si Kongjin's face.

"Beauty, I have a company in eastern Guangdong and I am looking for an advertising actor. I think you are very suitable. Would it be convenient to accompany me to see it?"

The head of the plane invited again, he believed that no woman could resist this temptation.

The rest of the people also looked towards this side with a half-smile, and Chen Shao was about to start again.

Just using this trick, I don't know how many women have been played.

No way, most women choose men based on money, even if it is a well-known scumbag, as long as they want money, they will never lack a girlfriend.

Sikong Jin was unmoved, leaned back, closed his eyes gently, and said a word, "Go away."

Feng Lin immediately pointed at the nose of the plane, ready to save him, but Sikong Jin was on the verge of anger.

"Dude, those who fly in the first class are generally not short of money. Since everyone is rich, the girls will definitely choose more handsome ones."

When Feng Lin said this, he grinned, "Look in the mirror."

"Boy, what do you mean? Are you saying I'm ugly?" Chen Tang pointed at Feng Lin and asked.

Feng Lin shook his head, "No, it's just that you are a lot uglier than me."


"Several gentlemen, the plane is about to take off. For your safety, please take your seat."

A flight attendant in uniform came from a distance and looked at several people with a smile.

Chen Tang glanced at Feng Lin coldly, and sat back in his seat.

Feng Lin crossed Erlang's legs with a smile and closed his eyes.

"Several are our VIPs. If there is any help, please let me know at any time."

After the flight attendant finished speaking, he left here.

"Miss, remember to come over after the plane takes off. I'm a little hungry and want to eat."

Chen Tang turned his head and shouted at the back of the flight attendant.

"Hahaha! Young Master Chen, don't you have a backache? You can't even walk when you see beautiful women?"

"What's rare is nutrition, it's okay to spend a few more years."

A few people next to him laughed.

After a while, the plane took off smoothly.

After everything was stable, the previous flight attendant came over.

She stood in front of Chen Tang with a smile: "Excuse me sir, what do you need?"

Chen Tang said with a smile, "I'm a little thirsty and want grandma."

The people around him all burst into laughter.

The flight attendant's expression flashed a hint of disgust, but as a flight attendant, he still kept smiling.

Next to him, Feng Lin opened his eyes and looked at the flight attendant.

The oval face looks very beautiful. Of course, if you can become a flight attendant, your appearance will definitely not be bad.

"Beauty, I'm joking, I want to order some milk for that lady to add more protein." Chen Tang glanced at Si Kongjin and pouted, "With that figure, what are you pretending to be? The country is alluring."

Feng Lin burst out laughing, but Sikong Jin glared at him coldly, he immediately put away his smile and pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Sorry sir, I don't have this right, I only serve the client."

The stewardess frowned slightly and tried to keep smiling. In this line of work, there will always be people with such bad qualities.

"Serve me?" Chen Tang smiled slyly, "I want some special services."

"Sir! Please respect yourself."

The flight attendant couldn't help it, and her voice was a little higher.

"You, a waiter, dare to murder me? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I will report you?"

Chen Tang let out a low roar, originally pretending to be a gentleman, in order to favor Sikong Jin.

Anyway, the other party doesn't look down on you, so why pretend to be garlic?
"Shut up, you annoyed me."

Sikong Jin opened his eyes and said to Chen Tang expressionlessly.

His original voice was very neutral, and he couldn't tell a man or woman without looking at his face, so it didn't attract the attention of a few people.

"Hehe, I really treat myself as a character, and I just talk, what's wrong?"

Chen Tang laughed instead.

Sikong Jin got up and walked to his side, slapped Chen Tang's face, "Shut up, don't let me say it a third time."

"Stinky girls! You dare to beat me?"

Chen Tang roared and stood up from his seat.

Sikong Jin squinted his eyes slightly, but did not move, Chen Tang rolled his eyes and lay down.

After that, he returned to his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

"Haha, this young guy is still playing with porcelain?"

Feng Lin smiled beside him, he naturally knew that Sikong had shocked him with his Qi just now.

"Chen Shao! Chen Shao?"

Chen Tang's companions were all blinded.

What's happening here?
They put it in front of Chen Tang's nose, and they were relieved to find that they were still breathing.

"It should be because I was too tired last night and fell asleep."

"Yes, he didn't sleep all night yesterday."

Several people said to themselves.

The flight attendant took a deep look at Sikong Jin, this woman is so handsome, she is a little bit crazy.

Be sure to make friends when you get off the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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