Chapter 134 Just got together a table of mahjong

"Don't shake, I'm a little dizzy." Feng Lin held his forehead slightly.

When Xu Ruoying heard this, her face flushed, she hurriedly pushed Feng Lin away, and immediately turned back and sat on the sofa.

Feng Lin walked over with a smile and asked, "What happened?"

"You ask them!"

Xu Ruoying pointed at the people in front of her, her face was still red and she was really cute.

"Feng Lin, I received a message that a big company wants to open a new branch. It will pay me [-] yuan a month and want me to change jobs."

Zhao Qingqing came over and said in a low voice.

"I also received news that I was offered [-] yuan, and the five insurances and one housing fund are all complete. It is said that it follows the national standard."

Tang Hong also followed suit.

"They asked me to work as a security guard, with a salary of [-] yuan a month and two days off a week."

"They also paid me more than 1 yuan in salary."


Hearing this, Feng Lin nodded with a smile, knowing what happened.

"I did the math, and they poached all the employees I worked so hard to recruit at about three times the salary."

Xu Ruoying said viciously, "Forget about the new employees, the old employees brought from Congjiang City have all left, saying that they want to fly higher."

"Qingqing, why don't you go?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

Zhao Qingqing showed a smile, "Mr. Xu is very good to me, not to mention those people will regret it."

At this moment, there were voices of several people talking in the distance.

Not long after, several men and women in uniform walked in.

Xu Ruoying suddenly raised her head and noticed one of the older women.

She is also the supervisor brought by Xu Ruoying from Jiang City, called Wang Fang.

"Didn't you resign? Why did you come back?"

Feng Lin stood up from the sofa and asked blankly.

"Mr. Xu, this time, I'm here to have a few words with the others, a few, Qin Shao didn't lie, these money are real money."

Wang Fang's gaze turned to the dozen or so employees on Feng Lin's side, and continued, "As long as you join President Qin's new company, you will receive a monthly company bonus."

"That's right, Lao Huang, Qin is always the son of a wealthy family in Yun City, and he is more powerful than the four major families in Jiang City."

"Yes, Lao Wu, we are security guards anyway, and there is no room for improvement, so the more money will definitely go where. Look at my bank card, 8000 yuan! Free delivery!"


The remaining dozen or so people on Xu Ruoying's side all swallowed.

Immediately, the former security guard walked over and bowed to Xu Ruoying, "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, after all, it's for life."

"Mr. Xu, I'm leaving too. Your salary here is too low."

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry."


After Wang Fang and a few others told, seven or eight more people left here.

Xu Ruoying suddenly stood up, pointed at Wang Fang and shouted, "Leave my company immediately, or I will call the police!"

"Cut! Xu Ruoying, my mother has long disliked you. If you offend Qin Shao, you should regret it!"

Wang Fang pouted and said to the rest of the crowd before leaving, "It's better to do it yourself, Xu Ruoying offends the rich and powerful, and the company will close down immediately, your stupid loyalty is useless."

"That's right! You are unemployed, Xu Ruoying won't care, but Qin Shao will."

"I heard that Young Master Qin is going to open a company in Jiang City. It won't be long before the Xu family in Jiang City will go bankrupt. You will not have a future!"


Seeing them leave, the rest of the people here looked at each other in dismay, and a few others followed.

In fact, the few people here continued to stay here with careful thoughts.

Their idea is that showing loyalty to Xu Ruoying will definitely be reused in the future.

When a supervisor or something, the salary is easily over ten thousand.

But what Wang Fang and others said was right. If they offended the wealthy family in Yunshi, the company would be gone, and they would be a fart manager.

Finally, there are only four people left in the entire new company.

Feng Lin, Xu Ruoying, Tang Hong, Zhao Qingqing.

"Haha! Just enough to get a table of mahjong."

Feng Lin smiled and sat on the sofa.

"Still laughing!"

Xu Ruoying pouted and slapped Feng Lin on the shoulder a few times.

The new employees are nothing, the key is this time Qin Peng has recruited a lot of elites from Congjiang City.

Feng Lin patted Xu Ruoying on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter, at least you don't have to worry about it this year, I'll give you how much money I've made."

Xu Ruoying felt a little better when she thought of this.

Zhao Qingqing found that Feng Lin was so relaxed and asked, "Feng Lin, do you have any idea?"

Xu Ruoying's eyes also lit up, and she couldn't help grabbing Feng Lin's arm.

Feng Lin helped him in his own difficulties several times. He must have a solution.

"Yes, and there are more than one." Feng Lin took out his ears, stood up and said, "Auntie, Qingqing, you two should rest first. I will chat with President Xu."

Tang Hong and Zhao Qingqing nodded together and left.

The huge company was deserted, and only Feng Lin and Xu Ruoying were left.

Xu Ruoying asked eagerly, "What can you do?"

Feng Lin crossed Erlang's legs and answered slowly: "My dad is an old Chinese medicine doctor, and he has a few mysterious ancient recipes in his hands."

"Ancient Fang?"

Hearing this, Xu Ruoying's eyes widened in shock.

This is a priceless treasure. Take some skin care products for example. Those that are expensive have good results.

In fact, there are things that are not rumored.

"That's right, don't you sell skin care products? I have a recipe here. It can get rid of acne in a day, remove wrinkles, and whiten the skin..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Who are you kidding? I just make skin care products, and it works in a day to get rid of acne. Why don't you go to heaven?"

Xu Ruoying pouted, not believing at all.

"When did I lie to you? Can you bet?"

Feng Lin got up and found that there was a refrigerator in the distance. He took a box of yogurt from it and inserted a straw into it.

"Okay! What are you betting on?"

Xu Ruoying definitely didn't believe it.

"If I can come up with this skin care product, you're making me..."

Feng Lin put the yogurt to his mouth and sucked it hard.

Xu Ruoying reacted at first, but when she noticed Feng Lin's wretched gaze, her face suddenly became hot, and she felt a little dizzy.

"You bastard! Shameless! I have to kill you today!"

Xu Ruoying was shy, she chased Feng Lin and prepared to start.

Feng Lin walked around the sofa and fled to the door, "Forget it, you'd better find a way yourself."


Xu Ruoying frowned slightly, "What if you can't do it?"

Feng Lin shrugged, "I can't do it at your disposal."

"Okay! If you can't do it, you have to listen to what I have to say for the rest of your life. Whatever I tell you to do, you have to do it." Xu Ruoying said coldly.

Feng Lin immediately refused: "It's not fair. If you ask Lao Tzu to marry all his fiancées, I will marry them all? In the future, Lao Tzu should not think about being quiet."

"Bah! You want to be beautiful!" Xu Ruoying spat and waved her hand gently, "Forget it, don't bet, I trust your head office, right?"

"I can't believe it, I'm going to smoke."

Feng Lin said, drinking all the yogurt.

"Feng Lin! What am I..." Xu Ruoying gritted her silver teeth and rushed towards Feng Lin, "I'll fight it for you!"


In the end, Feng Lin took a step back. As long as there is no one else in the future, he can lie on Xu Ruoying's lap without restrictions.

Enjoy the Estee Lauder Face Wash.

Under the leadership of Xu Ruoying, Feng Lin came to the warehouse behind the company. He picked a sack of medicinal materials and stuffed it into Wuling Hongguang.

His plan is very simple, make money from the rich and take the high-end route.

As for the advertising booth, he is not worried, there are Xiao family and Xue family in Yunshi.

Ye Xin and Zhou Tian can also help.

Feng Lin and Xu Ruoying returned to the villa area together and found that Qin Peng was standing in front of Xu Ruoying's villa.

He looked at Xu Ruoying meaningfully, "Xiaoying, wait for you some time."

"Qin Peng! You are shameless!" Xu Ruoying scolded angrily.

"Feng Lin is more shameless than me. He cheated me of 8000 million yuan. I came here today to ask for money!"

Qin Peng snapped his fingers, and from a few cars in the distance, a dozen tall and mighty men got down.

Xu Ruoying glanced at Feng Lin suddenly, showing a kind smile, "So it's 8000 million, I thought it was 6000 million."

PS: Brothers, please support me, ah!
(End of this chapter)

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