Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 14 A Woman's Acting Skills

Chapter 14 A Woman's Acting Skills
"Patience? What patience do you have? A poor boy from the village really considers himself a character?"

Wang Qin pointed at Feng Lin disdainfully, "You must rely on your own ability to get [-] million orders, or else you will get out!"

"Mom! I really misunderstood you. Don't you have any shame?"

Xu Ruoying burst into tears and roared.

"Look at the daughter you taught, how can you talk to me?"

Wang Qin grabbed Xu Chuan's arm and shook it vigorously.

Xu Chuan sighed deeply. In fact, they really didn't expect that Feng Lin could get [-] million orders.

Yesterday, the two chatted for a long time, and it was impossible for Feng Lin to complete this task.

I want him to retreat.

In their opinion, Feng Lin would take the opportunity to escape.

"Feng Lin! Let's go! I don't want to stay in this kind of home without family!"

Xu Ruoying couldn't believe that her existence was only profit in their eyes.

They clearly told them that Song Keming was a man, and for the order of [-] million, he also let himself go to the tiger's mouth.

Feng Lin was pulled away by Xu Ruoying. Before he left, he did not forget to glance at Xu Chuan and Wang Qin.

The people in this family really disappointed him too much.


The two took the bus and prepared to go back.

Feng Lin looked at Xu Ruoying, who was still crying, and hugged her shoulders with a smile, "People are beautiful, even if they wear black sports clothes, they look so good."

"It's up to you to say it."

Xu Ruoying puffed out her mouth slightly and wiped away tears with her sleeves.

"Don't be ashamed."

As Feng Lin was talking, he felt the vibration of the phone, he took it out and looked at it, it was Lan Rou's phone.

"Hello." Feng Lin answered the phone.

"Feng Lin, my grandfather heard that you came to Jiangshi and wanted to see you. When do you have time?"

Lan Rou asked over there.

"I have time these days."

"Okay then, send me an address and I'll pick you up in the afternoon." Lan Rou smiled.

"Okay, bye Miss Lan Rou." Feng Lin hung up the phone.

Lan Rou?

Xu Ruoying's eyes suddenly turned cold.

When she found that Feng Lin had hung up the phone, she asked, "Do you know Lan Rou?"

"She is also my fiancee. This woman is not bad. I am going to get in touch with her."

Feng Lin didn't lie, after all, he and Xu Ruoying were only in a transactional relationship.

When she gets rid of Song Keming completely, the mission will be over.

"Are you still dreaming?"

Xu Ruoying sneered, she took Feng Lin's mobile phone away, opened the call log just now, and checked the phone number.

Familiar numbers appeared before me.

It was Lan Rou who called Feng Lin just now!

Didn't Feng Lin lie?

"You, you and Lan Rou... Feng Lin, what do you mean?" Xu Ruoying lowered her head suddenly aggrieved, and the tears she had just stopped fell again.

It attracted the passengers in twos and threes in the car, all of them looked this way.

Men, especially, can't wait to abolish Feng Lin.

Such a beautiful girlfriend made her cry.

"What's wrong with me?"

Feng Lin Zhang Er was at a loss.

"Both Lan Rou and I have a marriage contract with you. You quit me and promised to contact her, do you prove that I am not as good as her?"

Xu Ruoying wiped her tears with her sleeve, pretending to be calm, "I don't blame you, it's normal, how can our Xu family be compared with the Lan family."

"It has nothing to do with your family. As I said at the earliest, I like the gentle elder sister."

Feng Lin explained plainly.

"Sister Gentle? Pfft!"

Xu Ruoying burst out laughing.

"What's wrong with your brain? You cry and laugh." Feng Lin rolled his eyes.

"Your jokes are too funny. She and I were in the same class from elementary school to high school. We smoked, burned our heads, and drank. How could she not do it? Be gentle, big sister, bah!"

Xu Ruoying pouted, she and Lan Rou often fought.

Feng Lin frowned, his face a little unhappy, "Xu Ruoying, this is your fault, even if I don't choose you, it won't ruin the reputation of others."

"Am I ruining my reputation? If you don't believe me, ask Yingying. We are all in the same class. In elementary school, Yingying often brings good things to eat. Lan Rou grabs it when she sees it. I fought with her several times."

Xu Ruoying got angry when he talked about this.

Primary school is nothing, just heads-up.

In junior high school, that stinky woman learned to call people.

Once Xu Ruoying got No.1 in the exam, and she was second.

Lan Rou called a group of women and taught her a lesson while she was going to the toilet.

However, Xu Ruoying's temper was already bursting, and she was not afraid of them at all.

It was also high school, almost all adults, so there was no conflict again.

Feng Lin glanced at Xu Ruoying, he just smiled and didn't believe it at all.

"Feng Lin! If you have the ability, let her confront me!" Xu Ruoying said coldly.

"Don't! It's not good for you to meet her, I don't want her to misunderstand." Feng Lin smiled and shook his head.


Xu Ruoying gritted her teeth angrily, and then she sneered, "It's impossible for you, we are married."

"We are fake." Feng Lin reminded.

"Who said that? I got the certificate. I won't divorce you. You can never be together."

Xu Ruoying raised her pretty face proudly.

"Exactly. Anyway, there is a demand recently. Multiple legal wives are a good choice."

Feng Lin glanced at Xu Ruoying and said something, purely based on appearance, Xu Ruoying is the most suitable for Feng Lin's requirements.

"Bah! Shameless."

Xu Ruoying's face suddenly turned red, and she turned to look out the window.


The two returned to Feng Lin's residence, and Tang Hong was not at home.

In the morning, she said she was going to go out to find a job and support her family.

Feng Lin opened the door of his room, Xu Ruoying stepped in first, and slumped on the sofa.

Feng Lin told Lan Rou the address and waited for her to pick him up.

At twelve noon, Feng Lin was going to go to the bun shop where Tang Qianqian worked before to buy some buns.

They have a good taste over there and a lot of meat.

As for Xu Ruoying sitting on the sofa, flipping through the phone, thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, two car horns honked from outside.

Xu Ruoying didn't care, and after a while, Lan Rou, who was wearing a black dress and gold wire glasses, walked in.

"Excuse me, does Feng Lin live here?"

"Feng Lin went out to buy lunch..." Xu Ruoying's expression changed abruptly as soon as she replied.

The voice was very familiar.

She fixed her eyes and saw a familiar woman standing at the door.

"Lan Rou! It's really you!"

Xu Ruoying pointed at her fiercely.

"Why are you here?" Lan Rou frowned.

"I'm here to expose you! You are a woman who cheated Feng Lin's feelings, I will definitely stop you!" Xu Ruoying said coldly.

Lan Rou calmly took off the gold wire glasses, her temperament changed greatly, her eyes were sharp, "Niu Niu, the more you look, the wider you are."

Xu Ruoying's figure has been the object of Lan Rou's ridicule since childhood, from the ball king to the cow, and finally to the cow.

This process is from the irony at the beginning to the envy at the end.

"I don't care about this title for a long time." Xu Ruoying sneered, "I advise you to get out of the way, Feng Lin already has someone, it's me."


Lan Rou's heart is getting more and more strange, what kind of character Feng Lin is.

A cold woman like Xu Ruoying would actually say such a thing.

"Is Miss Lan here?" Feng Lin's voice suddenly came from outside, and he saw Lan Rou's Chery Tiggo.

Lan Rou immediately rubbed her eyes, put on her glasses, and said aggrievedly, "Why do you scold me?"

Feng Lin was startled, hurried over, looked at Lan Rou with tears in her eyes, and scolded: "Xu Ruoying, how crazy are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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