Chapter 144
Feng Lin turned his head and looked at Wang Qin who was close at hand, and said yin and yang strangely: "The relationship is not very good."

"Hehe, Feng Lin, I admit that I looked down on you at first, but since you sacrificed your life to save my daughter, I feel that Xiaoying's marriage to you is her blessing."

Wang Qin is shameless, Feng Lin is no ordinary person now.

A good relationship with Zhou Tian and a good relationship with Ye Xin, the key is that there is a master behind Ye Xin.

This guy has a bright future.

She felt that she seemed to have seen the dawn, and she was able to bring her daughter back to her parents' home in recent years.

At this moment, Feng Lin's phone vibrated.

He took it out and took a look, Ye Xin had already picked up her mother, but through the side door.

"You guys are playing, I still have something to do."

Feng Lin said something casually and pushed the wheelchair away.

When going down the mountain, Meng Changsheng asked with a smile, "Let me guess, is her daughter that big girl?"

"Nonsense! I didn't learn it from you."

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, in fact, when he was young, he was more inclined to loli.

She is the kind of beautiful girl with a sweet and lovely appearance and a flat body.

But Meng Changsheng kept instilling in him the idea that no matter how hard he was, he couldn't suffer any more.

A woman with a good figure is a real woman.

At the beginning, Feng Lin was a little bit conflicted.

Later... it was delicious.

Yan Yibai and Ye Xin went back first, and Feng Lin also opened the rear door and pushed Meng Changsheng into the back together with the wheelchair.

He drove to the Narcissus Club.

After coming here, I found that Ye Xin and others were at the bar on the first floor.

Of course, the bar is still without a single customer.

Feng Lin pushed the wheelchair and walked into the hall.

"Mr. Feng Lin."

Ye Xin called out with a smile.

"Go upstairs and talk."

Feng Lin kept pushing Meng Changsheng's wheelchair into the elevator.

Ye Xin and others also walked in.

Compared with other people, Ye Dan was like Grandma Liu visiting the Grand View Garden, looking at everything around him.

On the ninth floor, Yan Yibai jumped out first and took off his wig and glasses, "Boss, I'm going to see if fourth brother wakes up."

Feng Lin nodded and went to the cafe with Ye Xin and others.

Meng Changsheng started his wheelchair, went to the refrigerator in the distance, and took a bottle of Erguotou.

Park by the window.

Feng Lin and the other three were just in front of the table by the door of the cafe.

"Ah! Cloud City has changed a lot in recent years." Ye Dan smiled and pinched Ye Xin's face, "You have changed even more."

Ye Xin sighed: "I never thought that I would become older than my mother."

"That... Auntie, there are no outsiders here now, what can you say." Feng Lin crossed Erlang's legs and held the back of his head with both hands, "I know, you don't have amnesia."

Ye Dan, who was still smiling, restrained his smile, "But I really can't remember."

"I didn't expect you to tell me right away. After all, you were detained for decades, and you didn't say anything." Feng Lin spread his hands and said blankly, "You know? The only one who can help you is me."

Ye Dan smiled and said: "I really can't remember, otherwise I would have said long ago, who would like to be under house arrest for decades."

"I know you have difficulties. For example, as a mother, you allow your daughter to be bullied but indifferent. You watch Ye Xin get kicked out of the house or even be chased and killed. You don't care."

When Feng Lin said this, Meng Changsheng, who was drinking in the distance, also turned his body and looked this way.

Ye Dan's face suddenly changed, and he asked, "Is it someone from the Ye family who was chasing her?"

"Is it worth mentioning the ants of the Ye family that can be killed with a single hand?" Feng Lin pouted in disdain, "It was the land of Jiuyou that killed her."

Ye Dan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"I'm really curious. Whose eyes are dirty with a woman like Ye Xin? Why do you want to kill a woman who has no power to tie the chicken?"

Feng Lin touched his chin, then turned around and left.

"Second Master, I'll go back first."

Feng Lin patted Meng Changsheng on the shoulder and walked into the elevator.

heart attack.

This is often used when interrogating prisoners.

Feng Lin just depends on how long she can hold it.


Xue family.

After Feng Lin came here, Xue Zizai and Zhou Tian were drinking in the courtyard.

Seeing Feng Lin, Zhou Tian hurriedly stood up and waved, "Mr. Feng Lin, sit down, the wine is ready for you."

"I just learned that Mr. Feng Lin is Zhou Tian's benefactor, so of course he is also my benefactor."

Xue Zizai raised his glass with a smile and toasted first.

"You're welcome."

Feng Lin sat down. He didn't come here for drinking this time. He accompanied him for a drink and asked Xue Zizai, "You are also an old man in Yunshi. I want to know about the Ye family."

"The Ye family? It's still a high profile in Yun City. Ye Kai is well known as the prodigal son of a family, and Ye Yan is the eldest sister of a group of wealthy women."

Xue naturally had some strange explanations.

When he was chatting with Zhou Tian just now, he already knew roughly what happened to the Ye family.

Feng Lin has a master realm beside him, so he only needs to ask the Ye family, why should he ask himself this outsider.

"Hehe, I just asked casually. This time, I'm here to tell you a piece of news. The big man in the land of Jiuyou is coming to Yunshi."

Feng Lin said with a smile, "Eighteen Earth Demons."

"What? Earthshade!"

Xue Zizai was so frightened that he stood up, but he didn't expect the top combat power of the land of Jiuyou.

There are 72 in total.

"Earth evil?"

Zhou Tian had only heard the name of the Land of Nine Serenities, but didn't know much about it.

Xue Zizai asked with a smile, "Old Zhou, do you know Tiangang?"

"Tiangang? Of course I know! This is the Chinese secret army, the European Holy See, etc., the authority of the world's ancient warriors, the ranking list of combat power."

Zhou Tian nodded, Tian Gang is also called Tian Gang Tu, and there are 36 people in total.

The Holy See in Europe is translated into 36 generals.

These people are extremely powerful, and they are the strongest combat power to maintain the balance of the ancient warrior world.

"Mr. Feng Lin is a member of the Hidden Legion. It should be clearer, right? For example, our Huaxia's No. [-] Dead Night, the dead doctor ranked second and the highest ranked person in Huaxia."

Xue Zizai looked at Feng Lin with a smile, "Following him is the third day Gang, the second of the dead night, the dead dream."

When Zhou Tian was chatting before, he also heard that Xue Zizai said that Feng Lin was a member of the country.

However, he felt that Feng Lin's unhurried personality should belong to those hidden families who cooperate with the state.

Feng Lin nodded with a smile, "Of course I've heard of them. They're all famous people."

No one knows the Tiangang map better than Feng Lin.

To put it bluntly, it is only a ranking on the surface.

For example, his second master, Feng Lin had never seen Meng Changsheng use his full strength.

Although he is old now, but he is really fighting for his life, Feng Lin feels that he is not an opponent.

Of course, Huaxia also has a mysterious department called Wujian.

There is China's top combat power.

However, this kind of thing is known to the party Feng Lin, and no outsiders know about it.

In the eyes of ordinary ancient warriors, the dead doctor is a legend.

Zhou Tian looked stunned, and suddenly asked: "Lao Xue, is the Earth Demon in the Nine Serenity Land to target the Heavenly Gang?"

"That's right! The purpose of the Nine Nether Lands is to subvert the world. Since you have 36 heavenly gangs, then we will have 72 dishas."

Xue Zizai nodded with a smile and continued, "Their suzerain is not among them."

(End of this chapter)

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