Chapter 159 Regret
Feng Lin stood there, motionless.

Yan Yibai, who was beside him, flashed in front of Feng Lin in an instant.

Yan Yibai kicked Aiko's fist.

The black asphalt road beneath his feet suddenly collapsed a few inches.

Yan Yibai's figure was like a ghost. He suddenly jumped up and smashed Aiko's face with his knee.

Echo flew out suddenly.

However, he turned somersaults in the air and stepped firmly on the ground.

He touched his nose lightly, and found that blood was already flowing out. His face was distorted. Just as he was about to continue to attack, he was stopped.


Liang Die took two steps forward indifferently and asked sharply, "Are you sure you want to provoke us?"

"Let this man kneel down." Feng Lin pointed at Aike with a sneer, "Otherwise, I don't know what will happen."

Liang Die took a deep breath and looked at Aike, "Kneel down!"

Echo's face was contorted like a beast, but he did, and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Hahaha! Okay, little sister, I'll give you a face, I'll let you go this time." Feng Lin glanced at Wei Kangyong, "I dare to provoke our Narcissus Club again and destroy the Wei family!"

After speaking, Feng Lin pushed Meng Changsheng's wheelchair and walked away.

Seeing Feng Lin and the others leaving, Echo, who was kneeling on the ground, kept smashing the ground, "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Okay! I will avenge you." Liang Die lifted Aike and whispered in his ear, "Maybe the first sect."

Aiko's pupils shrank, and his face became more and more gloomy.


"You are mature."

Meng Changsheng was smoking a cigarette bag, squinting and said, "If it was you, they would have been arrested and interrogated."

"It's not yet time, and the Eighteen Earth Demons haven't arrived yet."

Feng Lin shook his head slightly.

Feng Lin sent Meng Changsheng to the Narcissus Club. After removing his makeup, he drove to Xu Ruoying's company.

It was found that the company was crowded, and many reporters came over.

Among them, Feng Lin also saw Xiao Yu, who was holding the microphone and squeezed forward.

"Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

Feng Lin stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder.

"Feng Lin! Quick! Take me in!" Xiao Yu jumped directly onto Feng Lin's back.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes and squeezed in with her.

"Sorry everyone, we are temporarily not accepting interviews."

Zhao Qingqing is standing in front of the company's gate at this moment, smilingly looking at everyone around.

She suddenly saw Feng Lin approaching, and immediately went up to meet her.

"Finally come in."

Xiao Yu jumped off Feng Lin's back and exhaled.

"Hello, we are temporarily not accepting interviews."

Zhao Qingqing found Xiao Yu holding the microphone and said very politely.

"My own."

Feng Lin asked strangely, "What happened? So many reporters?"

"You don't know yet, do you?" Xiao Yu's face was dull, "This company's skin care products are popular, and now they are the number one in the headlines."

Feng Lin was also a little surprised.

"It became popular as soon as it was launched, and several Internet celebrities live broadcasted it, shocking the whole country. If you look at the Internet, now a box has been fired for more than 50 yuan. Even so, the supply is still in short supply."

Xiao Yu was talking nonstop beside him.

Zhao Qingqing was still stopping reporters here, while Feng Lin took Xiao Yu and walked inside the company.

Just happened to see Xu Ruoying on the phone outside the hall.

When Xu Ruoying saw Feng Lin, she couldn't stop smiling.

"Who to call?"

Seeing Xu Ruoying hanging up, Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Xiao Mu, I borrowed some professional security guards from her. I thought of you first, but you know all the gangsters, for fear of affecting the company's image."

After Xu Ruoying finished speaking, she suddenly thought that she was still angry with Feng Lin, and snorted.

"Mr. Xu, can I interview you?" Xiao Yu asked with a smile.


Xu Ruoying is very vengeful. She has not forgotten about Xiao Yu's scolding of her mistress.

"I said your family is so rich, why are you a reporter?"

Feng Lin tapped Xiao Yu's forehead.

"You don't understand, my dream is to help those at the bottom speak up!" Xiao Yu looked proud.

Feng Lin pouted, "What are you bragging about? I see that your interviews are always following the hot spots."

"Only in this way can I increase my popularity. Do you think I have been speaking for the bottom, will anyone watch it?" Xiao Yu asked back.

Feng Lin and Xu Ruoying looked at each other and found that what she said made sense.

Xu Ruoying did not expect that this woman has such a lofty ideological realm, not to mention that she is Xiao Mu's younger sister.

This time the Xiao family helped her a lot.

"Okay! We'll be interviewed, but I won't be on camera, I'll leave it to my staff."

Xu Ruoying doesn't like being on TV, so she just trains Tang Hong.

After a while, the security guard Xiao Mu found came to the company. They blocked the reporters professionally and drove them away.

Zhao Qingqing also breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the hall.

Here, Xu Ruoying and others are communicating with Xiao Mu in advance.

Feng Lin also learned from it that Xu Ruoying did not sell out at one time, and this time she only sold half of it.

Originally priced at [-], it later became [-].

Even so, it's still empty.

Seeing how busy they were, Feng Lin sat beside Zhou Ziying, "Why don't you go home?"

"Leave me alone!"

Zhou Ziying looked at the phone, and said coldly, it's abhorrent that this bastard actually provokes her relationship with Xu Ruoying.

"I'm going to tell Xu Ruoying about the treatment for you..."

"You dare... brother, hehe, I'm joking for you, brother, you are so handsome."

Zhou Ziying suddenly smiled and took Feng Lin's arm.

"It's almost there."

Feng Lin nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, a security guard in uniform came from a distance. He looked at Xu Ruoying and said, "Mr. Xu, there are a group of people outside who say they are your employees."

"My employees? I'm just these few people."

Xu Ruoying didn't react at first.

"Is it someone who was poached by Qin Peng before? Now Qin Peng sees that your company can't stop it, so he should dismiss those people."

Feng Lin was ready to go out to watch the excitement.

After Feng Lin's reminder, Xu Ruoying also remembered the group of people who took Qin Peng's money and mocked him wildly.

There is still a face now.

Outside the company, a group of people stood outside the door, led by Wang Fang, a former high-level executive from Xu Ruoying's side.

When Wang Fang saw Xu Ruoying and others coming out, she immediately shouted, "Mr. Xu! Let me go back to the company. Now that the company is so hot, there must be a shortage of manpower."

Xu Ruoying folded her arms and said lightly, "Yes, the company is indeed short of manpower."

When Wang Fang and the others heard this, their faces were full of joy.

"But it's not you, aren't you in Qin Shao's company? People's wages are so high that our small company can't afford you."

Xu Ruoying said strangely.

"Not bad! A small company like ours may close down tomorrow. After all, it offends Young Master Qin. Didn't you say that?"

Feng Lin also followed to look at Wang Fang.

"Haha! President Xu, we don't want high wages, the previous wages will do."

There was a hint of pleading on Wang Fang's face.

Xu Ruoying said blankly, "We dare not use Qin Shao's people, for fear of the company going bankrupt."

"Mr. Xu, forgive me, Qin Peng fired us all, we have no jobs now."

"Mr. Xu, I have worked for the Xu family for four or five years. I still have a mortgage and a car loan, so I can't be without a job."

"Please forgive me, I kneel down for you."


(End of this chapter)

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