Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 161 Do You Think I'm an Honest Person?

Chapter 161 Do You Think I'm an Honest Person?
Wang Boqi showed a disdainful expression, "Why are you dreaming? Should I even buy you a plane?"

"You clearly promised me."

"Who promised you? I'm just joking. Although a BMW car is not expensive, it is still hundreds of thousands of dollars, enough to make me sleep a little star. What kind of thing is a woman like you?"

Wang Boqi's tone was icy and biting. He originally wanted to pass the time and just play.

"You!" Ma Minrong got angry, she shouted loudly, "Wang Boji! You scumbag! You put me to sleep, and now you want to kick me away? No way!"


Wang Boqi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and giggled, "Why do you think I'm an honest person? You want to touch me? Zhang Bing, Li Sanjia, you know?"

Ma Minrong's face changed, but he still pretended to be calm and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you know? These two boys still have videos of sleeping with you. If you don't sleep with Li Sanjia, can you enter my circle?"

"I have spent fifty or sixty thousand dollars on you. It's more than enough to buy your beauty, so be content!"

"You're selling like this, and you still want to blackmail your father? What is it? If I hadn't seen the video and found that your skills are good, who would want you?"

Wang Boqi took out a tissue from his body, wiped the blood from his mouth, and satirized endlessly. After speaking, he and Qin Peng walked to the mountain of the Wei family.

"Scumbag! I misread you, you scumbag!"

Ma Minrong sat on the ground with tears in her eyes as she screamed.

"I'm dying of laughter, I said before I slept with you, I'm a scumbag, and you laughed at that time and said that men are not bad and women don't love them."

Wang Boqi walked to the gate of the Wei family, glanced at the security guard and said, "Dude, drive that woman away, don't affect the Wei family."

The security guard glanced at Ma Minrong in the distance and nodded lightly.

Several people walked towards Ma Minrong.


"Pharaoh, brother, I'm sorry for you, but you've been more restrained recently."

Qin Peng told Wang Boqi the news he got.

Wang Boqi clenched his fists hard, "Damn it! I didn't expect this kid Feng Lin, when Ye Xin's dog, would climb on our heads."

"There's no way, it's up to the owner to beat the dog." Qin Peng suddenly lowered his voice and whispered in Wang Boqi's ear, "I'm here this time to see what Wei Kangyong said."

"Young Master Qin, is Wei Kang brave enough to do it?"

Wang Boji asked in a deep voice.

"He wants to seal Lin to death, it depends on whether he dares. If he dares not do it, I'm going to hire a killer."

Qin Peng's eyes were sullen, the idea had long been there, and it was the safest for the killer to kill Feng Lin.

It can also clear the relationship and prevent Ye Xin from angering himself.

"Young Master Qin, you are in charge of the contact person, I'll take the money!"

Wang Boqi also sneered. In fact, he had already thought of it.

But there is no network, and finally found a killer on the Internet, or a liar, who cheated him of a deposit of more than 100 million, and he was so angry that he was going to die.

Feng Lin and Liu Xiangnan were sitting at the dining table, Liu Xiangnan was very grateful to Feng Lin, "Sir! Thank you for being angry for me."

"No, everyone is their own."

Feng Lin picked up the red wine next to him and took a sip.

The table where Ye Xin was sitting was crowded with people.

They are all close to Ye Xin.

The realm of the master.

The three giants in the cloud city have to stand aside.

Feng Lin's eyes suddenly stared into the distance, and a man wearing bibs and a pair of ponytails with a rabbit pattern on the front of his shirt came into view.

Her eyes were always on Ye Xin.

"Could it be that she knows Ye Xin's secret?" Feng Lin pondered in his heart.

Unconsciously, he remembered that he had performed a mission. If this happens, Feng Lin will definitely go up and arrest people.

But Liu Nianhui used the facial cleanser to stop Feng Lin so that he wouldn't startle the snake.

Many times, Feng Lin would deliberately act irritable just for the facial cleanser.

Feng Lin's character tends to be sullen and showy. Although he didn't admit it, he knew in his heart that he really liked Liu Nian.

Suddenly, Liang Die moved.

She walked towards Ye Xin with a smile on her face.

Yan Yibai became vigilant.

Feng Lin propped his cheeks and drank leisurely. The other party didn't look at him from the beginning and obviously didn't know his identity.

Didn't Liu Nian tell the real appearance of the members of the dead night to Jiuyou Land?

In other words, the woman in front of her is not high enough.

At this moment, Wei Zhong and Wei Xian walked towards the high platform together.

Nearly half of the people around stood up to say hello immediately, but the other half didn't move, they were still chatting with Ye Xin.

It's so realistic.

Ye Xin is here, what kind of thing is the Wei family.

Wei Zhong's old face was a little unhappy, but he still smiled, applauded vigorously, and motioned people to look at him.

"Everyone, welcome to visit Wei's house. There have been a lot of major events in Yun City recently. This time I invite you to come here to tell you that our relationship is still the same."

Wei Zhong opened his arms and looked around in a grand manner, "No one can stop the development of our Wei family."

While speaking, a shadow suddenly appeared between Wei Zhong and Wei Xian.

Everyone off the field was shocked. If it was night, they might feel haunted.

"Introduction, this is a friend of our Wei family, Mr. Ai."

Wei Zhong looked at the man in the black robe very respectfully.

This black robe is like a woman in the Middle East, her entire face is covered, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

The next moment, the Qi on the man in black robe exploded instantly.

An electric sound resounded all around.

This person... Could it be!
Everyone off the field was sluggish, and even everyone who was chatting with Ye Xin all looked into the distance.

"That's right! This friend of our Wei family is in the master realm!"

Wei Zhong glanced around proudly.

"Haha! As expected of Mr. Wei, he has such a friend."

"I said long ago that our relationship with the Wei family is higher than the sky, and we will still be partners in the future."


Many businessmen in the surrounding area surrendered, many of whom had been loyal to Ye Xin before.

Wei Zhong and Wei Xian nodded in satisfaction.

This time, it also gave Ye Xin a shock.

Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have the master state.

"Okay, everyone, eat and drink, my old friend and I, let's go down and talk."

Wei Zhong smiled at the people around him and went down with the expert.

At this moment, Liu Xiangnan suddenly looked at his mobile phone and frowned slightly.

Feng Lin asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"It's Ma Minrong. He texted me, saying that she knew she was wrong and wanted to live with me and marry me."

Liu Xiangnan sneered. He noticed just now that Wang Boqi came in alone, without Ma Minrong.

Maybe kicked her.

"Hehe, I was abandoned by the rich second generation and had no source of income, so I thought of you as an honest spare tire."

Feng Lin drank the red wine in the glass in one go.


Liang Die, who had been beside Ye Xin just now, smiled and sat on Feng Lin's table.

She has dark circles under her eyes and dark red lips, looking a little sick.

"Hi pretty girl."

Feng Lin smiled and beckoned, his eyes were clear, pretending that he had never seen it before.

Liang Die asked in a low voice, "Are you from Miss Ye Xin?"

"I'm from Sister Ye, my name is Feng Lin." Feng Lin grinned, "What's your name, little sister?"

"It turns out that you are Feng Lin, and you are the celebrity beside Miss Ye."

Liang Die covered her mouth in surprise, with a look of admiration on her face, "Hello brother, my name is Liang Die."

(End of this chapter)

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