Chapter 173 The Truth
"Xiao Nian, I'm here."

This burly middle-aged man is the Eighteen Earth Demon of the Second Sect, Liu Hu.

"Uncle Hu, the success or failure of our Liu family will fall on you."

Liu Nian's face was very solemn, "Now the first sect and Liang's family must be focused on the Ye family, which is a good opportunity for you to act."

"Xiao Nian, you are as wise as your father. We believe that the Liu family line will surely flourish in you again."

Liu Hu nodded vigorously and said with a smile, "They would never have imagined that the Ye family was just a prey you used to confuse them."

"Hehe, Uncle Hu's acting skills are also good. Who would have thought that he is a thoughtful person without the Eighteen Dishas of Chengfu."

Liu Nian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Uncle Hu, waiting for your triumph."


Feng Lin quietly withdrew and continued to lurk here, it was useless.

The meaning of the same month is to treat these people as abandoned sons and let them die at their own hands.

She knew that the person who guarded Ye Xin was the dead night led by the dead doctor.

These people did not attack the Narcissus Club without adjusting the tiger away from the mountain.

There is no doubt that he will die.

However, it is more convincing when they are dead.

It must be able to attract Liang Die and others to come and die.

Back at the Narcissus Club, Feng Lin took off his black robe and told everyone what might happen at night.

He himself was sitting on the sofa with his head on his hands, thinking carefully.

Why did Jiuyou Land want to kill Ye Xin before, but not later.

But after so many years, are you going to kill her again?
What was the reason for killing her?
Suddenly, Feng Lin raised his head sharply, and now he needs to know one thing, whether the people from the first sect want to kill Ye Dan, or the second sect.

"It's time for them to choose."

Feng Lin got up from the sofa and asked his boss Kong Jin and Yan Yibai to come to Ye Xin's office together.

Ye Danzheng and Meng Changsheng play chess.

Feng Lin came over, stood behind Meng Changsheng, and grabbed his wheelchair.

"Ye Xin, I thought a lot just now, we are going to withdraw."

Feng Lin said expressionlessly.

"Withdrawn? What do you mean?"

Ye Xin's expression changed and she stood up suddenly.

"The land of Jiuyou is too powerful. I heard that this time, it is a master of the earth shaman level. To be honest, it is a bit out of line."

Feng Lin pushed Meng Changsheng's wheelchair, turned a corner, and shook his head slightly, "Your mother has always kept a secret, until now I don't even know whether the enemy is the first sect or the second sect, I don't need to take any risks, You guys are also ready to withdraw, the wealth of the Song family should be given to you."

After speaking, Feng Lin pushed the wheelchair and said to Sikong Jin and Yan Yibai who were beside him, "Let's go."

"Mr. Feng Lin, are you serious?" Ye Xin asked from behind.

Feng Lin turned his head with a smile, "You ask your mother, what level of power is in the Land of Nine Serenities, do you really think that we are invincible in the world?"

Yan Yibai walked to the elevator first and pressed the switch.

Feng Lin pushed Meng Changsheng's wheelchair and waited here.

"Sir, you are forcing me." Ye Dan smiled bitterly.

"You really feel good about yourself, Ye Dan, your words make me a little angry."

As soon as Feng Lin finished speaking, the elevator door in front of him opened.

Feng Lin pushed the wheelchair and walked in.

Sikong Jin and Yan Yibai also walked in together.

When the elevator door was closed, Meng Changsheng asked with a smile, "I really don't care?"

"I just wanted to solve the Nine Serenity Land, but Ye Dan felt that we wanted to get the secret of her longevity, and that it was natural for us to protect them."

Feng Lin shook his head slightly, his eyes narrowed gradually, their lives were not important.

Now, Feng Lin has enough hostages in his hands.

Liang Die, and Aiko by her side.

Of course, the Eighteen Earth Demons that are coming soon are also counted as one.

These are the big figures in the Nine Netherlands. As long as they are caught, they can always ask something.

"Yes, it's time to force them to see whether they choose to live or die."

Sikong stuck his trousers in his pocket and nodded beside him.

"Oh, anyway, you are the boss, listen to you."

Meng Changsheng smiled and took out his cigarette bag.

The elevator door opened, and Feng Lin pushed his wheelchair unhurriedly and walked outside.

A few people just came outside, and Ye Xin and Ye Dan walked out of another elevator quickly.

"Mr. Feng Lin, please stay!"

Ye Dan went out first, and stopped Feng Lin from behind, "I'd like to tell you something, and please stay."

"Ye Dan, even if you tell us that we are in danger, we won't care about you."

Feng Lin opened the rear door of Wuling Hongguang.

"Sir, you may not know what I experienced back then. I must keep this oath, but I am willing to tell you about other little things."

Ye Dan came out and grabbed Feng Lin's arm, "You are my daughter's benefactor, but also my benefactor. I apologize for what happened before."

"it is good."

Feng Lin nodded and pushed the wheelchair back.

top layer.

Ye Dan sat on the sofa next to him, recalling the past.

"My man is from the second sect." Ye Dan whispered.

Feng Lin frowned and asked, "Why did the people from the second sect kill you?"

"Actually, the second sect didn't want to kill me. What they wanted to kill was my daughter, to make that man unbeatable."

Ye Dan paused with a puzzled expression, "But I'm curious, my man is dead, and no one should know that I have his flesh and blood."

"Perhaps your man said it himself, what's his name?" Feng Lin asked a question.

"Liu Tianya." Ye Dan said.

"The last name is Liu?"

Feng Lin walked back and forth here, it was the second sect, surnamed Liu.

Maybe Liu Nian's elder.

Suddenly, Feng Lin's eyes lit up. According to the time, those people gave the order to kill Ye Xin again a year or two ago.

It was the day when Liu Nian left the dead night and went back.

"People from the first sect, why did they kill you?" Feng Lin asked immediately.

"I don't know, it should be because I want to get my secrets." Ye Dan explained.

Feng Lin took out his phone, he needed proof.

Now I can only find one person, and that is the same month.

To intensify the infighting in the Nine Serenities, Feng Lin was naturally very happy.

Feng Lin called the same month, and after a while, the other side was connected.

"Hehe! Brother Feng Lin, do you miss me?"

In the same month, the somewhat crazy smile came over.

"In the same month, I asked you one thing, this matter is related to your first sect."

"Xiaoyue doesn't scream anymore, then I won't say anything if you ask me." Tongyue said indifferently.

"Your grandmother, Xiaoyue, this matter really concerns your first sect." Feng Lin paused and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you kill Ye Dan and Ye Xin?"

"Ye Dan has the secret of the second sect. As long as she can't be used by the second sect, the second sect will always be crushed by us."

Feng Lin asked again, "Why didn't you kill it before?"

"We didn't know before. I asked the people from the first sect. They tracked the second sect all the year round. We also locked the Ye family recently." The same month replied.

"What secret does Ye Dan have, do you know?"

When Feng Lin asked this sentence, Ye Dan in the distance couldn't believe that Feng Lin knew the person from the first sect.

"I don't know, anyway, what the second sect does, we can destroy it."

"Then what if the purpose of the second sect is to draw your attention to Ye Dan?"

Feng Lin dare not say that he knows Liu Nian very well, but he is very familiar with some of her strategies.

A smart person like her, no matter what she does, she will definitely not make a big deal.

If she's making a fuss, there must be a deeper reason.

The same month was suddenly stunned. She seemed to have thought of something, and asked in a deep voice, "Feng Lin, continue talking!"

"Brother doesn't call anymore, I won't say anymore, hang up." Feng Lin said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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