Chapter 1731 Fried Feng Lin

Qi Nanzhu was hiding in the palace and saw this scene.

I remember that I am now in the dust of the quiet night, and I will perform a divine revolt.

He had heard the name Feng Lin from Shi Beng before.

In one of the ruins, Shi Beng had a conflict with him.

The one named Feng Lin killed the elder Shen Rui.

This time, the people who attacked their Yanzong will be revolted.

If these three are connected, it will become very smooth.

However, this is just speculation.

"Feng Lin was carrying out the mission of the teacher of justice, and we can't openly seek other things."

Shixiang said in a low voice, "You can only kill him secretly."

"Father, what should we do next?"

Shi Heibao's eyes turned cold, "We have some traitors in Yanzong, and it has already been spread."

"The fire can't be contained in the paper, outsiders will know sooner or later, you immediately send someone to Nongzong to ask for compensation."

Shixiang tried to calm himself, "It's not because of Nongzong, we won't suffer such a big loss."

"it is good!"

Stone Black Panther nodded.

"Qi Nanzhu, I will send someone to take you back, tell them what happened to me, and try to get them to give me a few masters, so that the Heavenly Demons will not pay a price, how will our Yanzong stand in the future?"

The stone elephant smashed the stone table in front of him with one palm.

"it is good."

Qi Nanzhu nodded.


Feng Lin slept for three days this time.

Yaoyao came to the barrel from time to time to observe, making sure that Feng Lin was breathing and beating, so he was a little relieved.

At noon that day, Feng Lin finally opened his eyes.

He stood up from the barrel, shook his body gently, and finally recovered.

"Master! How are you?"

Yaoyao stood up and asked excitedly.


Feng Lin jumped out of the barrel, "It's really cool to sleep this night!"

Yaoyao lowered her head and glanced at Fenglin's pants, and covered her eyes pretending to be ashamed, "Master, you are so majestic."

Feng Lin lowered his head and glanced, then turned around immediately, his back to Yaoyao.

He was a little embarrassed. Usually men would have this kind of reaction when they wake up.

Yu Mu, who was sitting on the side, also had a slightly reddish cheek.

After Feng Lin was in the barrel, he changed his clothes and poured out the water in the barrel.

"Let's go out."

He put the barrel into the space ring and directly broke the ground above.

All three jumped out of it.

Feng Lin looked up at the sky, stretched hard, and the feeling of being a sixth-order was really different.

Entering the first order, you can go back and forth to the opposite side.

In this way, Feng Lin can fight and advance in a different land like his father.

After being busy for a while, go back to the other side to rest.

"Master, where are we going next?"

Yaoyao looked up at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin took out his phone and opened a picture, "Look at this circle, where is it?"

Both Yaoyao and Yumu lowered their heads and looked at the map on the phone.

This was given to Feng Lin by the old man before. To be precise, it was Cen Caixuan who asked him to give it to her.

It is said that after entering the sixth order, we must give a chance.

"The northwest part of the Central Continent here is almost across the sea from the Western Continent. I don't remember what power there is?"

Yu Mu looked at the red circle and said strangely.

"Yes, there should be more chaos than our side. No force will be established in that kind of place."

Yaoyao followed suit.

Feng Lin remembered that the old man didn't know what was there.

But this is the location given by Cen Caixuan, so there should be no problem.

"I'm going to go, what are your plans?"

Feng Lin looked at Yaoyao and Yumu.

"Of course I followed the master."

Yaoyao raised her face with a smile, then grabbed the feather curtain next to her, "We still have bodyguards here."

"Yumu, are you sure you want to follow me?"

Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Let's accompany you there. It faces the Western Continent across the sea. I can count it as a battle force."

Yu Mu looked up at Feng Lin, "I'll leave if I'm sure it's okay over there."

Just as Yaoyao was about to speak, Feng Lin held her head down.

"Shut up, now is the time to improve her realm, she is already perfect ninth order, and she really can't move with us."

Feng Lin glanced at Yaoyao, "When I am strong enough in the future, I will kill Lieshan for you, and then you can do whatever you want."


The demon nodded.

She knew that Yumaku had always wanted to avenge his family.

The three of them all put on black robes, and this time they rushed to the northwest of the Central Continent as if they were traveling.

Along the way, they discover a town with a branch of the Yin-Yang Crusaders.

Feng Lin handed over the task this time.

Even a seven-star mission like Hu Mo would only count as one mission.

To his gratification, this time the reward was more spirit stones than last time.

Currently, Feng Lin's Master of Justice token is four stars.

Accumulate three tasks.

Do two more tasks, you can rise to five stars.

He was in a good mood and everything was moving forward step by step.

are also close to short-term goals.


Originally, Feng Lin and the others were just west of the Central Continent.

This time, it only took them two days to arrive at the area Cen Caixuan mentioned.

In this area, you can clearly feel the chilling aura coming towards your face.

The surrounding area is very desolate, and from time to time you can see large pits caused by man-made battles.

"There is a breath ahead." Yu Mu said, staring at the front.

"Never mind them."

Feng Lin shook his head slightly.

New arrivals, as long as they don't provoke themselves, there is no need to fight.

Not long after, Feng Lin saw the person in front of him.

There were five in all, sitting around the fire and eating barbecue.

These are all middle-aged people. From their eyes, Feng Lin can tell that they are definitely ruthless.

Of course, this kind of ruthless person is only ruthless.

Their realm, Feng Lin did not take it to heart.

These people gnawed at the meat, but their eyes were like wild beasts, staring at Feng Lin and the others.

"Don't go forward."

One of the middle-aged men with a bandage on his head said.

Feng Lin stopped with a smile, "Is there any danger ahead?"

"The front is the closest place to the Western Continent and the Central Continent. Many thugs from the Western Continent will enter the Central Continent from that area."

The middle-aged man gnawed at the flesh, "There is always fighting there, and there are children around you, so it is easy to become the target of attack."

"Thank you."

Feng Lin nodded with a smile, "We are more confident in our own strength."

Hearing this, one of the middle-aged men who was about to get up sat down again.

Feng Lin sneered and continued to go deeper.

I just don't know if Cen Caixuan was there after so long.

The breath in front gradually increased, and it could be clearly felt that many people were fighting.

There were also some people who found Feng Lin and the others, ready to wait for an opportunity.

Suddenly, a man in black robe attacked Feng Lin.

The target is the monster.

"Don't take action, hide your breath."

Feng Lin turned around with a sword.

A sword qi cut the opponent open, along with the rocks and trees behind.

The people who were looking around saw this, and they all dispersed.

To put it bluntly, these people are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

"It should be here."

Feng Lin took out his phone and glanced at the map. He was currently in the center of the circle.

He floated up high and looked around.

To the west is a sea, and you can vaguely see the opposite coast.

It seems that there is the Western Continent.

"Grandma, this Cen Caixuan isn't lying to me, right?"

Feng Lin scolded secretly, where is the chance here?They're all a bunch of ignorant people.

"Well, building?"

He suddenly stared at the mountains to the north.

Feng Lin took off his black robe and went over with the two of them.

Came to the building and found it was a restaurant.

Those from the barren mountains and wild ridges must be ruthless to open a shop here.

After walking in, I found that most of the seats here were full, but these people were injured.

"Look Master!"

Yaoyao pointed to the menu on the wall.

The last dish was written impressively, "Fried Feng Lin."

(End of this chapter)

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