Chapter 1776
Ye Yourong and Qu Feiyu looked at each other, not knowing what expression to use.

In their eyes, this group of Yin-Yang Crusaders are noble and powerful.

Although the mouth has been unconvinced, but the number of this race is far less than other races.

But they have almost controlled the entire alien land.

This is a fact.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the Yin-Yang Crusaders in front of him would have such a reaction.

"Fuck! My old lady killed you!"

Gu Xun felt that he had been insulted. This bastard dared to react to him.

She now feels her brain is muddy and her face is hot.

She threw herself on Feng Lin's head again, and strangled Feng Lin's neck with her arms.

"Let go of me! Obviously you came up!"

Feng Lin kept struggling.

Because this time Gu Xun strangled Feng Lin's neck and put his head under his armpit.

Feng Lin's eyes were not blinded by something.

He couldn't bear to have no benefits at all.

"Don't let me go! I'll strangle you to death!"

Until now, Gu Xun's face was still flushed red.

"This is forcing me!"

Feng Lin's hands immediately grabbed Gu Xun's buttocks.


Gu Xun's body froze suddenly and made a sound.

Even she was confused.

This disgusting sound was actually made by her.

Purple light flickered on her body, and the air around the room also flickered.

This is to display the spiritual explosion.

"do not want!"

Seeing this, Ye Yourong rushed over to stop him, "Forget it, everyone take a step back."

Only then did Feng Lin let go of Gu Xun, "Don't let go yet!"

"Hmph! Feng Lin, you're done. I won't forgive you for giving me the spirit stone this time."

Only then did Gu Xun let go of Feng Lin, angrily preparing to leave.

"Don't be angry, just blame me, okay?"

Feng Lin grabbed Gu Xun's arm helplessly, this time he was indeed a little embarrassed.

But after all, he is a man, so let's be a little bit more interesting.

"I shouldn't react to you, but this is a man's physiology, and I can't stop it."

Feng Lin said helplessly.

Gu Xun calmed down and threw a medal to Feng Lin, "When the surrounding array becomes weak, inject energy."

"it is good."

Feng Lin nodded and stood up.

Gu Xun snorted coldly, took off the belt of the Yin-Yang Crusader, closed his eyes, and lay down to rest.

But she was faking it, and her heartbeat hadn't calmed down yet.

The scene just now was still in my mind, playing it in a loop.

Feng Lin was lying on the sofa, he looked at Ye Yourong and Qu Feiyu, "You two should go up and rest, anyway, you are both women."


Ye Yourong smiled and lay down.

But Qu Feiyu came to Feng Lin, "Every night before we rest, we all drink half a glass of wine. My body has developed a habit, and now that feeling seems to be coming."

Hearing this, Ye Yourong, who was lying down, sat up again, "Are you addicted to those wines?"

"Yes, they forced me to drink before."

Qu Feiyu said helplessly, "It belongs to the worst quality. If you don't drink it for a day, you will die of pain. If it is high-end wine, the addiction is not so great."

"It's hard to handle. I've seen people who didn't drink alcohol before. They said that there seemed to be countless ants crawling and biting in their bodies. They scratched their bodies because they were too uncomfortable, and some even had hallucinations. cut the body."

Ye Yourong had seen this kind of human tragedy before, it was shocking.

"What about you?"

Qu Feiyu was a little scared when he heard this.

"It's the easiest to quit if you don't drink for a day. On the contrary, those who don't have much addiction and have formed a habit for many years are hard to quit."

Feng Lin looked at Qu Feiyu and said.

"I... I'll talk about it later, if it really doesn't work, kill me."

Qu Feiyu's beast-like eyes were full of determination.

After finally escaping, it is natural to find a way to quit, otherwise, it will be similar to those walking dead in the future.

What's the point of being alive?
It gradually became quiet outside.

Two hours had passed, and it was already early morning.

Qu Feiyu's feeling became more and more intense, she sat on the ground, her body trembling non-stop.

She whispered: "It really is that feeling. It seems that there are ants crawling, and the whole body starts to itch."

"Hold it, can't help but tell me."

Feng Lin turned his head sideways, looked at Qu Feiyu and said.

Gu Xun, who had been pretending to be asleep, also opened his eyes, sat up and looked at Qu Feiyu.

She was also very interested in what happened next.

"No, it's too itchy."

Qu Feiyu's hand couldn't help but grab his arm.

Then start scratching the neck, face, and then the whole body.

In the beginning, her strength was very light, but in the blink of an eye, a violent sound could be heard.

It was clearly seen that there were red marks on her body, and some of her skin was bleeding.

"No! It's so uncomfortable."

Qu Feiyu gritted his teeth hard, the skirt he was wearing had been taken off, and only white underwear and panties were left inside.

Her hands were grasping vigorously all over her body.

Seeing this, Feng Lin started to act.

He got up and came to Qu Feiyu, picked her up and put her on the sofa.

Feng Lin first used a thumbtack to seal Qu Feiyu's energy.

Then use light ice to freeze her arms.

Unable to scratch the itch, Qu Feiyu's body began to twist violently.

Her face gradually paled, and tears flowed out.

"Feng Lin! I feel so uncomfortable."

Qu Feiyu cried and said.

"I know that you haven't been stuck for a long time, as long as you can persevere, you can easily succeed."

Feng Lin stretched out his hand and rubbed lightly on Qu Feiyu's body to relieve her.

But Qu Feiyu's body twisted more and more violently.

As time passed, she kicked her legs like crazy.

The originally pretty face now turned hideous.

Feng Lin used the ice again to freeze her legs.

At this moment, Qu Feiyu was crying, crying, "Feng Lin, I can't hold on anymore, kill me!"

"persist in!"

Feng Lin stared at Qu Feiyu's eyes.

"I can't do it anymore, I feel like there are bugs in my body, eating my flesh, I can't hold on anymore!"

While speaking, Qu Feiyu stuck out his tongue, ready to bite it.

Feng Lin immediately raised his head and sealed her mouth with ice.

Qu Feiyu kept struggling on the sofa, letting out a heart-piercing growl.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xun shook his head softly, "The group of people in the Meimei Research Institute actually research this kind of thing."

"They were very successful. Using this wine alone, they controlled many masters in the Western Continent."

Ye Yourong looked at the thumbtack on his body, "Not everyone can seal Qi energy like my brother."

Gu Xun also nodded, if Feng Lin didn't seal her qi.

May have already started crazy attacks, even suicide.

Feng Lin used such a simple trick to minimize the threat.

Qu Feiyu lasted for several hours and finally got tired.

She gradually stopped, her body was covered with sweat, and her eyes had lost their luster.

Seeing this, Feng Lin dispersed all the ice on her body.

Qu Feiyu got up suddenly, hugged Feng Lin, and bit his shoulder.


Feng Lin collapsed on the sofa, "Let go."

He pushed Qu Feiyu, but because the other party was not wearing anything, he didn't know where to put his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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