Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 187 Love Me, Are You Scared?

Chapter 187 Love Me, Are You Scared?
Not to mention Wang Qin, even Wang Qin's mother, Liu Yi, is very afraid of this sister.

"That...Xiaoying, or else, Feng Lin will forget it?"

"Mom! It's not like you don't know about my relationship with Feng Lin!"

Xu Ruoying took Feng Lin's arm and walked out angrily.

She still didn't believe it, these people dared to tie Feng Lin and marry Wang Linger.

"Stop for me!" Zhang Yan scolded.

Xu Ruoying gritted her teeth, and finally stopped.

Feng Lin turned his head and looked at Wang Linger who was standing beside him, "Do you have anything to say?"

Wang Linger just glanced at Feng Lin and did not reply immediately.

In fact, she is very envious of Feng Lin and Xu Ruoying.

What woman doesn't want to have a perfect relationship?

"You...really don't want to marry me?" Wang Linger asked softly.

"Isn't this nonsense? You're so young..." Feng Lin suddenly realized that he had missed out, and hurriedly explained, "I mean age."

It was nothing at first, but after Feng Lin's explanation, it became darker and darker.

Wang Linger was instantly angry, "I want Feng Lin!"

She hates itchy teeth, don't you think I'm small?Then let you watch it for a lifetime, and let you miss the big one for a lifetime.

"Okay! Good granddaughter, as long as you agree, grandma will tie it up for you even if you agree." Zhang Yan nodded lightly.

"Strongly twisted melons are not sweet, are you not afraid that I will raise women outside in the future?"

Feng Lin was helpless, these people were really crazy.

"Don't worry, you can't get out of the Wang family." Zhang Yan said indifferently.

"I really have had enough, Feng Lin, let's go!"

Xu Ruoying grabbed Feng Lin and left without looking back.

"Xu Ruoying, if you dare to leave the gate of the Wang family today, it will be against the Wang family."

Zhang Yan stood up and shouted at Xu Ruoying's back.

Xu Ruoying turned a deaf ear, but even accelerated.

The two followed the path and walked down the mountain.

Along the way, no one stopped.

After arriving at the bottom of the mountain like this, Xu Ruoying breathed a sigh of relief.

She threw off Feng Lin's hand and said with a puffed mouth, "Those people are so abominable!"

"Love me, are you afraid?" Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and grinned.

"Bah! Shameless!"

Xu Ruoying spat and opened the car door, "Get in the car, let's go back."

Feng Lin sat in the co-pilot with his chin propped up. Relatively speaking, the Wang family's revenge should be rational.

At most, they will hit the business, and they should not kill Xu Ruoying.

Feng Lin doesn't need to worry so much.

Xu Ruoying was driving back to Yunshi City, when he was crossing a sidewalk, a middle-aged man with short hair passed by.

She braked immediately and yielded to pedestrians.

Looking at the people passing by, Xu Ruoying suddenly fell into deep thought.

Drop drop!
The sound of horns in the back lane brought Xu Ruoying back to reality, and only then did she react and start the car.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you be frightened when you are in a daze on the street?" Feng Lin joked with a smile.

"I remember!" Xu Ruoying said suddenly, "The middle-aged man on the sidewalk just now had a barcode on his face!"

"I didn't pay attention, what happened to him?" Feng Lin asked with a smile, holding his chin.

"The two people who took your mother away, one of them had that kind of barcode on his face!"

Xu Ruoying explained.


The smiling Feng Lin immediately restrained his smile, his head buzzed, and motioned for Xu Ruoying to pull over to stop.

You know, most cars now have video recordings.

Feng Lin called out the surveillance just now and finally found a middle-aged man with short hair.

But because of the angle, and the other party is still sideways, it is impossible to lock his true appearance.

Feng Lin could only start with his clothes.

He took a picture with his mobile phone, opened the door, "Xiaoying, I'll go find him."

"Be careful." Xu Ruoying reminded.

Feng Lin nodded, and immediately returned to the previous sidewalk, walking towards the road where the short-haired man just now went.

However, with such a wide road, there are still many paths in the distance, and he has no idea where he is going.

Feng Lin could only go to the police station for help and ask them to call for surveillance.

Unconsciously, Feng Lin remembered the former Liu Nian, who encountered such a situation when he usually performed tasks.

He would always call Liu Nian at the first time.

The other party can quickly hack into the surrounding surveillance and retrieve the video inside, and it will not be discovered.

After arriving at the police station, Feng Lin took out his red certificate and gave it to the person in charge.

The person in charge was a middle-aged man with half-white hair and two deep wrinkles on his face.

After checking the documents, he found that it was true, and immediately saluted Feng Lin with awe.

Many other police officers around, all looked at Feng Lin in shock and talked a lot.

"Who is this person? So young, but let our boss salute."

"It looks so handsome, could it be the big man from above?"

"It shouldn't be. Our country pays attention to qualifications. He is still so young."


During the discussion among a group of people, Feng Lin handed the photo taken on his mobile phone to the boss here.

"It's this dress, I walked on the sidewalk of Sunshine Road about 10 minutes ago."

Before Feng Lin came, he had already checked the map.

"it is good!"

According to the time and place provided by Feng Lin, he found this man in a suit.

He circumnavigated a street and ended up in a cab to a bar on the edge of town.

Counting the time, it hasn't come out yet.

"Who drove? Find someone to take me there." Feng Lin immediately stood up and said.

"Little Li, send this gentleman there."



Under the leadership of this Xiao Li, Feng Lin came to a bar called Hei Ye.

"Thank you, you can go back."

Feng Lin smiled at Xiao Li and walked to the bar.

At this point in time, it stands to reason that there should be not many people.

But there were a lot of people in this bar. Feng Lin searched carefully and finally found this middle-aged man with short hair in a booth.

The middle-aged man had a square face and a cigarette in his mouth, and beside him sat a woman with blond hair.

The two were talking and laughing.

Feng Lin stepped forward, sat opposite the two, and ordered a glass of wine.

He looked at the man in front of him, and sure enough, he saw a barcode under the ear on his left cheek.


The man opposite stood in front of the woman, patted her, motioned her to leave, and then looked at Feng Lin indifferently.

Feng Lin was stunned, but in just a moment, he reacted and nodded calmly, "Well, it shouldn't be too late, right?"

"I just arrived, did you bring anything?"

The middle-aged man picked up the wine in front of him, took a sip and asked.

Feng Lin didn't know what it was, so he could only continue to mumble, "Of course, what about yours?"

"Don't worry, we are honest people, come and let me see."

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"I am very careful, I have to look first."

Feng Lin can only say that, because he doesn't even know anything, so he's just looking at wool.

"Hehe, you are a bit interesting, come with me."

The middle-aged man stood up and turned to the back door of the bar.

Feng Lin followed behind the middle-aged man. It seemed that this bar was his own place.

Opening the back door, they came to a small factory where liquor was stored.

The middle-aged man smiled and walked to the iron door next to him and opened it.

(End of this chapter)

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