Chapter 189 Playing with Bugs
"Ok sir."

Team Wang looked solemn and immediately ordered to go down.

Before Feng Lin left, he photographed the barcode on the man's face with his mobile phone.

He sent this information to Lan He and asked him to help investigate.

The group of Gu Xiu is very mysterious, and almost never shows up righteously.

Feng Lin didn't have much contact with them.

Team Wang took away the corpses here, and Feng Lin hid in the crowd, followed the flow of people and exited.

He took out the yellow copper piece and carefully observed the pattern on it. Maybe there was a treasure in it.

At the end of the street, Feng Lin called Xu Ruoying and told him his current location.

After a while, Xu Ruoying's Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of Feng Lin.

Feng Lin opened the co-pilot's door and sat on it.

"did you find it?"

Xu Ruoying started the car, looked at Feng Lin and asked.

"found it."

Feng Lin nodded, now waiting for news from Lan He.

"Then can we go back now?"

Xu Ruoying suddenly asked, since that person appeared here, maybe Feng Lin's mother is here.

Feng Lin held his chin in thought, and after a long time, he smiled and said, "I won't go back for the time being."

"Well, if you need my help, just speak up."

Xu Ruoying parked the car on the side of the road and smiled at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin looked at Xu Ruoying's spring-like smile and couldn't help but recall the first time they met.

Her personality has changed a lot.

"Eat this."

Feng Lin took out the fire lotus seeds from his body and handed them to Xu Ruoying.

"What is this?"

Xu Ruoying looked at the dark red fire lotus seeds and asked strangely.

"I was at the Wang family just now. You should have heard that I know a genius doctor, right?" Feng Lin explained casually, "My old man is the apprentice of that genius doctor..."

"I'll just say it! No wonder your dad's medical skills are so strong."

Xu Ruoying swallowed the fire lotus seeds directly, and then asked, "What kind of medicine is this?"

"This is what my father asked from his teacher, saying that it can strengthen the body."

Feng Lin opened the car door and said to Xu Ruoying, "Remember to exercise every day."

"rest assured!"

Xu Ruoying nodded to Feng Lin and drove away alone.

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked along the street. The range of the miniature bug was within 5000 meters.

This proves that the messenger behind the middle-aged man with the barcode is in Yangshi.

While strolling on the street, Feng Lin's cell phone rang.

The person who called was the boss of the police station here, Wang Peng.

"Sir, our video has been sorted and sent to you immediately. The identity of the young man has also been confirmed. It is the Wang family."

"People from the Wang family? Who are they?"

Feng Lin asked in a deep voice.

"To be precise, it is a branch of the Wang family, that is, the grandson of Wang Shanwen's second woman, whose name is Wang Jin."

Wang Peng explained respectfully to Feng Lin.

"Understood, send the video first, this matter is more important."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Just now, Wang Peng's wording was very accurate, that is, the second woman Wang Shan asked, and he did not say the second wife.

Because their royal family is the most rubbish among the hidden families.

The laws of the country clearly stipulate that there can only be one wife.

Therefore, in name, Wang Qin's mother Liu Yi, and the second woman, can only be regarded as lovers.

But the identity is public.

To put it harshly, it is to support, but this support is for a lifetime.

Feng Lin squatted on the edge of the road, checked the sent video, and fast-forwarded three times.

He discovered that the middle-aged man had been going to a residential building.

But he doesn't live there.

Feng Lin checked the location carefully and rushed over in a taxi, hoping that the other party hadn't escaped.

A few minutes away, Feng Lin came to this residential building in Yangshi.

There is no elevator, only six floors.

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets, went downstairs nonchalantly, closed his eyes and searched carefully.

There is no fluctuation of Qi.

"Am I guessing wrong?"

Feng Lin murmured in his heart.

Since he can use Gu, the opponent definitely has mastered Qi.

Qi is the source, maybe the fighting method is different, but the driving force is the same.

"Maybe he ran away."

Feng Lin thought of this and wanted to leave.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It turned out that he didn't run away, but just went out.

He felt a breath of dark energy peak, and was approaching here.

Feng Lin pretended to be a passerby and walked out leisurely, but he happened to see Wang Linger, sneaking out his head.

"Your grandma's."

Feng Lin cursed secretly, he thought it was this group of bugs.

Wang Linger found that Feng Lin saw herself, so she stopped hiding and walked out swaggeringly.

"It shouldn't be a coincidence, right?"

Feng Lin looked at her expressionlessly.

"It's just a coincidence."

Wang Linger said with her hands on her hips, she just bought feed for the rabbits she was feeding, but just happened to see Feng Lin entering the family building.

So he secretly followed to see what Feng Lin was doing here.

"Can you stop akimbo? It makes you look smaller."

There was no one else here, and Feng Lin didn't intend to let her.

"You... believe it or not I hit you?"

Wang Ling'er gritted her teeth, her pale face flushed.

At this moment, Feng Lin's expression changed.

Transformation realm?

He deliberately took two steps out and observed in the distance that a middle-aged man was walking towards here carrying a packaged beef noodles.

The middle-aged man was wearing ordinary casual clothes, and his body was very thin.

Especially the face, the eyes are deep, looking like a skeleton.

"What are you doing? Did I say it wrong?"

Feng Lin deliberately raised his voice and pretended to quarrel with Wang Linger.

He pretended to approach the man over there.

"You think I'm joking!"

Wang Linger rushed towards Feng Lin immediately.

Seeing this, Feng Lin immediately turned around and ran away, "just" hitting the middle-aged man.


The beef noodle that the middle-aged man was carrying was hit and spilled by Feng Lin.

"Fuck! Brother, I'm sorry."

Feng Lin raised his head, and sure enough, he saw the bar code on the neck under the ear.

The middle-aged man didn't speak, just stared at his bag.

"Brother, how much is this? I'll pay you... No, I'll buy it for you again!"

Feng Lin looked apologetic.

"no need."

The middle-aged man casually threw the bag into the trash can and walked to his residential building.

"No! It's my fault!"

Feng Lin followed, smiled and took out 100 yuan from his body.

"I said no more!"

The middle-aged man stared at Feng Lin with gloomy eyes.

"Hahaha! That's fine."

Feng Lin looked at the other party's back and put the money into his pocket again.

"Humph! Have you been scolded?"

Wang Linger came over and stuck out his tongue at Feng Lin, making a face.

Feng Lin didn't speak, his eyes kept staring at the back of the middle-aged man.

After a little thought, he strode forward again, reaching out to grab the other's shoulder.


The middle-aged man turned his head suddenly and threw one hand at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin dodged easily, but the next moment, he saw Wang Linger behind him, and he said sharply, "Dodge!"


Wang Linger didn't react at first, but after Feng Lin reminded her, she found a few drops of black liquid in front of her.

She immediately burst out of strength to dodge.

On the wall behind him, a few drops of black appeared, like ink, slowly flowing down.

(End of this chapter)

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