Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 19 The Husband Was Kidnapped By Xiao 3

Chapter 19 The Husband Was Kidnapped by the Mistress
"The Xu family..."

Lan Rou was a little unhappy and muttered, "Is it Xu Ruoying again?"

"Well, I'm a person who counts, not to mention the news I want, she hasn't given me yet."

Feng Lin was ready to leave.

"I'll drive you there."

Lan Rou stood up and said.


Feng Lin nodded.


Feng Lin received a text message from Xu Ruoying, and she told Feng Lin that she wanted to come over and her parents wanted to see her.

Under the leadership of Lan Rou, Feng Lin came to Xu's house again.

He jumped out of the car and waved at Lan Rou, "You didn't go back first."

"What? Are you going to spend the night here?"

Lan Rou opened the window and put her arms on it, "I'll wait for you here, and I'll go to the school to go through the formalities later."

"OK then."

Feng Lin smiled awkwardly, turned and walked inside.

This time, the security guards around did not stop Feng Lin, because Xu Chuan and the others had already allowed it.

After entering the villa, the three members of the Xu family were all sitting here.

Seeing Feng Lin come in, Xu Ruoying immediately stood up, pulled Feng Lin, and let him sit beside him.

"Feng Lin, my wife and I have carefully discussed the order of [-] million this time, and I can barely count your success."

Xu Chuan took out a cigarette from his pocket and looked at Feng Lin lightly.

Feng Lin sneered in his heart, if it wasn't for Lan He's help, they wouldn't be so fast.

"We don't care about Xiaoying's marriage anymore." Xu Chuan suddenly raised a finger, "But one thing, you must be married to our Xu family, and the child's surname is Xu in the future."


Feng Lin glanced at Xu Ruoying, his face full of doubts.

"What? You're still not happy? My daughter has been married to a poor boy like you, and it has been bloody moldy for eight lifetimes!"

Wang Qin stood up, pointed at Feng Lin and shouted.

"You don't say a word?"

Feng Lin was used to Wang Qin's barking, he just looked at Xu Ruoying.

"What can I say? I've already received the certificate, and now it's a divorce." Xu Ruoying stared at Feng Lin.

"Don't worry! I have acquaintances who can make you unmarried." Feng Lin said.

"What are you bragging about? My husband just called the people over there. They said that the information has been uploaded to the national database and cannot be deleted at all."

Wang Qin pointed at Feng Lin and said, "Or would I agree to my daughter marrying you?"

"Mom! Stop talking, you all promised me just now."

Xu Ruoying took Feng Lin's hand and left.

When the two came to the yard, Feng Lincai said, "Your business is over, I want to know about my mother."

"I try to recall a little, but I don't remember very well."

Xu Ruoying let go of Feng Lin's hand, paused, and said, "At that time, two people came to the house. Your mother chatted with those two people and left with them."

"What do those two look like?"

Feng Lin asked immediately, breathing a little short.

"Can't remember, I need enough time."

Xu Ruoying took Feng Lin's hand and walked to Mercedes-Benz next to her, "You still don't know where I live? I'll take you there and find you a job by the way."

"No need, Lan Rou is outside. She has already introduced me to work and asked me to go to school as a teacher."

Feng Lin refused with a smile and walked out.

Xu Ruoying gritted her teeth, that Lan Rou was planning to confront her head-on.

She had obviously advised her to stay away from Feng Lin.

But she was not in a hurry, anyway, she and Lan Rou lived in a villa area.

Feng Lin will go back with her sooner or later.


Feng Lin followed Lan Rou all the way to the school to go through the formalities.

As for Feng Lin's career, he became an English teacher.

Like Lan Rou, she is mainly in charge of the Finance Department.

Feng Lin remembered that Tang Qianqian was here.

But it's already afternoon, and Feng Lin can go to class tomorrow.

"By the way, you haven't been to my house, have you? I'll take you there."

Lan Rou took Feng Lin to the outermost villa area in the Eastern District.

The houses here are all small villas, which cannot be compared with the manor of Lanhe.

The large villa of the Xu family is also much more luxurious than here.

Feng Lin glanced at it roughly, and it was actually similar to his hometown in the countryside.

A house and a yard.

But the price is worlds apart.

Lan Rou parked the car in front of her house and found a Mercedes Benz parked in front of her house.

Looking at the license plate, it was Xu Ruoying's car.

Xu Ruoying stepped down from the driver's seat, went directly to the co-pilot, and knocked on the window a few times.

Feng Lin opened the window and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"My family lives here!" Xu Ruoying pointed at Feng Lin and said coldly, "Go home with me!"

"Xu Ruoying, what do you want to do?" Lan Rou asked in a deep voice.

"Feng Lin is my man, you bastard, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Along the way, Xu Ruoying thought a lot and found that Lan Rou had an Achilles heel.

Didn't she pretend to be gentle on purpose?
Then she would be fiercer. She believed that Lan Rou's temper would be exposed sooner or later.

"Xu Ruoying, don't make me angry, you and I are just a cooperative relationship." Feng Lin reminded.

"Get out of the car! Go back with me! Otherwise, I'll beat her up!" Xu Ruoying pointed at Lan Rou and shouted.

"you dare!"

Feng Lin snorted coldly.

Lan Rou glared at Xu Ruoying angrily, and parked the car in the parking space in front of her villa.

Get off the car and take Feng Lin into her villa.

Xu Ruoying followed Feng Lin closely.

"You go out, I don't welcome you at home, I called the police!"

Lan Rou looked at Xu Ruoying and said.

"You call the police! Feng Lin and I have obtained the certificate. If you dare to report, I will dare to tell them that I am here to find my husband, who was kidnapped by the mistress."

Xu Ruoying glanced at Lan Rou with an air of air.


Lan Rou clenched her fists angrily, if Feng Lin wasn't here, he would have beaten him long ago.

"Feng Lin, we ignore her."

Lan Rou opened the door of the villa, and the interior decoration was more sporty.

There are many decorations for weapons on the walls, such as bows, daggers and more.

Feng Lin was not surprised. Since she chose to join the Hidden Legion, she must have a strong heart under her gentle personality.

This is more in line with Feng Lin's aesthetic.

"Lan Rou, get me a glass of water."

Xu Ruoying put her hands in her trouser pockets and said lightly.

"You don't have long hands yourself?" Feng Lin frowned.

"I didn't talk to you!" Xu Ruoying pushed Lan Rou hard and pushed her onto the sofa, "Why don't you go?"


Lan Rou pointed at Xu Ruoying angrily, gnashing her teeth in hatred.

"Xu Ruoying!"

Feng Lin grabbed her neck from behind, pressed her on the sofa, and slapped her hard on her ass.

Xu Ruoying's cheeks flushed immediately, but she said coldly, "Feng Lin! Come here if you can! I tell you, what you do to me, I will do to Lan Rou!"

Hearing this, Feng Lin didn't continue to fight. He couldn't always follow Lan Rou.

Lan Rou next to her shouted in her heart, "You're fighting!"

In private, she wouldn't dare to do this to herself at all!

"Humph! Don't you dare?"

Xu Ruoying sneered a few times, it seems that this strategy is not wrong.

According to Lan Rou's character, sooner or later she will explode.

"Feng Lin, I... I also want to teach her a lesson."

Lan Rou's eyes turned red at some point, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

"Don't cry! Come on, hit her hard, and I'll help you hold her down." Feng Lin hurriedly comforted her.


Lan Rou nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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