Chapter 1982
I saw Ye Yourong controlling the vines, like a nimble little snake, pulling Linggang Jun's feet, allowing him to pass through the cracks in the cell.

The surrounding blood-red electric arcs turned into flames, burning the spirit steel, and above the spirit steel, a hole appeared again.

The calf was much wider than Feng Lin's scalpel, and the hole was much larger.

Almost enough to go through a fist.

"Put your fingers back."

Ye Yourong's voice came over.

"it is good."

Feng Lin slowly retracted his fingers, and then retracted the scalpel.

It returned to normal here, but there was a gap the size of a fist below.

The old man lying on the ground was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"it is good!"

Ye Yourong replied: "That's right, this little girl from Longshan must have known my identity afterwards, but this old man doesn't know what's good or bad, so I'd better be careful."

Seeing that it was Long Zhenzhen, the guard went back excitedly to report.

The generals and the formations on the cage all flashed runes.

Feng Lin did not choose to hide, but asked Ye Yourong to work hard.

At this moment, in the sky above the ruins, the old man was gathering energy, and the air around him was full of blue.

Long Kai picked up Long Zhenzhen with both hands and lifted him into the air, "You scared me to death!"

He took Long Zhenzhen and ran all the way, and finally left the territory of Luhai.


"This hole is fine, I should be able to get out, but it's only possible, I may get hurt."

If you choose to hide now, you may not have a chance later.

Long Zhenzhen looked at the things that appeared out of thin air, and it was inconceivable.

Seeing this, the man in black immediately rushed out of the Spirit Breaking Formation.

"You don't need to go out! Since you can use energy to control the generals directly with vines, it's better to be careful."

Ye Yourong continued to inject energy.

After speaking, he exploded with vigor and rushed to a high place.

The old man was stunned. Is this still a human being?

"Father! Auntie!"

"I only have one thing. I want to deal with the Sun Clan. This time I came to the Southern Continent to find helpers."

At this time, a master of the fifth level of Dacheng appeared from a distance and saw what happened here.

Feng Lin carried her on his shoulders and left the island.

Then the vines wrapped around the handle of Ganjiang's sword, injecting energy into it.

"You want us to help you deal with the Sun Clan?" Long Chengcheng asked.

Long Zhenzhen was also very excited. Could it be that he can really go out this time?
"Feng Lin, it's not good, someone came in."

"What are you doing?"

leave with her.

"This energy and attack, do you know what race it is?"

Ye Yourong's voice was a little helpless, "The heads of our family are the most difficult to compress. I'm not like your god-rebel, turning into nothingness. We are entities."

Ye Yourong's voice came.

Feng Lin grabbed Long Zhenzhen who was on the side, and used the formation to change her face.

Feng Lin looked at Long Chengcheng and said, "I hope you don't sneak up on them, let alone attack them while they are away."

Brush brush!
As the places where Qi can be used increased, Ye Yourong also became more handy.

"No, Yun Huanyue has already agreed to help me, but she has a worry in the future, that is, she is afraid that if she leaves the Southern Continent, you will make trouble for them in the Demon Forest."

Feng Lin nodded, he first put the general through half of the formation.

Leaving the ruins easily, the current Feng Lin is really irresistible to ordinary people.

"We, Longshan, owe you another favor!"

He didn't stop to rest, he had already wasted a lot of time here.


Long really shook his head.

Ye Yourong explained.

Long Zhenzhen ran over crying.

But the fingers were blocked by Feng Lin's body, and the old man didn't know what Feng Lin meant.

"Lvhai, I was imprisoned, and I happened to meet her, and we rescued her together."

A long sword of ice appeared in his hand, and instantly pierced into the neck of the fifth rank of Dacheng.


The vines entangled Gan Jiang's blade, pulling him out of the cage.

"Don't worry! We had no intention of attacking."

"Go! I'll take you back to Longshan."

Feng Lin thought to himself, it turned out to be the Sky Demon Clan.

They didn't even have the face to talk to Feng Lin.

Long Chengcheng came to Feng Lin, lightly brushed Orange's hair, "If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me."

Countless masters all gathered there.

He didn't understand what happened. How could it be possible to do this with just one finger?

Feng Lin didn't say anything, because he was asking about Ye Yourong.


Long Chengcheng and Long Feifeng looked at Feng Lin with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Feng Lin explained.

"Feng Lin, where did you find my sister?"

"Mixed blood, but it seems that the blood of the Heavenly Demon Race is more."

Feng Lin observed carefully inside, and said with a smile, "There's a show!"


"Hahaha! Good boy! You are amazing! I am convinced. I never thought I would be released by you after being imprisoned for so long."

"I do not know."

The scattered ice completely freezes the opponent.

Destroy all the surrounding building peaks.

He has been speculating about Feng Lin with malice, but he treats them with kindness.

Feng Lin and Long Zhenzhen rushed towards the entrance of the ruins quickly. He was afraid of the people from Luhai, so he activated the formation of the ruins to seal it off.

Not long after, Long Kai, Long Chengcheng and others appeared at the entrance of the ruins.

Then pass the palm of your hand through the flame gap.

Feng Lin said calmly.

Long Feifeng asked strangely.

The terrifying spiritual explosion turned into a ball and exploded high in the sky, causing ripples to spread gradually.

He got up from the ground, stood beside Feng Lin, and said with a shocked expression: "Brother! Yes!"

"Okay, I remember. I owe you my life. People like you can't stay unknown forever. We will meet again!"

"Go on! Come on! Work harder!"

Ye Yourong used vines to control the go-getters, and slashed hard at the formation of the cage.

He rushed over here immediately.

Feng Lin and the others finally rushed back.

If someone came in, they must have sensed the qi energy here.

Feng Lin and Long Zhenzhen also left the Broken Spirit Formation.

Feng Lin and Long Zhenzhen entered the ruins together.

"Feng Lin."

The top of the mountain above was easily knocked into a hole by him, and gravel kept falling from the height.

Feng Lin's entire palm turned into thick vines.

After the old man finished speaking, he smiled and said, "I'm making a big fuss here, so you take this opportunity to leave."

Looking at the gradually dimming cage formation, the old man became more and more excited, "Brother! Come on!"



Suddenly, the entire steel pipe shattered, and the formation also disappeared.

Ye Yourong was still trying to swing.

Feng Lin asked suddenly.

The old man brushed away the sticky hair, revealing a pair of dark red eyes, "What's your name?"

While Feng Lin was speaking, he pointed to the direction behind him, and the old man was still lying down.

Long Chengcheng looked at Long Feifeng at the side, "Accompany Feng Lin to the Demon Forest, and tell Yun Huanyue that we owe Feng Lin a favor, and we will never sneak attack when she goes out to help Feng Lin."

"Thank you."

Feng Lin nodded lightly, there was an extra Yun Huanyue, almost an extra sublimation realm.

The chance of success in saving the Golden Phoenix was much higher.

(End of this chapter)

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