Chapter 200 Jingu Temple Qiuhui

Feng Lin heard the screams over there, and there was an endless stream, and asked with a smile, "Five, are you busy?"

"Shut up!"

The old fifth growled from the phone, but this sentence was in the island language.

For a moment, all the voices over there were silent.

"Boss, I'm not busy."


Feng Lin was a little embarrassed and asked with a smile, "I've been short on staff recently, and I just thought that you have a lot of staff, do you have time?"

"Yes! Boss, I was waiting for your words. I listened to you and came to the family to take over the mess. I really had enough." The fifth's voice was full of joy.

"That's good, I'm in Yunshi in Jiangbei now, remember to call me when you come over."

Feng Lin said to the other side.

"Yes! I'll be ready now!" The fifth man smiled.


After hanging up the phone, Feng Lin explained to Ye Xin again.

Simply buy a house in this villa area.

Used as a headquarters for those people.

"Feng Lin, come to eat."

Xu Ruoying came out and shouted.

"it is good."

Feng Lin smiled and turned his head.

The three sat here and had a good meal.

Feng Lin glanced at Xu Ruoying in surprise. Recently, he has learned more and more cooking styles.

It's also getting more flavorful.

After eating and drinking, Xu Ruoying prepared a room for Yan Yibai.

Feng Lin was lying on the sofa, and now he could still feel the power radiating from his body.

As expected of the fire lotus seeds, it has been a few days, and the huge medicinal effect has not yet been distributed.

If this goes on, it will really break through.

Early the next morning, Xu Ruoying and Yan Yibai went to the company.

Feng Lin drove to find Ye Xin.

Ye Xin saw Feng Lin coming, and said with a smile, "I have already bought the villa that Miss Xu is diagonally opposite the door."

"Across the door? I don't remember someone living in that house?"

Feng Lin remembered that at night, the villa had lights.

"I gave too much." Ye Xin smiled.

Feng Lin also laughed. Anyway, money is something that can't be earned anymore.

Xu Ruoying's company is already well-known, and it's a big deal to make time for her to make a batch of kidney-tonifying drugs.

I believe it can be more sensational.

"It's up to you, the sooner the better."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he saw Meng Changsheng over there and walked over with a smile.

Pushing his wheelchair, the two came to the window.

"Second Master, are you still used to living here?" Feng Lin asked.

"Almost, when I was in the countryside, the only thing I could pass the time was fishing, and I could find a chess friend here."

Meng Changsheng smiled and took out his cigarette bag.

Feng Lin said in a deep voice, "Liu Nian called me yesterday and said that he was going to use the lives of Ye Xin and Xu Ruoying for two fire lotus seeds."

When Meng Changsheng heard this, the flame of the lighter kept burning.

"This damn girl."

Finally, Meng Changsheng sighed.

"I called the fifth one." Feng Lin smiled.

"It's time to come."

Meng Changsheng lit his cigarette bag and took a few breaths with a smile.


At 10:30 in the morning, Feng Lin's mobile phone showed location sharing.

He took it out and looked at it, it was the message sent by the fifth.

Feng Lin did not rush over, because the other party was approaching here.

He came to the bar on the first floor of the clubhouse and sat here waiting quietly.

Feng Lin looked at his phone from time to time, and in about 10 minutes, the positions of the two almost coincided.

He stood up and walked outside the clubhouse.

Not long after, three black Hondas stopped here.

From the back of the middle vehicle, a woman stepped down.

The oval face and the long black hair scattered randomly, giving people a dashing and casual look.

She was wearing denim shorts, revealing straight, slender legs, a loose white top, and a guitar bag behind her.

This person is the fifth of the dead night, Jingu Temple Qiuhui.

Like the fourth child, she was rescued by Feng Lin on a mission that year.

Relatively speaking, the relationship with Feng Lin is also the closest.


Feng Lin smiled and opened his arms.


Jingu Temple Qiuhui smiled and hugged Feng Lin, "I miss you so much."

"Hehe, I heard Lao Qi say, you are angry with me, complaining that I didn't let you come over?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"No! How can I be angry with the boss, I know what the boss thinks."

Jinguji Akigu lowered her head and replied.

Except for her, everyone else in the dead night is unfettered.

Meng Changsheng lived alone, and it was the same everywhere.

Sikong Jin is an orphan and stays at home all day.

Yan Yibai also lived alone.

She is different, inheriting a huge family business.

Feng Lin didn't call her because he was afraid of disturbing her.

At this moment, ten people got out of the car, men and women, all carrying guitar bags just like Jinguji Akiu.

"Boss, these are the ten masters I brought. They are not only powerful, but also proficient in Chinese."

Jinguji Akigu introduced.

Feng Lin glanced roughly and nodded secretly, the weakest one was the transformation realm.

The strongest are the two old men, all of whom have reached the realm of resonance.

"Okay." Feng Lin nodded lightly, these people are good, he invited a few people, "Come in."

Under the leadership of Feng Lin, everyone came to the top floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Jingu Temple Qiuhui noticed Meng Changsheng in the distance.

She ran over excitedly and hugged Meng Changsheng, "Second Master! Long time no see."

"Damn it, I don't even dare to recognize this big white leg. I haven't seen it for a few years, and it's getting more and more beautiful."

Meng Changsheng smiled and nodded.


Jinguji Akihito smiled and lowered her head.

Feng Lin walked over with a few people around him.

Ye Xin and Ye Dan in the distance are watching here one after another, these people...

What a very powerful aura.

Just looking at it, it's not an ordinary person.

At this moment, from a distant room, Sikong came out.

"Wow! Empress Sikong, you are still so beautiful."

Jinguji Akihito ran over with a smile.

"How to speak?"

Sikong Jin frowned slightly.

"Hey, where's Seventh Sister?" Jinguji Qiuhui turned around and looked at Feng Lin.

"I'll call her later."

Feng Lin said with a smile that he was also happy from the bottom of his heart when he saw Jinguji Qiuhui.

The night of death has finally come to an end.

"Mr. Feng Lin, my people have already brought the keys, and you can move in now."

Ye Xin came from a distance, holding the key to the villa in her hand.

"Okay, you can send someone to send everyone to the villa." Feng Lin looked at one of the women in the middle stage of transformation, "Come with me."


Before coming, Jingu Temple Qiuhui had already explained that Feng Lin's meaning was her meaning.

What's more, they are all confidants of Jinguji Qiuhui, so they naturally know who the boss she is talking about is.

The legendary second day Gang.

Death doctor.

Feng Lin drove Wuling Hongguang, took this woman, and went to Xu Ruoying's company.

She is the strongest woman among those ten people.

It is more convenient for women to protect Xu Ruoying.

Feng Lin parked his car outside the company, but found a Porsche 911 parked here.

He got out of the car with the woman beside him, and the owner of the sports car also got out of the car, holding flowers in his hand.

This person is none other than the man with glasses who met at the dinner party yesterday, Zhang Huoming.

Zhang Huoming also noticed Feng Lin and said hello with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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