Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 2749 It’s better to take a gamble

Feng Lin watched the old woman taking off her clothes without any panic.

He put his hand on the teapot on the table and said very calmly: "I told you, don't pretend in front of me. Didn't you just tell me that you are an open-minded person?"

After saying that, Feng Lin used the Formation Breaking Technique. The teapot under his palm was not shattered, but turned into runes and slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, the old woman stopped what she was doing and said, "It turns out she is a master of formations."

"I'm not an expert, I just got started."

Feng Lin waved his hand with a smile and continued: "You probably don't want me to use this trick on you, right?"

"That's awesome, but why are you looking for me? I don't know why."

The old woman shook her head slightly.

"Don't lie to me. Your expression and tone of voice are completely different from those dull and dull people who seem to have been programmed."

Feng Lin pointed at the old woman in front of him, "Since you are different from others, it proves that you are special. If I don't look for you, who should I look for?"

He only talked about this person's expression and movements. In fact, the reason why Feng Lin identified her was very simple.

It's because the rune structure on the old woman's body is much higher than the other dummies here.

"Awesome! As expected of a celebrity, he does have some tricks up his sleeve."

The old woman applauded Feng Lin, "Since you can see the formation, I won't lie to you. I don't know how to leave this formation now."

"I've given you a chance, but it seems you want to die."

Feng Lin stood up from the chair.

"I don't know if you killed me, because it was set up like this."

The old woman explained, "Unless you can sleep with me, then I will know how to leave."

"What? There is still such an operation."

Feng Lin was a little confused.

"Yes, this is the setting, because the master who built the formation calculated that no man would attack me, so it is safer to set it like this."

The old woman looked at Feng Lin and said, "Since you are a master of formations, then go and destroy the formations yourself. If you want to pass the formations without destroying them, you can only follow the settings."

"Here you go! This person who built the formation is a bit interesting."

When Feng Lin said this, he nodded slightly, "You are right, then I can only destroy the formation, let's start with you."


Feng Lin immediately used compressed air to fix the old woman's body.

He came to the old woman and put one hand on her shoulder, "Relax, you are just a product of the formation anyway."

Feng Lin raised his hand, the formation breaking technique flashed in his palm, he clenched his fist and punched the woman.

"don't want……"


Even though the woman was begging for mercy, Feng Lin's fist still hit the old woman's shoulder.


The old woman's shoulders began to flash with runes. These runes shattered and disappeared, causing the old woman's arms to disappear as well.

"Oh, that's good."

Feng Lin smiled and said, "I could reach the sky with one strike, but it seems that I have more than one formation."

"Don't do it again, I have a way to get you out of this formation."

The old woman's originally flustered expression now became extremely calm, as if she was not the one who was injured.

When Feng Lin saw this scene, he smiled and said, "You finally came out."

"What do you mean?" The old woman pretended to be confused. "My knowledge of formations is not high, but it's not that low either. There are some formations on your body that I can't understand, but I can still understand some, such as the formation you are using now, Thousand Miles of Substitute."

Feng Lin explained at the side, "You can hear and see everything in front of you through this woman from a very far away place. You can also control this puppet. Am I right?"

Feng Lin had heard of this formation before when he was studying at Xuantianmen.

"That's right, it seems I still underestimate you."

The old woman looked calm at this moment, "I agree with you to enter the next formation. I will remind you in advance that the subsequent formations will be more difficult. If you don't want to die, just leave."

"Haha, I'm still young, and I have a lot of motivation in my heart. The more difficult it is, the more I want to see it."

Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Since you, an eighth-level Dacheng, are looking for death, I won't stop you."

The old woman said calmly, "A few minutes after the shadow assassin attacks you, he will suddenly reach out from the ground, grab your feet, and pull you down. As long as you let him pull you into the shadow, you can leave this place." Formation."

"This pull is very easy to break free, so almost no one can leave this formation, and no one wants to enter the unknown shadow."

The old woman continued, "You can go."

"What you said makes me a little scared. What if this is a killing array?"

Feng Lin's face gradually became cold, "Especially this ruin, it looks like it's been a few years. You, the master, is still alive. There must be some shady secret. I don't believe what you say."

"Then please do whatever you want. Whether you kill this puppet or destroy this formation, it's up to you. I've told you the truth."

The old woman's tone was calm.

"You are an interesting person. Just wait for me. Soon, I will come to you in person and we can chat face to face."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he turned and left the room.

"Don't tell me that you, an eighth-level Dacheng, can't even think of destroying this formation even if you are at the sublimation level."

The old woman said confidently.

However, Feng Lin had already left here at this moment.

On the second floor, Cen Caixuan had been standing next to a red pillar, putting headphones to her ears.

She could hear clearly the conversation between Feng Lin and the old woman.


Feng Lin came from a distance, said hello to Cen Caixuan, and put his hat back on.

Even though he was disguised, people around him were still talking after he left here.

"I admit that I am not as strong as him, but now it seems that his ability in this area is definitely not as good as mine, and he came out so quickly."

"What do you know? You need to know who he is facing."

"Oh no! That makes sense. I might not be able to stand up against that old woman."


Feng Lin and Cen Caixuan had already left here and walked towards the outside of the city.

"We'd better destroy the formation here. That person may be trying to trick us. As you think, if we are pulled down by the shadow, it may be our death."

Cen Caixuan followed Feng Lin and said.

"This formation is not easy to destroy. It is just like the formation Si Yinyin is in. It is very powerful. I don't know how much time it will take to destroy this place."

Feng Lin patted Cen Caixuan on the shoulder, "Why don't you let me take a gamble? Even if I am pulled down, I should be able to come out using my divine reflex." (End of Chapter)

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