Feng Lin originally wanted to express his appreciation, but he noticed the powerful aura coming from all around again.

He didn't want to waste time here, so he immediately took the medicine bottle from Jin Fumeng's hand and opened it.

A smell of heavenly materials and treasures came to him. Feng Lin poured some crushed powder from the medicine bottle, and he put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

I found that these are dried treasures. Although the efficacy of the medicine will be slightly weakened, in the dry state, it can be stored for a longer period of time and is easy to use.

Feng Lin applied the crushed powder to Jin Fumeng's wound.

Because there is blood in the wound, it is easy for the powder to stick to the wound.

However, Feng Lin still took out a large medical band-aid from the space ring and applied it to her wound.

The part of her body that was penetrated was right below her chest. Such a penetration wound could not be wrapped with a bandage.

Of course the smooth back is OK, but because there is something scary blocking the front, it cannot fit the wound perfectly.

This Band-Aid is more convenient.

After finishing it, Feng Lin came to Jin Fumeng again and applied the rest.

Jin Fumeng opened his mouth, originally wanting to say something, but closed his mouth again.

In fact, she could touch the wound in front of her body by herself. She originally planned to do it herself, but when she saw that Feng Lin had already taken action, she shut her mouth.

She didn't like her mother-in-law, the atmosphere around her was getting closer, and she had no time to care about this trivial matter.

Feng Lin took out a large medical band-aid and put it on the wound. In order to completely seal the wound, he also lifted the scary thing up.

Jin Fumeng's face looked a little unnatural, but she still took out another set of the things she was wearing from the space ring while Feng Lin was helping her heal her injuries.

After Feng Lin finished, she immediately changed her clothes and put on a brand new armor.

These completely obscured the beautiful scenery in Feng Lin's eyes.

"Thank you very much. I will definitely repay your favor."

Jin Fumeng held the long sword beside him in his hand again, "Don't worry, I know your relationship with Feng Lin. Even if he is an enemy of the Sun Clan, I will still return the favor to you."

Feng Lin smiled. This woman was indeed right.

If he really seeks revenge from the Sun Clan in the future, he will definitely not kill them all.

"Okay! Since you're okay, I'll leave first."

Feng Lin looked at Jin Fumeng and said, "Cen... Feng Lin and I got lost with Feng Lin. I just felt there was fighting here, so I came over to take a look. I thought he was here."

He cursed in his heart. He almost let it slip just now. If she knew that he was Feng Lin, she might go crazy on the spot.

"I see. Before I leave, I have a question to ask you. I am obviously from the Sun Clan, why did you save me?"

Jin Fumeng looked at Feng Lin with a dull expression.

Feng Lin thought for a while and said, "Because, Feng Lin said before that Jin Fu Meng is a good person."

He didn't say too much. If he said too much, things could easily get into trouble. This was the best thing to do.

"That's it." Jin Fumeng nodded lightly.

"Since you asked me a question, let me ask you one too. How many people came in together?"

Feng Lin asked.

"Many people, including the Golden Dragon Clan of Alien Beasts and others, have come in. Just now, we saw Feng Lin's clone outside."

Jin Fumeng said, "Long Shijin and Long Xi from the Jinjiao Dragon Clan, and I, the three of us worked together to kill him."

As if she was afraid that "Cen Caixuan" in front of her would misunderstand, she continued: "This Feng Lin attacked me from the beginning. Otherwise, even if it is a clone, I will not take action."

"Well, I understand, those strange beasts want to kill Feng Lin."

Feng Lin nodded lightly, "That one is indeed the clone, let him escape. By the way, your clone has been killed by me... and Feng Lin."

"No wonder you didn't see my clone just now." Jin Fumeng suddenly realized.


Feng Lin waved his hand to Jin Fumeng and flew away into the distance.

It would be okay if she was the only one coming in, but now there are so many experts coming in. Especially the top masters of alien beasts, such as Long Shijin and others.

Now Cen Caixuan is Feng Lin's body. If they attack together, Cen Caixuan may not be her opponent.

We must find her quickly.

Jin Fumeng looked at the disappearing figure, his eyes trembling a little.

She knew that if it was really Feng Lin, how could he attack her?


At this moment, two black figures appeared behind Jin Fumeng and attacked her again.

Jin Fumeng clenched the sword, raised his hand and struck with a flaming slash, hitting both of them at the same time, knocking them away.

"I was unprepared just now and was attacked by you. Now I'm not afraid of you!"

The golden floating dream turned into a ray of light and struck towards the two of them.


Feng Lin was in a panic now. He was afraid that Cen Caixuan would be in danger, but the formation here was indeed somewhat profound.

The area here is very large, and it is not that easy to find the location to destroy the formation.

Not only that, there are also several powerful masters appearing here from time to time.

Although these clones are nothing compared to Feng Lin's formation breaking technique, they will definitely delay Feng Lin a lot of time.

When he was looking for the formation, the fighting around him became more and more volatile.

Obviously, not only Jin Fumeng, but also many other people came in.

This made Feng Lin even more anxious.

At this moment, he noticed a man in black robe flying high in the sky.

If you feel the aura of the man in black robe carefully, he should be the clone here.

However, this clone was injured and had a broken arm.

Feng Lin originally planned to go up and kill him, but just as he was about to take action, he stopped.

Looking at the clone, it seemed that he was injured and escaped. It was similar to Feng Lin's own clone before.

When he found that he couldn't beat him, he turned around and ran away.

But the direction of his escape was deeper. Feng Lin couldn't help but seal his aura and quietly followed him in the forest below.

Look at where this escaped clone is going.

He has been following the clone above. In order not to be discovered, he has been in the forest below.

Suddenly, he felt the clone slow down.

So Feng Lin quietly approached there. He hid behind the big tree and stuck his head out to observe.

It was found that this clone went to an open space, but when he stepped on the open space, the figure disappeared.

Feng Lin immediately followed him, and when he came to this open space, he found that there was a formation.

This formation is very advanced and can only be sensed if you stand within a range of two to three meters.

To find such a small place in such a large area, Feng Lin didn't know how long he would have to search if he hadn't encountered this injured clone.

Without thinking, he jumped too.


On the other side, Jin Fumeng was still fighting here, but he saw a golden dragon clan.

She had some impression of this person. He was the thin young man who was first rushed in by Long Xi just now.

"Jin Fu Meng? Are you real or fake?"

The thin young man asked with a proud look on his face. (End of chapter)

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