Qi Nanzhu waved his hands to the two of them, "In my current state, I don't want to look for excitement. Otherwise, I'll go out first."

"Okay, you can go first and wait for us in Mid-Continent."

Feng Lin said to Qi Nanzhu.

"The Central Continent is so big, where should I wait for you?" Qi Nanzhu asked.

"It should be near the Immortal Palace. I just want to ask Qian Jixiang about our address."

Feng Lin thought for a while and answered.

"Okay, then be careful." Qi Nanzhu nodded.

Feng Lin flew up with Qi Nanzhu again, and after letting her leave, Feng Lin and Ye Yourong jumped back to the island where the spirit-breaking formation was.

"I think you should wear a leather mask."

Ye Yourong's voice came over, "Your current fame is extraordinary."

"That's what I'm about to do."

Feng Lin smiled and took out a more elegant human skin mask, put it on his face, and then deliberately lowered the brim of the hat.

As for the dagger in his hand, he put it in his trouser pocket, because this military uniform was made by Ye Yourong, so it was easy to hide the dagger.

"I'm a little nervous." Ye Yourong said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Feng Lin pressed his hand on the stone tablet, and his figure suddenly disappeared here.

Returning to the cave, Feng Lin took a dagger and looked around for an exit. Finally, he found traces of a formation on the inner wall a few hundred meters away.

Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, then pressed his hand up, and with a slight release of Qi Jin, his figure left the cave.

The next moment, Feng Lin appeared in the water. The sudden water almost made him choke.

It turns out that this exit is hidden underwater. No wonder the Yin Yang Crusaders haven't discovered it after so many years.

Feng Lin took out a transfer token from his body, placed it near the formation, and pressed it down with a stone.

Then, he felt the breath and swam towards a place where there were not many people.

Swimming up a little bit, and after making sure there was no one around, Feng Lin quickly jumped out of the water and landed on the shore.

Ye Yourong released her Qi energy, and the water stains on her body completely disappeared, and her clothes became dry again.

Feng Lin looked in front of him. This was a very huge lake. In the center of the lake, there were two mountains.

However, the lake has already covered most of the mountain, and the peak exposed on the lake is only about 200 meters tall.

Surrounding the lake is a lawn with stone benches every 100 meters.

Looking into the distance from here, you can still see rows of small courtyards. The buildings belong to villas, and you can also see the courtyard outside.

When Feng Lin saw this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Who would have thought that this is a turbulent and strange place."

"This is a sign of strength."

Ye Yourong's voice came over, "No matter how chaotic the alien land is, no one will dare to come here to cause trouble."

At this moment, Feng Lin noticed some aura appearing behind him.

There are many, but the level is generally not high.

Feng Lin's body suddenly froze. "Tell me, can they find that I don't have the aura of the Yin-Yang Crusaders?"

"Don't worry, many of the people coming over there don't have the aura of the Yin Yang Crusaders."

Ye Yourong smiled and said, "This dagger can hide the aura. Those who can hide the aura are masters. Most people will not doubt it."

Feng Lin nodded secretly, but still turned his head nervously.

I found some men and women in casual clothes in the distance. They generally looked like handsome men and beautiful women.

They were surrounded by children. "These children have the aura of the Yin-Yang Crusaders, but they should be of mixed blood. As for these men and women, they may be married or brought in."

Ye Yourong felt it for a moment and said.

"It turns out that she is a bride-in-law. Speaking of which, Emperor Bai wanted me to marry Gu Xun before, so that should also be a bride-in-law."

Feng Lin said with a smile, "I remember looking at the map of the Northern Continent before, and there was a large lake in the center. I guess this is where it came from."

"It turns out that the people who are getting married all live in the central location. No wonder I haven't seen them before."

Ye Yourong muttered.

"You mean, you have also been to the Northern Continent before?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"No, but I stayed at the edge of the northern continent."

Ye Yourong answered.

"Okay! Parents and students, our outdoor classes will be held here from now on."

In the distance, a woman wearing Yangjun uniform clapped her hands vigorously. Her age seemed to be middle-aged.

The realm is the ninth level of perfection.

Her eyes have strange pupils.

Now Feng Lin has seen the world, and of course he knows that it is a symbol of the orthodox Yin Yang Crusade.

"Teacher, what are our outdoor activities today?"

A little girl with short purple hair sat on the grass and raised her head and asked.

Feng Lin sat observing from a distance, looking at the innocent appearance of the little girl. Who would have thought that these people would become the frightening Yin Yang Crusaders in the future.

"The students here are all mixed race. I think you parents know that very well."

The teacher looked at the group of people and said, "However, being able to marry here or have a wife here proves that you are extraordinary. But I know that many of you still give up on yourself and think that mixed-blood Yin-Yang Crusaders are inherently inferior to pure-bloods."

When Feng Lin heard this topic, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He was also very interested and wanted to know what the teacher was planning to do.

The parents and students around him were all talking quietly.

I have to say that this teacher is right. As mixed-bloods, many children are inherently inferior to pure-bloods.

Especially the women who have been married. Most of them were originally the proud daughters of heaven. After marrying into the Yin Yang Crusaders, they feel that they may have reached the pinnacle of their lives.

But a male Yin-Yang Crusader has more than one wife, and he, a mixed-race child, is not as good as his husband's other pure-blood children.

They will be left out in the end. The key is to marry here, and there is no such thing as divorce.

In comparison, it would be better for a man to marry into a wife. After all, a female Yin-Yang Crusader can only have one man.

"I brought you here this time just to tell you that the mixed-blood Yin-Yang Crusader can still become a top master as long as he works hard."

The female teacher smiled and said, "In the past, I always used the first captain in the sequence as an example. You all thought he was special. Today, I invited a mixed-race master. Bai Di personally certified that his strength can definitely enter the top five in the sequence. "

"Top five in the sequence? Who are they? Were you the sequence captain before?"

a handsome-looking man asked.

"No, he was not a sequence captain before. He just entered the trial of despair, just a few days after he came out."

The female teacher smiled and said, "First of all, he is of mixed race, and secondly, his current age is less than thirty years old."


Everyone around was shocked when they heard this.

Mixed race, thirty years old, with top five strength, how is this possible?

When Feng Lin heard this, his eyes flashed. Could it be that this person is...

"Everyone, wait a moment, he should be here soon." The female teacher said calmly. (End of chapter)

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