"You know nothing! The fourth child is my brother, better than a real brother, he is my family."

Feng Lin took off his military uniform.

"Did this outfit come from the artifact clan?" Sikong Jin asked, looking at the military uniform.

"I know a lot." Feng Lin chuckled.

"I heard what Bai Di said, you are a celebrity now, everyone is studying you, and the artifact family in you is no exception."

Sikong Jin glanced at Feng Lin, "This military uniform fits well. It shouldn't be used to rob other Yin Yang Crusaders."


Feng Lin smiled and nodded, "What is that trial of despair?"

"It is a magical space, an endless battle space. In that space, there are so many Dacheng Ninth Levels, sublimation realms everywhere, and there are also many wall-breaking realms."

Sikong Jin pointed at himself and said, "My purpose is to live until the door to space opens again."

"It sounds scary. Thank you for your hard work."

Feng Lin said softly.

"It's not hard."

Sikong Jin looked at Feng Lin, "Boss, I have recently discovered that I have become very strong, and I feel that I can already help you."

"Haha, do you have enough spiritual stones on you? I have a lot of spiritual stones recently."

Feng Lin smiled.

"No, Bai Di just gave me two thousand tons of spiritual stones and said that I have a mission recently. I'm not sure what the mission is."

Sikong Jin paused and said, "However, I heard from Luo Shendong that he might let me go to our side and let me break through to the sublimation realm."

"It should be like this. A lot of things have happened recently. I think you should know some things, but you probably don't know about the sacred tree yet."

Feng Lin was going to tell him roughly about the sacred tree first.

"Boss, I know about the sacred tree." Sikong Jin said.

"What? Emperor Bai would actually tell you this." Feng Lin was a little unbelievable.

"It's not Bai Di, it's Luo Shendong."

Sikong Jin said.

"Luo Shendong? This person's motives are not pure."

Feng Lin rubbed his chin and thought, "I feel like he may have his own ideas."

"He does, but none of these commanders are loyal. Each one has his own agenda."

Sikong Jin explained, "Boss, do you know? The leader of the Si family has escaped."

"Si family?"

Feng Lin thought of Si Heng from before, the man who hid his strength and had a magical weapon on him. He openly opposed Black Ancestor and White Ancestor, saying that he did it for the Queen Mother of the West.

That Hei Ancestor must be looking for trouble with Si Wujie. If he didn't run away, he wouldn't know how he died.

"I will inquire again in the next few days, and when I get there, I will tell you all the news."

Sikong Jin said.

"Okay, we can't get along for too long. People will definitely be suspicious. You tell me first the basic composition of the Northern Continent."

Feng Lin said as he looked at the lake in the distance.

"This lake is located in the center of the Northern Continent. Around the lake, which is the center of the Yin-Yang Crusade, children and foreigners live, and schools are also nearby."

Sikong Jin continued, "Then it spreads outward, surrounded by the territory of the commander. As for the outermost part, it is where ordinary Yin-Yang Crusaders or adult Yin-Yang Crusaders live."

"I understand. It turns out that the Yin-Yang Crusaders hide the weakest children at the center of them. No wonder I have been in the alien land for so long and I have hardly seen the little brats of the Yin-Yang Crusaders."

Feng Lin nodded secretly.

"As for the northernmost part, that is, the deepest part of the northern continent, it is where the Black Ancestor and the White Ancestor live."

Sikong Jin said facing the north.

"Interesting, I'm becoming more and more interested."

Feng Lin smiled and said, "Well, I feel relieved to know that you are fine this time."

"Boss, how did you get in? There are so many guards at the edge of the northern continent. It's almost impossible to come in silently." Sikong Jin asked curiously.

"Did you see the big mountain in the lake? There is a formation underneath the big one, which can be moved in."

Feng Lin explained, "It should have been established in ancient times. At that time, the Northern Continent was not all Yin Yang Crusaders."

"That's it." Sikong Jin nodded lightly.

"Okay, that's it. You talk to me too much and it's easy to be suspected. You can leave first."

Feng Lin said.

The fourth child's character is originally one of silence. If he suddenly chats with a stranger for a long time, he will definitely be suspected.

"Well, I'll leave first."

Sikong Jin agreed and turned to leave.

Feng Lin looked in the direction of Si Kong Jin and deliberately stretched out his hand, pretending to retain him, giving people the illusion that Si Kong Jin didn't want to answer him.

After Sikong Jin completely left, Feng Lin continued walking along the lake.

"This person is extraordinary and very strong."

Ye Yourong's voice came over.

"Of course I know that the fourth child's talent is no less than mine, or even better than mine."

Feng Lin shook his head gently, remembering that before, Sikong Jin played games all day long and didn't practice much at all, but he could always maintain a cultivation level similar to his.

"Does he possess two energies?" Ye Yourong suddenly asked.

"how do you know?"

Feng Lin asked curiously.

"Don't underestimate our artifact tribe. We are ancient gods from a very long time ago. We are so old that our body structure is different from yours."

Ye Yourong smiled and said, "The feeling on his body is very similar to yours, so he must have mastered two kinds of energy."

"Is there anything special about the two strands of energy?"

Feng Lin asked puzzledly.

"General Qi Jin will merge. If it is two Qi Jin, then both Qi Jin will be very domineering and will not give in to each other."

Ye Yourong explained, "He should be like you. Both parents are very strong, and their respective energies are incompatible."

Feng Lin nodded secretly, it was true.

The Suiren clan and the Yin Yang Crusaders are both descendants of the old gods, so they are roughly the same.

Feng Lin used to be very unaccustomed to using the Ice Qi Jin, and his father even blocked his mother's Qi Jin.

As for Sikong Jin, it should be the same. The energy of the Yin Yang Crusaders was blocked and was slowly released later.

Feng Lin carefully felt his surroundings, and after making sure that no one was watching, he activated the transfer token.


His figure disappeared here and appeared at the formation.

After picking up the token, he returned to the cave and left.


"Commander, what's wrong?"

On the distant mountain peak, a woman wearing a white military uniform asked respectfully.

Next to her was Mu Chengzhou.

Muchengzhou's somewhat cloudy purple eyes were looking at the lake in the distance at the moment.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm getting older and my eyesight seems a bit dim."

Mu Chengzhou smiled and said, "Yunshu, this child, must have entered the sublimation realm, but I don't know if Mu Ran has entered."

"Miss Mu Ran's talent is amazing, she must have entered the realm of sublimation."

The woman on the side said with a smile.

"is it?"

Mu Chengzhou shook his head gently, "I don't want her to enter the sublimated realm." (End of Chapter)

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