Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 2806 I know there is a ruin nearby

After hearing that it was her daughter who begged this man to rescue her, she gave up the idea of ​​jumping.

"Everyone go back, it's over."

Feng Lin looked at the other people around him and sighed softly.

Many times, personal abilities are always limited. In the current alien land, even if these people are rescued, they may still be bullied by alien beasts in the future.

Unless there is a force that is comparable to the alien beasts, like Yanhuang, enclosing a piece of land to protect the safety of these people.

The Yin Yang Crusaders definitely have this ability, but at present, they obviously have no such plan.

Feng Lin returned to the previous cave and lifted the ice here.

As for the strange beasts in the ruins, they all seemed to know what happened, and they all ran away like crazy.

Feng Lin did not kill them all.

After escorting these people to the outside of the ruins, Feng Lincai said to everyone: "You all go back. I have other things to do and cannot send you home one by one."

"Brother, I have no home, woohoo! Can I follow you?"

A relatively young woman came over wiping tears.

Hearing this, many people around him started pleading.

"Brother, take me away. I can wash and cook for you."

"Brother, I can also warm your bed."


In fact, these people all know how important it is to find a reliable man in a foreign land.

Especially since this man is so handsome, they can't dislike him.

"Sisters, please stop joking. I already have a wife. If I take you with me from now on, what will happen if my wife runs away?"

Feng Lin was a little helpless, "If you don't have a family, are alone, and really have nowhere to go, it's better to go to the Immortal Palace. I heard that women will be taken in there."

Feng Lin didn't want to waste any more time with these people, so he immediately looked at Zheng Ying's mother, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Before anyone else here could react, Feng Lin grabbed her shoulders and disappeared.

Qi Nanzhu also followed Feng Lin.


Zheng Ying's family is waiting anxiously. They know that the strange beasts over there are Dacheng ninth-level masters.

They were also not sure whether Feng Lin could save the person.

"Old Zheng, why aren't you running away? That lackey is already dead. If you don't run away now, then when will you wait?"

An old man with gray hair appeared at the entrance of the village and shouted in the direction of Zheng Ying's family.

Not only him, but also other people in the village have already left, and the rest are also packing their luggage.

"I won't leave. The two seniors just now said they would bring my daughter-in-law back."

Zheng Ying’s grandfather, Zheng De said with a smile.

"Are you kidding? Those alien beasts are at the ninth level of Dacheng. He doesn't know if he can come back yet. If he dies there, it may not be long before the alien beasts send people over again, and then they won't be able to leave. "

The old man at the door said this and shook his head slightly, "Forget it, I'll leave first."

There were not many people in the village to begin with.

In just a short time, almost all the people here have moved out.

Zheng De shook his head slightly and looked at the two people beside him. Before he could speak, Zheng Ying spoke first.

"Grandpa, that senior will definitely come back. He gives me a different feeling. He must not be a liar."

Zheng Ying looked at Zheng De seriously.

"Okay, I believe it too."

Zheng De sighed softly and lay down on the rocking chair again, "Hey, our ancestors have lived here for many years, but I didn't expect that the village would break up just like that."

"Dad, there is nothing we can do about it. Our ancestors could not have guessed that the legendary beast would reappear."

Zheng De's son Zheng Yan shook his head slightly.

While they were chatting, there was a vibration in the sky.

Boom! The next moment, several figures appeared in the sky, and in one or two breaths, Feng Lin landed in the yard.

With him was Zheng Ying's mother.

Seeing the person in front of her reappear, Zheng Ying immediately ran over crying. She was too excited and did not shout out.

He just hugged his mother hard and buried his tear-filled face in her arms.

Wang Fenfang also shed tears. She didn't expect that she could come back alive.

At this moment, Qi Nanzhu had also followed.

"Fengfang, are you okay?"

Zheng De stood up from the chair again.

Zheng Yan had also arrived at Wang Fenfang's side and grabbed her hand forcefully.

But Wang Fenfang was obviously unnatural. She wanted to pull her hand out, but Zheng Yan's grip was too tight and she couldn't pull it out at all.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Zheng De while crying, "Dad, I'm sorry for our family, I'm not clean anymore."

When Zheng De heard this, his eyes were full of anger, "Those bastards! Damn them! Damn them!"

"Fengfang, this is not your fault, and you have not sorry for us. It would be great if you can come back."

Zheng Yan also shed tears and held Wang Fenfang in his arms.

"That's right! As long as you can come back, that's fine. We know very well what kind of person you are during the years you have been married to our family."

Zheng De came over and said, "You have sacrificed so much for our family, but we are unable to protect you. We are sorry for you."

Feng Lin looked at the family in front of him and was a little moved. He didn't expect to meet such a loving family in this strange land.

"Guys, I'm interrupting your interest. I would like to ask, where is the specific location of Baiyan Mountain?"

Feng Lin smiled and spoke.

"I know!"

Zheng De looked at Feng Lin and asked, "Didn't you want to know about Guihe before?"


Qi Nanzhu took a few steps forward and said, "There is a ruin near the junction of Baiyan Mountain and Guihe River. My family once lived there, but it was so long ago that I can't find it."

"I know about White Mist Mountain. I've only heard of Ghost River. I don't know where it is. However, there is a ruins near White Mist Mountain."

Zheng De explained, "When I was young, I accidentally entered it and almost died."

"What? Do you know the ruins near Baiyan Mountain?"

Qi Nanzhu's eyes widened in surprise, "That's most likely the relic left by my family. That's great!"

"If you want to go, I will take you there now."

Zheng De said with a smile, "Being able to help you can also bring some comfort to my heart."

"Hahaha! You're welcome."

Feng Lin waved his hand, "Then let's go there now."

"it is good!"

Zheng De nodded.


This time, not only Zheng De, but also several other people in the family packed their luggage and prepared to leave together.

Even though they knew that the boss of the alien beast there had been destroyed by Feng Lin, they were unwilling to stay here.

Feng Lin gave them a space ring to carry their luggage.

They all have a small amount of energy in their bodies.

Arriving at the height of a mountain peak, the peak here is like a hornet's nest with many holes.

These holes are generally round in shape, as if they were punched through intentionally.

"It's this cave."

Zheng De stopped in front of a cave entrance, pointed and said, "When I was a child, I came to play nearby and fell in. (End of Chapter)

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