Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 2954 The sacred tree is here

Qian Hai lowered his head and explained: "I don't want to do anything for them, but there are some demon tribesmen in the Scorched Earth, and they can bind us through contracts."

Hearing this, Feng Lin couldn't help but ask: "You mean the Sky Demon Clan is in power in this empty realm of the Scorched Earth?"

"No, the rulers of the Scorched Earth used to be the Demon Clan, but now, they are the Jiuli Clan."

Qian Hai explained, "With the death of the ancestor of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the masters of the Jiuli Clan have caught up. In addition, the Jiuli Clan has gained several more sublimation realms recently, further widening the gap in combat power between the two sides."

"Jiuli tribe?"

At first, Feng Lin thought he had heard a word wrong. It should be the Jiuyou clan.

Unexpectedly, the master of the Jiuli tribe was actually in the sky.

He thought of the Jiuli master who joined later, and couldn't help but ask: "You said that he joined the sublimation realm later. Is his name Youqin Solo?"

"how do you know?"

Qian Hai was full of surprise, and then said secretly, "You are from Master Xu Fu, who is a legendary semi-saint. It is normal to know this kind of thing."

"You just said that there are a few more people who have ascended to the next level. Besides Youqin Solo, who else is there?"

When Feng Lin said this, he pointed at Qian Hai and said, "You'd better not lie to me, and don't say you don't know. No matter what, you are the ninth level of Dacheng. At this level, whoever has reached the sublimation realm is talking nonsense. ”

"I won't lie to you. This kind of thing is not a secret. In addition to the piano solo, there is also a Jiuli tribe who just joined two and a half years ago and has also entered the sublimation realm."

Qian Hai looked at Feng Lin and said, "His name is Li Hentian, I think you don't know."

"It's him!"

Feng Lin smiled. What a coincidence. He knew both of the two new members of the Ascension Realm.

Especially this Li Hentian, he chose to leave ever since Youqin Solo appeared and occupied the Jiuli clan again.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I found a master from the Jiuli tribe.

However, since they have also entered the sublimated realm, Li Hentian is definitely not weaker than Youqin Solo.

I don’t know how their relationship has become now that they are both under the same roof.

"Okay, the next question is even simpler. Why did they let you hide here?"

Feng Lin pointed out the window and continued, "Why did you let Kong Shan hide in the academy?"

"Sir, Kong Shan won't be killed by you, right?"

Qian Hai couldn't help but said in surprise, he didn't expect this person to know Kong Shan's name, so he had most likely been caught and interrogated.

"No killing. As I said just now, I don't like to see blood. As long as you answer me truthfully, I won't kill you."

Feng Lin sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said calmly.

"Okay, then I will tell the truth. Although the Jiuli tribe has the final say in Scorched Earth, the Heavenly Demon Clan is also a very strong fighting force. It can be said that the two races of Scorched Earth are jointly governed, and I belong to the Heavenly Demon Clan. pulse."

While Qian Hai was talking, his hands touched his spikes from time to time.

Seeing this, Feng Lin snapped his fingers and the spikes disappeared. He froze the wound with ice to prevent blood from continuing to fall.

"Continue." Feng Lin glanced at Qian Hai.

"Yes! The main reason why I follow the Heavenly Demon Clan is of course that I was contracted by someone, but I have another reason." Qian Hai paused and continued, "That is that I want to help the Heavenly Demon Clan and destroy the Jiuli Clan. "

"Destroy the Jiuli tribe?" Feng Lin was a little surprised.

"Yes, I didn't lie just now. Our Huoyun Mountain was destroyed by the Scorched Earth. You may not know that many of our sects in China were destroyed at that time. The reason is very simple. At that time, the Jiuli Clan was in power. "

Qian Hai explained, "The Jiuli tribe is a group of barbaric lunatics. After taking power, they couldn't wait to send masters to kill the masters of the descendants of Yan and Huang."

"Oh? There is such a thing."

Feng Lin didn't expect that so many sects were destroyed because of the Jiuli clan.

"Yes, but we also have experts here. The Jiuli clan seems to have suffered a loss, and in the end it was settled." Qian Hai said calmly.

"I have been in contact with the Jiuli tribe, and they are very strong. Now the Demon tribe has no top masters. How can they win this turnaround?" Feng Lin asked puzzledly.

"That's why the Demon Clan asked me to come over and gave me this task."

Qian Hai looked at Feng Lin, his expression suddenly serious, "According to the records of the Demon Clan, if nothing unexpected happens, there should be roots of the sacred tree in this academy."

Feng Lin was not surprised, "What's wrong with the rhizome? Do you plan to use the rhizome to increase your strength?"

"Sir, I think you don't understand. This is the rhizome of the sacred tree! The sacred tree is about to awaken. The early growth of the sacred tree requires the roots to absorb nutrients. By then, the spiritual energy in the entire world will move closer to here. Here It will become a treasured place for practicing Feng Shui!”

When Qian Hai said this, his face looked a little off, "Sir, you don't know, right?"

Feng Lin felt a little confused.

Until Ye Yourong's voice came over, "Feng Lin! He's not talking about roots or remaining branches. He seems to be talking about... the rhizome of the sacred tree! The rhizome that is connected to the current sacred tree!"

When Feng Lin heard this, his heart was filled with turmoil and turmoil.

The rhizome of the sacred tree.

In other words, the roots of this sacred tree are not broken roots, but roots that grow together with the sacred tree!

If so, it's normal.

Previously, Feng Lin was still speculating about the magic power of the roots in the academy.

Mu Yunshu of the Yin-Yang Crusaders wants to get in, and Sheng Wanyue of the Sky Realm wants to get in. Now the demon clan of this scorched earth has also let people lurk in.

It turns out that the sacred tree is here!

"Of course I know. What I want to ask is, why are you so sure that you are in this place?" Feng Lin asked.

"I don't know about this. I just heard them say that the area around this area has been rummaged through. There are ruins here, and it is the First Academy of Yanhuang. There is a high probability that it is here."

Qian Hai shook his head gently, "No, to be precise, no one knows, so I found Kong Shan and asked him to see if he was here."

Feng Lin didn't expect that he could get so much information from this insignificant person.

Of course, if there really are roots of the sacred tree here, Ji Guangling must know it, but he didn't tell himself.

"Do the Jiuli people over there hate Yanhuang a lot?" Feng Lin suddenly remembered and asked.

"Of course, they all dream of coming here to take revenge. However, the Jiuli tribe has rarely appeared since the last time they suffered a loss. They have been cultivating their own strength."

Qian Hai shook his head gently, "Maybe they, like the Demon Clan, are waiting for the sacred tree." (End of Chapter)

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