Chapter 33 You are a master
Feng Lin didn't run too fast, he turned his head from time to time, just because he was afraid that those human bodies would not be very good.

It should not be from the Song family.

If they want to kill themselves, they will definitely not do it with great fanfare.

In addition to the Song family, Feng Lin has just provoked Gu Duoduo.

The university was originally located in the suburbs, and Feng Lin jumped directly under the road, making it impossible for their vehicles to drive.

Finally stopped at a small hillside, there are not many people here.

It's a good place for assassination.

After Feng Lin drove these people away, he pretended to rest here, believing that people who were unfavorable to him would definitely appear.

The people behind found Feng Lin stopped, thinking that he couldn't run anymore, and they all sprinted with all their might.

Finally, the water in Fenglinwei was blocked.

"Stinky boy! Aren't you very good at running?"

"Grandma, keep running! I broke your leg!"


This group of people was not in a hurry and seemed to be waiting for someone.

Sure enough, the group of people gave way, and Gu Duoduo came over.

"Feng Lin, aren't you that crazy? Do you really think I'm a vegetarian?" Gu Duoduo stretched out his hand and shouted sharply, "Give me the phone back!"

The corners of Feng Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and the person who followed him also appeared.

Everything is in his plan.

"Damn it! Duoduo, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. The teacher is wrong. I'll give you the phone back."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone from his pocket and walked towards Gu Duoduo with a smile on his face, holding the mobile phone in both hands.

Gu Duoduo grabbed the phone and said coldly, "Hmph, you thought I would let you go..."

"Don't come here!"

Feng Lin hugged Gu Duoduo in his arms, strangled her neck, and pointed at the people around her.

"Humph! I don't believe it anymore, don't you dare to kill me?" Gu Duoduo gave orders to the people around him with a gloomy face, "Give me a hand, teach him a lesson... ah!"

As Gu Duoduo was talking, his face suddenly turned red and he made a strange sound.

Feng Lin's hand was behind her ass and grabbed her sweatpants.

"I really don't dare to kill you, but I dare to strip your pants off in front of these people. If you don't believe me, try it."

Feng Lin whispered in Gu Duoduo's ear.

Gu Duoduo's face suddenly turned red. At this critical moment, Feng Lin might really dare to do that.

She took a deep breath and said calmly, "Let go of me, I've got my phone, so I won't teach you a lesson."

"Do you think I'm stupid? Let these people retreat to the road." Feng Lin said calmly.

Gu Duoduo nodded lightly, she knew that Feng Lin didn't dare to do anything to her, "Listen to him."


Everyone here, all retreated to the road in the distance.

Feng Lin saw that those people were already far away, so he let go of Gu Duoduo, "You can go, I mean what I say, I hope you do the same."

The plan is still underway. After these people left, Feng Lin pretended to rest here.

This is the perfect place, that person will definitely get their hands on it.

"Humph! I'll let you go this time!" Gu Duoduo turned and left.

Suddenly, Feng Lin's face changed, and he rushed over immediately and pressed Gu Duoduo to the ground.

"Feng Lin! What are you doing?"

Gu Duoduo's face was full of anger. She was about to scold when she found that there was a crossbow arrow stuck in her position just now.

Feng Lin suddenly turned around and grabbed another crossbow arrow.

Gu Duoduo on the ground was shocked, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

The crossbow arrow is not fake, Feng Lin can actually grab it with one hand.

"damn it!"

The opponent's kind of master will definitely not make mistakes, and his first shot is not a missed shot.

The target is Gu Duoduo.

The other party was so cruel, at this time, Gu Duoduo died here.

Even if Feng Lin jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it.

"You go!"

Feng Lin said to Gu Duoduo.

Gu Duoduo nodded, she felt that her head was blank, and she didn't have the courage to stay here at all.

Feng Lin threw the crossbow arrow into the sky.

The middle-aged man hiding on the hillside in the distance exclaimed, and just followed his gaze, the crossbow arrow thrown by Feng Lin.

The next moment, Feng Lin actually disappeared from his eyes.

"Don't look for it, it's behind you."

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and stepped on the stone beside him with one foot.


The middle-aged man was startled, turned around suddenly, and shot at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin kicked the opponent's neck with a whip.

His body flew out diagonally and slammed into a big tree.

Falling leaves.

"Dude, your intentions are sinister, aren't you here to kill me? It's too unethical to hurt innocent people."

Feng Lin walked in leisurely with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"You are... a master!"

The middle-aged man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Not that high."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone, turned on the recording, and asked, "Tell me, who asked you to kill me, I am the one who speaks, tell me, and I will not kill you."

"Hehe, the mission can't be completed anyway."

The middle-aged Cuntou suddenly took out a dagger, stabbed him into his body, and then fell down.

The corners of Feng Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and he sat on the stone beside him, looking at each other quietly.

About half a minute later, the middle-aged man's originally motionless body began to move again and immediately covered his wound.

"In the face of people who are far stronger than yourself, self-harm and pretend to be dead, and when they come to check, launch a surprise attack. This method is not bad. It seems that you have received professional training."

Feng Lin held his chin and looked at him lightly. It took a lot of courage to stab himself.

"I didn't expect you to be fooled. You are indeed a master. I admit defeat and do it."

The middle-aged man closed his eyes.

"Give you ten seconds to think, think carefully, whether the other party is worth your life, ten seconds later, you will die."

Feng Lin's hand rested on the stone beside him.


His fingers went straight into the stone and grabbed a handful of rubble.

"Ten seconds later, it's a character."

Feng Lin slammed the gravel in his hand towards him.


Feng Lin took the other party's mobile phone and wallet, and left with a tune.

The dead have long been unable to make waves in his heart.

Gu Duoduo and others had already left, and Feng Lin also followed this path, preparing to go back.

However, at the end of the road, there was a black Volkswagen parked.

Seeing Feng Lin coming, Gu Duoduo came down from the back row, she suddenly pointed at Feng Lin, "You did it on purpose! Right? That person is your friend."

Feng Lin covered his face helplessly, this was indeed beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect that the other party would attack Gu Duoduo.

Feng Lin really didn't know how to explain it, so he left without saying a word.

"You stop!"

Gu Duoduo called from behind, but Feng Lin did not look back.

She sat back in the back row again, she really didn't understand why someone would kill her.

It is very likely that Feng Lin did it on purpose. He wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, and that person was Feng Lin's friend.

Looking at Feng Lin's disappearing back, he ordered the driver, "Go back again."

She was going to see if there were any signs of fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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