Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 46 I have no patience for bad guys

Chapter 46 I have no patience for bad guys
Zhang Ting and Bai Nuan have known each other since childhood. Zhang Ting knows that Bai Nuan is an orphan and lives with her brother Bai Jian.

Bai Jian's character is a bit boring, very autistic, and was often bullied when he was a child.

However, Bai Jian has an inverse scale, that is his sister.

As long as someone dared to move her, Bai Jian would dare to go all out.

Before I remember, Bai Jian had been at the construction site.

But I don't know what happened in the middle. Two years ago, Bai Jian came here as a security guard.

Bai Nuan's living standard has also improved since then.

Originally planned to work part-time after graduating from high school, but Bai Jian took the money and let Bai Nuan go to college.

"elder brother!"

Bai Nuan saw the long-faced man coming, hurried over and grabbed his arm.

Bai Jian faced Bai Nuan with a simple and honest smile, then took off her hand and walked towards Feng Lin.

"Brother Bai! Help... This kid is disrespectful to Sister Ye!"

Liu Tu, who was lying on the ground, saw Bai Jian coming, his face twisted and laughed.

Bai Jian is here, and this kid looks good.

"Brother! You can't hit him!" Bai Nuan immediately blocked Feng Lin.

"Don't worry, Sister Ye just asked me to break one of his arms." Bai Jian grabbed Bai Nuan's arms, picked her up, and put her on the other side, "Stop her."


Several men immediately grabbed Bai Nuan's arm.

"Brother! Stop it!" Bai Nuan shouted.

Bai Jian punched Feng Lin with a strong fist style.

Feng Lin raised his brows in surprise, there was already a fluctuation of Qi in his strength.

Not messy very messy, do not know how to control.

Barely be regarded as bright early peak.

Not only Liu Tu on the ground, but also several younger brothers over there were excited.

After such a long lapse, I finally saw Bai Jian take action again.

With a muffled voice, Feng Lin's hand easily grabbed Bai Jian's fist.

Before the other party could react, Feng Lin released his fist and put his hand lightly on his shoulder.


There was a loud noise, and above the white sword, there seemed to be an overwhelming force, instantly pressing him to the ground.

The floor below was cracked.


Everyone around was so frightened that they were speechless.

It was the first time that an old man like Liu Tu saw Bai Jian being beaten to the ground.

The key point is that this young man is not trying too hard!
Bai Nuan was dumbfounded. She had been worried just now that Feng Lin would be seriously injured by her brother.

Unexpectedly, his brother was seriously injured.

As for Bai Nuan's friends, they don't know what expressions to use.

What is this teacher?

What class did you teach?
Suddenly, Bai Jian, who was lying on the ground, bowed his body and hugged Feng Lin's legs with both hands.


The corners of Feng Lin's mouth twitched slightly, his control of strength was very precise.

I heard Bai Nuan call his brother just now, so he showed mercy and used strength that only made him lose his resistance.

Now he can still move, proving that his body is far beyond ordinary people.

Feng Lin didn't do anything, Bai Jian's arms shook suddenly, and his body, which was bowed, was lying on the ground again.

He hugged Feng Lin's arms, like noodles, and drooped down.

"elder brother!"

Bai Nuan roared hard, she broke free from the people behind her, and immediately knelt beside Bai Jian.

It was found that his nose and mouth were bleeding.

Liu Tu is completely stupid here, what character did he provoke?
At this moment, the elevator in the distance rang, and a woman in uniform said to Feng Lin, "Sir, our boss has a request."

Feng Lin held up the wine bottle and pointed at the camera in the corner not far away, "I said just now, this bottle of wine is yours."

The uniformed woman gently touched the bluetooth headset on her ear and said with a smile, "The boss agrees, please come with me, sir."


Feng Lin nodded slightly, and he said to Bai Nuan, "Don't worry, he's fine, he'll wake up in about a minute."

After speaking, he took Louis XIII and walked towards the elevator.

The shocked crowd was left alone.

Feng Lin walked into the elevator and found that the stairs here were only the seventh floor.

Come to the seventh floor, here is the cafe.

In the distance by the window, sat a woman in a black dress.

She has a pair of phoenix eyes, and her eyes are very deep, giving people a sense of melancholy.

She is a little older, about 30 years old, and she reveals mature charm all over her body.

In front of the woman was a silver laptop, and when she saw Feng Lin coming in, she closed the laptop.

The waiter sent Feng Lin away.

Feng Lin took a sip of wine and sat opposite the woman with a smile.

"I'm Ye Xin, I don't know where I offended Mr.

"I had a party with my friend yesterday, and that bald head bullied my friend."

Feng Lin moved the chair back, raised Erlang's legs and said.

"It turns out that since Mr. taught him a lesson, I won't apologize." Ye Xin smiled lightly.


Feng Lin nodded, took another sip of wine, and carefully looked at Ye Xin in front of him.

"Mr. is also a person of status. Is it rude to stare at me like this?" Ye Xin asked with a smile.

"You know who I am?"

"Mr.'s dark energy attainments have reached the pinnacle, at least in the middle stage of dark energy," Ye Xin explained.

Feng Lin drank the wine and put the bottle on the table, "It's said that if there is a dog, there is a master. I'm wondering if your personality is similar to that bald head."

Ye Xin propped her cheeks and said, "A dog can be taught patiently. If there are too many dogs, there will always be bad dogs."

Feng Lin frowned, "Can you please stop playing with me, it's a little disgusting."

"Hehe, Mr. is really humorous, I think this time, it's not just to teach Liu Tu a lesson, right?" Ye Xin covered her mouth and chuckled.

"You belong to the Ye family in Jiangbei, and Song Zhengtao belongs to the Wei family in Jiangbei. I want to destroy the Song family. Someone suggested that I come to you."

Feng Lin went straight to the topic.

"You mean you want our Ye family to take the blame? That's not good." Ye Xin shook his head slightly, "We will unplug the Wei family's eyes in Jiang City, and in some other city, they may touch my Ye family."

"There is no room for negotiation?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"No." Ye Xin shook her head.

"Okay then." Feng Lin nodded and raised two fingers, "The following is the second question, I am going to destroy the Song family and you, what are you going to do?"

"Sir, why are you not careful at all, and you are so explicit that you are not afraid of me recording and calling the police?" Ye Xin asked.

"Not afraid!"

Feng Lin shook his head flatly.

Now Ye Xin is staring at Feng Lin, she is guessing whether Feng Lin's words are joking.

In a real giant, the relationship inside is very intricate.

Just like Ye Xin, as a direct descendant, he has been suppressed all the time.

She was forced to leave the Ye family and develop alone.

In the past few years, the management is not bad, and these subordinates are her own forces.

In the future, she will also have the confidence to face those people in the Ye family.

The forces that have been cultivated so hard will definitely not be destroyed by Feng Lin.

If it was someone else, she would have listened to a joke.

But the person in front of him has this ability.

"Hehe, sir, there are many questions that need to be thought through, and I can't answer you right away." Ye Xin put the phone on the table, "If it's convenient, let's leave the contact information."

"I'm impatient with bad guys." Feng Lin took out his phone, clicked the stopwatch, "I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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