Chapter 6 Goddess of Luck
Feng Lin remembered very clearly that when he was in high school here, his father and this woman were neighbors.

However, Feng Lin is a resident student, and he has to go out to perform tasks from time to time. He does not come here many times.

Xu Ruoying followed closely behind Feng Lin.

Seeing everyone in the room, all of them were fierce and vicious, she was a little overwhelmed.

This Feng Lin, so anxious to do it.

At least look at how many people there are.

"Brothers, work!"

Inside the house, a round-faced strong man in a vest found that his younger brother had been kicked over, and there was a hint of indifference in his eyes.

Feng Lin grabbed Xu Ruoying's hand and stepped back quickly.

Fighting here, it is easy to destroy their furniture.

When they found that Feng Lin had withdrawn, a few people quickly followed.

Two of them blocked the gate, trapping Feng Lin in the courtyard.

The rest of the people walked out in a hurry.

The leader was the round-faced strong man from before.

His face is full of flesh, he is not tall, but his body is strong, "Do you know who I am? Dare to do something to my people?"

Feng Lin smiled, "Are you mentally retarded? If you don't say your name, who knows who you are?"

I rub!

Xu Ruoying next to her was speechless, wishing she could give him a stick.

Feng Lin is a fool, right?

It's all this time, and it angers them.

Brother Lang's gaze was not on Feng Lin, but at Xu Ruoying.

Finally came to a two-word conclusion, "Enough!"

At the same time, Tang Hong in the room came out leaning on the wall and asked uncertainly, "Are you, Feng Lin?"

"Auntie, long time no see." Feng Lin greeted with a smile.

Tang Hong's face turned pale, she came to Brother Lang, lowered her head and begged, "Brother Lang, this is about me and you, can you let them go?"

Brother Wolf grabbed Tang Hong's collar with a grim expression, "What are you! Are you teaching me to do things?"

Seeing this, Xu Ruoying said coldly, "What are you doing? Let go of her, I'll call the police!"

Brother Wolf was not afraid at all, "Report it! He was a man who gambled and owed me 30 yuan. He drove drunk and drowned in the river a month ago. I'm here to ask for money!"

"No, it's 30..."

Xu Ruoying was talking, but suddenly there was no sound. She only had 200 yuan with her.

I can't take care of myself, let alone help others.

Feng Lin frowned slightly, he really remembered that Tang Hong had an unscrupulous husband.

If I owe 30, I will teach them a lesson.

After that, they will definitely come again.

even intensified.

He wants to fix it at the source.


Feng Lin suddenly laughed, "Brother Wolf, you mean, there is a casino here?"

"You also like to play?" Brother Wolf asked with narrowed eyes.

Feng Lin rubbed his hands together, "I'm bored to play a few games, can Brother Lang take me there?"

"No! Our business is not over yet."

Brother Wolf pointed to Tang Hong next to him.

"Simple, I'll pay for the money she owes you!" Feng Lin put his arms around Xu Ruoying's waist and smiled lightly, "Secretary, take out my wallet."

Xu Ruoying's teeth are itchy, but in this case, let's listen to Feng Lin.

She took out her black wallet and pulled out a platinum card from it.

Feng Lin took the card and asked with a smile, "Have you seen it? You don't have millions of assets, so you're not eligible to apply."

Brother Wolf touched his chin, he had indeed seen this kind of platinum card.

It seems that the man in front of him is a rich second generation.

This is just right, anyway, he is not short of money, win him 500 million, and realize financial freedom sooner.

Go to a small city and have a good time.

"Okay! Brothers! Bring Tang Hong with you."

Brother Wolf waved his hand and led the way.

Xu Ruoying secretly pinched Feng Lin's waist, and whispered, "Are you stupid? You lose nine out of ten bets, look at his smile, there must be something wrong."

Tang Hong also followed, grabbing Feng Lin's arm, tears streaming down her face, "Feng Lin, this matter has nothing to do with you, you better run away."

"Don't worry, my luck has always been good." Feng Lin smiled.


This is the urban village in Jiang City.

The area is actually not large, and after bypassing a few small roads, they came to an abandoned factory.

Walking into the factory, I found five pool tables transformed into gaming tables.

Every table was full of people.

Most of their eyes are full of bloodshots, obviously they are on the top.

"Brother Wolf is back!"

"Fuck! Brother Wolf brought a fairy back!"


Everyone here looked over and was instantly attracted by Xu Ruoying's appearance.

Many people rubbed their eyes, this figure is too overbearing.

"Get out of the way, let's have a boss here today and make a table."

Brother Wolf came to the middle table and sat at the dealer's seat.

I heard that there is a big hand, and the other people around are all around, wanting to see the excitement.

"Brother, you are a guest, tell me, what are you playing?"

Brother Wolf pointed to a few games on the table.

Feng Lin grabbed Xu Ruoying and let her sit on her lap, "Come here, Goddess of Luck."

Seeing this picture, everyone around is envious.

Xu Ruoying's face suddenly turned red, this bastard did it on purpose.

He knew that in the current situation, he would definitely not turn against him, and he could only take revenge afterward.

"Just play dice, it's easy to remember, just compare the size."

Feng Lin pointed at the dice next to him. He learned this game from his father when he was seven or eight years old.

According to different shaking methods, he can make it flip and precisely control it to any point.

"Okay, I like this no-brainer!"

What Brother Lang said is true. The dice are very fast. If you are playing mahjong, even if you want to win a few million in a game, you don't know how much time you need to play.

Of course, there is an important point about dice, which can be cheated.

"Take 100 yuan first and try the water."

Feng Lin said to Xu Ruoying.

Although Xu Ruoying was not very willing, she took out 100 yuan from her wallet and put it on the table.

"Three dice, it's easier to get a leopard." Feng Lin put 100 yuan in the middle of the table, "One win or lose."

"Okay! Let's start then."

Brother Lang lit a cigarette and gave Feng Lin three and a bamboo tube.

He is the same here.

The people around him all gathered around, this young man first tested the water with a hundred, and there will definitely be bigger ones later.

Feng Lin shook it a dozen times and put it on the table.

Brother Wolf did the same, took a breath, and said with a smile, "I'll go first!"

Picking up the bamboo tube, his points are two two three.

Add up to seven.

This is his practice, never cheating in the first game, let the opponent win first, and then start to do it.

"It's only seven o'clock, Brother Wolf is not lucky today!"

"Yes! But this 100 yuan is not a lot of money."


Everyone around looked at Feng Lin.

"Goddess of Luck, come and drive!" Feng Lin said to Xu Ruoying.

Xu Ruoying didn't know why, but she was very nervous even though it was only 100 yuan.

Taking a deep breath, she picked up the bamboo tube.

One one two, it's only four o'clock.

"I'm going! Just the smallest point!"

"If two were replaced by one, it would be a leopard."

"Haha! It is also luck to be able to drive to the minimum, as expected of the goddess of luck!"

Several men next to him laughed and mocked.

Xu Ruoying's face was very ugly.

Tang Hong even grabbed Feng Lin's arm, "Don't bet, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Shut up!"

Brother Lang pointed at Tang Hong and roared: "You can be quiet for me, don't think I don't know, your daughter is still in college in Jiang City!"

Tang Hong's face was instantly pale, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Feng Lin smiled, and he just got acquainted with it first.

It seems that his kung fu has not fallen behind, "Secretary, another hundred!"

(End of this chapter)

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