Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 70 Small things become big, big things explode

Chapter 70 Small things become big, big things explode

The expressions of the two police officers were also a little stunned.

They have seen a lot of this kind of thing, but most people choose to make big things small and small things.

Unexpectedly, they turned small things into big things, and big things exploded, directly rising to more than three years and less than ten years.

As for the female clerk, her brain stopped thinking.

Her original idea was very simple, just to flatter her and want to show it in front of Li Lei.

Didn't expect this to happen.

"It's Li Lei! He asked me to do it all, I swear! I swear!"

The female clerk roared hoarsely, she thought she was pretty good and would marry a rich man in the future.

But if she was in prison, who would want her if she was rich?
If he lived in prison for five or six years, he would be in his thirties when he came out.

"It's not me! You spit, I want to give you a lawyer's letter!"

Li Lei was also frightened, and he immediately called his father.

Tell him what's going on here.

At this moment, several lawyers here have downloaded Feng Lin's recording.

Several people are listening carefully, not letting go of a word.

"Forgive me! You guys, I really know I'm wrong. I don't know Mount Tai, please let me go! Please!"

The female clerk knelt on the ground and frantically kowtowed to Feng Lin and others.

She knew that even if Li Lei confessed, she would be most responsible.

It's like buying a murderer to kill someone, whoever pays may not die, but whoever kills will surely die.

Gu Duoduo clasped her hands and snorted softly. She looked up at Feng Lin, and he was still the best.

If Feng Lin is not around, what she has to do is very simple, throw 10 yuan in the clerk's face.

Then drag Tang Qianqian away.

It can't play the role of a lesson at all, and even the clerk can get a lot of commissions from her money.

But Feng Lin was able to make the other party kneel without spending any money.

At this moment, a square-faced middle-aged man came hurriedly in the distance.

Seeing this man, Li Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he walked over with a smile, "Dad!"

The person who came was Li Jinshan, the owner of this mall.

"What happened?"

Li Jinshan asked with a frown.

Li Lei glanced at Feng Lin coldly, and had no choice but to take revenge on her next time. He pointed at the female clerk, "This woman slandered me."

"I didn't, Li Lei asked me to do it!"

The female clerk wanted to cry without tears.

"You are……"

Suddenly, Li Jinshan saw Gu Duoduo beside Feng Lin, and hurried over, "Miss Gu!"

"Who are you?"

Gu Duoduo wrinkled his nose.

Li Lei shouted, "Pride! He's my dad, the owner of this mall!"

"You are so presumptuous!"

Li Jinshan slapped Li Lei in the face and kicked him to the ground with another kick.

"Dad! What are you doing?"

Li Lei covered his face and shouted.

"Do you know who this is? This is the four major families in Jiang City, the lady of the Gu family! Kneel down and apologize!"

Li Jinshan roared and kicked out again, "Quick!"

The Song family's stock market has fallen sharply recently, and the Gu family is well-deserved as the number one in Jiang City.

He is a shopping mall owner, with assets just over [-] million.

For the Gu family to deal with him, there is no need for him to do it himself. Those big companies that flatter him can easily make him go bankrupt.

The female clerk who is still confused here doesn't know what expression to use.

She slapped herself directly.

As a native of Jiang City, how could she not know about the Gu family?

He actually mocked the people of the four major families and said they were inferior!

Li Lei was too scared to speak.

"What are you doing? Kneel down and apologize!" Li Jinshan slapped Li Lei's head again.

Li Lei hurriedly kowtowed to Gu Duoduo, "I'm sorry, Miss Gu! I was wrong."

"And my good sister!" Gu Duoduo pointed to Tang Qianqian next to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Li Lei kowtowed to Tang Qianqian again, "I know I'm wrong, please forgive me!"

Li Lei couldn't believe it, but Feng Lin actually knew the Miss of the Gu family.

"Is an apology useful? My sister's mental damage fee!"

Feng Lin put his arms around Tang Qianqian's shoulder and said lightly.


Li Jinshan nodded again and again, he took out a bank card from his body, and said with a smile: "Several, a little bit of heart."

"Don't! The police are all watching here. We won't ask for more. Let's transfer it to [-] on WeChat."

Feng Lin opened the receipt code and faced Li Jinshan.

Li Jinshan nodded, and immediately transferred 2000 yuan to Feng Lin.

"Okay, let's go."

Feng Lin grabbed Gu Duoduo and Tang Qianqian respectively, and before leaving, he did not forget to glance at Li Lei who was kneeling on the ground.

"Feng Lin is still amazing! You actually made two thousand."

Tang Qianqian smiled and touched Feng Lin with her elbow, she was scared to death just now.

"You need to use your brain to be a human being. The 1000 yuan is mine, and the two of you are [-] yuan each."

Feng Lin took out his phone and smiled at the two of them.

"It's my fault this time. Qianqian is wronged. You can share the money."

Gu Duoduo didn't pay attention to 500 yuan at all.

"Five hundred for each of you."

Feng Lin knew Tang Qianqian's temper. Only in this way would she not feel charity.

While splitting the money, Feng Lin suddenly raised his head and looked at a Lincoln passing in the distance with an ancient warrior on it.

If nothing else, it was Wei Yanzi.


Inside the Lincoln car, a tall and thin middle-aged man sitting in the back row handed a portfolio to Wei Yanzi next to him.

"Yanzi, this is the information you want, Zhou Tian, ​​Feng Lin, and Ye Xin."


Wei Yanzi opened the portfolio and checked the information on it one by one.

In the end, her eyes were fixed on Ye Xin's profile, "Sure enough, it's his daughter, Cheng Yan, our chance to make a contribution has come, let someone kill her tonight!"

"Well, it's just our son, Keming is dead."

Cheng Yan hugged Wei Yanzi's waist and sighed deeply.

"It doesn't matter, when these people are all dead, the big deal is that we have another one."

Wei Yanzi buried his head in Cheng Yan's arms.


Feng Lin was shopping with the two girls when he suddenly received a text message from Sikong Jin.

After he glanced at it, he grabbed the back of Tang Qianqian's neck, "I have to leave beforehand, and I can't spend more than [-] dollars today, or my butt will be swollen when I get home!"

After speaking, Feng Lin stopped the taxi and left.

"Qianqian! Feng Lin didn't really smoke, did he?"

Gu Duoduo asked strangely.

"Stop talking nonsense! He doesn't even dare to touch me at home."

Tang Qianqian pretended to be proud.

When Feng Lin came to the clubhouse, a female clerk in uniform was waiting for Feng Lin long ago.

Seeing Feng Lin come in, she said with a smile, "Please come with me."

Feng Lin nodded and went to the cafe on the seventh floor with this woman.

Ye Xin and Sikong Jin were sitting here.

Ye Xin is still wearing a black dress, and her whole body reveals a unique atmosphere.

As for Sikong Jin, it's still...beautiful.

"What happened?"

Feng Lin walked over and sat next to Sikong Jin.

"I was in their car with a bug installed."

Sikong Jin turned on the recording on his phone and put it on the table.

After listening to the recording, Feng Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, this woman actually stealing a man.

No wonder he didn't live in Song's house.

"Mr. Feng Lin, for you, I may die today, should you save me?"

Ye Xin picked up the coffee, her eyes were as calm as ever.

"No! In their conversation, killing you is an opportunity to make merit, saying, whose daughter are you?"

Feng Lin crossed Erlang's legs and asked with a smile.

PS: I'm late, brothers. Today, on New Year's Eve, I posted a couplet in my hometown, and I almost forgot to update it.

(End of this chapter)

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