Chapter 72 Changeling
Sikong Jin washed his left hand with the mineral water next to him.

Then he took out a white handkerchief from the jacket pocket of his suit.

While wiping his left hand, he walked leisurely towards the remaining two.

The remaining two looked at each other and could see each other's fear.

They didn't even think about it, they were about to escape through the window.

Sikong Jin was still unhurried. After taking two steps, the floor under his feet suddenly shattered.

In an instant, he had come between the two of them.

He didn't make any movement, and the two suddenly rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Sikong threw his handkerchief into the trash and walked towards the sofa with a calm expression.

A ceramic bottle on the counter beside him suddenly cracked, clattered, and shattered.

Ye Xin's eyes were round, and she didn't dare to breathe.

It is possible to attack the target without touching it, which can only be achieved by entering the transformation realm or above.

Transform into shape, burst out the Qi in the body and turn it into a tangible attack.

Sikong is near...

It is the legendary realm of metamorphosis!
How can it be?

Ye Xin couldn't believe how he could enter such a state when he was still so young.

Could it be that he is stronger than Feng Lin?

"Hehe, Mr. Sikong, I'm being clumsy. I didn't expect you to be such a strong man. I apologize for underestimating you before."

Ye Xin quickly stood up and clenched her fists at Sikong, her hands were shaking.

A living metamorphosis realm!
The reason why their Ye family is strong is because her grandfather is a master in the realm of transformation.

But in front of him is a young man who will only become stronger in the future.


Sikong Jin agreed and sent a message to Feng Lin on his mobile phone.

Ye Xin was a little speechless, but in fact, after Feng Lin sent him, she always wanted to get close to Sikong.

I want to find out who Feng Lin is.

But Sikong Jin was one word the whole time, either "en" or "oh."

It was only when Feng Lin was around that he would say more.

"I didn't expect to attack from behind, so I waited in front for so long." Feng Lin walked in with a smile on his face with his hands in his trouser pockets.

He came to the fallen people and checked their left hands, there was no sign of the Nine Serenity Land.

It seems that these people should belong to the Wei family, and their strength is far less than that of Jiuyou Land.

"Have them tied up."

Feng Lin looked back at Ye Xin, ready to interrogate him.

Ye Xin nodded and agreed. When she went out, she did not forget to look at Feng Lin.

If nothing else, Feng Lin should be the son of a wealthy family, and Sikong Jin is his bodyguard.

Not long after, Wang Jian led a few people in.

They held thick wire and vise respectively, tied the legs and hands of the three of them, and let them sit side by side in a row.

Feng Lin pulled out a silver needle from the belt and pierced the necks of the three of them respectively.

After they fainted, their bodies twitched a few times, and then they woke up faintly.

After the three woke up, they immediately looked around vigilantly. They wanted to escape, but felt weak in their limbs.

Looking down at their bodies, they, who were unable to exert force in the first place, were tied up with their hands and feet.

There is no hope of escape.

Feng Lin looked at the three with a smile, and took off their hats and masks, "Hello, tell me, who asked you to come?"

The three closed their eyes and said nothing.

"Hey! Brothers, what a pity, with your strength, you can have a good life."

Feng Lin took a few steps back and pointed at the three in front of him, "All of them became eunuchs."

When the three heard the words, their faces were instantly pale, and they felt the hairs on their bodies stand upright.

It's not the same as whipping or pinching your fingers.

The wound can be repaired, but after becoming a eunuch, it is impossible to grow back.

Wang Jian took out his dagger and walked towards the group with a blank expression.

"No! No!"

One of the men with a hairy head was so frightened that his legs were shaking, "I'm from the Wei family, and it was Wei Yanzi who asked us to kill Ye Xin."

"It's good to be honest, we are all good people." Feng Lin walked over with a smile and continued to ask, "Why did you want to kill Ye Xin?"

"I really don't know about this. I remember that before they came to Jiang City, they said they wanted to kill Ye Xin." The inch-headed man explained.

Feng Lin turned his head and stared at Ye Xin, lost in thought.

It seems that her identity is not simple.

"Who is Cheng Yan?"

Feng Lin remembered the previous recording, Wei Yanzi called the man next to him Cheng Yan.

"Mr. Cheng is Miss Wei's good friend. The two have been inseparable. We don't know who the other is."

When the inch-headed man was talking, his eyes looked at his companion next to him from time to time.

He was the only one talking during the whole process, and in the last case, Lin let them go.

It is likely that the two will sue.

"Okay, what's your name?"

Feng Lin picked up the vise on the table and cut the iron wire of the inch-headed man.

"My name is Wang Erhu."

"I'm not talking nonsense, if you want to go, kill them."

Feng Lin pointed at Wang Erhu's two companions.

The two companions were trembling with fright. They thought that Feng Lin would let the three of them go together.

"As long as I kill them, can I go?"

Wang Erhu had this plan in mind. When they died, no one knew that he surrendered to the enemy in order to survive.

"Yes, but you have to leave your contact information and send us a message."

Feng Lin nodded. In this way, they often did this when they performed their missions.

If Wang Erhu is disobedient, the video of him killing his companion will be passed on to Wei Yanzi.

What happened to him after that can be imagined.

While speaking, Feng Lin cut the wire that bound him.

"it is good!"

Wang Erhu grabbed a dagger in his backhand and killed his companion without hesitation.

The two companions were still regretting before they died.

Their idea was to let Wang Erhu speak alone without speaking.

In case Wei Yanzi finds out in the future, they can also hold a group together and testify that Wang Erhu said it and let him take the blame.

I didn't expect that cleverness would be mistaken by cleverness.

Ye Xin sat in the distance and took a sip of coffee. Her hand holding the cup was shaking.

The two lives disappeared like this, but Feng Lin's expression didn't change at all.

Who is he?

"What are you doing? Exchange contact information with each other."

Feng Lin looked back at Ye Xin.


Because Ye Xin was too nervous, she agreed like a subordinate.

She took out her mobile phone, exchanged contact information with Wang Erhu, and let Wang Erhu leave.

As long as Wei Yanzi has any movement, he will send Ye Xin a message.

The matter here is over for the time being, and Feng Lin took a taxi home.


Early the next morning, Feng Lin sat behind Tang Qianqian and rode an electric car with her.

The one at home, Tang Hong rode to work.

The two came to the school, and Feng Lin found an MPV parked at the gate, and a man was adjusting the camera.

There is also a long-haired woman who is debugging with a microphone.

"What happened today? Does the TV station want to interview?" Feng Lin jumped out of the back seat and asked strangely.

"Never mind, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

Tang Qianqian also stopped and glanced at the reporter in the distance.

"Look, miss! That's the person on the video."

The middle-aged man who was adjusting the camera suddenly pointed at Feng Lin.

A long-haired woman in an OL uniform and black high-heeled shoes turned her head with the microphone, and quickly ran to Feng Lin's side.

"Hello sir, are you the teacher who was popular on the Internet yesterday?"

Xiao Yugang pointed the microphone at Feng Lin, and suddenly found that this man looked a little familiar.

Isn't he... the man who slapped him yesterday?

"Fuck! It's you!" Xiao Yu pointed at Feng Lin and scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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