Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 8 3 million orders, I will give you!

Chapter 8 [-] million orders, I will give you!
Feng Lin's words made everyone around him respond.

"Brother Wolf! What do you mean? You are on your own, and you blame others?"

"I lost [-] to [-] yuan with you, and I can't afford to lose as much as you!"

"That's it! You are so special, who will come to you in the future?"

The many gamblers around are not vegetarians either.

Almost no one of them has won money here, and they were all full of fire.

Now that there is finally a winner, I still don't let go.

Who will come in the future?
Brother Wolf clenched his fists, and it seemed that he could only swallow this breath.

You can't stop doing business for 10 yuan in the future.

"Let them go!" Brother Wolf waved his hand.

All the people around spread out, making a way for Feng Lin.

Feng Lin took Xu Ruoying's hand and swaggered away from here.

After a few people came outside, Xu Ruoying patted her chest, "It scared me to death."

"I said earlier, my luck has always been good." Feng Lin handed the IOU to Tang Hong, "Auntie, burn it."

"Feng Lin...I, I don't even know how to thank you!" Tang Hong's tears continued to fall like a river bursting its banks.

Feng Lin saved their family.

"As the saying goes, distant relatives are worse than near neighbors."

While Feng Lin was talking, the stack of money in his hand was taken away by Xu Ruoying.

She stuffed [-] yuan in one side of her trousers pocket, and [-] yuan in the other side of her jacket pocket.

The last [-] was stuffed into the clothes.

"What are you doing?" Feng Lin asked helplessly.

"Confiscation! I am the goddess of luck, without me, where would you win?"

Xu Ruoying folded her arms and said lightly.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes helplessly, "You have the guts to say, go back."

Tang Hong followed behind Feng Lin with an unnatural expression on her face. It seemed that the woman in front of her should be Feng Lin's girlfriend.

Didn't Mr. Feng tell Feng Lin at the beginning?

It was obvious that the two of them had already decided to get married.


After Feng Lin left, he sent a text message to someone and asked them to take over the location.

Back home, Feng Lin opened the door.

With the help of Tang Hong, several people cleaned the room.

It finally looked a lot cleaner.

Xu Ruoying called Zhou Ziying, ready to ask her to help and get something.

She bid farewell to Feng Lin and left immediately.

As for Feng Lin, get ready to go eat something.

It's almost dusk now, I've been busy for so long, and I haven't eaten yet.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he casually pressed the road in the urban village.

Suddenly, I saw a bun shop.

He went in.

"Welcome, meat or vegetarian?"

Feng Lin just walked in and found a beautiful girl in sportswear greeting Feng Lin.

Her face is small, melon face, shoulder-length short hair, full of youthful atmosphere.

Feng Lin stared blankly at the woman.


Tang Qianqian called out again, but her expression was already a little unhappy.

This man was really incompetent and kept staring at her.

"Wait a minute!"

Feng Lin took out the photos from the inner pocket of his clothes, flipped through them one by one, and finally found a woman with short hair.

Just like the person in front of him.

"You... who are you? Why do you have a picture of me?"

Tang Qianqian immediately reached out and grabbed it.

But Feng Lin avoided in advance, and he looked at Tang Qianqian calmly.

The previous evaluation of her was that she was not in good shape.

From the looks of it, it should be an adult too, and it looks like a cutting board.

"What I'm going to say next, I hope you don't get excited."

Feng Lin put the photo back again, holding only Tang Qianqian's photo, "Actually, I'm your fiance."

"I'll marry your grandma's leg!"

Tang Qianqian looked around, picked up the broom in the corner, and pointed at Feng Lin, "Go away! I'm calling the police!"

"Listen to me, I'm really your fiancé, but I don't think we are suitable, so forget about the marriage."

Feng Lin took a few steps back and smiled awkwardly.

"You really think I'm joking?"

Tang Qianqian picked up the phone, pressed the demon spirit, and made Feng Lin look at the numbers on it.

"I want meat buns."

Feng Lin stopped her, let's eat first.

Tang Qianqian glared at Feng Lin coldly, but she came to work after all, so she chose to endure it.

He took a basket of steamed buns, placed them coldly in front of Feng Lin, and turned to leave.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a flat head walked in from behind. He smiled at Feng Lin, "Aren't you having a lot of meat?"

"Are you the boss?"

Feng Lin asked calmly.

"Yes, I have worked here for more than ten years." Zhang Bing nodded with a smile.

"The buns taste good, but the waiter is not good. I was in a good mood, but the waiter made me a little uncomfortable."

While eating, Feng Lin glanced at Tang Qianqian.


Tang Qianqian pointed at Feng Lin fiercely.

"Qianqian! What's the matter with you?" Zhang Bing frowned, "Don't put your emotions into your work and apologize."


Tang Qianqian took a few breaths, clenched his fists, walked to Feng Lin, and said indifferently, "I'm sorry."

"Boss, look at her tone." Feng Lin complained again.

Zhang Bing's face was a little unhappy, "Qianqian, you should know that Uncle asked you to say hello because of your mother's sake."

Tang Qianqian pouted slightly.

She usually has to go to school, and she rushes over at 05:30 in the afternoon, and is busy until seven or eight in the evening.

It only takes two hours, and the steamed bun shop is mainly crowded for breakfast, and hardly needs help in the afternoon.

But Zhang Bing still agreed and promised to give her wages and subsidize her family.

"I was wrong, sorry."

Tang Qianqian squeezed out a smile at Feng Lin, which was uglier than crying.

"Forget it, I'm not a devil either."

Feng Lin smiled and touched Tang Qianqian's head, and continued eating the buns.

Tang Qianqian held back and sat opposite.

After eating, Feng Lin took out the money and said before leaving, "Remember to tell your family that we are over."


Feng Lin wandered around and returned to his residence.

Found a BMW parked in front of their door.

Zhou Ziying happened to be walking out of it. After she saw Feng Lin, she rushed over, "Feng Lin, get in the car!"

"what happened?"

Feng Lin didn't know what was going on, but he was hugged from behind and pushed into the car in the same way.

"Blame me……"

Zhou Ziying knocked on the steering wheel angrily, started the car and left.

Feng Lin held his cheek with one hand, and learned from Zhou Ziying that the Xu family had sealed all Xu Ruoying's belongings, so they sent someone to stare at Zhou Ziying.

Because they knew that Xu Ruoying, who was in trouble, would definitely ask Zhou Ziying for help.

When the two of them went shopping, Xu Ruoying was forcibly taken away by the Xu family.


At the same time, Xu Ruoying sat on the sofa with red eyes.

Behind her are two security guards, ready to subdue her.

"Xiaoying, tell the truth, what happened?"

Xu Chuan smoked Hua Zi with a solemn expression on his face. He knew that his daughter would never do such a thing for nothing.

Xu Ruoying told them everything she saw today.

Xu Chuan and Wang Qin looked at each other.

"Do you understand now? He's just kidding me!" Xu Ruoying said coldly.

"Then what's the matter? You marry him, and he promised our family's [-] million order, which won't be fake."

Wang Qin came over and said in a deep and deep voice, "What's more, we really can't afford to offend the Song family. If we offend him, our Xu family will be finished."

"Are you still my mother?" Xu Ruoying roared in tears.

The door of their villa was kicked open by Feng Lin.

"Isn't that the order of [-] million? I'll give it to you!" Feng Lin walked in with his hands in his trouser pockets.

(End of this chapter)

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