Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 113 Opening Battle!This is also called arrogance?

Chapter 113 Opening Battle!This is also called arrogance?

Sanda King Contest Final,

Opening time is ten o'clock in the morning.

Cai Zhenghua, president of the National Wushu Association, attended the opening ceremony.

This is the top boxing match in the national professional boxing world, and it is a martial arts feast.

The final of the Sanda King Contest has attracted the attention of the national audience.

The Capital Bird's Nest Sports Center, which can accommodate [-] spectators.

All of a sudden, there are huge crowds!
64 top boxers from all over the country, the peak duel!

Tickets are not expensive.

The ticket price for the outermost auditorium is less than 200 yuan.

It costs 60 yuan to watch a movie,
Seriously, this ticket is really cheap.

To know,
This is not a boxing match.

On the first day of opening, there were a total of 32 boxing matches.

Many boxing fans came to the Bird's Nest Sports Center.


All major TV media across the country came to the scene to broadcast live!

Many boxing fans who have not bought tickets are all in front of the TV, waiting for the opening ceremony to start.

In addition,

The final of the National Sanda King Competition has attracted the attention of many Asian countries.

There were even many foreign boxers who came to the scene to watch the fight.

I want to win the final title of Sanda King among 64 fighters.

not easy……!
At the opening ceremony of the Sanda King Competition,

Cai Zhenghua, president of the National Wushu Association, delivered an important speech.

The global martial arts world is changing!
He talked about the predicaments that Huaxia Martial Arts faces in the Asian martial arts world.

At the same time, I talked about the changes in the national martial arts altar and the severe challenges that will be faced!
of course,

What interests everyone the most is the final reward of the Sanda King Contest!

100 million!

That's right, even if he wins the final championship of the Sanda King Competition.

The bonus is only 100 million.

It has to be said that professional boxing is indeed very unprofitable.

Pass five levels and kill six generals, and fight all the way to win the championship. There is only a bonus of 100 million.

For boxers who are accustomed to underground boxing,
That kind of money is really hard to get people interested in.

This is why many top boxers in China have experience in underground boxing matches!
If you only rely on professional boxing, it is not easy to support yourself, let alone make a lot of money.

When the talk is over...

this moment,
In the entire Bird's Nest Sports Center, the atmosphere suddenly reached its peak!

As the deafening drums of war sounded,
The Sanda King Contest, the first opening match, officially kicked off.

The opening game is very important and attracts the attention of audiences across the country.

I don't know if Chen Yang's strong performance in the preliminaries in South China has attracted the attention of many boxing fans.

Or for other reasons...?
When the results of the preliminaries were announced, many people were surprised!

Chen Yang VS Lin Cong!

"Isn't it? You're so lucky...?"

"This is the opening game, so I was drawn to fight?"

"President Zhang, didn't you tell me that all draws are random?"

"Why do I feel... as if it was deliberately arranged?"

When Chen Yang heard the result of the lottery, he was very surprised!
32 knockout rounds in the first round.

The first is the opening game!

Chen Yang never thought that he would actually draw himself to play the first game.

If you say that this is a random draw, you can only say that you are very lucky!
Zhang Tieqiang was also a little confused at the moment.

"I don't know either, it's a random draw under normal circumstances!"

"It's impossible for the Wushu Association Center to do anything in the lottery, it's completely unnecessary!"

Zhang Tieqiang frowned,
He felt that there was something wrong with the draw this time.

But what was wrong, he didn't know.


The leader of the National Wushu Association Center, do you want to observe Chen Yang's strength?
But even so, there is no need to let him open the curtain battle, right?
"How is Lin Cong's strength? I only know that he is from Dongshan Province and is one of the six rookies in the national martial arts world!"

"I don't pay much attention to domestic martial arts...!"

Chen Yang did not continue to wonder why he would let himself open the curtain.

He casually asked about the strength of his opponent.

The opening battle or something, it doesn't matter!
Anyway, it's a knockout match, and for Chen Yang, there's not much difference.

If it is the National Wushu Association Center deliberately in the draw.

Then this Lin Cong is likely to be a very powerful expert!
Zhang Tieqiang nodded and said:

"How about Lin Cong's strength? Although he has never fought against Wang Yanhuo, his overall strength is definitely not weaker than Wang Yanhuo!"

"He is the most powerful boxer of the younger generation in Dongshan Province!"

"If you look at the strength ranking of this Sanda King Competition, he can rank in the top five!"

"Also, Lin Cong is very low-key. It is said that he has been to Europe and visited famous teachers!"

"If you really want to know his strength, you can ask Zhao Feilong!"

"I think Zhao Feilong should know his strength best, because they have fought before!"

"It's a pity that Zhao Feilong was injured by you last time, so he didn't come to watch the battle...!"

Zhang Tieqiang said here, helplessly shook his head and smiled.

At this time,

Guo Hucheng next to him said with a smile:

"Lin Cong five years ago was a heavyweight boxer who participated in the Asian Games!"

"And he won a heavyweight boxing bronze medal at the Asian Games!"

"His boxing is very good, and his movements are neat and neat. In the domestic martial arts world, no one dares to underestimate Lin Cong's strength!"

"By the way, don't underestimate his boxing style. He combines boxing and Sanda, and his strength cannot be underestimated!"

"I had a fight with him last year. Although it was just a competition, I have to admit that my boxing skills are not as good as his!"

"After the fusion of boxing and Sanda, it is fierce, domineering, and the movements are very difficult, making it hard to guard against!"

"What's more, Lin Cong is not only powerful in boxing, but also very strong in his leg skills, and his defense is very tight."

"This guy's style of play is very comprehensive, it's not easy to deal with!"

When Chen Yang heard the words, he was stunned for a moment: "Boxing?"

Guo Hucheng nodded and said with a smile:
"Yes, it's boxing!"

"Simple and rude boxing style, explosive power is a mess!"

"Perhaps it's because my overall strength is not enough. When I competed with him last time, I was suppressed by his heavy punches, and I couldn't fight back at all!"

"This guy's style of play is extremely sturdy!"

Chen Yang nodded and said with a smile:
"It's a bit interesting, it turned out to be a boxer who participated in the Asian Games?"

"I'll see later, how fierce is his boxing style?"


Chen Yang smiled indifferently.

He doesn't need to deliberately exude confidence, there is a feeling of invincibility all over him.

to be frank,
He doesn't pay much attention to young boxers in the domestic martial arts world.

The martial arts of "Golden Bell Cover" and "Bajiquan" are extremely powerful.

Even the king of Sanda in the domestic martial arts world, he dares to fight recklessly!

Guo Hucheng suddenly remembered something and laughed helplessly.

"Fuck... I'll say a hammer on a horse!"

"With your current strength, whoever can beat you will be damned!"

"Don't say that Lin Cong can't beat you, even Lin Yaodong is probably not your opponent!"

Humen Cai Lifo Yuqiang, who was standing beside him, whispered in surprise when he heard the words:
"Brother Hu, what do you mean? Are you too confident in Chen Yang?"

"Even if he defeated Zhao Feilong and Wang Yanhuo, it's not that easy to defeat Lin Yaodong, right?"

"Lin Yaodong is a real master. It is said that he has fought a pervert in Southeast Asia."

Guo Hucheng shrugged his shoulders and looked at Chen Yang's back as he turned and walked towards the ring.

He whispered in Yu Qiang's ear:
"What's so great about playing 'Black Lei'?"

"Last week, the battle of life and death in the Sun City of Portugal, I happened to go to the scene to watch the battle!"

"Guess who is fighting?"

"Little devil Fujita Sora, was shot dead on the spot in two minutes and 50 seconds!"

"I really couldn't believe all of this at the time. Originally, I thought that this kid Chen Yang was only a little bit stronger than me!"

"But after the boxing match that night, he became my idol!"

Hearing this, Yu Qiang was completely stunned.

"No way... The one who killed the devil in the life-and-death battle in the Sun City of Portugal is really him...?"


When Chen Yang was in the locker room, changed his clothes, and walked onto the ring with a calm expression.

The opening battle, officially kicked off!

at this time,

In the entire Bird's Nest Sports Center, there was thunderous applause.

All the audience stood up, shouting, cheering, and screaming!
Crazy, intense, adrenaline pumping!

At this moment, the atmosphere is completely ignited!

no way,
Now is the opening match of the Sanda King Contest Finals.

Although there are not many people in the audience who know Chen Yang, who can remain calm in this atmosphere?

When Chen Yang and Lin Cong stepped into the ring.

Suddenly, the atmosphere exploded at this moment.

"That handsome guy's figure is so good, he's full of tendons, he's so handsome...!"

"Handsome guy, come on, I like you!"

"So tall, so strong... I like it so much!"


Chen Yang couldn't help looking up when he heard the harsh screams from the audience.

Depend on……!
Are all female boxing fans so crazy now?
of course,

More boxing fans are now talking about who can win.

"The opening battle, who can win?"

"If nothing else, it should be Chen Yang from South China. This guy is very strong!"

"It's hard to say, Lin Cong was a heavyweight boxer back then and won the bronze medal in the Asian Games!"

"Lin Cong participated in the Sanda King Competition this time, and his goal is to be the final champion of the Sanda King!"

"The Sanda King Competition is just a warm-up. The real test is the Samsung Cup. That is the top martial arts competition in the Asian martial arts world. The prize money exceeds tens of millions of dollars!"

"In the domestic martial arts world, whether it is Chen Yang or Lin Cong, they are not very famous. How could they be drawn to open the curtain?"

"This year's Sanda King Competition, I'm most looking forward to Lin Yaodong...!"


The audience came from major cities across the country.

They are the most loyal fans and spare no effort to support their idols.

Speaking of,
Although the ticket price is not high, the seats near the boxing ring were fired by scalpers for more than 5000 yuan.

But even so,
Seats near the front ring are also hard to come by.

This shows that

The enthusiasm of boxing fans is so hot.

at this time,

The host of the boxing match began to introduce the two sides of the boxing match to all the audience.

"Everyone, the finals of the National Martial Arts Sanda King Contest has officially kicked off!"

"I believe that many people, like me, are full of doubts about the next opening game!"

"Chen Yang from South China Buddha City, against Lin Cong from Dongshan Province!"

"Many boxing fans are not particularly familiar with Chen Yang, because he has only been a professional boxer for more than three months!"

"However, he defeated Wang Yanhuo, one of the top six rookies in the country, and his strength is very strong!"

"To be honest, I'm not particularly clear about Chen Yang's style of play and characteristics!"

"Next, what I need to focus on is Lin Cong from Dongshan!"

"Lin Cong used to be a heavyweight boxer for the national team. He participated in the Asian Games and won a bronze medal!"

"In the national martial arts rookie competition, Lin Cong won the title of the six rookies in the national martial arts!"

"I believe that this Sanda King Competition, Lin Cong will definitely achieve a good record!"

"Next, let's give the two boxers on the ring with the warmest applause!"

"I hope they can bring you a wonderful peak matchup!"

"Huaxia Martial Arts, never give up! Let's do our best...!"


Following the host's passionate martial arts declaration,

next moment,
The boxing match has officially started.

From the tone of the host at the scene, everyone can feel that the host is obviously very optimistic about Lin Cong!


He is a fan of Lin Cong.

Although Chen Yang defeated Wang Yanhuo in the preliminaries in South China, he became a dark horse!

The pattern of national martial arts is that the north is strong and the south is weak.

Many people are not particularly concerned about Chen Yang from southern China.

What is defeating Wang Yanhuo?
Among the six rookies in the national martial arts world, Wang Yanhuo's strength was not very strong.

He is just famous in South China.

Before this, many boxers were not very convinced that Wang Yanhuo won the rookie title.

The referee on the scene greeted and asked Chen Yang and Lin Cong to step forward.

He started announcing the rules of boxing.

Unlike the underground boxing match,
In professional boxing, before the start of each boxing match, the referee on the court will announce the rules.

The rules are actually quite simple.
It is not allowed to attack the opponent's fatal point. After the opponent falls to the ground, it is not allowed to continue to attack... Wait!
of course,

The most important point is that both boxers must obey the orders of the referee on the court!
The authority of the referee is supreme!
Neither side obeys the referee's order.


The referee on the field can immediately declare the boxing match over.

The outcome of the boxing match is also decided by the referee on the field.

This is the most criticized part of the professional boxing match. The referee almost decides the result of the boxing match!

Compared to underground boxing,

The human interference factor of the referee is too large, which is very unfair.

This is one of the reasons why boxing fans rarely participate in professional boxing betting.

Judges misjudgment and misjudgment happen from time to time.

Especially when the strength of the two boxers is not far from the difference, and finally depends on the points to decide the outcome.

The referee on the field and the referee off the field are so crucial!

"Chen Yang, I didn't expect to meet you in the opening match!"

"I watched the battle between you and Zhao Feilong in the last preliminaries in South China!"

Lin Cong, who was standing opposite Chen Yang, said to Chen Yang with a smile while listening to the referee explain the rules.

"Wang Yanhuo won the national rookie title, he deserves it, his strength is not weak!"

"Many people think he doesn't deserve the national rookie title at all, but it's actually a misunderstanding of his strength!"

"You may be wondering why there are six places in South China to qualify for the finals of the Sanda King Contest?"

"Based on the comprehensive strength of boxers from the northern provinces, there are fewer places in the finals than in southern China?"

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard the words!
Not to mention,
He did have such doubts.

Zhang Tieqiang, president of the South China Martial Arts Association, has always said that the Chinese martial arts are strong in the north and weak in the south!
However, the number of places in the Sanda King Competition, and the number of places in South China, is obviously two more places than the northern martial arts provinces.

If compared in terms of comprehensive strength,

The northern martial arts province should have two more places.

"Because all of this is for the balance of martial arts development!"

"Haven't we always advocated the way of balance and moderation? This is just to enhance the development of Southern Martial Arts!"

"In addition, the southern economy has a big advantage, which is why there are more places!"

Lin Cong smiled and explained:

"Your strength is indeed very strong, even Zhao Feilong and Wang Yanhuo were defeated by your fists!"

"However, if you think you can dominate the younger generation of martial arts in the country, then it's a bit whimsical!"

"To tell you the truth, I used to be very proud, thinking that I could beat the invincible martial artist all over the country!"

"But it wasn't until I met Lin Yaodong that I realized I was too arrogant!"

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said calmly:
"You're wrong, I never thought it would be fantastic to dominate the national martial arts world!"

"The title of Sanda King must be mine, no one can take it away from me...!"

Lin Cong froze for a moment, then laughed.

"Damn, I can't tell, you are arrogant!?"

Chen Yang's face was calm, and he was speechless:
"This is also called arrogance? I said... You are also one of the rookies in the country. You don't even have the most basic goals, right?"

Lin Cong sneered, his fists clenched like iron.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:
"Compliment you, you really treat yourself as a character!"

"People can have self-confidence, but they must have self-knowledge!"

"Your strength is very good, I hope you can let me burst out with all my combat power!"

"By the way, just to remind you, once the boxing match begins, there is no merciful statement in my motto!"

"If I hurt you, I hope you don't blame me!"

"Boy, remember to accept the lesson in the future, don't be too arrogant...!"

Chen Yang laughed and didn't say anything.

at this time,

He was too lazy to deal with each other.

He didn't even know where the other party's confidence came from.

Lin Cong took a deep breath and stopped speaking.

at this time,

He felt that Chen Yang was so arrogant that he dared to say that he would dominate the national martial arts world in front of him!

In the domestic martial arts world, such an arrogant boxer is really rare!
Waiting for Lao Tzu to get you down completely, let's see if you dare to be so arrogant!
With a wave of the referee's hand, the bell rang.

The opening battle has officially begun!
Lin Cong bowed under his feet, his fists resting on his chin.

He leaned forward, his eyes slanted upwards.


It can be seen from his habitual actions that
What Lin Cong likes most is boxing, with flexible footwork.

Defending with both arms, watertight.

Chen Yang stood on the ring and did not take the lead in attacking!

He stood with a calm expression on his face, and he didn't even use the Sanda offensive and defensive style.

at this time,

He didn't seem to be in the state at all, and he didn't seem to be prepared at all.

There are many flaws, and the most basic defense is not practiced.

Lin Cong's lungs were about to explode when he saw Chen Yang's state at this time!

From Chen Yang's body, he felt a look of contempt.

"Dare to despise me...!? Today I will blow you up... Let you see what a heavy punch is!"

Lin Cong snorted inwardly.

He kicked back with his feet and sprinted forward two steps.

Then, a jab smashed at Chen Yang.

Boxing style - jab!
The speed of the jab is very fast, it is a tentative punch!
Although the explosive power is not strong, the jab of the boxer is very lethal!

Because the attack speed of the jab is very fast, it can form a combo!

The jab combo can not only interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm, but also interfere with the opponent's offensive direction!
Boxing style, no fancy moves.

Quick, accurate, ruthless!
If you want to knock down your opponent by KO, any fighting skills cannot be separated from the essence of these three words.

This is the core of any fighting technique in global martial arts.

Lin Cong's jab is very fast!

The target of his attack is Chen Yang's face!
During the preliminaries in South China, he saw Chen Yang's boxing match with his own eyes!

to be frank,
Originally, he was extremely vigilant about Chen Yang's strength and did not dare to underestimate the enemy in the slightest.

But now I see that Chen Yang didn't defend after he broke out a strong attack.

At this moment, a sneer appeared in his eyes.

His jabs are powerful and fast, attack angles are tricky, vicious and vicious!
To know,
He is the strongest player of the younger generation in Dongshan Province, and he used to be a boxer of the national team!

His boxing style has been practiced to the point of perfection!
at this time,

Lin Cong launched a strong attack without any strength!
On the boxing ring, it seemed to be shrouded in his fist shadow, making a humming sound!

The boxing bell just rang,
Lin Cong broke out with an extremely ferocious style of play, giving people a very strong visual impact...!
(End of this chapter)

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