Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 117 Fierce, domineering and sharp-edged

Chapter 117 Fierce, domineering and sharp-edged

at this time,

Chen Yang also felt a little confused!
Originally this heavy uppercut, he was just testing the opponent's reaction!
He never thought that even at the last moment, Bart really didn't defend!
"With such responsiveness, it is said that he has made a name for himself in the underground boxing world in the Middle East?"

"Damn it! Are you bragging?"

"He knew that my punches were very explosive, so he dared to fight hard. Is it because his brain is not good, or is he confident in himself?"

"There's no reason... This guy made it to the final final and won the runner-up in the last Sanda King Contest!"

"His battle experience should be very rich, how could he make such a low-level mistake!?"

"People who have played underground boxing matches cannot be so underestimated!"

"By the way... I was able to accurately judge his next attack intention just now, so when the heavy punch broke out, I interrupted the counterattack rhythm of his kick in advance!"

"I won so easily, perhaps because of my spiritual sense's ability to predict...!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath, thoughtful.

If you want to talk about combat experience,

Bart is a well-known master in the domestic martial arts world, and he can't be bad!


He didn't underestimate the enemy either!

Just kidding, he knew that Chen Yang had killed Sora Fujita, the top player in the island of Japan, in Sun City, Portugal.

So, how could Bart underestimate the enemy?

to be frank,
At that moment, there was absolutely no problem with the tactical arrangement that Bart adopted.

If it is someone else, when hitting Bart, he will also suffer Bart's heavy-legged ultimate move!
But when Chen Yang broke out a heavy punch, it happened to be the node where Bart kicked his legs.

His punches exploded, and the timing was very clever.

Not only interrupted Bart's kick, but also smashed Bart into the sky with a punch!

have to say,

Bart underestimated Chen Yang's ability to predict his spiritual sense.

In other words, he never thought that Chen Yang's sixth sense of crisis would have such a fearful ability to predict!

In Chen Yang's eyes, Bart's offensive and defensive intentions were not concealed at all.

In addition,

Bart's choice of this tactical style of defensive counterattack is simply courting death!
With Chen Yang's current strength,

The defense has iron shirts, the offense has iron fist and iron legs, and the most powerful Bajiquan!

Not to mention, he can also activate the [Critical Strike] status boost, which doubles his combat power in a few seconds.

Even if he does not activate the [Critical Strike] status boost,
With the explosive power of his heavy punches, the opponent chooses this defensive and counterattack style. That is not courting death, what is it?
Stop talking about Bart.
Even the top powerhouse in the world of martial arts,
Choosing this kind of defensive counterattack in front of Chen Yang is all courting death!

Under the aid of medical staff,
Bart finally woke up, he looked up at Chen Yang.

Until now, he couldn't believe it all.

The heavy punch that Chen Yang broke out just now, the timing of the attack, made Bart unable to understand.

Originally, he thought that if he resisted the opponent's heavy punches, he could absolutely knock him down with his heavy legs!
And at the same time as the counterattack, the opponent's heavy punch will definitely be withdrawn!
Even if he doesn't use his strength, he can prevent the opponent's heavy punch from breaking out completely when he explodes his heavy-legged ultimate move.

He dared to adopt such a defensive counterattack tactic.


His heavy legs didn't explode until he was smashed into the air by a punch.

Bart only felt his brain buzzing, and the surroundings suddenly turned dark!

He couldn't accept the result of being KO in eight seconds, and fainted again.

Eight seconds!

From Bart's attack to the end of the boxing match, only eight seconds had passed!
this moment,
In the entire Bird's Nest Sports Center, all the spectators were completely stunned!
ended! ?

Holy crap... so fast!

What the hell is going this?
How come the boxing match just started, but Bart was smashed by a punch?
Some viewers were arguing with their peers just now to see who can reach the final in this boxing match!

Some viewers just lowered their heads to drink water and didn't see the most exciting scene.

When they looked up and said,

I saw Bart lying under the ring, surrounded by medical staff surrounded by first aid.

Not to mention that there were a lot of people in the audience, and they didn't see clearly what just happened on the ring.

Even the referee on the field was confused at the moment.

what happened……

Why did Bart suddenly fly out of the ring and fall to the ground?
of course,

The most surprising thing in my heart are those professional boxers who are watching the fight in the audience!

One punch!
Nima... knocked Bart out of the ring with one punch!
How explosive is this?

Cai Zhenghua, president of the National Martial Arts Association, and other staff members were also stunned and stunned.

Bart is no ordinary boxer, he is one of the favorites to win this Sanda King Tournament!


In the last Sanda King Competition, Bart won the runner-up!
How could he be knocked off the ring in eight seconds?

No one would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

at this time,

Chen Yang glanced at the auditorium and frowned slightly.

The entire Bird's Nest Sports Center is terribly silent!
At this moment, tens of thousands of people did not make any sound.


The referee on the ring was also stupid at the moment, and he didn't respond for a long time.

The boxing match is over!
But the referee didn't announce the result, and I don't know if he forgot or was scared stupid!

The atmosphere of the scene is very strange!

No one spoke, no one applauded, and time seemed to stand still.

"What's the matter? Isn't that KO Bart? Do you want to be so surprised?"

Chen Yang looked up and looked around in a speechless manner.

He KO Bart with a heavy punch should be very strong.

In these audiences, no one applauded or cheered...

Depend on!
What do you mean?
Could it be acted too cruel just now?
Frightened all the audience...?
Chen Yang murmured in his heart, feeling a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere at the scene.


next moment,
In the entire Bird's Nest Sports Center, there was thunderous applause!

After the audience reacted, almost all the audience stood up and shouted and screamed!


The audience in front of the TV is also crazy at the moment!
At this moment, the comment area of ​​the major live broadcast websites has completely fallen, and all the audience screamed with excitement.


It's so awesome!

"Nima! Eight seconds... dick exploded!"

"I really thought I was dazzled, KO Bart in eight seconds, I didn't even dare to think about it!"

"Uuu...I didn't see it clearly! I just went to chat...!"

"Hey! Don't talk about it. In order to watch this boxing match, I specially spent 5000 yuan from scalpers to buy tickets near the boxing ring. I also didn't see it clearly!"

"As long as I drink water, the boxing match is over!"

"It's a big loss. In order to be able to watch this boxing match live, I spent more than two hours on the Internet and finally bought a ticket, and it was over in eight seconds!"

"Bart is my idol...why is he so rude!?"

"I was wronged when I stepped on a horse. I just came back from the bathroom, and before I sat down, the boxing match was over!"

"The host has been emphasizing the peak duel just now, ah... is this also called the peak duel?"

"This horse has broken the fastest KO record in the semi-finals of the Sanda King Competition. I remember that in the semi-finals of the Sanda King Competition, the fastest KO record was 45 seconds!"

"Eight seconds! This record will be difficult to break in the future!"

"Yeah... This is a semi-final on horseback. Who can believe it?


The entire Bird's Nest Sports Center is completely crazy at this moment.

Bart was put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital.

He was seriously injured and had to go to the hospital for a detailed examination...

This semi-final completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire Sanda King Contest!
After the referee came back to his senses on the field, he announced the final result of the boxing match.

next moment,
All the audience raised their arms and shouted for Chen Yang to celebrate.

Boxing fans look more excited than Chen Yang, excited...


Bird's Nest Sports Center, under the boxing ring, in the venue of the Inner Mongolia Wushu Association delegation.

at this time,

All the boxers competing in Inner Mongolia were talking about it.

"President, what's going on? How did Bart get knocked out with one punch?"

"I really didn't see it clearly just now. I only saw that Chen Yang broke out with an uppercut, and then Bart was smashed into the air!"

"Why doesn't Bart defend? I can't figure it out!"

"Could it be that Bart underestimates the enemy? Impossible... Bart cannot underestimate the enemy!"

"But Bart has fought in the underground boxing world in the Middle East and achieved excellent results. How can he lose so quickly?"

"Chen Yang, the explosive power of his punches is really terrifying!"


The person in charge of the branch of the Inner Mongolia Wushu Association sighed helplessly and said:
"Okay! Don't talk about it, everyone. Bart was injured and went to the hospital. Let's go to the hospital first...!"


At this time,

In another venue of the Bird's Nest Sports Center.

Southwest Sichuan Province Wushu Association delegation.

Sichuan Province is known as the 'Land of Abundance', with outstanding people!
There is a long history and culture here.

Ancient Shu civilization, Huaxia civilization and Liangzhu civilization are also known as the three major civilizations in ancient times.

In Sichuan Province, a large number of prehistoric cultural sites have been unearthed!

From the point of view of folk customs, the folk customs of Sichuan Province are sturdy and bloody, not afraid of death, and dare to fight and fight!

The war of resistance in the last century,
The merits of the Sichuan Army are indispensable!
On a national scale, the Sichuan Army has the largest number of participants and the most tragic sacrifices, leading the country...!
To fight hard battles and fight big battles, the Sichuan Army is indispensable!
There is no river without an army!
This is definitely not empty talk!
And the most important point is that the Sichuan army rarely produces traitors!
Sichuan people live up to the country!
This sentence, only Sichuan people dare to say it in a very firm tone!
In the national martial arts altar, Southwest Sichuan Province is one of the provinces with the strongest martial arts.

at this time,

A boxer from Sichuan Province sighed after seeing the scene on the ring:

"Chen Yang from South China Buddha City is too powerful! In eight seconds, he actually knocked out Bart with one punch!"

"Unbelievable, this guy's explosiveness is too strong!"

"Brother, tell everyone what happened just now? I really didn't see it clearly!"

"I didn't see it clearly. How did Bart lose so fast? There's no reason...?"

"I have fought with Bart, this guy is frightening, I can't hold it for a round, is Chen Yang's strength really so terrifying?"


at this time,

All the boxers around looked at a tall young man!
Young people are very tall.

But his muscles are a little different from the other explosive muscles, and they look well-proportioned.


His aura is restrained, and he doesn't look as domineering as others!
To be honest, if you run into him on the street,
I am afraid that few people will think that this gentle-looking young man in front of him is Lin Yaodong, who is known as the first of the six rookies in the national martial arts world!
That's right!

This young man is none other than Lin Yaodong, a top expert from Southwest Sichuan Province!
In the domestic martial arts world, Lin Yaodong's fame can be said to be at the peak of the sky!

Even in the Asian martial arts world, Lin Yaodong can be called a top master!

In the domestic martial arts world, Lin Yaodong is known as the leader of the younger generation!


Lin Yaodong is an extremely good Muay Thai fighter!

He has been to southern Thailand and spent a long time in a muay thai training camp!
More importantly, he has fought in the Southeast Asian underground boxing arena and achieved excellent records!
He has fought 'Black Lei' and even fought a Muay Thai king!
And in the fierce battle with the Muay Thai king, there is no winner or loser, and the strength is a mess!
To know,
The 'black battle for hegemony' in Southeast Asia is not something that ordinary people can go to war!

of course,

With Lin Yaodong's strength, he is far behind the 'King of Black Lei'.

And when he fought with the Muay Thai champion in Southeast Asia, although there was no winner in the end, he was seriously injured!
After he returned to China to heal his injuries, he began to fight in the domestic martial arts world, and he did not fail!
From the perspective of comprehensive strength,
Lin Yaodong's strength is no weaker than that of the domestic martial arts Sanda Wang Zhongwang!
at this time,

Lin Yaodong showed a smile on his face after hearing the heated discussions from other boxers around him.

He looked so easy-going, so calm, and without any spirit!

at this point,
It's very different from other boxers.

After thinking about it, Lin Yaodong smiled and said:
"The fighting style is different! Plus Bart is a little underestimated, so he will lose so badly!"

"However... it's not an underestimate. It can only be said that Bart underestimated the explosive power of Chen Yang's punch!"

"Also, Bart is too confident in his ability to fight!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm also surprised, it's not like Bart's style!"

"Bart's strength has not been brought into full play at all. He made a mistake in judgment, so he was knocked out by Chen Yang within eight seconds!"

"If Bart can be cautious and play less aggressively, he can't lose so fast!"

"The difference in the overall strength of the two is not as big as imagined!"

"To be honest, I have to admire this kid Chen Yang. His judgment on the timing of punching is too accurate!"

"If I'm not wrong... This kid's sixth sense of crisis should have manifested...!"

"Originally, I thought that in this Sanda King Contest, only Bart could fight a peak battle with me!"

"But I didn't expect that a more powerful young man would emerge from the South China Wutan!"

"The final is interesting...haha...I'm looking forward to playing with him!"

this moment,
Everyone around could feel a strong fighting spirit from Lin Yaodong's body.

Stand out!

This fighting spirit is completely different from Lin Yaodong's gentle temperament.

Ferocious, domineering, fierce...!

Only when he encounters that kind of evenly matched opponent, will Lin Yaodong exude such a terrifying fighting spirit!


No.1 civilian hospital in the capital.

In the ward.

After first aid, Bart woke up.

He opened his eyes and stared at the lights on the ceiling.

He was badly injured.

With no arm parry, he took a heavy uppercut in the stomach.

In the abdominal cavity, the internal organs were violently impacted, resulting in severe internal bleeding!

Fortunately, boxing gloves cushion some of the power.

This heavy punch can definitely rupture his liver, and even his heart will be severely impacted.

At this time, after the doctor's full rescue, his internal bleeding was finally handled properly.

According to the doctor's description, if you arrive half an hour later,
The internal bleeding cannot be stopped, the consequences are unimaginable, and it is very dangerous...!
this moment,
Bart did not feel fortunate, but a little down and depressed.

He was lying in a separate ward, and he could just see the TV screen on the wall.

at this time,

There was just a replay of the semifinal match on TV.

to be frank,
Until now, he couldn't believe it all.

He couldn't accept himself that he would lose so badly!

Eight seconds...!
In eight seconds, he was almost killed by a punch!
He's Bart...!
This is a professional boxing match, not an underground boxing match!
He is a well-known top powerhouse in the country, and in the underground boxing world in the Middle East, he defeated the king of the Japanese island fighting!
Although the king of Japanese island fighting, has retired!

But then again, that is also the real king of fighting, very strong!


In the semi-finals of the Sanda King Contest,
He lost!
A tactical mistake, he was hit by a heavy uppercut by Chen Yang, which caused internal bleeding and almost died!
of course,

The most difficult thing for him to accept is,

He did not underestimate the enemy!
He has never underestimated Chen Yang, and since the beginning of the boxing match, he has not taken it lightly!

Until this point, Bart didn't understand, where did he lose?
"Eight seconds! Alas...!"

Thinking of the explosive power of Chen Yang's heavy uppercut, Bart could only sigh helplessly!

He has a deep sense of powerlessness!
To put it simply,
Chen Yang's heavy punch left an indelible shadow in his heart!
Whenever he thinks of that explosive force, he feels fear in his heart!
With a heavy uppercut, how can the speed and explosiveness reach such a terrifying level?

in fact,

Chen Yang was able to KO Bart in eight seconds,

As Lin Yaodong said, it is indeed a combination of fighting styles.

If Bart didn't use defensive counterattack tactics, Chen Yang wanted to KO Bart, it would never be so easy!
The arena duel is changing rapidly!
Sometimes, even a small detail can decide the outcome!
After all, the most important point is that Bart underestimated Chen Yang's ability to predict his spiritual sense!

Can anyone think of,

At the moment when Bart launched his attack,

Chen Yang has already judged the opponent's offensive intention and offensive direction!
His punch was effortless, hitting Bart with ease and punching him out of the ring.

The semi-finals are over...!
Sanda King Contest, the final battle will start tomorrow!
Chen Yang VS Lin Yaodong!
This is the last peak match of this Sanda King Competition!
this moment,
Almost all boxing fans are looking forward to the start of this boxing match!
Can Chen Yang defeat Lin Yaodong and win the final championship of the Sanda King Competition?

Can he get the title of Sanda King?
to be frank,
Even everyone in the National Wushu Association Center is full of expectations for this boxing match!
Everyone knows that Chen Yang is very young,
He's only 21 years old and far from his prime!

If Chen Yangneng was so young, he would have won the title of Sanda King.

In the future, he will definitely be able to make his name in the Asian martial arts world.

There is even a great hope to compete in the global martial arts world...!

Inside the hotel.

Chen Yang was in the room, looking at a flat-panel player.

bang, bang, bang...

at this time,

In the player, Lin Yaodong's boxing video is playing.

have to say,

Lin Yaodong's Muay Thai style is ferocious and terrifying!
Similar to the experience of the original box, Lin Yaodong is also a master from the Muay Thai training camp.

The kung fu of Muay Thai has always been known for its ferocious attacks.

In terms of play, it is much more ferocious than Sanda!

In particular, the nirvana of ancient Muay Thai has super explosive power.

In domestic martial arts,
Many boxing gyms require students to practice Muay Thai while practicing Sanda.

In the global martial arts world, Muay Thai has a very high status!

Elbows, sweeps, knees, punches...!
Muay Thai can also be called 'eight-armed boxing'.

It mainly uses the human body's fists, elbows, knees, and legs to form the strongest fighting force!

Muay Thai combines strength and speed, and the attack is extremely ferocious and terrifying!
It has the ability to kill the opponent every time it hits and kills!

Speaking of,
Although the Guixiang boxing in Chinese martial arts has the same origin as Muay Thai.

However, there are still many differences in the style of play, and there are also many differences in the inheritance of power.

The inheritance of Muay Thai, after hundreds of years of development,

Not only has it not declined, but it has become more and more powerful by combining with various fighting skills of the global martial arts!
Lin Yaodong is definitely a leader in Muay Thai practice in China...!
(End of this chapter)

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