Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 136 Injured!Winning well 'tough'

Chapter 136 Injured!Winning well 'tough'

From the scene, Chen Yang's leg was injured!

This scene,
Many boxing fans who were originally optimistic about Chen Yang were suddenly stunned!

Bate's attack speed is getting faster and faster!
Especially after a reckless fight, seeing Chen Yang limping, he was excited!

Bate's attack became more and more violent and the rhythm was very fast!

Speaking of,
Batai's strength is far from Muay Thai king Songba!
If you want to compare it, it is similar to Lin Yaodong who met in the domestic Sanda King Contest!

His style of play is varied and fast!
But lack of features, no own style!

With Chen Yang's current martial arts realm and powerful spiritual sense.

It is very easy to defend Bate's attack!

Don't be afraid of a thousand tricks, just be afraid of one trick!

Any top player must have his own trump card and his own style.

To deal with this type of play, it seems to be very comprehensive, the speed is fast, and the explosive power is also very good.

But there is also a lack of trump cards and no boxer with a distinct style.

To be honest, Chen Yang didn't have any pressure.

"Okay! Bate's leg skills are suppressed, and the lethality is very strong!"

"Haha... This is the strong attack style of the Muay Thai training camp, what a series of leg sweeps!"

"Batai started to explode with all his strength, and the Chinese people are about to be unable to withstand it!"

"It seems that the Huaxia people are injured, which has a great impact on his strength!"

"It's been 2 minutes since the boxing match. Huaxia has been defending all the time. His leg is injured and he can't fight back!"

"The next step will be a severe test for Bate. Can he completely knock down the Chinese?"

"Oh... it's such a pity, Bate's flying knee was avoided by the Chinese people, damn...!"


The voice of the live host came from the broadcast.

From his tone, it can be seen that he is an extreme fanatic of Muay Thai training camp.

Whenever he saw Chen Yang being suppressed, he cried out in excitement.

And when Chen Yang avoided the opponent's heavy blow, the live host began to shout pity again...

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang kept dodging, pretending to be injured in his leg.


He raised his spiritual sense to the limit, constantly observing Bate's next attack.

Bate's legs are really fierce,
From the moment the bell rang, he took the lead in breaking out his leg skills.
He adopts Chen Yang's favorite attack style.

It seems that the action is very crisp and neat.

It's a pity that his offensive intentions are too obvious!
As long as he wants to explode the heavy-legged ultimate move, his right leg will bow up, forming a charge!

Maybe he didn't even notice this feature himself.


After Chen Yang observed for a while, he could see the details of Bate's action.

For a top player, such an action feature is deadly!
at this time,

I saw Bate's feet bowed slightly and began to charge.

It seems that he wants to break out the heavy-legged ultimate move again, which should be the nirvana of ancient Muay Thai.

"Hehe... Want to explode the nirvana again?"

"If it wasn't for the water, I would have put you down already!"

"It's just over two minutes. If you're lucky, I'll give you another chance... Let's see how long you can keep attacking?"

Chen Yang sneered in his heart, and continued to retreat quietly.

He turned the golden bell jar vigorously throughout his body, and at the same time raised his spiritual sense to the peak.

Under Chen Yang's observation, any attacking intentions of the opponent were invisible.

You have to pretend to be injured, but you can't fight back, and you have to let the other party suppress you and make yourself look embarrassed!
Real tech live!

It's much harder than having the most exciting duel with your opponent in the ring!

The key is,
It must be very natural, very real, and no one can see the flaws.

no way,
If you want to make more money and reduce your popularity, you must learn to pretend!

Ding Ding Deng

for the rest of the time,

On the ring, Chen Yang fell into a passive state and was completely suppressed by Bate.

He looked distressed and embarrassed.

His leg was injured and he could only drag his leg, unable to fight back effectively.

This scene,
Let the boxing fans who originally bet on Chen Yang vomit blood in depression.

They had a bad feeling in their hearts.

How did the Huaxia people get hurt?
In the last boxing match, the Huaxia people faced the extremely powerful Muay Thai king Songba, and performed extremely strong.

But this time, he suddenly fell into passive.

Shouldn't it be...?
Many boxing fans are skeptical.

But when he saw Chen Yang's embarrassed appearance and his leg injury, he was beaten a few times by Bate and almost fell down!


The doubts of the boxing fans disappeared, and everyone looked at the ring nervously.

Don't forget, this is the 'black fight for hegemony' in the Southeast Asian underground boxing world!
It's easy to kill people!
In the ring, who dares to release water easily?

Are you dying?
A top player like Bate, only needs to hit the opponent's vital point once, and he can seriously injure or even kill the opponent!

Generally speaking,
In the underground boxing world in Southeast Asia, it is rare to see a boxer releasing water.


The release of water has no meaning on the outcome of the boxing match.

No one here is going to fight fake punches!
Who would use their own lives to fight fake punches?

Once you lose, you will be seriously injured or killed on the spot.

"Wonderful! Bate started to explode completely, and he sprinted with all his strength!"

"Beautiful, the crocodile swings its tail, this is the nirvana of ancient Muay Thai, and the lethality is very strong!"

"The unique skills of Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp are rare!"

"The boxing match has lasted more than 3 minutes. From the time the bell rang, Batai has always had the upper hand and firmly controlled the rhythm of the boxing ring!"

"Bate's attacking rhythm is getting faster and faster. He is in good shape. It's amazing...!"

"Haha... It's an ancient Muay Thai nirvana again. This is already the fourth ancient Muay Thai nirvana that Batai broke out!"

"It's amazing, Bate looks very excited!"

"Huh? The Chinese people are very responsive, so they can avoid this? It's amazing...!"

"But he didn't last long, after the leg injury, he looked in pain!"

"I have to say that the Chinese are too calm. Under such a fierce attack by Bate, he can still stabilize his defensive rhythm...!"

The host's voice seemed incoherent.

But this guy's voice is distinctive.

With his screeching cry,

The atmosphere of the entire underground boxing ring was completely pulled up.

Almost all boxing fans are shouting and cheering for the two people on the ring at this moment.

Especially the boxing fans who bet on Chen Yang,

At this moment, he even screamed and cheered for Chen Yang.


The boxing match has been played for 8 minutes!
Chen Yang has been defending, dodging, blocking, unloading...

He has to pretend that his leg is injured and cannot fight back!
For him, these 8 minutes were simply suffering.

For Bate, it is also a torment!

The 8-minute attack is the most severe challenge for any boxer.

He is tired!

During normal training, he can attack at the limit for more than 15 minutes, and his physical strength is absolutely abundant.

But now it's not training.

Continuously attacking for 8 minutes, the physical exertion is too great!

Even if his ability to distribute physical strength is super strong, he is almost unable to hold on at this moment.

He has never played so hard since he became famous.

Eight-pole subduing dragon power, iron fist!
Double strength, straight punch!

Taking advantage of the moment when Bate stopped attacking,

Chen Yang dragged his 'injured' leg and punched back.

The timing of the counterattack of this heavy punch was very clever, and it happened to be the node of Bate's attack.

Simple, rude, and direct!
Whether it is speed or explosive power, it has reached a terrifying level!

Powerful and unstoppable!
Bate is already tired and out of breath at the moment, and has not had time to defend.

Chen Yang's counterattack with this straight punch had already hit him hard in the abdomen.

Bate was smashed into the air by Chen Yang's straight punch.

I saw him slammed into the iron net around the ring, and then fell on the ring with a face of pain.

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Yang also expressed 'very painful'.

He approached the iron net around the ring with difficulty, grabbed the iron net with one hand, and prevented himself from falling.

Batai lay on the boxing ring, clutching his abdomen, and let out a miserable howl.

"Oh, the Chinese punches are too fierce!"

"The boxing match is nearly 9 minutes long. Unexpectedly, Huaxia took advantage of Ba Tai's negligence and punched Ba Tai in the stomach!"

"The timing of this sneak attack with a heavy punch is very clever!"

"It's such a pity, seeing that Bate is about to win...!"

The voice of the host at the scene was full of pity.

this moment,
His speech was chaotic, nagging, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

When the surrounding audience heard it, they were completely speechless.

This guy has been talking for more than eight minutes, what does he want to express?
on the air,
The live host continued to croak.

"Bate was knocked down, and he was seriously injured!"

"His expression is very painful. It seems that the heavy punch of the Chinese boy just now is very terrifying!"

"Bate is struggling to get up, can he keep fighting?"

"Oh... beautiful, Ba Tai is indeed a disciple of the Muay Thai training camp. He is very tenacious. He stood up!"

"Bate can still fight, he is a warrior, a hero...!"

"Haha... He stood up, he will definitely be able to defeat the Chinese, he can do it!"

"Oh! Damn...Bate is down again!"

"He was lying on the ring, his expression was very painful, his hands were covering his abdomen, and he seemed to be out of combat!"

"It should be that the internal organs were injured and internal bleeding occurred, and he couldn't stand up!"

"What a pity... Bate still loses after all!"

"The boxing match is over. The boxing match lasted eight minutes and 50 seconds. It was really exciting!"

"Huaxia Pangu won, damn it... I didn't expect that in the end, he still won!"

"Batai attacked for more than eight minutes, but he didn't defeat the Huaxia people, it's incredible!"

"However, the Huaxiaren's leg is injured, and it will be difficult for him to win the next game!"


It is clear,
This live host should be an avid boxing fan of Bate!

Do not,
It should be said that he is an avid boxing fan of Muay Thai training camp!
When he saw that Bate couldn't stand up in the end, he lay down completely.

The host at the scene was like a deflated ball, and the commentators seemed to be weak.

Depressed voice, people can't wait to beat him!
Eight minutes and thirty seconds!
This is the longest boxing match that Chen Yang has entered into the underground boxing arena.

It seems,
He played hard and suffered.

In fact, Chen Yang really played very hard.

He dragged on for eight minutes and 50 seconds for a battle that could be resolved in a dozen seconds.

Can it be difficult?
The key is,
It's even more difficult to pretend to have a foot injury.


The fight is over,

In the entire underground boxing hall, the applause was thunderous, breaking the sky!
Made money...!
Although the process is very long, the result has not changed!
The boxing fans who bet on Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The first round of points battle in the black fight for hegemony,

In the third game, Chen Yang defeated Bate and won 2 points.

He has a total of 6 points and maintains a [-]% record.

Originally everyone thought that this boxing match would be a wonderful battle of destruction.

But no one expected that this boxing match would last for 50 minutes and [-] seconds!

Many boxing fans murmured in their hearts, it seems that they need to evaluate the strength of the Chinese people.

In the next boxing match, you have to be careful with your bets.

In the following time, many boxing fans stood up and cheered for Chen Yang.

No matter how,

After all, he still won. After betting on Chen Yang, everyone was happy without losing any money.

for the rest of the time,

The voice of the live host continued to sound on the broadcast.

"The boxing match is over! Congratulations to Huaxia Pangu, he knocked out Ba Tai in 50 minutes and [-] seconds and won two points!"

"His luck is so good that even though he was injured, he was able to turn a defeat into a victory!"

"However, his leg injury is serious now. Can he continue to win the next boxing match?"

"Did you all see the boxers in the Muay Thai training camp? Are you confident to stop Huaxia Pangu's attack?"

under the ring,
Some other top fighters from the Muay Thai training camp,

When I heard the voice of the live host, I couldn't help clenching my fists.

There was a trace of crazy fighting intent in their eyes.

to be frank,
If it was Chen Yang's strength when he killed Muay Thai King Songba last night, I believe that no one would dare to show fighting spirit to Chen Yang.

But now it's different.

Chen Yang was injured, and it looked serious.

Bartai was able to hurt him, and it took 8 minutes to lose.

The other top fighters in the Muay Thai training camp were suddenly full of confidence.

If you meet a Chinese in the next boxing match, you must give him some color.

The voice of the host at the scene sounded again tirelessly.

"Okay, now let's give it to Huaxia Pangu with warm applause!"

"He's won three games in a row, what a terrific record!"

"Hopefully, in the next boxing match, he can continue to bring us the most exciting fights...!"


There was applause at the scene.

However, more boxing fans are talking in a low voice at this moment.

"The Chinese man is injured and looks seriously injured. Can he still fight in the next boxing match?"

"I don't know, betting on him in this boxing match made Lao Tzu nervous. I won't bet on him next time!"

"He is already injured, and he is likely to withdraw from the Black Stakes Championship!"

"Shouldn't he quit? His leg was only slightly injured, and it had little effect on his combat power!"

"Yes, it should be a minor injury. In the end, he didn't KO Bate!"

"Bate's overall strength is not strong. I suspect that the Huaxia people were already injured during the peak duel with Songba yesterday!"

"Forget it! I'll bet tomorrow, but I still have to look at the situation in detail. The risk is too great!"

"What's the matter with this live host? Why can't I listen to his tone? It's not right!"

"What's wrong? This guy has been in Muay Thai training camp before and has a deep affection for Muay Thai training camp!"

"No wonder that's the case, I said this guy, why has he been singing bad about the Chinese people."

"Haha... Forget it, anyway, in this boxing match, I bet on him to win!"

"In the next boxing match, the Chinese people will encounter more severe challenges. It is said that several major Muay Thai training camps are ready to snip him!"

"Fuck... is it true? Is the news reliable...?"


for the rest of the time,

All the audience stood up, screaming and shouting.

After the boxing match, Chen Yang returned to the locker room with an expression of 'pain'.

As he walked, he limped and looked badly injured in his leg.

The miserable and embarrassing look makes people feel distressed.

[Congratulations to the host for winning, get crit points: 2000 points! 】

Oh day...!
Chen Yang vomited blood depressed when he heard the system prompt sound in his mind!

It took so long, and it was so hard to pretend!

Only 2000 [Critical Strike Points] rewards!
Should it be so little?
Very hard work!

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly.

Defeating Bate is really no challenge.

It is clear,
The reward of [Critical Attack Points] has nothing to do with how long the boxing match takes.

The main thing is the challenge!
To get more points rewards, you must fight evenly matched opponents.

Just like killing Muay Thai King Somba yesterday, the reward is very high.


After coming out of the locker room,
The boxing fans at the scene were still screaming and shouting, which was insanely incomprehensible.

The atmosphere of the boxing competition here is completely different from that of the domestic boxing competition.

Do not know why,

Chen Yang found himself, and seemed to like the atmosphere of Southeast Asian underground boxing more and more.

The feeling of blood boiling made him a little obsessed!

He didn't know if it would have any negative effect on him if it continued like this.

but now,
He did not reject this feeling of excitement.

"Perhaps, I am more suitable for the state of the underground boxing world that is on the brink of death!"

Chen Yang sighed inwardly.


When the checkout is complete, get a cash check.

Chen Yang came out of the locker room and got into Chen Huan's car.

in the car,

Chen Huan asked in surprise:

"What's wrong with your feet?"

"Even I can't understand it. Seeing you limping, is it really hurt?"

Chen Yang smiled and gestured: "Don't rush back to the hotel, go to the hospital first!"

"Fuck, can't you? Are you really hurt?" Chen Huan said nervously.

"Haha... Acting in a full set, without going to the hospital for a walk, how can people completely believe that I am injured?"

Chen Yang smiled lightly.

"Damn! Talent...! If you go to acting, you can win an Oscar!"

When Chen Huan heard the words, he suddenly laughed: "I even believed it just now, really, I look at you, it really looks like your leg is injured!"

Chen Yang shook his head and said calmly:

"My foot is already hurt!"

Chen Huan felt a little dizzy and was completely speechless.

The highest realm of pretend is to pretend to be real!

After coming out of the locker room, Chen Yang exerted force on his feet and deliberately sprained his feet!
That's right,

It's a real sprain, not a fake.

If you want to lower your heat, the best way is to really get hurt!

His purpose of going to the hospital was very simple.

That is, after a detailed examination at the hospital, it was proved that he was really injured.

As a result,
His heat will naturally drop quickly.

In addition,

Small injuries like sprains can be completely healed within a few hours by activating the [Injury Recovery Enhancement Coupon].

Even if it costs 10000 [crit points], Chen Yang is not stingy.

Chen Huan hesitated for a while, and said solemnly:
"Chen Yang, in the next boxing match, you have to be careful!"

"I got news that the Southeast Asian Muay Thai Association has listed you as a target for sniping!"

"In the next time, the masters of the major Muay Thai training camps in Myanmar and Yunnan will launch a sniper battle against you!"

"Although on the surface, the outstanding disciples of the Muay Thai training camp are not particularly strong!"

"But in fact, the real ancient Muay Thai masters, they haven't shot yet!"

"Those core disciples of ancient Muay Thai, each of them, is comparable to the Muay Thai king, and even more terrifying than Songba!"

When Chen Yang heard this, he was shocked and said:

"No way? In the Muay Thai training camp, are there more powerful core disciples of ancient Muay Thai?"

Chen Huan nodded:

"I only learned tonight that in the Muay Thai training camp, there will be very few core disciples of ancient Muay Thai!"

"They are all carefully selected geniuses. Only in the Muay Thai training camp with a long history can there be an inheritance of ancient Muay Thai!"

"Like Muay Thai King Somba, he has not obtained the heritage of ancient Muay Thai!"

"The real inheritors of ancient Muay Thai, they are all authentic Southern Thais!"

"Anyway, you have to be careful, don't capsize...!"

Chen Yang nodded and then laughed.

What about ancient Muay Thai?

He owns "Golden Bell Cover" and "Bajiquan"!
It also has a [crit system], so there is no need to worry.

His golden bell cover thirteen iron skills, as long as he practiced for a while, he can practice all of them to the realm of small success!
As long as you can combine the power of the golden bell cover thirteen iron kung fu with the power of Bajiquan.

Until then,
He has the confidence to face any strong man!
(End of this chapter)

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