Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 142 Look at his life, how tough is it?

Chapter 142 Look at his life, how tough is it?

Brutal, intense, wonderful!

This is a brutal bloody battle that people look forward to!
The audience came to the scene to watch the battle, hoping to see such a brutal fight!

In the entire boxing hall, there was thunderous applause.

Almost all the audience screamed with excitement.

of course,

Some spectators who lost money couldn't help but scolded and were in a bad mood.

They bet heavily on Diwa.

I thought it would be a sure win, but this time I lost everything, so naturally I'm very unhappy!
[-] to [-] odds!
From the odds point of view, Diwa has a much better chance of winning.


In the end, Diwa was killed by the Chinese in the ring.

to be frank,
A lot of boxing fans wouldn't believe it all if it wasn't for seeing Diwa being carried away.

Who would have guessed that the chief boxer of the Muay Thai training camp, Lei Hammer Diwa, would die in the Myanmar-Dian division?

"Gentlemen and girls, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!"

"The Chinese man was not injured. Everything he did before was just to let his opponent relax his vigilance!"

"He has won seven games in the first round of the Black Battle for Hegemony!"

"He has killed two top players from the Muay Thai training camp. Is he the nemesis of Muay Thai?"

"This young man from China, can he maintain a [-]% record and make it to the second round?"

"In the Southeast Asian martial arts competition area, can anyone stop him from winning? Is there any...?"

"Next, let's give him a warm applause, cheer for him, cheer for him!"

"Looking forward to his next boxing match, he can bring even bigger surprises...!"

Southeast Asian underground boxing, the winner is king!
it's here,
As long as you are strong enough, ruthless and fierce enough.


You can be liked by all boxing fans and respected by all!
Chen Yang came to Southeast Asia, Myanmar and Yunnan,
Through seven fights, he won the respect of all boxing fans.

Although the host of the scene is a fanatic, there are xenophobic thoughts in his heart.


With his fists, Chen Yang, even the host at the scene began to show respect for him.


Next, the atmosphere of the entire underground boxing stadium reached its peak amid the shouts of the host at the scene.

the corner of the auditorium,

Hijima's top fighting king, Amano Koji, was sitting in the audience at this time.

His face was gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Yang on the ring.

After seeing Diwa's body being sent away.

Amano Koji took a deep breath.

He muttered to himself:

"Baga... Damn Huaxia people, their strength has improved a lot than before!"

"This bastard's talent is too terrifying, isn't it?"

"How come his strength has been improving at a speed visible to the naked eye?"

"Let him continue to grow like this, and he will become a formidable enemy of the Great Sun Island Empire's martial arts!"

"No... I can't continue to let him grow!"

"I, I want to fight him as soon as possible, I want to kill him...!"

There was a fierce killing intent in Amano Koji's eyes.


[Congratulations to the host for winning, get crit points: 42000 points! 】

When you hear the system prompt in your mind,
Chen Yang glanced at it and was very satisfied with the reward!
Thunder Hammer Diwa's strength is very strong, not inferior to Muay Thai King Songba.

His attack speed is very fast, and he understands the power of ancient Muay Thai.

It's very challenging to beat him!
As can be seen from the crit points reward obtained, Diwa is worthy of being the chief boxer of the Muay Thai training camp!

of course,

The points obtained in this battle are less than those for killing Muay Thai King Somba.

The main reason is that Chen Yang's strength has improved again than a few days ago!

Chen Yang clicked on the system interface in his mind:

【Critical Attack System】

Host: Chen Yang

Martial Arts: Golden Bell Cover (Xiaocheng); Bajiquan (Xiaocheng)
Crit points: 273000 points;
[Hidden Mission]: Asian Martial King!

Mission Introduction:  …


Just when Chen Yang got off the ring and was about to go to the lounge.

In a small attic at the top of the underground boxing ring.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man wearing a plaid shirt.

In front of the middle-aged man, stood a thin monkey-like middle-aged man, wearing a golden dog leash around his neck.


That's right, this thin monkey-like middle-aged man is Mr. Bangu, the person in charge of the boxing gym in the eastern suburbs of Yangon!


At this moment, Mr. Bangu looked sullen in front of the middle-aged man in the plaid shirt.

It is clear,
In Southeast Asia, Myanmar and Yunnan, this middle-aged man in a plaid shirt has a very high status.

"Damn...what is the origin of Huaxia Pangu?"

"Why is he so strong?"

"He killed Somba and now Diva!"

"He, let us lose a lot of money!"

The middle-aged man in the plaid shirt scolded the skinny monkey-like Bangu.

"Bangu, it's all a good thing you made. This kid is a new boxer recruited by your eastern suburbs boxing gym!"

"Give me his details! Asshole... During this period of time, someone placed a heavy bet on him to win!"

"I have contacted a third-party agent just now, and someone in front of me won hundreds of millions of dollars by placing a heavy bet!"

"This boxing match is even more ruthless, with a one-time bet of 5000 million dollars, reaching the maximum limit!"

"I've already carded the betting funds this time, and want to take [-] million dollars from my Sangha!?"

"Humph! I want to see, which force is it?"

at this time,

The middle-aged man in plaid stands in the attic.

Through the one-way glass of the attic window, he stared at what was happening on the ring.

Especially Chen Yang in the boxing ring made him grit his teeth with hatred.

Originally, according to the hype of the bank behind the underground boxing arena, the betting in this boxing match was adjusted according to a loss of three.

Whether Chen Yang wins or Diwa wins!

Based on the odds on both sides, it is impossible for the behind-the-scenes bookmakers to lose money.


Who knew that at the last moment, the third-party betting agent actually bet 5000 million on Chen Yang's victory!

The underground bank can lose a lot!
The key is,
The third party's betting time was very clever, just about 10 minutes before the start of the boxing match.

This is the peak time for betting.

The underground bank didn't even have time to stop the bet.

The position of the middle-aged man standing in the lattice,
Just can clearly see the scene on the octagonal cage boxing ring.

In Southeast Asian underground boxing stadiums, it is usually not allowed for any tourists and boxing fans to film and video.

Any boxing fan entering the underground boxing ring to watch the fight, communication equipment such as mobile phones, and electronic products that can take pictures, are restricted!

Before entering the ring to watch the fight,
Everyone needs to be checked and everything is staged.

If anyone dares to shoot in the underground boxing ring,

Once found, it will be punished very cruelly.

Under normal circumstances, few people dare to violate the rules of the underground boxing stadium and go to secretly film the boxing match.

This is why in Asian countries,

There are very few boxing videos from underground boxing stadiums in Southeast Asia.

Even if there are, they are extremely rare, and they are simply risking their lives to take pictures secretly.

of course,

As the organizer of the underground boxing arena, naturally there are special shooting videos.

This is an important source of income for them.

The video of each underground boxing match will be encrypted and sold.

The price is very expensive, and every boxing video sold has a number!

And this number is very special. It is not an insider, and I don't know where it is at all. It is difficult to block it!
Once a second shot is discovered and spread, it's easy to trace back to the source of the spread.

Anyone who buys a video of a boxing match will not dare to spread it.

The powerful Southeast Asian Martial Arts Alliance has a powerful consortium behind the scenes.

If anyone dares to violate the rules, no matter how powerful you are, if you don't get it right, you will lose your life.

At this time, in the projection in the attic, it was Chen Yang's video of several boxing matches.

"Mr. Sang Cha, this... I'm really sorry!"

"Huaxia Pangu is indeed a new boxer recently recruited by our eastern suburbs underground boxing stadium!"

"He was introduced to us by Xiao Ke of China's 'Hongmen'!"

"We passed the investigation of the third-party bet, and the person who made the bet was a person from Hongmen-Chen Huan!"

"Besides, betting should be a private act, Hongmen did not participate...!"

Although Bangu is the person in charge of Dongjiao Boxing Stadium, he can be regarded as the number one person!
He is mainly responsible for the arrangement of underground boxing competitions in Yangon District, Myanmar, and the recruitment of other boxers who join the Burma and Yunnan area.


When facing the real boss 'Sangcha' in Myanmar and Yunnan,

Bangu appeared cautious and did not dare to make any mistakes.

no way,
Sang Cha is too big, he wants people, people, money, and guns...

In the underground boxing arenas in the entire Myanmar-Yunnan Division, the behind-the-scenes banks are controlled by Sang Cha.


The Southeast Asian Martial Arts Alliance, the main person in charge of Myanmar and Yunnan!

He is also an important figure in the Southeast Asian Martial Arts Alliance, and his power is huge!

He is not only in charge of the underground boxing competitions in Southeast Asia, Myanmar and Yunnan, but also has a close relationship with the major Muay Thai training camps in southern Thailand.

With Bangu's identity and status, he would not dare to offend this 'big man'!
"Humph! This Chinese man killed several top experts!"

"For our Myanmar and Yunnan regions, the loss is very large!"

"How do you ask me to explain to the Muay Thai training camp? Who will make up for my loss...!"

"In the first few boxing matches, they have won [-] million, damn...!"

"Bangu, I need you to give me an explanation!"

The more Sang Chi thought about it, the more angry he became, and his face became extremely ugly.

"But... Mr. Sang Chi, all this has nothing to do with our Eastern Suburb Boxing Stadium!"

"He just qualified as a boxer at our Eastern Suburbs Boxing Stadium. We don't know his strength, but he is so powerful!"

"Also, isn't the purpose of our Eastern Suburb Boxing Stadium to discover powerful young boxers?"

"His strength is very strong, without any violations, he killed Somba and Diwa!"

"You can't let us shoot him, if that's the case, who would dare to come to our Burma-Dian division to participate in an underground boxing match in the future?"

"In addition, now this Chinese boxer is very famous in Myanmar and Yunnan!"

"If something happens to him, I'm worried that it will have a great impact on our entire Southeast Asian underground boxing stadium!"

Bangu explained in a low voice.

At this time, his heart was spitting blood with depression.

Originally found that Chen Yang's strength is very strong, for him, it is a very happy thing.

Because Chen Yang's strength is stronger, then the reputation of Dongjiao Boxing Stadium will become more and more loud with Chen Yang.

To know,
Chen Yang participated in the black fight for hegemony in Southeast Asia, and he represented the underground boxing stadium in the eastern suburbs of Yangon.

But now,

Following Chen Yang's $5000 million bet, it caught Sang Cha's attention.

Things get tricky!
The person who placed the bet was Chen Huan, and he placed the bet through a third-party agent.

The fund mobilization of [-] million US dollars, once Sang Cha made a clear investigation,

It's not that easy to get this money.

"Humph! Very strong! I want to see how strong he can be!?"

"I'm already stuck with the 5000 million dollars from the third-party agent, and I've also cut off the principal of [-] million dollars!"

"If you want to get money, let them come to me to get it!"

Mr. Sang Chi sneered and said fiercely:
"He wants to make it to the second round of the Black Squad, and he wants to sweep the entire Myanmar-Dian division!"

"Very good... Look at how hard his life is!?"

"Songpa is dead, and Diwa is also dead. I see if he can defeat the top powerhouses in the Muay Thai training camps in Myanmar and Yunnan!"

"In addition, I will inform Hishima to see if the Hishima man Amano Koji can fight and kill this Chinese man!"

"In the first round of the points battle, the Chinese have won seven games in a row!"

"He just needs eight more wins in a row to get to the second round!"

"So, he must be killed in the last eight boxing matches...!"

"I want to issue a sniper order against him! 5000 million dollars... If anyone kills him, I will reward an additional 5000 million dollars!"

Bangu was shocked when he heard the words.

"Mr. Sang Cha, you... can't do this! How can you issue a 'sniper order' against him?"

Sang Cha sneered and said:

"Nothing can't be done! In the Southeast Asia Myanmar and Yunnan Division, I have the qualifications to issue a sniper order!"

"I don't allow a Chinese person to dominate the entire Southeast Asian Burma and Yunnan Division!"

"I don't like Chinese people, they cost me a lot of money...!"

"Because of the Huaxia people, Sangbang is still looking for trouble for me. A few days ago, the Huaxia people caused Sangbang to suffer heavy losses!"

"Sangbang this bastard, fourteen elites died, let me give him an explanation...!"

"Okay Bangu, you can get out now!"

"In the next game, let Wu Yingnong, the first master of Myanmar and Yunnan, play, and we must kill him!"

Bangu wanted to say something else, but in the end he lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Sang Cha has made up his mind to snipe the Chinese boxer.

What can he say?
After coming out of the attic.

Ban Gu took a deep breath and snorted inwardly.

"Humph! The Southeast Asian Martial Arts Alliance is really blind, how could they find such a person to be in charge of the entire Burma and Yunnan region?"

"How much money did you make privately by using your identity as the person in charge of the Myanmar-Yunnan region?"

"Now the betting amount of the third-party agent is withheld. This has a huge impact!"

"Once the trouble breaks out, who will dare to bet on the boxing match in Myanmar and Yunnan in the future?"

"Damn... I must complain to the top, I can't let this bastard mess around!"


Bangu also knew in his heart that it would be difficult for him to stop Sang Cha.

After all, Sang Cha's power is too great, and it is definitely not something that Ban Gu can shake.

right now,

Sang Cha launched an underground boxing sniper order, which is definitely an extremely severe challenge for Chen Yang!

An additional reward of 5000 million US dollars!

I believe that many boxers cannot resist this temptation!
Thinking of this,

Bangu shook his head and sighed:

"Huaxia people, you are in trouble!"

"There is no problem in winning your opponent, even if you kill Diwa, no one will want to deal with you!"

"But you shouldn't find a third party to make a big bet and buy yourself a win!"

"Betting 5000 million dollars at once, how could it not attract San Cha's attention?"

"Now the trouble is coming, you can't get the money, and even Sang Cha has issued a boxing sniper order against you!"

"In the next points match, you will face all the top players in the Southeast Asia Myanmar and Yunnan divisions!"

"Forget it! Life and death have a life, I hope you can save your life!"


Chen Yang changed clothes in the locker room.

"Strange? Why hasn't the third-party agent to check out yet?"

"Won't you renege on the bill?"

He waited for more than ten minutes, and the staff of the third-party agent who bet bet did not come to check out.

Chen Huan next to him also felt a little strange.

at this time,

Chen Huan's phone rang.

"Hello!?" A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Old man, why did you remember to call me?"

Chen Huan said in surprise after hearing the voice.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.


I just listened to the other party and said to Chen Huan in an unquestionable tone:

"You brat, I don't care what you want to do now, come back to Portugal!"

"Don't get involved in the underground boxing world in Southeast Asia!"

"Immediately, immediately, buy me a plane ticket tonight and go back to Portugal!"

"Be honest with me during this time, don't run around!"

Chen Huan was shocked when he heard this, then shook his head and refused:

The person on the other end of the phone became anxious and scolded:

"Do you have a mental illness when you ride a horse?"

"The forces in Southeast Asia are intricate and complex, and I don't want to mix it up. What are you going to mix there?"

"Do you know that Chen Yang is participating in the black battle for hegemony in Southeast Asia, and how many people's interests will be affected by your heavy bets?"

"Let's ignore the major financial groups in Asia, even in Europe and the United States, there are many eyes on this piece of fat!"

"You guys actually want to go there to make money? You're still trying to make a lot of money by riding a horse. Have you lost your mind? Huh?"

Chen Huan thought about it for a while, and said unconvincingly:

"Lao Yin, I have grown up, and I have my own goals and pursuits!"

"I want to do my own business, I don't want to live in your shadow all the time, you understand?"

"You don't have to worry, even if we offend the forces in Southeast Asia, we will carry it ourselves!"

"Don't worry, even if we are destroyed, we won't find the 'Hongmen', and it won't affect you!"

When Mr. Yin heard the words, he was furious:
"Fuck Nima's fart... If you weren't born by Lao Tzu, I wouldn't be bothered to care about you!"

"Without Hongmen, you would go to Southeast Asia and have nowhere to stay!"

"You are wearing my son, the label of Hongmen, don't try to wash it off for the rest of your life!"

Chen Huan snorted, and laughed slyly.

"Old man, then you have to say that... I have nothing to say!"

"Anyway, I won't leave Southeast Asia for the time being. When I make enough money, I'll go back to Portugal!"

Mr. Yin was completely angry, and roared inexhaustibly:
"Are you stupid? You bet so much money at one time, can the underground banks in Southeast Asia pay you?"

"5000 million dollars, odds of [-] to [-], how can you be so naive!?"

"Stay on a horse and wait for you to earn enough money. If you go on like this, it's a question of whether you can come back alive!"

"I got news that the Southeast Asian martial arts area, Myanmar and Yunnan, launched a 'boxing sniper order' against Chen Yang!"

"In all his next boxing matches, he will face the top masters of the major Muay Thai training camps!"

"Also, all your betting channels are blocked!"

"And the boxing match you just finished, including the principal, was all frozen, a total of [-] million US dollars...!"

"You brat, Southeast Asia is not as simple as you think!"

"Before you were able to make money, it was because the funds were not too much, and no one was watching!"

"Now, you are being watched, understand...?"

"Okay, I don't bother to tell you any extras, come back quickly!"

Chen Huan hung up the phone directly.

His head was buzzing, even if Mr. Yin continued to call him a few times, he didn't answer.

no way,
The news the old man gave him had a great impact on him...

(End of this chapter)

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