Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 147 The golden bell hood breaks through and the strength soars

Chapter 147 The golden bell hood breaks through and the strength soars
The rooftop of the hotel.

bang, bang, bang...

Standing in the middle of the rooftop, Chen Yang kept punching and kicking at the sandbag!


He kept beating himself, tempering his fighting ability!
After activating the [Enhanced Training Enhancement Coupon], the training effect really shocked him!
After three days...

He only felt like a film was pierced in his mind suddenly.

The brain becomes empty.

At the same time, he felt that his whole body became transparent and extremely relaxed at this moment!

This feeling cannot be described in words!

It seems that the strength is condensed at one point, and an extremely terrifying explosive force can erupt at any time.

The "Iron Cloth Shirt" of "Thirteen Taibao Golden Bell Cover Horizontal Training" has broken through to the realm of subtlety!
The realm of subtlety: strength and fighting ability, beyond the limits of human beings.

[Critical Strike] Status Increase: 150%;

at this time,

Chen Yang felt that his explosive power became more and more fierce.

At the same time, the speed has also improved a level!
Not only that,

All the talents of the body have been improved at this moment!

Golden Bell Shade!
This is the fierce and domineering cross-training kung fu in Chinese martial arts!
What is cross training?

The real core lies in one word - horizontal!

The tyrannical hegemony!

Domineering and domineering!

at this time,

After Chen Yang's golden bell hood broke through to the micro-level, the momentum of his whole body became more and more restrained.


this day,
The first round of the black battle for hegemony, the points battle, and the ninth game officially kicked off.

It really did not exceed Chen Huan's expectations.

In the ninth point battle, Nanyue Ruan Zhenyi took the lead in launching a sniper battle against Chen Yang.

The most talented martial arts genius in South Vietnam,

After all, he couldn't stand the temptation of the 5000 million dollar bounty, and launched a sniper war against Chen Yang!
In the last points battle,
Ruan Zhenyi's performance shocked everyone!
He is so cruel!
And his ferocity is completely different from Chen Yang.

That guy is a real beast.

boxing match tonight,
The two are destined to be eliminated one.

Is Huaxia Pangu going to be eliminated?

Or was the South Vietnamese 'Monkey King' Nguyen Zhenyi finally swept out of boxing?

For a while,
A lot of boxing fans are talking about it.

in fact,

Ruan Zhenyi is not well-known in the entire Southeast Asian martial arts world.

Not that he wanted to keep a low profile.

Speaking of which, he wants to be famous more than anyone.

After all, he is still young, only 23 years old today.

He wants to make a lot of money, to make a name for himself, to become the most respected powerhouse in Southeast Asia.


Nanyue martial arts have always been suppressed by Muay Thai.

There is also a very bad atmosphere in the Nanyue martial arts altar.

That is to rank according to seniority. If you have no fame, no backstage, and no matter how strong you are, no one is willing to fight with you.

This is also one of the reasons why Ruan Zhenyi finally decided to go to Myanmar and Yunnan to fight.

Because he knows very well,

If you fight in the underground boxing ring of South Vietnam, it is easy to be targeted.

have to say,

His abacus is very good.

For the entire Southeast Asian underground boxing arena, the Myanmar and Yunnan divisions have the weakest overall strength.

So coming here to fight, the chances of reaching the second round are much greater.

of course,

After the first eight fierce points battle.

In the entire Burma-Dian division, no one dared to underestimate the top boxer in South Vietnam.

This guy is so cruel and terrifying!

His attack speed is unbelievably fast, and his skills are extremely agile!
Even more terrifying is,
This guy is like a real beast, and his shots are extremely cruel and shocking!
His claws are specially trained and hard as iron.

Just imagine,

In the ring, he can use his claws to pull out a hole in the opponent's stomach.

Then, take out the opponent's intestines!
One can imagine how terrifying his claws are!
If his claws grab the mid-belly, who can stand it?
This guy's claws are sharp, hard, and powerful...!
It's really hard to find the right words to describe this young South Vietnamese fighter.

He looks like an ape that hasn't evolved into a human!

That's right,

It's an ape, it's ferocious and scary!

Yangon, Myanmar, Dongjiao Boxing Stadium!

The fight hasn't started yet.

But in the entire boxing hall, there were shouts, screams, boos...

Many boxing fans are very excited,
They let out a hissing roar, and their expressions looked a little excited.

It is clear,
In the entire boxing hall, someone deliberately brought a rhythm.

Due to Chen Yang's strength in the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia, the Muay Thai training camp has lost all face!
In the eyes of many Southeast Asian boxing fans, Chen Yang is like a public enemy of the whole people, unforgivable!


Chen Yang killed several top players in Southeast Asia in a row, including the two top players in Myanmar and Yunnan.

The local boxing fans of Myanmar and Yunnan can be said to be gnashing their teeth in hatred for Chen Yang.

As Chen Yang entered the locker room, he began to warm up and prepare.

next moment,
Boos continued to be heard throughout the boxing hall.

After seeing this scene, Chen Huan felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He took a deep breath, came to Chen Yang's side, and said solemnly:

"Chen Yang, I feel that there is something wrong with the atmosphere today. It seems that someone is in the hall of the boxing stadium, deliberately setting the rhythm!"

"You must not be booed by these guys and affect your performance!"

"The more vicious they are, the more you have to hold your breath!"

"These bastards, blame the deaths of Songba and Wu Yingnong on your head!"

"They don't even think about it. This is a black battle for hegemony. Who dares to keep it easy?"

"The odds of this boxing match are two to one, and your chance of winning is twice as big as Ruan Zhenyi!"

"Now that someone is leading the rhythm, it is estimated that there are rich people who want to bet heavily on Ruan Zhenyi...!"

Chen Yang's face was calm and he said:
"Don't worry, this little booing is like a pediatrician. How could it affect my state?"

"The more worried they were about me winning and the louder the booing, the more excited I was!"

"How's things going on in the periphery? How much can you make in this game?"

Chen Yang's heart was calm and calm.

After his "Golden Bell Jar" broke through to the micro-realm, his mood has also been improved to a certain extent.

The external factors around him can't affect his mood at all.

"You don't have to worry about the peripheral matters, I have already arranged everything!"

"But your odds for this game are higher than the previous one!"

"So we can only be attractive if we increase the odds again!"

"On the periphery of this boxing match, if you win, you will win about $[-] million."

"Okay, stop talking, the boxing match is about to start!"

"Come on, kill him...!"

Chen Huan nodded and encouraged.

I don't know if it was because Chen Yang was given a 'boxing sniper order' or because of other reasons.

this boxing match,

A lot of boxing fans came to the scene, which attracted the attention of the entire Southeast Asia.

no way,
Chen Yang is now saying that he has set off a storm in the underground boxing world in Southeast Asia.

Especially in the Myanmar-Yunnan competition area, Chen Yang's reputation can be said to be at the peak of the sky!

He not only killed the Muay Thai king Song Ba, but also brought the top masters of the Muay Thai training camp to the ground!

Several major Muay Thai training camps in southern Thailand were beaten by Chen Yang and dared not speak out.

It can be said that Chen Yang is in the limelight in the Myanmar and Yunnan divisions of the underground boxing circles in Southeast Asia.

When Chen Yang changed his clothes from the dressing room and walked out.

this moment,
In the entire underground boxing hall, the atmosphere burst once again.

Screams, shouts, and boos mixed in.

The boxing match has not yet officially started, but the atmosphere at the scene has reached a fever pitch.

Many boxing fans were rhythmically scolded at Chen Yang.

They even hoarse their voices, and their eyes radiate hatred!

This made Chen Yang unable to understand.

But thinking about him makes me laugh.

Maybe... your previous boxing match made these guys lose money?

These guys couldn't possibly hate themselves so much.

"Gentlemen and girls, good evening everyone!"

"Tonight is a wonderful night that people can look forward to. The ninth boxing match of the first round of the black fight for hegemony has officially begun!"

"Pangu from China VS Nanyue Monkey King Ruan Zhenyi!"

"Nuan Zhenyi is one of the best young masters in Nanyue these years, and his strength is astounding!"

"The two boxers have won all eight fights in the Myanmar-Yunnan Division!"

"Tonight, I believe they will bring you the most exciting peak matchup!"

"Now, let's welcome them with the warmest applause...!"


With the voice of the live host on the broadcast.

Chen Yang walked onto the octagonal cage with a calm face.


Just as Chen Yang had just stepped onto the ring, boos suddenly erupted in the entire hall of the ring.

The scene is a little crazy!

Chen Huan, who was under the ring, vomited blood in depression after seeing this scene.

I don't know which bastard is leading the rhythm?
You make a big bet to buy Ruan Zhenyi to win, you don't need to hush Chen Yang with a rhythm, right?

I hope Chen Yang will win tonight, you will be paralyzed to death...!
Chen Huan thought to himself.

After a while,

I saw Ruan Zhenyi, a young South Vietnamese boxer, on the octagonal cage with a blank face.

From the outside, Ruan Zhenyi looks very small.

That's right,

Standing in front of Chen Yang, Ruan Zhenyi looked like a child.

Chen Yang's height is 186cm and weight is 90kg;

No matter where he is, he can be regarded as a strong man.

And Ruan Zhenyi's height is only 165cm, and his weight is only 65kg;
The two are not at the same level at all!
Although Ruan Zhenyi doesn't look thin, compared to Chen Yang, he is a whole size smaller.


Even though Ruan Zhenyi was very small, the violent aura emanating from his body made people feel frightened.

This guy is like a real beast, even his eyes look like it!

When Ruan Zhenyi boarded the octagonal cage boxing ring.


next moment,
I saw thunderous applause in the entire boxing hall!

Many spectators stood up, cheering for him, shouting, cheering...

This scene made Ruan Zhenyi feel a little confused!
What's the this?
"Why are these audiences cheering for me?"

"Does everyone think that I can win, and they all bet on me?"

"Fantastic, it looks like I made the right choice and my fame is starting to grow in Southeast Asia!"

"The reward of 5000 million US dollars, I must get it!"

"The boxing fans at the scene all hope that I can kill the Chinese, they are all my hardcore boxing fans!"

"Being famous... I, Ruan Zhenyi, finally made a name for myself in the Myanmar and Yunnan Division!"

"Tonight, I will let everyone take a good look. Nanyue Martial Arts is stronger and fiercer than Huaxia Kung Fu...!"

"I will not only kill the Chinese in the ring, but also dig out his liver!"

Ruan Zhenyi looked up at Chen Yang, then stared at Chen Yang's abdomen with malicious intent.

this moment,
There was an intriguing light in his eyes.

next moment,
I saw Ruan Zhenyi raised his arms high and greeted the boxing fans around him.

He began to interact with boxing fans, his state was bursting, and he seemed extremely excited.

It seems that this moment is the most glorious moment of his life!
He felt that his life was completely majestic...!

When he saw Chen Yang standing opposite, with an indifferent expression, he seemed to be very disdainful of him.

Ruan Zhenyi's mood suddenly became very uncomfortable.

He glared at Chen Yang fiercely, his eyes gloomy and terrifying.

"Bastard... Dare to underestimate me? I'm going to take out your intestines and punch you in the neck!"

at this time,

Ruan Zhenyi's heart was full of killing intent.

to be frank,
For the whole of Southeast Asia, South Vietnam is definitely not a small country.

And for the world, South Vietnam is also a medium-sized country.

For a superpower like China, South Vietnam is really small and pitiful.

The martial arts of South Vietnam are called 'Yuewu Dao' in the global martial arts world!
The reputation of Yuewu Dao is actually not low!

It has been inherited for a long time and has strong combat power.

Yuewu Dao focuses on actual combat, focusing on fighting and killing, and the style of play is comprehensive.

Leg skills, boxing skills, elbow strikes, claw skills, etc., are all fighting methods of Yuewu Dao.

It is all-encompassing, and its moves are unpredictable, making people dare not underestimate it!
Although Ruan Zhenyi's reward of 5000 million US dollars is bound to be won.


He was very jealous of Chen Yang's strength.

He knew very well in his heart,
If the Chinese people are not strong, they are really easy to deal with.

How could Mr. Sang Chi issue a 'boxing sniper order'?
Moreover, a reward of 5000 million US dollars was offered all at once, which almost set off a storm in the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia.

Ruan Zhenyi is very short of money, very short!

He did not fight in boxing for a long time, and his family was originally poor.

He owes a lot of foreign debts and has to make more money.

In the Southeast Asian martial arts, if a boxer wants to make money, he can only rely on his own fists and keep fighting.

This is completely different from domestic.

The boxing and business operations here are almost separated.

Any top boxer is not allowed to commercial hype and operation.

Any honors obtained in boxing cannot be used outside boxing.

The only way for boxers to make money is through boxing prizes!

Ruan Zhenyi was the first to jump out when he knew that the reward for the "Boxing Sniper Order" was 5000 million US dollars!
He took the initiative to contact the Southeast Asian underground boxing organization and launched a sniper battle against Chen Yang!
The boxing bell rings!

Chen Yang took half a step under his feet, his center of gravity sank, and he launched the offensive and defensive style of Sanda fighting!


He looked up at Ruan Zhenyi, who was standing opposite him.

To his surprise,

The South Vietnamese 'Monkey King' did not take the lead in attacking.

He stood still in the corner of the ring, wondering what was going on in his head?
Without any hesitation, Chen Yang took the lead in attacking!
Rushing, kicking, iron legs!

Instant force under your feet, sprint three steps forward!
Then he kicked and kicked Ruan Zhenyi's midline!

This kick is very fast, but the power is not particularly fierce!

Chen Yang mainly wanted to test the reaction of the other party and see how agile the other party was.
Therefore, the kicking speed is very fast, as fast as the wind, and only a leg shadow can be seen whizzing past!

The legs are invisible, making people unavoidable!
Ruan Zhenyi's face turned cold, then he stomped his feet and bounced back!

At the same time, his arm sank, forming a block!
Defensive action in one go, smooth and free!

At this time, it can be clearly seen that Ruan Zhenyi's reaction speed is very fast, and his skills are extremely agile!

"Damn! The reaction speed is so abnormal?"

"This guy's agility is really powerful!"

"However, with such a small stature, the fighting ability should not be very good!"

Chen Yang stopped at his feet, pulled up his strength in time, and stopped the attack!
As soon as he tried to kick and kick, he quickly knew Ruan Zhenyi's boxing style.

Although from the beginning to the end, Chen Yang did not take Ruan Zhenyi in his eyes.


As long as he is on the ring, he never despises any opponent!

There is absolutely no weaker boxer who can participate in the black battle for hegemony.

not to mention,
Ruan Zhenyi is a ruthless character who takes out a hole in the opponent's abdomen with his claws.

His ferocity and agility can make any opponent feel alert.

Such a cruel guy, how could Chen Yang despise him?
not to mention,
Chen Huan had specially explained that he must pay attention to Ruan Zhenyi, and don't capsize in a ditch.

Chen Yang took the lead with a kick, the purpose was to test the opponent's reaction ability.

At the same time, look at the speed of the other party, is it faster than yourself?

at this time,

To Chen Yang's surprise,
This young martial arts genius in the South Vietnamese martial arts field also wants to test his explosive power!

The moment he retreated and dodged, he blocked it with his arm!
Depend on!
If I knew it earlier, I would be too lazy to test it, and just explode with all my strength!
But what Chen Yang didn't know was,
At this moment, Ruan Zhenyi's face turned pale, and his heart was bleeding!

A flash of light flashed in his mind just now, thinking of using his arm to test the explosive power of Chen Yang's kick!
Originally, it was just a light block, and the body quickly retreated to release the force.


This kick didn't seem to exert any force at all.

But the powerful impact almost kicked him away.

The explosive force is too violent...!
" is this kid's kicks and kicks so terrifying?"

"Hey... I made a mistake in judgment. I can't easily recklessly fight his heavy-hitting killer move. This kid's explosive power is far beyond my tolerance limit."

"This kid is the first to attack, and his style of play is unpredictable. I can't be careless!"

Ruan Zhenyi took a deep breath and reminded himself secretly.

at this time,

He raised his telepathy to its peak.

He didn't take the lead in attacking just now, and kept staring at Chen Yang's heavy punch.

Through the research and analysis of several boxing matches,
Ruan Zhenyi knew that Chen Yang's heavy punch was extremely terrifying, fast and lethal!
He was extremely jealous of Chen Yang's heavy punch!


What he didn't expect was that Chen Yang didn't break out a heavy punch, but kicked out a kick.

Surprised, he quickly backed away.

At the same time, he blocked with his arm, trying to test Chen Yang's explosive kick.

at this time,

His arm was aching, and when he felt that Chen Yang's leg skills were equally domineering,

His fear of Chen Yang had reached its limit.

Explosive power is too strong!
Can't fight hard!

In an instant, Ruan Zhenyi had already clarified his next tactics.

"Humph! Chinese, go to hell...!"

Ruan Zhenyi roared.


He kicked the ground with his feet, and his body was like a monkey, and he jumped up instantly!
The speed is very fast, so fast that people can't react.

The moment his body vacated the air, his five fingers spread out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that he was like a real monkey, and his paws caught Chen Yang's eyes.

Bloodthirsty, cruel, fierce, fast, vicious...

This claw skill is astounding!

His target was Chen Yang's eyeballs, which was so ferocious that it made the scalp tingle.

The key is,
He was too fast, small and threatening.

Claw power!

This is one of the most powerful exercises in Yue Wu Dao.

Ruan Zhenyi's claw skills are mainly to imitate the offensive movements of monkeys.

He has practiced claw skills since he was a child, and he has practiced his claws to the point of being as hard as iron, which is shocking!
The jungles of South Vietnam are lush and the climate is very good, suitable for monkeys to survive.

There are many monkey groups living in the tropical rain forest here.

Many South Vietnamese live by raising, training and playing monkeys.

Ruan Zhenyi has lived with monkeys since he was a child, imitating the living habits of monkeys, as well as the way the monkeys attack!
With the growth of age, his claw skills have reached a state of perfection!

In action, there is no difference with monkeys!
And the lethality is even more ferocious and terrifying than ordinary monkeys!
Once the explosive force is full, the lethality is terrifying!

His body is tumbling in the air, and his attacking angles are ever-changing, making it hard to guard against.

The first eight boxing matches of the Black Fight for Hegemony,
Ruan Zhenyi's claw skills are in the limelight, and his extremely sharp style of play is daunting!
If other boxers meet him, they will indeed be suppressed by his claw skills, making it difficult to adapt to his style of play.


When he met Chen Yang, he could only be considered unlucky.

Chen Yang's speed is faster, his explosive power is stronger, his bones are harder, and his body agility is higher!
more importantly,
Chen Yang's body is much bigger than him, and he can almost crush him.

To know,
With Chen Yang's golden bell hood breaking through to the micro-level, his physical talent has been improved in all directions.

What's more, his iron claw skills are not vegetarian!
The speed of Chen Yang's feet accelerated, and the eight pole steps began to erupt!
next moment,
I saw that on the ring, Chen Yang's speed increased to the peak.

Like a ghost, sprinting back and forth, only a shadow can be seen, flickering to the left and right, and the trail is hard to find.

too fast……!
Even if Ruan Zhenyi has a strong telepathy ability, it is difficult to judge Chen Yang's position.

Ruan Zhenyi's claw skills are extremely sharp and have extremely terrifying lethality.


Chen Yang's skills are too agile and too fast.

Ruan Zhenyi didn't talk about the claw attack, even getting close to Chen Yang seemed very difficult.

Chen Yang broke out at the limit speed and opened the distance between Ruan Zhenyi and Ruan Zhenyi!
at this time,

Any claw skills will fail!
Chen Yang is proficient in iron claw skills, and naturally knows how to crack claw skills.

(End of this chapter)

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