Chinese martial arts: opening golden bell jar horizontal training

Chapter 155 Died from a burst blood vessel?Medicines, don't eat indiscriminately

Chapter 155 Died from a burst blood vessel?Medicines, don't eat indiscriminately
"Huaxia Chen Yang, I have to admit that your strength exceeds my expectations!"

"However, you shouldn't come to Southeast Asia after killing Sora Fujita!"

"Although I challenged you not for the 'boxing sniper order', the result is the same!"

"Today, you must die...!"

Amano Hiroji stepped and stopped instantly.

At this time, he did not attack, but stared at Chen Yang and said calmly.

His expression was unusually cold and murderous.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said nothing.

this moment,
In the entire boxing hall, there was no sound, and the needles could be heard.

The intense and exciting confrontation between the two just now made everyone feel a powerful psychological impact, and they were so nervous that they couldn't breathe.

at this time,

The two stopped to attack each other, distanced themselves, and stared at each other vigilantly.

At this moment, the atmosphere reached its peak.

Chen Yang bowed at his feet, his fists clenched like iron, his eyes slanted upwards, staring at Amano Koji's midline.

Baji offensive and defensive style, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!

at this time,

Chen Yang's mind became empty, and the fist intent of Bajiquan burst out silently.

By force!

If you want to interrupt the opponent's fast-paced attack, the most effective way is to fight hard!
With powerful attack power, crack the opponent's speed attack style.

Only his strength is stronger, his explosive power is stronger, and his attack power is more terrifying.

Only in order to interrupt the opponent's rhythm and break this most difficult speed attack flow.

At this moment, Chen Yang took a deep breath and began to condense the strength of Bajiquan!
time has exceeded 1 minute,

The opponent stopped the attack, which seemed to be unsustainable.

at this time,

It's your turn to fight back!
"Don't want me to die at every turn, do you have the qualifications?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly.

He stomped his feet suddenly, his momentum soaring.

I slammed my shoulders into the sky and stomped my feet to shake Kyushu!
Bajiquan has six stunts, and the strength is integrated.

Top, hold, single, carry, carry, wrap!

Subduing the dragon, subduing the tiger, splitting the mountain, supporting the hammer...

next moment,
Chen Yang launched a strong counterattack, which was ferocious and shocking.

no way,
Amano Koji's offensive rhythm is too fast and too fierce, making it impossible to guard against.

If he waits for him to attack again, it will definitely be like a violent storm, unstoppable!

Until then,
I want to fight back again, but I have to wait for the opponent to stop attacking before I have a chance.

Without any hesitation, Chen Yang immediately started to fight back.

The only way is to use speed to control speed, use force to break tricks, and use destructive storms to interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm!
Strong attack style, forcing the opponent to fight recklessly!
Only in this way can Koji Amano's limit speed be limited!

That's right,

Since the speed has no solution, then limit the speed!

next moment,
Chen Yang's momentum reached its peak, and the fighting spirit was endless.

Bajiquan, fierce and domineering, powerful and invincible!

at this time,

I saw him exuding a suffocating breath, which was terrifying!
After the surrounding audience felt the momentum of Chen Yang's body, they were extremely horrified!

The strength of the Huaxia people is very terrifying!
This is recognized by all boxing fans.


To all the audience can not believe that,

At this time, Chen Yang's explosive momentum created a strong sense of oppression to the surrounding audience.

His aura makes people feel frightened and fearful!

One can imagine that

At this time, Amano Koji in the boxing ring felt the pressure of Chen Yang's momentum.

Chen Yang's fighting spirit and momentum reached their peak at this moment.

In the arena duel, whoever controls the rhythm of the ring will have a greater chance of winning!
However, momentum is also very important.

A strong momentum can not only make one's state reach its peak.

At the same time, it can suppress the opponent and give the opponent a strong sense of oppression.

Amano Koji's attack speed is indeed faster and fiercer than Chen Yang!
He completely controlled the rhythm of the ring and took the absolute initiative.


At this time, it can be seen from the momentum that the two of them exude.

After Chen Yang broke out the fist intent of Bajiquan, the momentum completely crushed Amano Koji.

The power of Bajiquan and the golden bell hood is unstoppable!

Chen Yang stomped his foot, then kicked back suddenly.

His body was like a bow and arrow from the string, and a big swing punched at Amano Koji!

Like a tiger descending a mountain, mighty and domineering!
There was a loud noise from the ground, like an explosion.

The entire boxing ring shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

This scene is shocking!

Chen Yang condensed his whole body strength into one point and exploded instantly.

this moment,
Amano Koji didn't dodge, let alone block and retreat, he became extremely calm.

He has experienced bloody battles, and he has extremely rich experience in battles.

He is very experienced in dealing with this kind of rushing and swinging punches.

Next, I saw Amano Koji kicked his feet, then whipped his legs, and whizzed away at Chen Yang's head.

A loud bang spread throughout the entire boxing hall.

Chen Yang's big swing punched hard on the right side of Talent Koji's arm.

at the same time.

Amano Koji's upper whip leg kicked Chen Yang's right side extremely fiercely.

Although both of them are on the right side of the body, the direction is just the opposite.

Ding Ding Deng

The two moved five or six steps sideways at the same time.

Power Hedge!

Immediately afterwards, they were seen leaning against the iron net around the ring, ten meters apart.

This is a fierce and domineering reckless fight.

Although Chen Yang hit Amano Koji with a big swing, but the opponent's whip leg also kicked him on the right side of his body!
Swap wounds for wounds, the battle of trapped beasts!
This is a true lose-lose style of play, extremely brutal!

Bajiquan, golden bell hood, two strengths in one!

Although Chen Yang's powerful spiritual sense has already judged the direction of Amano Koji's whip leg.

He knew very well in his heart that if he continued to attack with big swinging punches,
Although you can hit the opponent, but you have to bear the opponent's heavy blow!


At this time, Chen Yang didn't hesitate, and he used the reckless fighting method extremely decisively!
Break the force with force, hit hard with hard!
This ferocious lose-lose style of play is the most efficient tactic to crack the opponent's fast-paced.

It has been more than a minute and a half since the boxing match,
Chen Yang wanted to try it out to see how strong the opponent's explosiveness was.

At the same time, he also has to look at the opponent's reaction ability and unloading skills. How clever is he?

of course,

More importantly, Chen Yang knew very well.

Although the two of them used a brutal attack of injury-for-injury at the moment, they both stayed on the defensive.

So the real lethality is not particularly scary.

To put it simply, the purpose of the two men fighting recklessly at this time is to test each other.

Bajiquan and golden bell cover are both hard skills in Chinese martial arts.

Hard bridges and hard horses have always been known for their ferocity and dominance.

Especially Bajiquan, once it bursts out with all its strength, its speed is unbelievably fast.

in fact,

Any boxing technique that is sturdy and fierce has one thing in common.

That is to have extremely terrifying punch speed!
The fist must be fierce, and the speed must be fast!

The fist from static to the final force to form an explosive force requires a violent acceleration process.

The faster the acceleration, the stronger the explosive force and the more terrifying the lethality!
Complement each other, acceleration is the root of the punch!
Amano Koji's leg work, the speed exceeds the limit, people can't resist.

From the moment when he exerted force under his feet, to the final attack force, the speed was terrifying!

This means that his leg work 'acceleration' is very fast!


No matter how domineering his leg skills are, how ferocious his heavy legs are, or how fast his legs are.

The moment he kicked out his leg, his leg was at rest!
If you want to accurately judge the direction of Amano Koji's attack, you only need to predict in advance the moment from when his legs are exerted and kicked out!

this moment,
A smile appeared on Chen Yang's face.

Between the lights and flint, he seems to know how to crack the speed attack style.

This time, the reckless fight will hurt both sides.

"Baga... This kid's big swinging punch is so fast?"

"Hs... penetrating power!?"

"Damn it, I really understood the penetrating power. This kid's fist power level is higher than mine, even reaching Kimura Taku's fist power level!"

Amano Koji took a deep breath, his eyes gloomy and terrifying.

at this time,

He only felt the pain in the part where he fought with Chen Yang recklessly just now.

A powerful penetrating force spread toward his body.

bang, bang, bang...

for the rest of the time,

The two broke out a storm again, fierce confrontation!
Amano Koji's kick chain style, ferocious explosion, and offensive rhythm are amazing.


At this time, Chen Yang gradually adapted to the opponent's offensive rhythm.

The powerful telepathy ability makes Chen Yang seem to be able to handle it with ease.

After a while,

Amano Koji's fast-paced style of play gradually began to be restricted by Chen Yang.


Amano Koji scolded angrily, looking a little impatient in his heart.

Chen Yang broke out the most ferocious counterattack.

His center of gravity sank, and he opened the way with the eight poles of subduing the dragon, and punched Hiroji Amano in the past.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was almost 2 minutes, and Koji Amano's extremely fast attack style was finally restricted.

After a while,

Amano Koji's state seems to have declined a bit, his speed has begun to slow down, and his style of play has become somewhat conservative.

Especially after feeling the penetrating power of Chen Yang's heavy punch, he became more and more vigilant.

at this time,

Chen Yang stomped his feet suddenly, then twisted his waist, and his body rushed forward!
The Eight Extremes Ultimate Move - The Cannon!
Eight Pole King Kong Styles - Bear Squatting Strength!

Iron Fist!
It seems to collapse but not collapse, the three forces are one!

A loud bang came out, and it seemed that the entire ring was blown by a hurricane.

A terrifying aura erupted from Chen Yang's body.

There is nothing surprising about this killer move.

But both explosive power and speed have reached the limit of Chen Yang.

The surrounding air seemed to be blasted by Chen Yang's eight-pole ultimate move, making a humming air explosion, which was shocking!

Three strengths in one, unstoppable power!
The power of Bajiquan and the golden bell hood, with the help of fist intent, the lethality is shocking!

Like a cannonball, it roared towards Amano Koji.


Amano Koji roared angrily.

Chen Yang completely exploded his own strength, combining the three forces into one.

His speed broke through the limit at this moment, which was not much worse than the extreme speed of Amano Koji.

Even more terrifying is,
At this time, Chen Yang's Baji ultimate move stood on the ground, and the artillery was integrated into the fist.

Compared with Amano Koji's heavy-hitting killing move, the power is even more terrifying.

Whether it's an offensive angle or lethality, it's unavoidable!

After all, Amano Koji is the top fighting king in the Asian martial arts world.

not to mention,
At this time, the medicine he took had activated its effect, and his strength had increased by more than 30.00%.

Even if the speed of Chen Yang's Baji ultimate move breaks through the limit, it is an extremely terrifying threat.


However, as if he hadn't seen it, he was calm and frightening.

I saw his feet kicked suddenly, and then his feet pushed back.

The moment he stepped back, his waist twisted.

With a kick, he kicked Chen Yang's chest.

This kick, the timing and angle of the counterattack are very delicate, it is just the node of Chen Yang's Baji ultimate attack.

The king of top fighting in Hishima Martial Arts, his strength is indeed very terrifying.

They have experienced life-and-death struggle and the most brutal bloody battle experience!
They all have a very strong sense of crisis sixth sense, far exceeding ordinary boxers.

to be frank,
Although Amano Koji has not gone out of Asia, he has not played against the top masters in the world of martial arts.


Anyone who wants to beat him is definitely not that easy.

Especially after he took medicine, his combat power has almost reached the ceiling of Asian boxers.

Speaking of,
The most terrifying thing about Amano Koji is not his extremely fast legs.

but his calmness.

At any time, he can maintain absolute calm.

Even if the next second is death, his state of mind is still in a calm state.

This is terrible!
Perhaps only after experiencing an extremely cruel state of mind can we reach such a point.

That kind of extreme calm, even Chen Yang has to admire.

Amano Koji's leg power chain style burst out again at this time.

Head to head, the brave who meet in a narrow way wins!

Chen Yang used a hard-fought method to disrupt Amano Koji's offensive rhythm.

And now,
He also adopted a hard-hitting method and wanted to control the rhythm in his own hands again.

this moment,
What you fight for is courage, and what you fight for is your own martial arts will!

When we meet on a narrow road, we must have the courage to shine a sword!
In order to disrupt Amano Koji's offensive rhythm, Chen Yang had to choose a reckless style of play to limit the opponent's speed.

Amano Koji didn't have a choice at the moment,
He couldn't back down, he had to fight Chen Yang recklessly at this time.

Otherwise, Chen Yang will control the rhythm of the ring, and his situation will become very bad.

The momentum is like a rainbow, with a series of kicks, like a storm!
at this time,

Amano Koji's heavy-legged chain style, like a sword, slashes down!

His body suddenly rose into the air, and then went down!
The right leg was chopped instantly, forming the trend of falling leaves!
Slash the air!
One of the ultimate karate nirvanas!

The sudden force, like the falling of a meteorite, is unstoppable.

This is one of Amano Koji's trump card ultimate move, famous in Asia!
The goal of this splitting slash was Chen Yang's chest.

After a loud bang...

Chen Yang stepped back quickly, and after blocking the reckless split, he took five or six steps back and leaned against the iron net around the ring.

He took a deep breath, and his fighting intent reached its peak at this moment.

A powerful impact, like a storm, swept the surroundings.

The shock wave after the reckless fight,
With the two at the center, it began to spread around.

The spectators around the ring were blown by this terrifying wind and could not open their irritated eyes.

Chen Yang stomped his feet, and his momentum broke through the peak.

at this time,

His whole person looked extremely sturdy and domineering.

I saw the force under his feet and rushed towards Amano Koji again.

Baji's ultimate move - the tiger climbs the mountain hard!

Subduing the Dragon, Iron Fist!
Three in one!

Explosive power, speed, agility, momentum, artistic conception...

this moment,
His state was at its peak, a punch exploded, unstoppable!


Amano Koji didn't step back, his calmness was terrifying!
Even if Chen Yang's eight-pole ultimate move was about to hit him in the chest.

His face didn't change.

The big landslide is ahead and the face does not change!
have to say,

Amano Koji's mood is shocking.

I saw Koji Amano's feet exerting force, followed by a kick, and counterattacked against Chen Yang.

at this time,

Chen Yang's offensive rhythm began to speed up and gradually took the initiative.


He used a heavy punch and began to close the distance.

To know,
Once he got close, Koji Amano's leg skills were limited, and he couldn't break out the limit leg speed.


Amano Koji could only use his leg skills to block Chen Yang's punch.

But unfortunately,
He underestimated the terrifyingness of Chen Yang's three-in-one ultimate move.


It was like a huge wave was set off on the boxing ring, shrouded in the face of Amano Koji.

Chen Yang did not have any reservations, and completely exploded his strength.

His Baji ultimate move is fierce and domineering, and it is invincible.

this moment,
He seemed to fall into an extremely mysterious state, and his brain became empty.

It would be extremely difficult for anyone to block this three-in-one ultimate move.

Amano Koji's kick just kicked out for a split second, but it hasn't accelerated yet.

In an instant,
Chen Yang's heavy punch hit Amano Koji's abdomen.

Originally, his target was Koji Amano's chest, but at the last moment,
Amano Koji's arm blocked, causing Chen Yang to change his attacking direction.

An explosion-like sound came out.

It's like being hit by a train on the highway.

I saw that Amano Koji was directly smashed into the air by Chen Yang's eight-pole ultimate move.

Even though Amano Koji's sixth sense of crisis is very strong, he is extremely agile and extremely calm.


In the face of Chen Yang's eight-pole ultimate move, which combines three forces in one,
There is nothing he can do!
The next scene left all the audience stunned.

I saw Amano Koji, like a ball, was smashed by Chen Yang a few meters away.

He all hit the iron net around the ring.

next moment,
I saw that the iron net was shaking violently, and it seemed that they were all dented by the impact.

at this time,

Amano Koji's expression changed completely.

There was blood in his mouth, and his eyes turned red.

Chen Yang exhaled.

Depend on!
Finally defeated the little devil!

This guy is really difficult to deal with, not easy to fight!

Amano Koji's attack rhythm is too fast and his attack power is very strong.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's efforts have broken through to the realm of subtlety!

The power of his iron fist and iron legs is even more ferocious.

And it can form penetrating power and multiply the lethality!

Otherwise, it is impossible to limit the opponent's speed, and it is very difficult to counterattack!

right now,

An eight-pole ultimate move finally wounded Amano Koji.

have to say,

The top fighting king in the Japanese martial arts altar has a very strong fighting ability.

Chen Yang's Baji ultimate move is terrifying in lethality.

But even so, it only injured Amano Koji, and did not defeat the opponent's combat power.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, his fists clenched again.

Amano Koji leaned on the iron net and stared at Chen Yang.

The medicine he was taking had already worked, so he couldn't feel any pain at all.

But he knew he was hurt.

at this time,

His eyes were full of killing intent, and his face became hideous.

The abdomen suffered such a terrible blow, and if there was no accident, there would definitely be internal bleeding.

next moment,
I saw Amano Koji's momentum, and suddenly began to skyrocket.

His whole person looks extremely crazy, his eyes are red, and his state is very wrong!
"Huaxia Chenyang, I really didn't expect that you could force me to this point!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, you are stronger than me, and I am not your opponent!"

"However, you must die today!"

"The dignity of the martial arts of the Great Sun Island Empire cannot be violated!"

"I will use your blood to pay homage to the spirit of the Bushido of our Great Sun Island Empire...!"

The effect of the drug is fully activated!
Originally, after Amano Koji took the drug, he had been suppressing it, and he did not want the effect of the drug to be fully activated!
Because according to the information provided by Mr. Sato.

Once the effect of the drug is fully activated, it is easy to cause heart failure.

Although it can make people's strength increase sharply again, the effect of the medicine is out of control, and the consequences are unpredictable...

But now,
Amano Koji had no choice, he had to turn the situation around in the shortest possible time.

After Amano Koji fully activated the effect of the drug, without any hesitation, he kicked Chen Yang with a sweeping kick.

Sweep and kick chain!
Chen Yang's arm moved forward, and the iron arm kung fu and iron cloth shirt strength merged together.

Block the unloading force, then the center of gravity of the body sinks, and it quickly retreats.


After Amano Koji fully activated the effect of the medicine, his leg sweep, the lethality has surpassed everything.

Even if Chen Yang raised his spiritual sense to the limit, his attention was highly concentrated.

His whole body strength is condensed on his arms, forming a blocking and unloading force.


He still couldn't block Amano Koji's leg sweep.

next moment,
I saw that Chen Yang was kicked flying, fell four meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

"You are paralyzed...impossible!"

"Damn it... What the hell is going on with this horse riding?"

at this time,

Chen Yang scolded angrily, only to feel his scalp tingling.

He could clearly feel that Amano Koji's combat power instantly increased by at least [-]%!
Whether it's speed or explosiveness, it's faster, more ruthless, and fiercer than before...

Can't fight!
Unless Chen Yang activates the [Critical Strike] state, he will not be able to stop it at all.


After activating the [Critical Strike] state, there are only a few seconds.

If the opponent is not knocked down within a few seconds, then it will be dangerous.

Chen Yang struggled, got up from the ground, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He was injured again, and this time the injury was more serious than the last time.

This leg sweep of Amano Koji instantly broke Chen Yang's iron shirt, forming a terrifying lethality!

His internal organs were violently impacted, causing internal bleeding.

Chen Yang stared at the opposite Amano Koji in disbelief.

at this time,

His heart was struggling...

Do you want to fight and activate the [Critical Strike] state?
Amano Koji's strength suddenly increased sharply, surpassing Chen Yang's cognition.

If you don't activate the [Critical Strike] state, you won't be able to stop the opponent's next attack...!

In an instant, Chen Yang made up his mind and prepared to activate the [Critical Strike] state.

If the [Critical Strike] state is not activated, there is no chance of any counterattack at all!

Amano Koji's sudden surge in strength made Chen Yang feel powerless...!
But the next moment, Chen Yang was completely stunned.

I saw that after Amano Koji kicked Chen Yang, he did not attack again.

He stood on the ring, staring at Chen Yang, motionless.

Amano Koji's mind became roaring, and it seemed that everything around him had turned bloody.

He couldn't hear any sound,
Eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth... blood kept pouring out.


In Amano Koji's mind, only the last trace of sanity remained.

Medicine, do not eat indiscriminately!

at this time,

The drug he took was completely activated, and Amano Koji's combat power soared.

However, his body was unable to withstand the instant increase in strength.

His heart failed, his blood vessels burst, and his seven holes were bleeding...!
Violent death!

have to say,

The side effects of the drug are too great!

The drug, developed by Kyoto Medical College in Hijima, has not been clinically proven.

It can only be said that the efficacy of this drug varies from person to person...

How can it be so easy to improve people's combat power?

The heart and blood vessels, as well as the various organs of the body, can hardly withstand such a violent lift.

Just imagine,

The heart suddenly beats several times faster, can it fail?
The blood vessels withstand several times the blood pressure in a few seconds, can they not burst?

Therefore, it is a very severe test for the human body to rely on drugs to temporarily enhance the combat power.

Chen Yang looked up at Amano Koji, who was motionless in the middle of the ring, completely stunned.

What's the this?
Why did he suddenly stop moving! ?

Seven holes bleed, burst blood vessels and died! just hangs up all of a sudden!
Chen Yang swears that he never counterattacked the opponent just now!
How could Koji Amano... die all of a sudden! ?
At this moment, Chen Yang was completely stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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