Chapter 159 I, I Want You to Go to Hell
Two minutes and 15 seconds!
Chen Yang kicked and killed the top Muay Thai king Cha Meng in the Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp.

In this sniper battle, Chen Yang won.

Cha fierce!

The top Muay Thai king who is famous in Southeast Asia will become history.

In a few years,

Perhaps in the entire Southeast Asian underground boxing world, few people will remember that there was such a number one person!
With the continuous inflow of fresh blood,

The masters of Southeast Asian martial arts continue to emerge, who will remember a dead Muay Thai king?
This is the cruelty of underground boxing in Southeast Asia.

Not scary!
But once you lose your life, you will lose everything.

"Damn... how could this be?"

"Cha Meng, this bastard, can't defeat the Chinese people?"

In the upper attic of the ring hall.

Sang Cha, the head of the Myanmar and Yunnan Division of the Southeast Asian underground boxing ring, watched the scene on the boxing ring in disbelief.

At this time, his face was hideous, and his eyes exuded a fierce murderous intent.

Until now, he felt a little unbelievable.

To know,
During this period of time, he kept hyping Chen Yang up, all for the sake of betting on the peripheral running water.

Clearly, his purpose was achieved.

Chen Yang's boxing match is very popular.

The betting flow for every boxing match is staggering.

The total betting capital of this boxing match tonight exceeded [-] billion US dollars.

Originally, Sang Cha had already made a lot of money from the commissions from the peripheral bets.

After a boxing match, based on a 15% commission, he can earn $15 billion in income.


Chen Yang's popularity is too high, and he wants to continue to maintain a one-for-one odds.

Betting creates a bias.

On the periphery of tonight's boxing match, there has already been a deviation, and the funds betting on Chen Yang are obviously more than 20% more!

As a result,
After the boxing match, Sang Cha not only didn't make any money, but lost $[-] million instead.

How can he accept this?

To know,
In order to be able to deal with Chen Yang, he negotiated with the Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp.

Originally, Cha Meng didn't want to launch a sniper battle against Chen Yang.

After all, Chen Yang's combat power is too strong, and his strength is terrifying.

As a last resort, Sang Chai raised the amount of the 'boxing sniper order' to [-] million US dollars.

Finally, Cha Meng agreed to launch a sniper battle against Chen Yang.

From the point of view of combat power, Cha Meng is the top Muay Thai king in the Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp.

He has won the title of two-time Muay Thai champion, and his strength is strong.
In the entire Southeast Asian underground boxing arena, Cha Meng has a very strong comprehensive strength.

There are only a handful of people who can defeat him.

But what Sang Cha never thought of was,
Cha Meng was actually killed by the Chinese people.

Two minutes and 15 seconds!
One kick to death, fierce and brutal, it is terrifying!
How is this riding possible?

Could it be that the strength of the Huaxia people has become too strong to be defeated?

Sang Cha stared at Cha Meng who was killed on the ring, his eyes gloomy and terrifying.

"Okay, great, the Huaxia people won!"

"This boxing match is so exciting, the Muay Thai King Chameng is not a Chinese opponent at all!"

"Damn, is this kid the nemesis of the Muay Thai training camp?"

"Maybe only Muay Thai King Tony can fight him!"

"It's hard to say, Tony is not necessarily his opponent, this kid's punch is really terrible!"


The audience was full of discussions, and it was completely boiling.

Anyone who wants to be respected by all boxing fans in the underground boxing arena in Southeast Asia,

Then, only rely on your own fists!

With his incomparably strong style, Chen Yang is invincible and won the respect of all boxing fans.


Chen Yang's powerful telepathy ability, if he feels something.

He roared in the direction of the attic of the boxing stadium.

You are paralyzed... don't you want to snipe Lao Tzu?
Come on, see what else you have!
[Congratulations to the host for winning, get crit points: 40000 points! 】

Depend on……!
[Critical Attack Points] The reward is only [-]!

Too little!
Compared with the previous battle against Hijima Fighting King Amano Koji, it is a lot less!

It is clear,
The challenge of this boxing match is too low, and it does not pose much threat to Chen Yang.

Although Chameng's overall strength is very strong, he did not take any medicine, and Chen Yang restrained him in his style of play!

His speed and punching ability were almost crushed by Chen Yang.

It's easy to win...!
Chen Yang shook his head helplessly when he heard the system prompt in his mind.

Interacted with the audience for a while,

Chen Yang turned and left the ring and went to the locker room.

On the periphery of this boxing match, Chen Yang made a profit of [-] million US dollars.

After so many boxing matches in the Myanmar-Yunnan Division, Chen Yang's current total capital is as high as [-] million US dollars.

And that doesn't include the $[-] million that was swallowed!

Chen Yang gritted his teeth whenever he thought of the $[-] million knife swallowed by Sang Cha.

The army has almost prepared.

After a while, the account must be recovered.

Chen Yang swears in his heart that if he can't breathe, his breath is not smooth...!
have to say,

It is definitely the most profitable thing to open a village outside the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia.

"Damn it... Huaxia Chenyang, you killed Cha Meng, you completely offended the Chiang Mai Muay Thai Training Camp!"

"They will never let you go, they must...!"

"I must find you to make up for the loss of this boxing match...!"

Mr. Sang Cha was sitting in the attic office.

He watched Chen Yang get off the ring and head to the locker room.


There was a fierce light in his eyes.

He was dead, and he didn't care at all.

What he couldn't accept in his heart was that he lost $[-] million in this boxing match.

Those are his peripherals, his private property.

Originally, he raised the bounty of the 'boxing sniper order' to [-] million US dollars.

Chameng is very famous in the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia, and he is also one of the top Muay Thai kings.

Not only is he extremely powerful, but his style of play is extremely vicious.

In the Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp, Cha Meng has obtained the inheritance of ancient Muay Thai.

He won a lot of honors for the Chiang Mai Muay Thai training camp, and also made a lot of money for the training camp.

If Cha Meng can make it to the second round of the Hegemony Hegemony, he will definitely be able to create his own glory.

But unfortunately,
chapped dead

Broken eggs die!

He did not become the king of the black bat, nor did he reach the second round, and died in Yangon, Myanmar.

Winners live, losers die!

This is the life-and-death battle song of the underground boxing circle in Southeast Asia.

It's cruel, but it's so real.

No matter how many glorious pasts you have achieved, no matter how popular you are.

It doesn't matter how high your status is.

As long as you are killed in the ring, you will lose everything.

Chameng definitely doesn't want to die. He has just achieved a brilliant record, and his life has just begun to take off.

If you can regret it, I believe that Chameng will definitely regret his choice today.

Sangha took a deep breath.

He looked at Cha Meng's corpse, was carried on a stretcher, and taken to the hospital mortuary.

"Huaxia Chenyang, you must die!"

"If you want to enter the second round of the Black Lei Contest and win the Black Lei King, it depends on your life, whether it is tough enough!"

"I, I'm going to send you to hell...!"

this moment,
In Sang Cha's eyes, terrifying killing intent was exuding, and he became a little crazy.


Southeast Asia, Myanmar, Yangon!
Hospital, in the basement.

It hurts!

very painful……!
Hazy, a tall young man wanted to open his eyes.

He felt his body, the pain was unbearable.

The pain that transcended everything was unbearable.

He just felt like his body fell into the ice cellar, and then it seemed to be roasting on the fire.

If it was in a coma, it might be nothing.

But although his consciousness was a little blurry, his pain sense was so sensitive.

All he felt was an unbearable excruciating pain that suddenly filled his mind.

next moment,
He couldn't bear the pain any longer, and passed out completely.

at this time,

I saw a pair of hands wearing medical gloves, examining the surface of the young man's body for a moment.

The man checked the young man's pupils with a flashlight, then opened his mouth and looked at his tongue.

Think about it,
The owner of the hands took out a tube of reagents from the operating table where the young man was lying.

The reagent is blue and exudes a coquettish glow.

After a while,
The blue medicine was injected into the young man's body.

The young man is like a dream, he is in the endless void.

surrounded by endless darkness,
The cold wind blows, and it's freezing to the bone!
He wanted to shout, to roar, to open his eyes...

But suddenly,
He found himself unable to move at all, not even to make a sound.

His consciousness is clear.

He could feel that there were two hands that were constantly fiddling around in his body at the moment.

That feeling of scraping bones should have been painful.

But somehow,

With the constant tossing of those hands, the young man found that it didn't hurt at all.

This is a laboratory, in the deepest basement of the hospital.

The light in the laboratory is very bright and the facilities are very advanced.

It's a pity that young people can't see or hear.

In his mind, at this moment, he only felt abnormal discomfort and pain.

He didn't know how long he had been lying on the operating table in the laboratory.

Maybe one day, maybe two days...

When he finally opened his eyes, he looked up and around.

The light was dazzling, and it took him a long time to get used to it.

This is where……?
Aren't you... dead?

The young man took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.

In his mind, a trace of memory was restored.

He participated in a boxing match with a very strong opponent.

He wasn't sure, so before starting, he took medication.


The effect of the medicine was stimulated, and his strength soared.

In the ring, he has an absolute advantage.

His attack speed was unbelievably fast, and he was about to kill his opponent with one move.

But suddenly...the effect of the drug was out of control!

His blood vessels burst, and he fell to the ground instantly, losing his intuition.

The young man opened his eyes and wanted to turn his head to look around.

But suddenly,
He found himself unable to move.

Here... where is it?
The laboratory is full of state-of-the-art medical instruments.

Don't look at others, just look at these instruments, you can feel that this laboratory is not ordinary.

To know,
These state-of-the-art medical equipment cannot be bought with money.

In the corner of the laboratory, there is a desk.

An old man wearing a white coat, looking very thin, with a pair of reading glasses.

He turned his back to the young man, not knowing what he was messing with.

It seems,
The old man was very serious, constantly looking at the light, checking various medical data.

The old man was wearing a mask, so his face could not be seen.

But judging from his demeanor, he should be close to 60 years old.


Young people want to start talking, want to speak out.

But soon he found that he couldn't make any sound at all.

The old man wearing a mask has been at his desk, checking the data for half a day.

After more than an hour,
He seemed to think of the young man lying on the operating table.


He looked back at the young man, and said nothing,
I saw the old man walk to the side of the operating table and start fiddling with the medical instruments next to him.

In his eyes,

These instruments are more important than anything.

I saw the old man constantly began to adjust the medicine in the instrument, and began to match.

He is serious, meticulous, and very careful and cautious.

His hand holding the potion was very steady, and his expression was very focused.

Following his operation, a row of prepared potions appeared in front of him.

After the old man was done, he exhaled a long breath.

He took off the mask he was wearing, took out a tube of reagents from another reagent shelf next to him, and drank it for himself.

This scene is shocking.

at this time,

The young man finally saw the old man's face clearly.

He was very thin, and there was hardly any flesh on his face.

The most surprising thing was that the skin on the old man's face was pale, as if it had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

I sparsely pulled out a few goatee beards, and I don't know how long I haven't taken care of them.

He was a little hunched over, giving him an extremely eerie feeling.

But soon, the young people were completely frightened!
That's right,

He was frightened, but he couldn't make a sound, couldn't move....

I saw the goatee old man, holding a sharp scalpel in his hand, came to the young man.

He looked at the young man lying on the operating table, nodded, and seemed satisfied!
this moment,
The young people were completely frightened, they wanted to struggle, they wanted to shout!
But soon he gave up,

Because he found that, apart from being conscious, his body did not belong to him at all.

Except for the eyes that can move, other parts can't move at all...!
The old man with the goatee held a scalpel and kept gesturing on the young man!
After a while,

I saw that the bones on the young man's arm were completely removed by him.

Yes, it was taken down very completely, which is shocking.

The old man carefully examined the bones of his arm for a moment.

He nodded, looking very satisfied with his masterpiece.

From beginning to end, the goatee old man didn't make a sound.

The atmosphere of the entire laboratory is extremely strange.

After a while,
The old man relocated the bones he had just taken out on the young man's body.

He moves skillfully and is amazing.

After the old man finished all this, he went back to his desk and started to fiddle with his things again.

The young man who seemed to be lying on the operating table was forgotten by him.

at this time,

The young man finally remembered who he was.

Amano Koji!

Yes, he is Amano Koji.

He is not dead...!
He didn't know why he was lying here?
I don't know who this goatee old man is.

The memory in his mind began to recover somewhat.

He remembered that he was in the ring, fighting against Huaxia Chen Yang Peak.

After taking the medicine, his combat power increased sharply, but unfortunately he was on a par with Huaxia Chen Yang and did not have much advantage.

In the end, he fully activated the effect of the medicine, and his combat power soared in a short period of time.

With a sweep of his legs, Huaxia Chen Yang was directly kicked away.

At least his strength has increased by more than [-]%.

It's a pity that in the end, the effect of the drug went out of control, and he committed suicide on the spot!
His consciousness remained at the moment when he finally lay on the ring.

What the hell is this place?
Also, who is this old guy?
Why did he just take off his arm bones and put them back?

What are these medicines he got?
Why inject these messy things into your body?

Amano Koji couldn't make a sound, his brain was buzzing.

The goatee old man fiddled with the desk for a while.

He came to the operating table again.

Next, he took out two metal wires from under the operating table and connected them to Amano Koji's body.

pat... pat...!
Power is on.

Only a short electric shock sounded.

Amano Koji's just awakened consciousness completely exploded!

It hurts so much...!
Can't stand it!
The pain of the electric shock made him feel unbearable.

His body began to tremble, spasm, twitch involuntarily...!
After a while,
Amano Koji couldn't stand the shock of the electric current, he kicked his feet and fainted.

The goatee old man smiled and looked at Amano Koji, who was motionless.

next moment,
He exhaled a long breath and seemed to be very satisfied with Amano Koji's performance.

This is his greatest work...!
"Very good! As expected of the king of fighting, his physical fitness is superhuman, and he has survived!"

"Finally making some progress in fusing human genes with those of silverback gorillas!"

"Boy, you are lucky, fortunately you met me, or else your blood vessels burst, no one can save you!"

Just when the goatee old man was talking to himself.

The doorbell rang outside the laboratory.

He frowned, as if he didn't like being disturbed.

However, the person outside the laboratory door had a special identity, and he had to open the door.

"Mr. Inoue, how is the situation? Is Amano Koji awake?"

The visitor asked in a low voice, seeming to have great respect for the old man with the goatee.

"General Hengshan, he has already woken up, but if he wants to wake up completely, it will take a few more days!"

Goatee nodded and answered.

The person who came was Yokoyama Musashi of Hijima.

After the two greeted each other, there was not much chat.

"It is said that North America has successfully tested gene fusion technology, which can fuse animal genes with the human body!"

Yokoyama Musashi asked in a low voice, "Mr. Inoue, can we develop this kind of genetic technology in the Great Sun Island Empire?"

There was a trace of disdain on the goatee's face, and he said solemnly:
"That's just North American bragging, they didn't address genetic exclusion at all!"

"Gene fusion technology, they haven't made a breakthrough yet!"

"Incompatible genes can't be fused together at all, and they are very repulsive!"

"Like the genes of a lion, if you want to fuse with the human body, with the current technology, it is still impossible!"

"North America said that the successful gene fusion technology test refers to the fusion of similar genes, and it can also be said to be the optimization of genes!"

"Extract, nurture, optimize, screen and fuse the best human genes into the genes of ordinary people!"

"In this way, the repulsion is very low, and the effect is not bad!"

"The gene fusion technology I have mastered is one of the best even in the global biomedical field!"

"I matched the genes of silverback gorillas with human genes after five consecutive breeding and screening!"

"So far, this achievement has made a breakthrough!"

"The young man you sent here is good. He has good physical fitness and has resisted the reaction of gene fusion."

"In his body, the genes of the silverback gorilla have been fused!"

"In a few months, when he fully recovers, his strength will be more than doubled!"

"And his fighting ability and physical abilities will be significantly improved!"

"Hey... Next time, I plan to fuse feline genes with human genes!"

"The genes of felines are very closely matched with those of humans. If the exclusion can be solved...!"

"In this way, humans will have cat-like agility and speed...!"


Once the goatee old man talked about this, he was all excited!
In the global biomedical community, he is an authority!
Amano Koji because the side effects of the drug are too great, the body can not bear the effect of the drug, and the blood vessels burst!
However, he was only in suspended animation and was taken to the hospital.

The old man with the goatee took Amano Koji into the laboratory in the basement of the hospital.

After some rescue, Amano Koji miraculously came back to life...

(End of this chapter)

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