Chapter 835
More than [-] fans seemed to have lost self-control, and they couldn't remember anything except screaming and shouting at the top of their throats.

At the last paragraph, Zhang Xiao vented all the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart, and his hysterical voice pushed the whole song to its climax, and also pushed the atmosphere of the scene to its climax.

"Look at me and stop looking at the smallpox."

"I'm not your cup of tea."

"Drink to your heart's content, too;"

"Don't forget that someone is making sand for you;"


What is heart-piercing?
In the past, many people used this word to describe those singers who sang better, but now Zhang Xiao used the last high note to tell everyone that a heart-piercing performance should look like this.

The neck was congested, the veins were bulging, and his face was grim. Zhang Xiao used his voice to express his joy directly, and he didn't use a false voice, but a real voice.

That roar like a hand made everyone feel extremely moved. More than [-] fans were moved by the atmosphere of the scene, and roared together with Zhang Xiao.


At this moment, everyone in the audience went crazy, and many fans fainted because of lack of oxygen due to shouting too hard.

The medical staff who had arranged for a long time carried them out immediately, and the doctors outside gave first aid.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

After seeing the situation, the reporters rushed to the ambulance, but were stopped by the security captain.

The security captain said: "My friends from the press, please don't disturb the doctor's first aid."

"Sir, what happened, why are so many people brought out?"

The security captain said with a wry smile: "It should be because there are too many people in the venue, the air is not very ventilated, and Mr. Zhang's singing in Thailand was so enthusiastic that many fans screamed and fell into a coma due to lack of oxygen."

"Excuse me, how many people fainted?" The reporter asked again.

The security captain replied: "There are about 38 people now, and I don't know how many there will be in the future."

At this moment, a sharp female voice sounded.

"Let go of me, I want to go in, and I also want to go to Xiao Shen's concert."

"Ah, ah, let me go quickly."

The doctor tried to persuade him: "Little girl, you can't be too excited now. What you need now is to drink water and rest."

"No, I don't rest, I want to watch Xiao Shen's concert."

"Do you know how good Xiao Shen's concert will be? All five songs are extremely explosive songs, and there must be many more in the future."

"No matter what, I have to see it."

The doctor said: "For your safety, we can't let you in again."

The little girl said: "I'm healed now, I want to watch the concert, even if I die, I will die at Xiaoshen's concert."

Not only this girl, but other fans also asked to continue to watch the concert after they woke up.

For a time, the whole scene was rarely noisy.

How could the reporters miss such a good piece of news? They immediately filmed it.

Zhang Xiao on the stage naturally didn't know about the outside affairs.

When the last note of the song "Exaggeration" fell, Zhang Xiao bowed deeply to the audience, in exchange for overwhelming applause and screams.

He picked up the mineral water and drank half of the bottle, which made his throat that was about to smoke feel better.

Seeing this, Yang Mi said distressedly: "Now I finally know why he doesn't want to hold a concert."

Reba next to him asked curiously, "Why?"

Yang Mi said: "Because other people just ask for money to sing, but he said it would kill him."

Reba bared and said with a smile: "You are right, if there are fans with a bad heart, something may happen."

the other side.

Liu Huade looked back at those fanatical fans and sighed: "I suspect that if Zhang Xiao asked them to die now, they would all do it without hesitation."

Zhang Xueyou said: "This is the most popular concert I have ever seen, bar none. Mr. Zhang's explosive power is really too strong, and his singing skills are even more invincible."

Ethan said: "Five consecutive songs have reached four octaves, and they still sing non-stop. I dare say that there are not many singers in the entire Chinese music scene who can do it."

Zhang Xueyou shook his head, and said: "There are only a few people who can sing four octaves higher, basically none who can sing for 25 minutes in a row."

Liu Huade said: "Zhang Xiao is a master of kung fu, his lung capacity is more than ten times that of ordinary singers like us, and his control of breath is so fine that we can't imagine, so the things we can't do are very important to him. Simple."

Ethan exclaimed: "This is the real song god, unmatched."

On the stage, Zhang Xiao took another sip of water. His throat was already a little uncomfortable from screaming just now, but after drinking the water, he immediately felt much better.

He took the microphone and shouted loudly: "Are you happy to hear it?"


"Is it explosive or not?"


"Do you still want to hear it?"

"Want to hear."

"Am I handsome?"




As soon as the handsome word was finished, the fans couldn't help bursting into laughter.

Zhang Xiao continued: "Thank you for your praise. The leader of my family has never said that I am handsome. Now I finally understand. It turns out that she said that her eyes are not very good. Compared with you, there is a difference of [-]. thousands of miles."

"Hahaha!" The scene burst into laughter again.

Yang Mi couldn't help but laugh too.

Zhang Xiao continued: "Today is my first concert. I chose to start with five new songs, mainly to heat up the atmosphere."

"Now I feel that the popularity is not enough, so I choose "Dangrous" for my sixth song!"

"Tell me, are you ready?"

Everyone shouted, "Get ready."

"Come on then."

Zhang Xiao snapped his fingers, and the stage immediately went dark. After about three or four seconds, all the lights in the entire scene were turned on. At this time, Gu Chenfeng had already changed his clothes.

Black hat, white shirt, black leather shoes, and white socks, these are the attires you need for jumping into space.

In addition, there was a group of shouts in black suits behind him, which set off Zhang Xiao like stars and moon.

Everyone is leaning sideways, touching their hats with their right hands, holding their belts with their left hands, stretching out their left legs, dripping on their toes, playing with their right legs, and leaning their entire body back.


Seeing this posture, the fans at the scene couldn't do anything, and they all became excited one after another.

"Oh my god, this is going to be a bigger move!"

"It's too scary for a group of people to spacewalk."

"It's over, I feel like I'm going crazy soon."

"Ah, this is the real big move."


The mechanical drums sounded, and everyone grabbed their belts, pressing their waists forward vigorously, and fell up and down according to the melody. This was Michael Jackson's hip-pushing action in his previous life.

Although it changed from sharpening a knife to picking a belt, the posture was equally sexy, especially when fifteen strong men did this together, which instantly detonated the audience.

Everyone felt their adrenaline soaring, and everyone was excited.

After the top-span movement, the members of the dance troupe began to turn around and kick their legs, swing their arms, and rotate. This series of movements was uniform, the speed was dazzling, and it was full of rhythm.

"Oh my god, it's so hot!"

"This is the dance, the ones I watched before are all shit."

"I feel my blood swell now."

"Those so-called bullshit dance kings are simply weak compared to Xiao Shen."


The fans in the audience cheered and screamed non-stop, and swayed their bodies lightly to the music.

After the prelude, Zhang Xiao began to sing. His voice was full of magnetism and strength. With the extremely explosive and impactful dance, it directly overturned the entire concert scene.

After more than two months of training, the members of the [-] dance troupes are almost able to achieve the word "perfect" in terms of dance, condensed level, or movement arc.

If Zhang Xiao performed alone, the speed of the dance might be more than twice as fast as it is now, but in terms of shock, it is still more shocking not to be able to perform the same movements with so many people.

At this moment, whether it was the fans, movie fans or artist friends, they all went crazy, they couldn't resist the double stimulation of sight and hearing.

screams, horns, cheers, cries,

All kinds of sounds are intertwined to form a messy movement.


"The girls are so dangerous!"

"Take away my money!"


At the end of the first stanza, Zhang Xiao and fifteen dancers in black suits appeared to be walking forward at the same time, but their bodies were sliding backwards. This is the world-famous space dance step.

The difference is that Zhang Xiao danced this dance alone before, but now there are sixteen people in unison.



Apart from screaming and crying, the fans no longer know what actions or words to use to vent their inner excitement and excitement.

The on-site director was also completely shocked by this performance, and the whole person clapped and danced along with the street.

"It's not good, director, another fan has passed out."

A staff member came to debrief, which brought the director in from fantasy to show.

"Do you still need to report this kind of thing? Hurry up and save people, don't let them get into trouble." The director shouted.

The staff member cried and said, "They have all gone, but there are not enough rescuers."

The director's eyelids twitched and he asked tremblingly, "How many people fainted this time?"

The staff stretched out three fingers and said, "At least 300 people."

When the director heard it, he took out the walkie-talkie without hesitation, and shouted: "All the staff and security personnel are dispatched, and all those who fainted are taken outside the venue."

"Medical staff, please pay attention. There has been a large-scale collapse of movie fans this time. It is estimated that there are 300 people. Please seek help from the hospital immediately."

Just when the director was in a hurry to direct the staff to save people, the loudest scream since the beginning rang out.

The director looked at the monitor, and saw Zhang Xiao on the stage lined up with 15 dancers in three teams, their bodies tilted downward at the same time at a 45-degree angle, as if everyone had escaped gravity.

Seeing this unforgettable action, the director turned pale and pale.

It's over, it's over now.

Later, he discovered through other surveillance videos that one by one fans in the venue fainted one after another, some even sat on the chairs, and some fell directly on the fans next to them.

The whole scene was in chaos.

There's no way, this concert is really exciting, it's amazing, it can definitely be called the most shocking group dance in history.

"Quick, save people quickly."

The director roared, sweating profusely.

Outside the scene, the fans were carried out by the security guards one by one, and they were given first aid on the spot.

The ambulance was too busy, so the medical staff spread a blanket in the open space for the fainted movie fans to lie on their backs.

Ambulances dispatched from major hospitals quickly rushed over.

The ambulance crews were very busy.

"What happened, is there a fire?"

"There are already hundreds of people."

"Could it be that Thailand was excited and fainted due to lack of oxygen?"


Reporters chattered.

Soon the organizer's staff gave them an answer, all of these were due to being too excited to watch Zhang Xiao's concert, so he fell into a coma.

I rely on.

How hot does this have to be to make so many people faint?

"Crack, click~~"

The flashlights in the hands of the reporters kept going on, and then pictures and news quickly spread on the Internet.

"Zhang Xiao's concert was too hot, causing more than 300 spectators to faint."

"Shocked, others ask for money for singing, but Zhang Xiao's singing is terrible."

"More than 300 fans fainted, and now the Jingcheng Geda Hospital is sending emergency reinforcements."

"Zhang Xiao performed six explosive songs in a row and successfully sang more than 300 fans."


Those fans on the Internet who didn't buy tickets, after seeing the news, regretted it all.

"Oh my God, I'm so excited, I really want to see it."

"Singing fainted more than 300 fans, this is too scary!"

"I regret it to death, why didn't I get a ticket?"

"I really want to see what Shen Xiao's concert will be like."

"Which kind-hearted person can send the video, I thank his eight generations of ancestors."

"I just want to say one thing, I want to watch Xiao Shen's concert."


At this time, Zhang Xiao on the stage didn't know that because of a dance of his own, more than 300 fans fainted.

He stood in the place where the light was the most dazzling, and others could see him clearly, but it was very difficult for him to see clearly below.

There was hardly anything to be seen except a black cloud.

After the song "dangerous" was sung, there was another song "batit".

The 4-minute performance caused a total of more than 600 people to pass out due to lack of oxygen due to excitement, and were sent out of the scene. What was even more frightening was that Zhang Xiao danced alone with the drumbeat after singing "DNA tit". 3 minutes of break dancing.

Shake your shoulders, twist your hips, and swing your legs.

Zhang Xiao's movements are clean and neat, and his speed is 10 times faster than before. His whole body seems to have no bones, and he can make movements that ordinary people can't imagine.

Side sliding, in-situ sliding, spinning sliding, every step is full of dreamy colors, and everyone is in a madness.

Not to mention ordinary movie fans, even the actors and singers kept screaming loudly, and their bodies twisted involuntarily with the beat.

However, after he finished this dance, there were nearly a thousand people missing in the entire concert.

The faint scorching below finally caught Zhang Xiao's attention.

Zhang Xiao asked with the microphone: "Is my performance so bad that so many people choose to leave?"

The director hurried over and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Zhang already has more than 1800 fans. He fainted due to lack of oxygen because of the loud screams. You'd better choose some soothing songs."

"If things go on like this, it's very likely that something will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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