Chapter 1397 Fish Dragon Immortal
Seeing a snow-white little rabbit suddenly jump up from the shoulder of the girl in black skirt behind the lord, the red and crystal rabbit eyes looked at him excitedly, and Immortal Biluo was also a little surprised.

This snow-white cute little rabbit gave her a familiar feeling for some reason.

"Little Biluo!"

The little rabbit waved its front paws and shouted in surprise, "Long time no see!"

Little Biluo?
Immortal Biluo was stunned, her eyes glazed over—the voice was so familiar, it instantly brought back her long-lost memory.

In the Upper Realm, only one person had ever called him by the name Xiao Biluo.

"You are……"

Biluo Xianjun hesitated, his breathing was a little short, and his voice trembled with excitement: "Are you Yulong Xianjun?"

"It's me, Xiao Biluo, I am your elder brother Yulong!
Haha, I can't think of 100,000 years, you and I will meet again one day..."

The more the little rabbit talked, the more excited he became. At the end, his voice was choked up, and his eyes were moist and crystal clear.

He and Biluo Xianjun have a close friendship, like brothers and sisters, and they have supported each other in the Lin family for many years.

"Brother Yulong, I thought you had fallen to eternal hell, but I didn't expect you to be alive..."

Biluo Xianjun said emotionally, tears streaming down.

"Alas." The little rabbit sighed: "I was lucky enough to survive at that time, and I took advantage of my body to rebuild and hid in the body of a rabbit. Fortunately, the master came to the eternal hell and rescued me. I met you in the divine land... ..."

"It turned out that the adults made the move."

Biluo Xianjun looked at Ye Yun and saluted again.

Ye Yun's heart moved, and he asked with a faint smile: "Little rabbit, didn't you say that you arrived in the eternal hell thousands of years ago? How come you haven't seen Biluo Xianjun for only 100,000 years? What's going on? "

"My lord, the Immortal Realm is special. The flow rate of time is different from that of the Divine Land. One year in the Immortal Domain is equivalent to a hundred years in the Divine Land, while the time flow rate of the Eternal Hell is the same as that of the Divine Land."

Little Rabbit explained.

"I see……"

Ye Yun nodded silently, with a complicated expression on his face.

The 10 million years of Divine Land is equal to 100,000 years of Xianyu.

And he also signed 100,000 years.

These timings, it seems, have some amazing coincidences.

"I have never entered the Immortal Realm, I was only in the Cangnan Continent at that time, so the 100,000 years should be just a coincidence..."

Ye Yun thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking, Little Rabbit and Biluo Xianjun began to reminisce about the past, telling the past.

Both of them were very excited.

"It turns out that Madam took action to suppress you..."

After listening to Biluo Xianjun's words, the little rabbit couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, Mr. Lin paid a huge price to send our five great immortals to the divine land, just to kill that dead baby..."

Biluo Xianjun also sighed, with a desolate expression, and said slowly: "The dead baby is the lifeblood of the madam. In her heart, this child has always been alive. If we do something to her child, she will definitely treat us as well." If you do it, it will become an inextricable knot in the end..."

"Fortunately, you didn't succeed."

The little rabbit blinked, and suddenly said something inexplicably.

"Brother Yulong, what do you mean..."

Biluo Xianjun's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

Could it be that my lord is really that black dead baby?

That is, the young master of the Lin family.

The little rabbit didn't speak, just smiled casually.

"You two guys, be careful what you say, I'm not that dead baby..."

Ye Yun came back to his senses, waved his hand lightly, and said angrily.

He is not a dead baby.

Ye Yun was very sure of this point.

He had traveled over here, into the body of a baby. The baby was white and fat, and had nothing to do with the black dead baby at all.

"Sorry, my lord!"

Biluo Xianjun felt guilty and said apologetically.

to be frank.

She also didn't want to believe that the adult was the black dead baby of the Lin family.

Xiaohua frowned, and couldn't help but said: "Little rabbit, you really like talking nonsense with your mouth, you have to pay attention next time!"

"Okay, little flower."

The little rabbit stuck out its tongue, pretending to be cute.

As for the identity of the master, it just had an intuition in its heart, and it was an unintentional act to reveal what was on its mind inadvertently just now.

"Who is this one?"

Biluo Xianjun looked at Xiao Hua and asked in surprise.

This little girl is only at the tenth level of the God Emperor Realm, how could her Brother Yulong be so obedient?
"The little flower is Rama's burial flower, which came from the eternal hell, was born by the heaven and the earth, and is very talented..."

Little Rabbit introduced.

For Xiaohua's innate supernatural power, it naturally feels extremely terrifying.

if not.

The Immortal Realm powerhouses in the Ten Great Immortal Lands of Eternal Hell would not want to refine Xiao Hua into an Immortal Destroyer Immortal Tool.

Once Xiaohua grows up in the fairyland, the terrifying infinite parasitic supernatural power will be a nightmare for all living beings in the fairyland.

"Hello, Xiao Hua."

Biluo Xianjun looked straight, and greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Biluo Xianjun!"

Xiaohua also smiled, and the smile looked very cute.

Seeing that these two beauties, one big and one small, got along fairly well, Ye Yun nodded.

"Huh?" Xiaohua's eyes flickered, she looked into the distance and suddenly said: "Master, those weird creatures left the trench and started attacking towards Peach Blossom Island..."

"It seems that there are other plans..."

Ye Yun stared into the distance and smiled meaningfully.

The strange trench appeared not far from Peach Blossom Island, and it seems that something has been brewing. Now that everything is ready, it will start to attack Peach Blossom Island.

In Peach Blossom Island, the single most valuable thing is a book without words.

Who would drive the strange creatures to snatch this wordless book?

Ye Yun waited and saw.

"My lord, do you need me to wipe out all these strange forces attacking Peach Blossom Island?"

Biluo Xianjun asked respectfully.

"Not for the time being, let's see what they come for first."

Ye Yun said.


There is no word outside the book.

Fen Tian Gufeng squinted at the beautiful Patriarch Fei Hua, and kept patting his chest for assurance.

It means that Peach Blossom Island can be protected.


Patriarch Feihua did not accept his love.

Fentian Gufeng smiled, rolled his eyes, and said triumphantly: "Feihua, I know you may not believe in my strength, right? Well, let's see, how can I destroy all these weird creatures by myself? It fell!"

"Destroy them all? You are only at the first level of the God Emperor Realm, do you have this ability?"

Patriarch Feihua's pretty face was cold, and he let out a sneer.

"Wait for my good news."

Brahma Gufeng laughed and jumped into the air, and his body swayed in mid-air, turning into a huge purple-black phoenix.


The huge wings flapped, and the overwhelming body turned into a ray of light and flew out.

Ancestor Feihua quickly played out the formula and poured it into the mountain protection formation.

A gap exposed by the mask allowed the purple phoenix to fly out.


Fentian Gufeng raised his head to the sky and screamed, and let out a crisp phoenix cry, and it came to the sky above the black smoke in an instant.


It opened its phoenix mouth, and spit out a purple-black flame.

It is the fire that burns the sky.

The blazing sky-burning fire surged over like sea water, with a menacing aura, it directly rushed towards the billowing black smoke.

The astonishingly high temperature scorched the vast void.

Many strange creatures were scared out of their wits and fled in all directions.

However, the speed is still a bit slow.

The purple burning fire fell into the black smoke, burning many strange creatures to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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