Chapter 1659 Space Mirage Dragon
Although the small white bottle is small, the water of life flowing out of the bottle is like a surging green river.

A large amount of water of life, using the real dragon stone as the medium, extends all the way, and pours into the mysterious blood egg.

On the blood egg, Ye Yun actually felt a faint breath of the ancestor dragon, which surprised and delighted him.

Could it be that.

Is the ancestral dragon bred in the mysterious blood egg?
more than 800 million years ago, the Shenlongzong was besieged by a group of powerful people from the Qilin tribe, and the whereabouts of the ancestor dragon have been unknown since then.

Could it be that he has been hiding under the True Dragon Temple of the Celestial Dragon Xizong?
After absorbing a large amount of water of life, Ye Yun could also see that the blood egg was about to hatch.

He was a little excited at the moment.

If Zulong is reborn from Nirvana, that would be great news.

"Elder Ye, have you found anything?"

Seeing the water of life, galloping into the real dragon stone, Su Taiyi also felt that this was unusual, standing beside Ye Yun, asked nervously.

"Sect Master Su, can't you see the blood eggs?"

Ye Yun turned his head to look at Su Taiyi, and asked with a smile.

"can not see."

Mrs. Su shook her head, her face was serious and at a loss: "What happened? Originally, the real dragon stone was only three feet deep into the ground, but now it's hundreds of feet deep, but it can't be seen any further... "

Ye Yun slapped his forehead, couldn't help but suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, you are at the first level of the God King Realm, and your spiritual power is not strong enough, so you can't see the scene at the end of the real dragon stone..."

Mrs. Su blinked, recalling Ye Yun's words, and subconsciously asked: "What is at the end of the real dragon stone? Is it a blood egg?"

"Yes, it's a blood egg, which bred a dragon..."

Ye Yun nodded and smiled.

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Su was startled, and her expression suddenly became excited.

Their Shenlong Xizong actually has a real dragon in the ground. This is really great news.

"Great, my divine dragon Xizong has always been protected by a real dragon..."

"That's right, I'm afraid this real dragon stone is the real dragon that cares about us, the dragon Xizong, and intentionally appears once every thousand years!"

"It must be so!"

"It's no wonder that those who hold the Holy Land can't get any insight from the real dragon stone. It turns out that there is a real dragon behind it..."

When the disciples of Shenlong Xizong heard the conversation between the suzerain and Ye Yun, they were very excited and talked a lot.

For them.

If a real dragon is born in Shenlong Xizong, it will greatly enhance the strength of their Shenlong Xizong.

"Oh, that's great, it's really great..."

As soon as Su Tai heard the disciples' discussion, he had a smile on his face and rubbed his hands in excitement.

He looked at the small white bottle on the True Dragon Stone, still flowing with the majestic water of life, and his heart became more and more excited.

If the blood eggs in the ground are pregnant with a real dragon and have absorbed so much water of life, I am afraid that this real dragon will soon break out of its shell.

"Elder Ye, the True Dragon is here, and I cannot live without you..."

Su Taiyi said excitedly.

"Just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha."

Ye Yun smiled slightly, his eyes full of anticipation.

If it is really the ancestor dragon, it also indicates that the luck of the dragon clan will rise completely from now on.

On the Holy Lin Continent, Shi Qilin had already gone to the Immortal Realm, and several of the seven super unicorns had been caught by Ye Yun.

I believe it won't be long before the remaining super unicorns will fall into his hands one by one.

As such.

The Kirin family will decline.

At this time, if Zulong is born and leads the Shenlongzong, it will surely go to glory.

at this moment.

Ye Yun even wanted to change the Shenglin Continent to the Shenglong Continent, so that it was in line with his ideas.

While Ye Yun and Su Taiyi were waiting silently in the True Dragon Temple, someone uttered a roar in Zhangtian Holy Land, which is adjacent to Qingtianyu.

"It's strange, the disciples I sent to the Qingtian Realm Shenlong Xizong to comprehend the real dragon stone, why are all the soul lamps extinguished?"

A roar sounded in an ancient temple.

"Send someone quickly to find out what's going on? Who the hell is it that dares to attack my disciple who controls the Holy Land!"

The voice roared again, issuing an order.


A white vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above the Heaven Palm Holy Land. More than a dozen powerhouses of the God King Realm, led by a God King Realm powerhouse, were shrouded in a white light and disappeared in an instant.

The destination of this void delivery is Shenlong Xizong.

Inside the True Dragon Temple.

A force was generated out of thin air, turning the small white bottle so that the mouth of the bottle was facing up, and the water of life no longer flowed.

"Looks like I've had enough..."

Su Taiyi rubbed his hands excitedly, it seemed that the real dragon was about to hatch.

The disciples of Shenlong Xizong all around held their breath, waiting for the appearance of the real dragon.


A huge aura of the dragon's blood came out from the ground. At this moment, including Su Taiyi, everyone in the entire Shenlong Xizong felt the huge suppressing force deep in the blood.

Everyone knelt down.

In the huge True Dragon Temple, Ye Yun was the only one standing there.

Wherever the consciousness could reach, the mysterious blood egg in the depths of the ground split apart with a burst of sound.

A dark gray dragon slowly drilled out along the cracked egg shell.

This divine dragon has black horns, and in the black, there is a shimmer of seven colors.

In the majestic dragon eyes, there is actually a double pupil.

This pair of double pupils is purple, crystal clear, revealing a dreamlike feeling. If someone takes a look at them, they will fall into a dream and cannot extricate themselves.

Every scale of this dark gray divine dragon exudes spatial fluctuations, faintly visible, even if it is close at hand, it seems to be separated by countless layers of void.

"This is not Zulong!"

Ye Yun's pupils shrank, and he looked up and down at the dragon.

"This is a space mirage!"

After careful identification, Ye Yun recognized it.

Space mirage dragon - one of the ten super dragons.

More than 800 million years ago, Space Mirage Dragon and Dream Dragon escaped with the seriously injured Zulong, and their whereabouts have been unknown since then.

Ye Yun didn't expect it either.

The space mirage dragon, one of the top ten super dragons, will be reborn from nirvana again under the ground of the dragon Xizong in Qingtianyu.

What happened back then?

Where is Zulong?

Why does the space mirage dragon exude a faint breath of the blood of the ancestor dragon?

Just when Ye Yun was thinking.


A low-pitched sound appeared above the void of Shenlong Xizong, and a white vortex suddenly appeared. During the extremely fast rotation, a white light fell out of thin air, and a dozen powerful figures, with the disappearance of the white beam of light, revealed real body.

Waves of powerful aura spread across the entire Shenlong Xizong like a tsunami. All the disciples of Xizong trembled, couldn't stand at all, and fell to the ground.

"The breath of the dragon..."

The leader, a middle-aged man in the God Emperor Realm, stood in the depths of the void, looking in the direction of the True Dragon Temple, with a look of surprise on his face.

Under the ground of Shenlong Xizong, how could there be a breath of dragon?

(End of this chapter)

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