Chapter 343 Mysterious Yin Moon Dragon
The huge iron rod rolled down, containing infinite vast power. At this moment, the world suddenly changed color, and an indescribably powerful aura swept towards the surroundings.

The white mist outside the lake was immediately blown away by the strong wind.

In the white mist, whether it was the undead flying snake or the disciples of the three major sects, they were all blown thousands of miles away at this moment.

One by one scattered, messy.

Even the undead flying snake was blown unconscious by the gust of wind.

further afield.

The monks who were frightened by this weird dark sky phenomenon felt a gust of wind blowing in, and they fled in panic one by one.

Some got into the cave, some entered the valley, and some hugged the laurel tree.

At this moment, all the monks are protecting their lives in various ways.

"So strong!"

Looking at the towering Sky Demon Ape, he picked up the black iron rod and smashed it down. The visual impact alone made Lei Qinian startled and shivered all over.

But he was surprised to find that because of that layer of protective cover, he was not affected in any way. The gust of wind brought by the iron rod blew on the protective cover and shunted away immediately.

This surprised and delighted him.

Lei Qinian looked at Ye Yun's back, his eyes became more fanatical.

He knew that his senior's cultivation was far better than this giant black demon ape that stood upright.

So he doesn't have to worry about anything.

"A small life and death realm, dare to be rampant in front of me?"

Ye Yun said softly.

This sound turned into a powerful sound wave, and immediately charged at the huge black iron rod.

The black iron rod was immediately rolled upside down.

And that powerful sound wave still swept towards Zhantian Demon Ape like a lake.


Seeing that the void was trembling, an indescribable sound wave swept over with a destructive aura, Zhantian Demon Ape felt an indescribable panic in his heart.

At this moment, it finally understood.

The young man in black robe in front of him may have reached the eternal realm.

Far from being able to deal with him, a monster at the first level of life and death.

This thought just crossed my mind.

That huge sound wave immediately bumped into Zhantian Demon Ape.

The sound wave kept vibrating up, down, left, and right, and the huge body of Zhantian Demon Ape was suddenly shaken into a cloud of blood mist, which fell from midair.

Senior... In a word.

The majestic and fierce Zhantian Demon Ape fell.

Lei Qinian, who was in mid-air, witnessed the beginning and end of this battle with his own eyes.

He gasped sharply.

Senior is too strong!
Just one sentence turned a strong man in the realm of life and death into a cloud of blood mist. The power of this kind of supernatural power is already unimaginable.

After the Sky War Ape was killed.

Ye Yun's mood was not filled with joy, but with a hint of melancholy.

Needless to say, the masked master of Zhantian Demon Ape was also a chess piece laid by the mastermind behind the scenes very early on.

But now the clues are broken again.

Ye Yun stood quietly in mid-air, looking into the distance, thinking about everything that Shenlongzong had encountered in the past 100,000 years.

He is slowly sorting out the timeline, including some people and some things he met when he was alive, trying to find clues from it.

After the death of Zhantian Demon Ape, the world gradually recovered its clarity.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, the vision just now was really terrifying.

At that moment, everyone thought that the Tianyue secret realm was about to collapse.

After sorting out the past, Ye Yun didn't find any clues.

He couldn't help but sighed softly.

The behind-the-scenes masters are proficient in deduction and have a certain ability to predict the future. Their careful design step by step has begun as early as 100,000 years ago.

Now he wants to push back, the difficulty is very, very high.

Ye Yun looked around, looking at the entire Tianyue Secret Realm, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"What is the origin of this Tianyue Secret Realm, a small world guarded by Zhan Tian Mo Yuan? Could it be specially created by the black hand behind the scenes?"

Ye Yun muttered to himself.

After he finished speaking, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had a little clue.

Ye Yun took a step forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Lei Qinian yelled, with anxiety on his face.

He still has a protective shield on his body, so he can't even move now.

The shield suddenly disappeared.

Lei Qinian regained his freedom. He looked down, the whole lake was stained blood red by the blood of the Sky War Ape, and the bloody smell was extremely strong, as if he had experienced a dream.

"Where should I go now?"

Lei Qinian looked around and found that the white mist had disappeared, he was a little uncertain for a while.

"Forget it, I'll stay here and wait for the senior to come back. Maybe after the matter is settled, the senior will leave Lord Grim's body."

Lei Qinian thought for a while, but finally stayed, and he landed on a small island in the middle of the lake.


Ye Yun kept flashing in the void, he was observing the secret realm of Tianyue, after a careful investigation.

In the depths of the remote secret realm, he actually felt a faint but familiar aura of the dragon.

This discovery made Ye Yun a little puzzled.

This divine dragon breath is very unique, belonging to an extremely rare dragon family.

Ye Yun glanced across the lush laurel trees in the mountains, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he immediately knew the origin of the dragon's aura.

This breath came from Xuanyin Moon Dragon.

This is a dragon family living in the moon star in the deep night sky.

It is said that they will never leave the moon and star for life.

Unless there is an order from Master Zulong, he will never leave.

Ye Yun's eyes flickered, and he felt the secret realm again, and then showed a look of surprise on his face: "Could it be that this secret realm was built by the body of Xuanyin Moon Dragon?"

Being able to turn a divine dragon into a secret realm, this kind of skill is not something that can be done by a sect at this level.

At least a super sect is required.

With this speculation in mind, Ye Yun can now judge that this secret realm should be created by the black hand behind the scenes.

"This Xuanyin Moon Dragon died too long ago. I wonder if there is any remaining will?"

Ye Yun said to himself.

If he can find the will of Xuanyin Yuelong, maybe he will be able to know what kind of force created this Tianyue secret realm.

Ye Yun activated the Sky Disillusionment Eye.

He began to deconstruct the world of this secret realm, and was also looking for the will of Xuanyin Yuelong.

But after searching for a stick of incense.

But Ye Yun didn't discover the existence of Xuanyin Yuelong's will.

Is it really too long ago, this will has dissipated?
Ye Yun stood quietly in the void, standing still.

"Perhaps stimulating the blood of the ancestral dragon and imitating the will of the ancestral dragon to try to summon the Xuanyin Moon Dragon will have a certain success rate."

Ye Yun's eyes flashed, and he thought of a way again.

Lord Grim's body, under Ye Yun's control, immediately stimulated the blood of the ancestor dragon in his body to the maximum.

With a sudden transformation, this body immediately turned into a huge golden dragon.

This golden dragon hovered high in the sky, exuding an unimaginably large, mysterious and noble aura.

at this moment.

All the creatures in the secret realm fell into a coma.
(Four updates are over, please ask for five-star praise, recommendation tickets~~)

(End of this chapter)

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