Chapter 603
The dark dragon knelt on the ground again, and said sacredly and solemnly: "Lord Zulong, I really didn't lie!"

"I see."

Ye Yun nodded slightly, the chill on his face lessened a bit.

Naturally, the Dark Dragon would not lie in front of him, but this Yunxiao on the sixth floor of the Eternal Realm——

Who is it?

Could it be Nangong Yu in disguise?

"Do you think she used any transformation technique at that time?"

Ye Yun asked.

"I didn't use any transformation techniques. This girl's body is a real dragon of five elements, and she belongs to the dragon clan. I feel very kind when I see her..."

The dark dragon recalled more than 60,000 years ago, and he still felt very kind in his heart, and said with a smile on his face.

Ye Yun nodded silently.

Yun Xiao is the ancestor of all demons, and there are probably very few people in the Cangnan Continent who know her real identity.

Yes, Yunxiao is also a dragon clan.

Moreover, Yunxiao also has a very rare bloodline of the Dragon Clan - Five Elements True Dragon.

Back then, Yun Xiao liked to follow Ye Yun's ass. Apart from Ye Yun's own charm, there was another more important reason, that is, both of them had the blood of the dragon clan.

This kind of blood will resonate, and it will create a kind of attraction between two people.

Although the five-element true dragon cannot compare to the top ten super dragons, it can be regarded as a very high-level dragon among the hundreds of millions of dragons.

In ancient times, the Five Elements True Dragon was also a well-known existence.

"Lord Zulong, at that time I saw that this little girl was seriously injured, so I gave her some blood from her body and taught her a set of exercises..."

The dark dragon said to himself from the side.

"The source is seriously damaged?"

Hearing the words of the dark dragon, Ye Yun frowned again.

There is no doubt that this Yunxiao who has the body of a five-element real dragon is definitely not Nangongyu.

However, how could Yunxiao's origin be damaged so severely?
In the end what happened?
A while ago in the Taishang Wangqing Palace, Ye Yun didn't find any signs of damage to Yunxiao's origin.

"Yes, Lord Zulong. Her origin was severely damaged, and her whole body was very sick, as if she would not live long..."

The dark dragon said in a low tone.

Ye Yun nodded silently.

He didn't blame the ordinary blood given to Yun Xiao by the dark dragon, not the blood of his heart.

After all, for Yun Xiao, she was only at the sixth level of the Eternal Realm at that time, and she couldn't accept the heart and blood of the Dark Dragon, a half-step God King Realm.

Give some blood, enough for Yun Xiao to absorb it.


Yunxiao is a true dragon of the five elements, and its origin also comes from the five elements. The blood of the dark dragon contains dark power, which cannot really make up for the loss of Yunxiao's origin of the five elements.

That's why the Dark Dragon taught her a skill.

Ye Yun still admired the dark dragon's approach.

"What kind of exercises are you teaching?"

Ye Yun asked casually.

"Lord Zulong, this is his self-transforming dragon formula..."

The dark dragon flipped his palm, and respectfully handed over an ancient bronze piece.

Ye Yun grabbed the bronze piece with one hand and put it in front of his eyes to observe.

After watching this set of exercises, the expression on Ye Yun's face became serious.

"This set of exercises, where did you come from?"

Ye Yun asked.

"Millions of years ago, in an ancient deep pool, this bronze piece was accidentally obtained, and it was discovered that this is an ancient practice.

After I obtained this technique, I dedicated it to Lord Hei Tianlong, but I was scolded by him, saying that I had ulterior motives, so I was locked in this big prison..."

The dark dragon said in frustration.

"It's not wrong to scold you..."

Ye Yun fumbled for the bronze piece lightly, and smiled faintly.

"Yeah, I didn't comprehend it at the time. But during these millions of years, in prison, I finally comprehended this exercise thoroughly.

Although this set of exercises is beneficial to the longevity of my dragon clan, it will actually thin the blood of the dragon clan.

The dark dragon sighed and said.

"That's right. Although this exercise can allow the Dragon Clan to live a second life, in fact, it is at the cost of weakening the bloodline. This is indeed a big deal for the Dragon Clan. It's no wonder that the Dark Heavenly Dragon locked you here..."

Ye Yun nodded and said.

"Master Zulong, the villain really deserves what he deserves..."

The dark dragon knelt on the ground again, crying bitterly.

"Get up, you gave Yunxiao this set of exercises, but instead saved her life, I don't blame you!"

Ye Yun said softly, and with a wave of his sleeve, a stream of mana swept out, supporting the Dark Dragon.

There is nothing wrong with the dark dragon's approach.

At that time, Yun Xiao had suffered a serious loss of origin, and he would not survive long. If he did not practice his self-transformation dragon art, it would be impossible to survive.

If you practice, it is possible to live a second life.

"How long has Yunxiao been here?"

Ye Yun looked around, feeling extremely lonely, and said lightly.

"She stayed in the thatched shed for about a hundred years, and then left here. Before she left, she said she would find a way to rescue me..."

The dark dragon said.

Ye Yun took out the ancient picture of the Dragon Cave, and glanced at it silently. He can now confirm with a high probability that this picture was passed down by Yunxiao.

Perhaps it was because Yun Xiao felt that he could not live out a second life, so he circulated this picture, so that those with abilities in future generations can enter this small fragmented world of Xumi Dark Realm and rescue the dark dragon.

This idea is very simple, but also a little ridiculous.

I'm afraid Yunxiao didn't know the true cultivation level of the dark dragon from the beginning to the end.

"The outer seal is Yun Xiao's masterpiece, right?"

Ye Yun looked in the direction of the entrance and asked in an ethereal voice.

"Yes, Lord Zulong."

The dark dragon replied respectfully.

"I understand……"

Ye Yun said softly, at this moment his chest was a little congested.

He has already understood all the ins and outs.

Including the reason why this little black dragon was punished by the dark sky dragon and put in prison, he also understood everything.

The cause was his self-transformation dragon formula written on an ancient bronze tablet.

This technique is of a very high grade.

According to Ye Yun's judgment, he has already reached the god level.

Although the bronze piece appeared in the Hidden Dragon Continent in ancient times, Ye Yun guessed that it might be the god of the sacred land, a secret murderous hand.

"You have been stuck in the half-step God King Realm for a long time, and next time you go to the God Land, I will let you break through to the God King Realm..."

Ye Yun looked at the dark dragon and said.

"Thank you, Master Zulong, for your success!"

The dark dragon said happily.

"Go back to this small world first, and catch up with the Black Dragon Kings..."

Ye Yun raised the green bead, a green light fell, and the dark dragon disappeared immediately.

"It's time to deal with the funeral..."

Ye Yun looked at the monstrous and human cultivators staggering around, and in his eyes, runes as small as stars appeared.

The sky disillusioned eye activates.

At this moment, including the father and daughter of the Su family, certain memories in their minds were also erased and tampered with by Ye Yun.

Ye Yun waved his hand lightly.

A gust of wind swept through, and everyone was blown out of this small world.

This gust of wind also took back the imperial weapon obtained by some people, and it fell into Ye Yun's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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