Originally, Wang Xuan thought that even if Weird would make a comeback, it would definitely take some time, it was just a matter of how long it took.

Who would have thought that while he was still guessing when the strangeness would make a comeback, the strangeness had already reappeared in the fairyland.

"The weirdness has reappeared, could it be that it is in the Immortal Realm?" Wang Xuan said in a deep voice with a dignified expression.

The strange reappearance means too many things, that is, Emperor Huangtian is suppressed and it is difficult to protect the heavens and worlds.

That's when the source of weirdness once again gained the upper hand, and weird creatures once again invaded the heavens and worlds, which would bring boundless disasters to the heavens and worlds.

That is, the terrifying great sacrifice will start again, and countless creatures from all the heavens and worlds will be sacrificed, leaving only a small number of life seeds.

That means, not long after, they will face unimaginable opponents, and will face the almost hopeless future.

"As there are fewer and fewer traces of the Emperor of Heaven, and even his name is not revealed to the world, some vanished existences are ready to move again!

It didn't take long for me to wake up, and by virtue of that familiar breath, I accidentally learned about the strange recovery! "A veteran said in a deep voice.

They have all traced back to Emperor Huangtian's battle above the heavens. Although they have not killed the source of the strangeness, they have also encountered terrifying strange creatures.

Because of this, they are extremely sensitive to the strange power, so they sensed the recovery of the strange power at the first time.

However, according to what they said, they had just woken up from a deep sleep, and they didn't understand Huang Tiandi's current situation at all.

He couldn't even contact Emperor Huangtian, and couldn't know what the situation was, but the recovery of the strange power was a fact.

They were originally planning to explore the recovery of the strange power, but they were delayed because they heard about the heavenly court.

"A sword cut through the ages, and this period of peace was born, but all of this will become a thing of the past!" Wang Xuan said in a deep voice.

Emperor Huangtian once cut across the ages with a sword, completely isolating the heavens and worlds from the heaven above, and only then did a relatively perfect world come into being.

The strange forces could not find the heavens and the worlds, and the creatures in the heavens and the worlds had a period of relatively peaceful development.

Today, strange powers appear again in the heavens and worlds, which also means that strange creatures have discovered the heavens and worlds again.

Why was it possible to discover the heavens and myriad realms?Naturally, it was because Emperor Huangtian was in a difficult situation now, and even his own strength began to dissipate.

Whether it is for Wang Xuan and the others, or for those four veterans, this is not good news, it can even be said to be bad news.

For Wang Xuan and the others, the strangeness attacked again, and there was not much time left for them, but they hadn't fully grown up yet.

Facing the strange power, the Immortal King is obviously not enough to look at, only the Immortal Emperor is qualified to fight against the strange power.

Only by reaching the realm of the Immortal Emperor can there be hope of calming down the strange forces.But if the source of the weirdness takes action, everything will be in vain.

Even if Ye Fan and others are peerless, they still need time to grow up, and they can't step into the realm of immortal emperors all at once.

And will the strange power give them time to grow?This is obviously impossible, and they will surely face an extremely difficult situation.

For the four veterans, the reappearance of the strange power meant that Huang Tiandi's power was gradually dissipating.

No matter how you look at it, this is not good news. If the worst case scenario is used to estimate, Emperor Huangtian might have fallen at this time.

For these veterans who have traced back to Emperor Huangtian, that is the powerhouse they worship as gods, how can they accept this result?

"The power of crossing the ages dissipates, and for the heavens and the world, the real catastrophe will begin!" Jiu Daoyi said with a sigh.

Although he is unwilling to accept such a result, he is very clear that the future heavens and worlds may be shrouded in despair.

After all, even the invincible Huangtian Emperor had a problem. In the heavens and the world, who can resist the strange attack?
"Senior, since you have already felt the strange power, you might as well take us there!" Wang Xuan said after thinking for a moment.

For them, now is the critical moment to repair the Immortal Domain, and it should not have caused extra problems at this time.

But the reappearance of the strange power is no small matter. If you don't confirm it yourself, repairing the fairyland may not be a good thing.

If the strange forces act at the critical moment of repairing the fairyland, a catastrophe will be detonated immediately.

Encountering a terrible opponent is Xiao, the key is that if repairing the fairyland fails, there may be no hope of merging the fairyland.

Therefore, before repairing the fairyland, it is the right choice to see what the strange power is like.

"The strange power is extraordinary, and it is not a good thing for you to get in touch with the strange power too early!" A veteran said in a deep voice.

In his opinion, the group of people in front of them all have a bright future, and as long as they have enough time, they can even step into a very high realm.

If in the future, there is boundless darkness covering the heavens and worlds, these people in front of them will be the mainstay.

He really didn't want these people in front of him to be exposed to strange powers too early, that would not only be a blow, but also mean extreme danger.

"Sooner or later, we will eventually come into contact with the strange power, the sooner we come into contact, the sooner we can prepare!" Wang Xuan said.

Ye Fan and the others all nodded. Although they didn't know how secret it was, they were also aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Wang Xuan wanted to get in touch with the strange power at this time, besides wanting to make the restoration of the Immortal Realm safe, he also had other ideas.

In his mind, even if the strange power re-entered the heavens and worlds, it shouldn't take long.

The strange attack is likely to be a gradual process, and it will not erupt completely until the final big sacrifice.

In other words, even if the weirdness has reappeared, the current power may not be considered strong, and it may be resolved as soon as possible.

He is very clear that this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. As time goes by, the strange power will become stronger and stronger.

But this can buy them a period of time, and this period of time will be the time for Ye Fan and others to make rapid progress and accumulate strength.

"Since you are determined to do so, let's go together, we were originally going to fight Weird!" said a veteran.

The four veterans discussed it, and they knew very well that everything was actually the same as what Wang Xuan said, sooner or later, they couldn't avoid it.

Compared with the despair in the future, it is better to see it in advance now, and to be prepared in the future, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

Four veterans plus Wang Xuan and five people, before setting off, Wang Xuan specially found Duan De and forced him to set off with him.

Today's Duan De is still at the level of a Hongchen Immortal. Although he is only one step away from the Immortal King, he has not made a breakthrough after all.

It can also be seen from this that there is a gap between Duan De and Ye Fan and the others. However, Duan De is just a wisp of soul after all, and it is normal that he is not as good as Ye Fan and the others.

"What strange power is more important than my search for the lost truth?" Duan De said angrily.

During this period of time, Duan De was so happy in the tomb robbery in the fairyland that he almost couldn't think of leaving. He really discovered a lot of good things.

Duan De seemed very unhappy that his trip to the tomb was interrupted, but facing Emperor Xuan, he really had no choice.

"You don't know that, if anyone knows the most secrets in the world, it must be those strange creatures!
Your tomb robbery is purely looking for strange creatures, so you are afraid that there is something you don't know? "Wang Xuan said with a smile.

He is not lying, the source of the weirdness has existed for countless years, far earlier than the era where Emperor Huangtian was.

With such a long history, even if the source of the weirdness wants to know most of the secrets in the world, it may be very difficult.

Duan De's eyes lit up, he had been looking for something, but he hadn't made much progress, but what Wang Xuan said made him see hope.

He immediately became eager to try, threatening to fight the strange creatures for [-] rounds, to obtain all the secrets of the strange creatures.

The four Heavenly Court veterans were stunned when they heard it. How could weird creatures be so easy to suppress?He also tortured the secrets of the strange creatures, what did he take the strange creatures for?

"Who is this? What is his identity in the Heavenly Court?" Jiu Daoyi couldn't help asking.

He just felt that Duan De was a bit arrogant, but felt that Emperor Xuan could really fool around, but Duan De didn't feel it at all.

He has made up his mind to stay away from this young man in the future, otherwise he won't know if he is really sold out.

"In our world, he was the former Emperor of Heaven and my master!" Ye Fan replied without hiding anything.

"Your master? It's really amazing to be able to train a disciple like you!" Jiu Daoyi sighed.

"Not only am I the master's disciple, but also Senior Sister Ye, Brother Ji, and Brother Wu Shi are all disciples of the master!" Ye Fan said.

This time, not to mention nine ways, even the three remaining veterans looked at Wang Xuan differently.

They had long seen that Wang Xuan was very unusual, and guessed that his strength was probably higher than Ye Fan and the others, and that this was the most powerful person in the heaven.

It is extremely rare to be able to train a disciple like Ye Fan. They can naturally see that this current Emperor of Heaven is indeed the arrogance of the world.

But they still underestimated Emperor Xuan and cultivated an outstanding disciple?Do not!Wang Xuan has cultivated four outstanding disciples.

During the chat with Ye Fan, they knew that Ye Fan and others broke through to the Immortal King only after they became Hongchen Immortals.

Is this okay?Cultivating four immortal kings, all of whom are unrivaled talents, seems like a myth.

What's more, these four unrivaled talents have all become immortals in the world of mortals. This is no longer a myth, it is simply a horror legend.

Even in their glorious era, there were countless unrivaled talents, but very few of them became immortals.

The four peerless arrogances who first became mortal immortals and then immortal kings, their future prospects are simply limitless, and they have a very high probability of becoming unrivaled powerhouses.

In their view, in the future, these four unrivaled powerhouses will live up to the name of the Emperor of Heaven and become immortal legends in the heavens and the world.

And what kind of existence should a person who can cultivate four heavenly emperors be?The teachers of the four heavenly emperors?It's terrifying to think about.

Can it be compared to the invincible Emperor Huangtian?Even if they treat Huangtian Emperor like a god, they can't help but have such doubts.

Although they are unwilling to admit it, perhaps there is such a possibility!

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