After suppressing and killing the five strange creatures, Wang Xuan and the others did not breathe a sigh of relief. They knew very well that this was only a temporary victory.

Five strange creatures were suppressed and killed, and the strange will soon learn the news. As long as the other party is not stupid, they will definitely not despise the fairyland again.

When the weirdness reappears next time, they will definitely not be as relaxed as these two times, and I am afraid they will face extremely severe challenges.

The only question is when the weirdness will react, which will determine how much time they have to prepare.

After returning to Immortal Realm, Ye Fan and the others all realized the seriousness of the matter, and all began to practice in seclusion, hoping to make further progress.

The same is true for the four veterans of Jiu Dao No. [-] class. Although it is difficult for them to break through the realm, their strength can continue to improve.

Washed by Emperor Huangtian's blood, theoretically speaking, they can not only fight against strange forces, but also fight with quasi-immortal emperors.

They have just awakened and have not yet fully grasped their own power, but the power of the emperor's blood is nourishing their physical bodies all the time.

As long as the power of the emperor's blood can be unearthed, there will be a few more powerhouses in the future fairyland who can rival the immortal emperor.

After returning to the Immortal Realm, Wang Xuan didn't stay idle, he began to do his best to help Qing Emperor control the gradually consummated Immortal Realm.

Today's Immortal Domain has not yet fully restored to its appearance in the ancient time of Immortals, and there are still some small fragments of Immortal Domain scattered in the chaos.

Compared to the huge fairyland, these small fairyland fragments are actually insignificant, neither Emperor Xuan nor Qingdi wanted to waste time collecting them slowly.

Today's fairyland is huge enough, and as time goes by, those fairyland fragments can slowly approach the current fairyland.

For Wang Xuan and Qing Emperor, the most important thing now is actually to control the Immortal Realm as soon as possible and become the existence like the master of the world.

If he could reach that level, Qing Emperor would not only be able to become a quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse, but also be able to condense the power of the world in the fairyland.

In the confrontation with Weird, this will be extremely critical. Whether you can resist Weird's counterattack depends on how effective this hole card can be.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, Qing Emperor's control over the Immortal Domain is gradually deepening, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes the Lord of the World.

On this day, Duan De took the initiative to find Wang Xuan. After suppressing and killing Weird last time, he was in an unspeakable state.

"I have already remembered the past, long ago, I fought shoulder to shoulder with the Emperor of Heaven"

Duan De talked about the past of the Xiangu era, but he didn't know that much about that lost era.

When Huang Tiandi was not yet strong, the two were already good brothers and experienced many things together, but he failed to keep up with Huang Tiandi's pace.

When the Huangtian Emperor was advancing triumphantly and fighting against the source of darkness, he had fallen into a deep sleep and missed the most crucial battle.

Later, Emperor Huangtian suppressed the source of darkness, beheaded the corpse emperor, and ended the dark years that had engulfed the fairyland for countless years.

At that time, Duan De finally woke up again, and it was at that time that Duan De's main body chopped off a strand of soul.

Duan De is just a part of the soul, he actually doesn't know anything about the body's experience after that, and he also doesn't know what happened to Emperor Huangtian afterwards.

"Now, I have established a preliminary connection with my main body, but my main body is in an inexplicable place!" Duan De said.

He really wanted to find everything that was lost, but his body was not in the fairyland, but in an unknown place, extremely far away from the fairyland.

With his current strength, before he reached that unknown place, he would definitely have died on the road.

But in his feeling, establishing a connection with the main body seems to be a very important thing, and it must be done as soon as possible.

"Unknown place? It's really hard to reach, I'm afraid it's outside the heavens, let me think of a way!" Wang Xuan said.

He actually knew very well that [-]% of Duan De's body was in the ancient underworld at this time, but it was not an ordinary place.

The ancient underworld itself is not simple. As far as he knows, there are a large number of peerless geniuses who were once immortal in ancient times trapped in the ancient underworld.

For example, although the famous Ten-Crown King is dead, his Yuanshen is still in the underworld, so there is hope for his resurrection.

The reason why Duan De's body went to the ancient underworld was because he wanted to hide in it, and at the critical moment, overthrow the ancient underworld in one fell swoop.

In this way, Duan De's body can save the group of people from the Immortal Ancient Era, and among them, there may be the person he has been looking for.

But the ancient underworld is one of the weird bridgeheads. In it, there are powerful strange creatures, even the powerhouses at the level of immortal emperors.

It is naturally not easy for Duan De's body to overthrow the ancient underworld.For the time being, Duan De's body can only dormant.

Duan De wants to get close to the ancient underworld and get in touch with his own body, which is also a difficult thing, even with his help.

But Duan De's feeling is right, getting in touch with Duan De's body will be a very crucial thing, which will be related to future success or failure.

Wang Xuan knew very well that regardless of Ye Fan and others' incomparable talents, they will be able to reach the peak in the future, but it will take some time for them.

If he could have several epochs, he would naturally be able to lead Ye Fan and others to push Weird all the way to the base camp of Weird.

But they didn't have such a long time, and the source of the weirdness was not only extremely powerful, but also wouldn't allow them to grow slowly.

At this stage, Emperor Huangtian is the key to breaking the situation. He is the strongest combat power in Immortal Domain, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

If Emperor Huangtian died, there would be no hope for all the heavens and myriad worlds, and the powerful strangeness could easily overwhelm everything.

Because of this, it is very important to get in touch with Emperor Huangtian, tell him the secret of the source of the weirdness, and then formulate corresponding countermeasures.

In the original history, Ye Fan and others succeeded, but when Wang Xuan started to prepare for this matter, he realized that it was actually not easy.

According to what he knew, the Huangtian Emperor at this time was fighting with the weird ancestor, and they couldn't participate in that level of powerhouse.

The two sides have already fought beyond the heavens, to the depths of the long river of time, it is impossible for them to contact Emperor Huangtian at this time.

The only way is to go upstream in the long river of time, go back to that period of time, and find Huang Tiandi, who is in the stage of immortal emperor.

But how can the long river of time be so easy to swim upstream?Not to mention the Immortal King, even a quasi-immortal emperor level powerhouse, it is difficult to fiddle with the long river of time at will.

If they want to trace Huang Tiandi's footprints in the long river of time, they first need an accurate location to help them return to the right time.

Originally, Jiudao's first-class Heavenly Court veterans were very suitable. They had fought with Emperor Huangtian and had an inexplicable connection with Emperor Huangtian.

But this is not the most suitable candidate. When Jiu Daoyi and others followed Huangtian Emperor to fight, it was already after Huangtian Emperor put down the dark turmoil.

At that time, Emperor Huangtian had already come into contact with strange powers.Under the influence of the strange power, as long as they contact Huang Tiandi, they will be discovered by the strange.

Therefore, they need to go back to the earlier years, and the best time point is naturally the moment when Emperor Huangtian just became an immortal emperor.

In this way, there is no more suitable candidate than Duan De himself, because he not only has a deep relationship with Emperor Huangtian, but also grew up with Emperor Huangtian.

With the help of Duan De's body, their positioning can be more accurate, and the possibility of establishing contact with Emperor Huangtian will be greater.

"I can sense that unknown place, but this feeling is intermittent. I really don't know what's wrong with the main body!" Duan De sighed.

After contacting the strange power, although he has established some connection with the main body, but this connection is very loose and intermittent.

He was really afraid that this connection would be interrupted. At that time, it would be extremely difficult for him to find his own body.

"From this point of view, we can only go there in person!" Wang Xuan said firmly after thinking for a moment.

It is urgent to get in touch with Emperor Huangtian.When the weirdness strikes, even if they want to do this, I'm afraid they won't have a chance.

Taking advantage of the strangeness and not reacting, it is currently the only way to go to the ancient underworld to get in touch with Duan De's real body.

"Although I don't know exactly where it is, I can feel that it is dangerous. Do you really want to do this?" Duan De said hesitantly.

This time, although he came to seek help from Emperor Xuan, he didn't actually want to go to the unknown place where the main body was.

It was too dangerous, and he was really afraid that he would die on the way.Who would have thought that Wang Xuan would be so decisive.

"It's useless to think too much, you feel that this matter is very important, so naturally you can only take a trip, maybe it's not so dangerous!" Wang Xuan said.

Although he didn't know much about Weird's current situation, he could see something from the two successive arrivals of weird creatures.

Obviously, Emperor Huangtian killed the source of the weirdness and caused countless weird creatures to fall. I am afraid that the strange creatures will also be seriously injured.

The Huangtian Emperor has not yet fallen, and the strange creatures are still incomparably afraid of this unrivaled powerhouse, so they are cautiously probing.

If it weren't for this, with the strange and terrifying power, they have already invaded on a large scale, and how could they send a few strange creatures to sneak into the fairyland secretly.

If he remembered correctly, Emperor Huangtian once ran into the ancient underworld and dug out a section of reincarnation.

With the temper of a weird creature, when the Huangtian Emperor descends on the ancient underworld, a big battle is probably inevitable.

In the end, there was no need for many people, Emperor Huangtian dug out a section of reincarnation circuit, it is conceivable that the ancient underworld must have been conquered.

If it is estimated based on the most optimistic situation, the Gudi Mansion may have been severely injured by the Huangtian Emperor, and there may not be many masters left.

This can be seen from the fact that Duan De's body can be lurking in the ancient underworld, and the strange creatures have not discovered it.

If everything is planned properly, he and Duan De may not have the opportunity to get close to the ancient underworld and get in touch with Duan De's body.

If you miss this opportunity, wait until the power of the ancient underworld is restored, and then try to get closer. Without the strength of Immortal Emperor Zhun, I'm afraid there will be no chance at all.

Now that a decision has been made, Wang Xuan did not hesitate, and after arranging the affairs of the Immortal Territory, he and Duan De went on the road.

This time, it was just him and Duan De, the weird creatures would make a comeback at any time, and Ye Fan waited until he needed to sit in the Immortal Realm.

Moreover, the ancient underworld is not unusual, and more people go there, which is not necessarily a good thing.

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