Chapter 486 No more suspense!
It is actually not an easy task to obliterate the original matter. The original matter has actually surpassed the realm of sacrificial dao.

After the supreme powerhouse buried himself, there was still an inexplicable substance in his ashes, which was transformed by his illness.

That is the original substance, which comes from the supreme powerhouse, and it is a terrifying substance that can make the creatures above the sacrificial path fall.

The original material was originally quiet in the stone jars of the majestic plateau. Due to geological changes, the copper coffin of the third generation was shaken out, and the ashes were poured out.

The ten ancestors came to the plateau by accident. They were eroded by the original material, and they underwent a terrible transformation, becoming the ancestors of worship.

After the original substance was diluted, it formed a strange substance, infecting more creatures, and the strange family was born.

Because it originated from a creature above the sacrificial path, the original substance is terrifying and boundless, not only can it erode the immortal emperor, but it is also difficult to be wiped out.

Wang Xuan fought with the ancestors of the Taoism for endless years. He had beheaded the ancestors of the Taoism, but he was unable to wipe out any ancestors of the Taoism.

The root of everything lies in the original matter. During the battle with the four priests, he had no time to obliterate the original matter.

As long as the original matter is not destroyed, and the ancestors of the sacrificial Tao are not destroyed, they can be continuously resurrected in the plateau outside the world.

But it was different now, after Chu Feng stepped into the Dao of Sacrificial Realm, the ten times income came to his account, and the strength of Emperor Xuan was no longer the same.

You must know that Chu Feng stepped into the realm of sacrificial Dao with the Immortal Emperor of the Two Paths and Fruits.

It is precisely because of this that the ten times the income obtained by Wang Xuan is so exaggerated, allowing his strength to soar to the level of terror in an instant.

At this point, all suspense is gone. In front of the astonishing Quan Guang, no matter how hard the four priests struggle, it is futile.

The four primordial ancestors were firmly trapped by Wang Xuan, and their domineering and boundless fists were constantly obliterating the original matter.

Just wait until the original matter is completely wiped out, and then wipe out the traces of the existence of the four ancestors of worship, and they will completely fall.

At that time, even if the plateau outside the world can still give birth to four ancestors of the Taoism, it will not be the four ancestors of the Taoism in front of us.

Moreover, it is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time if you want to give birth to a new ancestor of worship, even if you launch a grand sacrifice.

Moreover, with people like Wang Xuan around, how could it be possible to give the plateau outside the world a chance to give birth to a new ancestor of Daoism?

"Impossible! How on earth did you do it? It's impossible for this to happen!" An ancestor of Daoism roared wildly.

Not to mention him, all the ancestors of the priesthood couldn't believe all of this. For them, this is simply a fantasy.

Their strange clan is so powerful, ten patriarchs who worship Taoism, ten immortal emperors, overlooking the eternity, pressing across the heavens and worlds, who can be the enemy?

Every once in a while, they will launch a big sacrifice, not only to sacrifice to that supreme being, but also to clean up the world.

As long as they are strong at the level of the Immortal Emperor, they will be beheaded and killed by them. Without giving the slightest chance to the creatures in the world, the rule of the strange clan will naturally be extremely strong.

But it was under such circumstances that five strong priests were born successively in the world, completely breaking the invincible situation of the strange clan.

Moreover, if there are only five Dao Dao powerhouses, it’s fine. They have ten Dao Dao ancestors in total, so what about five Dao Dao powerhouses?
However, these five sacrificial Dao powerhouses are all unrivaled talents, and their combat power is so powerful that they have reversed the strength of both sides.

There are only five sacrificial Dao powerhouses!The ten priests who killed them were in a panic, and they were about to be completely beheaded.

Even if they thought about it, it was difficult for the ten ancestors to understand how such an incredible thing happened.

"Since Emperor Huangtian was born, your failures have long been doomed, you are too arrogant!" Wang Xuan said coldly.

The present situation is possible because of Emperor Huangtian, because of him, and because of his disciples, but the root cause is Emperor Huangtian.

Since the beginning of the world, this world has given birth to the supreme existence above the Dao of Sacrifice, and thus a strange family has been born.

But Emperor Huangtian is still special. In the environment where darkness covers the world, he cut through the darkness alone and broke through to the realm of immortal emperor.

In the battle with the strange clan, Emperor Huangtian even blocked all the weird clan by himself, cutting across the ages with one sword, and bringing light to the world.

Because of this, they have time to grow up, and the world has more powerful people who are extremely sacrificial to the Dao.

What's more, they are all walking the road that Emperor Huangtian has walked, so they are considered to be the descendants of Emperor Huangtian.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no pioneer Huang Tiandi in the world, whether these people can reach the current state is still unclear.

Now, they do have an absolute upper hand, and the ten ancestors of worshiping the Dao are still about to fall in front of them.

But even if there were no latecomers like them, Huangtian Emperor alone, it was not that the hopes of the strange clan were not successfully shattered.

Today's Emperor Huangtian is actually on the verge of breaking through. He only needs to go one step further, and he can break through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

Whether it's his own talent, his own accumulation, or even a corresponding mentality, Emperor Huangtian already has all the conditions.

Even if he was beheaded by the strange clan, there is a high probability that Emperor Huangtian will be able to break through and be reborn, breaking through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

If there is another strong man above the Dao of Sacrifice in the world, no matter how powerful the Weird Clan is, it will die out completely.

However, no one can say for sure about breaking through this kind of thing. It is possible to succeed, but there is also a risk of failure.

If Emperor Huang Tian succeeded, then naturally there is nothing to say.What if Emperor Huangtian failed?Isn't the world forever shrouded in darkness?

The appearance of this group of people is a greater hope.Just like now, they already have the absolute upper hand.

As long as the town kills the ten ancestors of the Dao of Sacrifice, how difficult is it to give them time to break through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice?
There is a safe way, and naturally there is no need to fight for that one-ten-thousandth hope, which is also the goal he has been working hard for.

If the strange clan wants to stop all this, it is not that there is no chance at all, the key lies in Huang Tiandi.

If the Huangtian Emperor had not yet broken through to the Dao of Sacrifice realm, if many ancestors of the Dao of Sacrifice shot together, they would definitely be able to kill the Emperor Huangtian.

Or, the ancestors of the Dao of Sacrifice were not so entrusted. When Emperor Huangtian first broke through to the realm of Dao of Sacrifice, ten ancestors were born together.

Even if Emperor Huangtian is invincible, facing the ten ancestors of worship alone, it is almost impossible for him to take away any one of them.

But there are not so many ifs in the world. At this moment, the ten priests have lost all hope.

Wang Xuan is already obliterating the original matter of the four ancestors of offering sacrifices, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely obliterated.

On the other side, Chu Feng had already arrived at the battlefield where Ye Nannan was, so naturally there was no suspense about what happened next.

After long years of fighting, Ye Nannan's strength has improved a lot, and now she is able to completely suppress the priest.

Now, Chu Feng, who is extremely powerful, joins the battlefield. With the power of the two priests, it is not a big problem to wipe out the ancestor of the priests.

The five priests who fought against Ye Fan and Huang Tiandi felt a huge crisis, because it would be their turn soon.

As long as one ancestor of worship falls, the balance between the two sides will be completely broken, and at most it will be the difference between dying early and dying later.

Naturally, they were not willing to let it go without a fight, but trying to break the deadlock at this time was tantamount to wishful thinking.

Emperor Huangtian and Ye Fan are not ordinary strong men. During the years of fighting against the ancestors of the priesthood, they also became stronger as they fought more and more.

Not only did the five priests break out, but they were still unable to gain the upper hand, and they gradually felt a little bit of retreat in their hearts.

How can I not refund at this time?When Chu Feng and Ye Nannan completely wiped out the founder of Daoism, it will be their turn next.

There is no hope of winning at all. No matter how hard they persist, there is only one end in the end.

These five ancestors of offering sacrifices are also considered decisive. They know very well that if they don't leave now, they may never be able to leave.

Look at the four ancestors who fought against Emperor Xuan, they didn't want to leave, but they couldn't even leave now.

They still have a chance. After reaching a consensus, the five priests broke out at the same time and rushed towards the plateau outside the world.

The plateau outside the world is their last hope. As long as they can return to the plateau, even if they can't shrink back, they are enough to protect themselves.

Moreover, even if the other ancestors of the priesthood fell, a new ancestor of the priesthood could still be born on the plateau outside the world.

As long as they can return to that plateau, everything will not be over. They still have a chance to regroup and fight back.

The intentions of the ancestors of offering sacrifices to Taoism are very obvious, Huangtian Emperor and Ye Fan can naturally see it, and naturally they will not let the five ancestors of offering sacrifices to Taoism fulfill their wish.

However, after fighting for a long time, Emperor Huangtian and Ye Fan's original resources were also very consumed, and they were no longer in their prime.

In the end, the two of them only left two ancestors of the Taoism, and three ancestors of the Taoism, and finally returned to the plateau outside the world smoothly.

In a one-on-one situation, the two ancestors of the sacrificial Tao had no chance of making a comeback at all. They had already been suppressed by Emperor Huangtian and Ye Fan, and they were being wiped out at this moment.

On the battlefield at the sacrificial level, everything has lost its suspense. The seven ancestors of the sacrificial dao are all suppressed, and they are already being wiped out at this time.

The first one who couldn't support it was not the ancestor of Dao who fought against Chu Feng and Ye Nannan alone, but the four ancestors of Dao who were wiped out by Wang Xuan.

Since Chu Feng's breakthrough, Emperor Xuan's strength has skyrocketed too terrifyingly, the invincible terrifying strength of Ji Dao Realm can wipe out everything.

Even if the four priests joined forces, it didn't last long in his hands, and one ancestor had been completely wiped out.

One ancestor of worship has been completely wiped out, and the remaining three ancestors of worship are also not far from death at this time.

At this moment, in another battlefield, two powerful auras shot up into the sky, and smiles immediately appeared on the faces of Wang Xuan and the others.

"They have also made a breakthrough, so there will be no suspense in this battle!" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

The powerful aura comes from the battlefield at the level of the immortal emperor, that is, someone broke through the limit, went a step further, and stepped into the realm of offering sacrifices.

Wu Shi and Liu Shen finally broke through after fighting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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