Chapter 488 So What About the Twelve Sacrificial Daoists?

No matter how much you know, the power of both sides is already on the front line, so what can you do?
The plateau's will is very clear, although it has many restrictions, but within the plateau, its power is unquestionable.

The plateau has a quality above the Dao of Sacrifice. Although its consciousness is hazy and it doesn't know how to fully utilize this mighty power, it is also extremely terrifying.

As long as Wang Xuan and the others step half a step into the plateau, the plateau's will will make them come and go, and even erode them and transform them into strange creatures.

But if they can't step into the plateau in front of them, they will never be able to completely destroy the source of weirdness in the world, and the source of weirdness will always exist.

The ancestors of the priesthood will always be born, and every once in a while, ten ancestors of the priesthood will appear on the plateau, and they will challenge them.

There is only one thousand days to be a thief, how can one thousand days be a thief!It is extremely dangerous to be challenged by the ten ancestors all the time.

As long as one of them falls, the balance of strength between the two sides will change, and the strange clan may take advantage of the momentum and kill them all.

No matter how you think about it, this is an unsolvable problem.Even Emperor Huangtian and the others were frowning at this moment, unable to think of any countermeasures.

"You're right, with their current strength, it's true that they can't take half a step to the plateau, but we can prevent any strange creatures from stepping out of the plateau.

Without the great sacrifice, how fast could the ancestor be born?As for us, do you think we can't break through again? " Wang Xuan said.

This time, when he came to this plateau outside the world, he never thought of destroying this plateau in one fell swoop, because it was impossible.

But it is not difficult to just block the gate of the plateau and prevent any strange family from stepping out of the plateau.

The Weird Clan was blocked in the plateau, so naturally they couldn't launch the grand sacrifice, and the speed at which the ancestor of Dao was born on the plateau would be greatly affected.

He never doubted that as long as Huang Tiandi and others were given enough time, they would definitely be able to step into the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

It doesn't need much, as long as one person can break through, shatter the plateau in front of him, and completely end the weirdness in the world, it is not difficult.

The remaining three priests were silent, and the will of the plateau was silent. They had to admit that what Wang Xuan said was true.

The group of people in front of them were indeed incredible, and they created a miracle under impossible circumstances, forcing them to such a point.

Is it possible for the opponent to break through to the sacrificial path?Of course there is, and the possibility is not small, this is what they are afraid of.

Leaving aside the other people, Emperor Huangtian and this person in front of him do have a great hope of stepping into the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

As long as the opponent breaks through, there will be no suspense. Even the will of the plateau, with the power above the sacrificial path, is also irresistible.

The plateau's consciousness began to fluctuate violently. It understood its own shortcomings. Although it contained infinite power, it had great limitations.

The means and methods of fighting are too lacking, because it is just a carrier, and it cannot take half a step out of the plateau.

However, it did not succumb to this, because the will of the plateau is very clear, there is still a chance at this time, if it succumbs, it will really be hopeless.

The next moment, the plateau outside the world began to shake violently, and an ancient coffin buried deep in the ground rushed up, revealing a rotting corpse.

The plateau is indeed very strong, almost omnipotent. In a very short period of time, more than ten ancestors appeared in the plateau.

Obviously, this is not the ancestor of the Dao of the Highland Resurrection, but the ancestor of the will of the Plateau created over the long years.

The restriction of the ten ancestors of offering sacrifices has been broken, and even the remaining three ancestors of offering sacrifices only knew about it at this time.

According to Wang Xuan's judgment, Gao Yuan's will is actually growing, although the speed is very slow, but it is more and more like a living being.

He knows how to hide himself, knows how to hide his power, and treats the ancestors of the Dao as puppets, and his own will is gradually growing.

If the will of the plateau is given a long time, it may really be able to turn into a real creature and become an existence above the sacrificial path.

But it is a pity that the plateau's will is not a real creature after all, its way of thinking, its will, is actually immature.

Including the three surviving ancestors of the priesthood, a total of twelve ancestors of the priesthood came out of the plateau and came towards them.

In other words, during the heyday of the plateau, it was not the ten ancestors of the Taoism that they thought, but a full nineteen ancestors of the Taoism.

Obviously there are more ancestors of worship, and the strength of the ten ancestors of sacrifice to fight against them, the will of the plateau did not respond at all.

Perhaps, according to the situation at the time, Gao Yuan's will also believed that the ten ancestors of worship had already gained the upper hand and could wipe them out completely.

It was too late until Chu Feng stepped into the Dao of Sacrifice, and the balance of strength between the two sides had undergone a fundamental change.

Even if they came to the plateau outside the world, the will of the plateau still has not revealed so many ancestors of the priesthood.

It wasn't until he said what he said just now that Gao Yuan's will really realized that it was not good, and he took out all his hole cards.

"It's not good to realize it now? But it's too late, let alone twelve patriarchs, what about twenty?" Wang Xuan said coldly.

Seeing the twelve ancestors of offering sacrifices to the plateau, Emperor Huangtian and others were about to take a step forward, but Wang Xuan stopped them.

Regardless of the fact that there are twelve ancestors of worship, the strength of the strange clan has surpassed that of the past, but they are not afraid at all.

After Chu Feng broke through to the Dao of Sacrifice Realm, they fought with ten ancestors of Dao of Sacrifice and killed seven of them.

Now, with Willow God and Wushi breaking through to the realm of offering sacrifices, they already have a total of seven strong priests, so why be afraid of the twelve ancestors of offering sacrifices?

However, Wang Xuan didn't intend to let Emperor Huangtian and others take action, but prepared to fight the twelve ancestors of Dao by himself.

This is not arrogance, but he is very clear that Huang Tiandi and others are not in a very good state at this time, and they are not in their prime at all.

"Master! Let me do it! Emperor Huangtian, Senior Brother and others can cultivate with peace of mind!" Chu Feng and Wushi said in unison.

It's not that they don't understand Emperor Xuan's intentions, they all know that fighting against the Daoist Patriarch is not the most important thing.

If you want to solve this plateau outside the world, you can only succeed in one fell swoop if you break through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

Moreover, after fighting against the ancestor of Dao for a long time, Huang Tiandi, Ye Fan and Ye Nannan's origins were all consumed a lot, and their own strength was also affected.

Chu Feng, Wushi, and Liushen are in their prime. With their strength, they are enough to deal with five or six ancestors of worship.

"It doesn't need to be like this. In my eyes, the ancestors of the Twelve Sacrifice Dao are nothing more than chickens and dogs, not worth mentioning!" Wang Xuan said.

But for Chu Feng and others, fighting against the ancestor of worship is by no means the most important thing, what they need now is cultivation.

At this time, it is the most suitable for him to take action, because he doesn't need to practice at all, what he needs is Ye Fan and others to be able to break through.

The stronger Ye Fan and others are, the stronger he will be.If someone can break through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice, everything will be without any suspense.

As for fighting against the twelve ancestors of offering sacrifices, this matter seems extremely exaggerated, and there should not be such a strong man in the world.

Because, if he can fight against the twelve ancestors of the Dao of Sacrifice, he should almost break through to the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice. How can he be a strong Dao of Sacrifice?
But Wang Xuan is different, his situation is too special, he doesn't need to break through by himself at all, ten times the income can overwhelm everything.

After Chu Feng's breakthrough, his strength has skyrocketed to the level of an invincible player in the Dao of Sacrifice realm. Even if he is the ancestor of seven or eight ancestors of the Dao of Sacrifice, he has the confidence to fight.

But now, Wushi has also made a breakthrough. Like Chu Feng, Wushi is also an unrivaled talent. As soon as he breaks through, his strength is extraordinary.

Because the accumulation without beginning is equally strong, whether it is dying once, transforming in the burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor, or fighting the strange immortal emperor for endless years.

These have brought unimaginable accumulation to Wushi, so as soon as he broke through, his accumulation in the field of sacrificial dao was very deep.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wushi at this time is not much weaker than Chu Feng, and it is estimated that there is no big problem when he is against two or three ancestors of worship.

Ye Nannan also made a breakthrough. When she first stepped into the Dao of Sacrifice Realm, she was only capable of fighting against the ancestor of Dao of Sacrifice.

But in the long years, she became stronger and stronger as she fought, and when she succeeded in beheading the founder of Daoism, she took another step.

With her current strength, she can completely fight against the two ancestors of worshiping the Dao, and she can even not lose the wind in the slightest.

Chu Feng's breakthrough, Wushi's breakthrough, and Ye Nannan's breakthrough, the tenfold benefits brought about by these have been exaggerated to the extreme.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, Wang Xuan looked at any ancestor of worshiping Taoism as if he was looking at an ordinary man.

Emperor Huangtian and others were silent. Although they felt incredible in their hearts, Emperor Xuan really created too many impossible miracles.

Even now it is the same, for Wang Xuan to fight against the twelve ancestors of offering sacrifices alone, it seems like a fairy tale.

But for some reason, they had an inexplicable sense of trust in Wang Xuan, thinking that maybe Wang Xuan could really do it.

Facing the twelve ancestors of Daoism, Wang Xuanyi stood in the front. When he raised his fists, the world-shattering light of his fists drowned everything.

The boundless, peerless and domineering fist swept everything, even the plateau outside the world was affected and began to vibrate.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are obviously just a priest, how can you be so powerful?" A horrified voice sounded from the depths of the plateau.

When Wang Xuan swung the Emperor Fist, Gao Yuan's will immediately sensed an abnormality, it was such a force that even it felt shocked.

From the vibration of the plateau outside the world, we can see a thing or two. What kind of power can make the plateau vibrate?
You know, the plateau itself has inherited part of the power of that supreme being, which is the power above the sacrificial way.

These are completely two levels. If you have to compare them, it may be even bigger than the gap between Ji Dao and True Immortal.

But at this very moment, such an unbelievable thing happened, the power that Wang Xuan possessed at this moment had already broken a certain limit.

Although he doesn't have the mighty power above the Dao of Sacrifice, but in terms of strength, he has actually touched the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice.

Possessing such terrifying power, even if he is alone, what can he do to face the twelve ancestors of offering sacrifices?

Regardless of how many ancestors you worshiped, I will break them with one punch!
 I secretly wrote a new book titled "The Emperor of the Human Race, Pushing the World", I hope everyone can support and support, I am very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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