Chapter 491 That person's past!

Since the destruction of the plateau outside the world, the complete end of the strange clan, and the obliteration of all strange substances, the heavens and the world have opened a new chapter.

Resurrected from the ruins, without the strange invasion, the heavens and worlds prospered, and a golden world was born.

Thousands of races are fighting for the top, they continue to climb higher realms, pursue more possibilities of practice, and create legends one after another.

As for Wang Xuan and others, they have already become legends within legends, and there are actually only a few words left about them in the world.

Because they have lived in seclusion in the world, this place is far away from the heavens and worlds, and it is difficult to reach for a long time. It is a quiet and peaceful place.

As far as Wang Xuan was concerned, the strength of this group of people had surpassed the Heavens and Myriad Realms by far, so it was not a good thing to stay in the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

They don't want to be a strange family, and they don't have the idea of ​​ruling the heavens and the world. Staying away is the best way.

After all, sometimes, as long as you are strong enough, you don't need to do anything to become the supreme existence in the world.

It is not a good thing when there are a few mountains so high that they are so unattainable that everyone feels hopeless.

On the contrary, without them, the creatures in the heavens and myriad worlds can bravely climb the peak, and even create new infinite possibilities.

As long as there is no darkness covering the world, one day, there will be latecomers who will come to their step and step into the realm above the sacrificial path.

At this time, a long time has passed since they destroyed the strange clan, and Ye Nannan and Chu Feng have also stepped into the realm above the sacrificial path.

Wang Xuan also made a breakthrough. Since then, there have been five strong men above the Dao of Sacrifice in the world. This is an unprecedented miracle.

Moreover, other people also have the hope of breaking through. Wu Shi, Liu Shen and Ji Xukong, etc., are actually the possibility of stepping into the sacrificial path.

After stepping into the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice, Wang Xuan and the others did not actually stop, but were exploring a higher realm.

This is the instinct of living beings, to pursue a higher realm, to have more powerful power, to create more impossible things, this is the meaning of life.

Is above the sacrificial path the end?Because with their current mighty power, it is already a breeze to open up the world and change the rules of the world in a single thought.

It is impossible to describe this great power in words. In fact, they are equivalent to the existence of creation gods, almost omnipotent.

But Wang Xuan knew very well that the path of sacrifice was not the end, there was still a way ahead, and there was still the possibility of continuing to move forward.

Because, before the endless years, there was a creature above the sacrificial dao, who had been pursuing a higher realm.

Whether it's the ancient underworld, the cycle of reincarnation, or the utensils he used before, Wang Xuan and others have studied them.

It is undeniable that that supreme being has traveled a long way, advancing in the realm above the Dao of Sacrifice, and has reached an incredible level.

But such a supreme existence still died in the end.This also means that these people are not eternal.

If they continue to move forward, will they die like the supreme existence in the past?Or even become the source of weirdness?
On this point, Wang Xuan and the others seemed to be careful enough, they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of that supreme being.

"Has it finally appeared? Can the source of everything, the endless secret, be answered today?" Wang Xuan muttered to himself.

The next moment, Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan, Ye Nannan and Chu Feng appeared, and they also had an inexplicable feeling, feeling abnormal.

They disappeared directly from where they were, followed some strange induction, chased all the way out, stepped across the sky, and entered the sea of ​​sacrifice.

The Sea of ​​Sacrifice is extremely mysterious, it is the place where the Immortal Emperor sacrificed, once buried endless worlds, and was once the place where the strange clan launched a great sacrifice.

They launched a great sacrifice here, offering sacrifices to that supreme being, trying to touch the realm above the sacrificial path, but it has been fruitless.

Do not!It can't be said that it was completely ineffective, because after the great sacrifices again and again, there are already traces of that supreme being.

Wang Xuan and the others crossed the sea of ​​offerings, appeared on the huge black altar in the depths of the sea of ​​offerings, and carefully observed the surroundings.

In the past, they also searched for that supreme being, but found nothingness without any traces, which is very abnormal.

Today, there was finally an abnormal induction, and they all appeared here, not only to prevent accidents from happening, but also to pursue the secrets of the past.

The black altar looked extraordinarily gloomy under the cold night sky. It was stained with blood, but it had already dried up and turned into black traces.

Suddenly, they saw something different. At the end of that extremely distant time, there was a small courtyard on a plateau, accompanied by a lake.

There is a lotus growing in the lake, and there is a burst of fragrance. As time goes by, it changes and becomes a lotus of reincarnation.

They are no strangers to the lotus of reincarnation of ten thousand tribulations. This thing has now become one with the Qing Emperor, and Qing Emperor has thus broken through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

It's a pity that the Qing Emperor's pregnancy was too long, and he didn't catch up with the battle with the strange clan, and he only recovered recently.

Then, one item after another emerged, including a rough stone millstone, a stone harp, and a time furnace for boiling water.
They are not unfamiliar with these things, they have studied them carefully, and they have long known that these things are related to that supreme being.

Finally, a person appeared. This person's face was quite similar to Emperor Huangtian, Ye Fan, and Chu Feng.

Regarding this point, they have already understood the secret. Huang Tiandi, Ye Fan, and Chu Feng were affected by this person's ashes.

Under their gaze, that person was sick, very sick, and they all realized that the Supreme Being really died of illness.

A supreme existence above the sacrificial path, who may even have gone further than them, died of illness in the end?
It can be seen that there is black blood flowing from his mouth and nose, and there is a gray mist around his body. His body is getting worse and worse, and he keeps coughing.

In the end, he actually rotted, and there were all kinds of problems on his body, which burst out in an all-round way, which was also the reason for the birth of the strange substance.

Until one day, he sighed and said weakly to himself: "Will I come back?"

What happened next, they all already knew, that person finally burned himself and was buried in the bronze coffin of the third generation, on the plateau outside the world.

It wasn't until endless years later that the plateau collapsed, and someone stepped into the plateau outside the world, and only then did the strange ancestor and the strange family come into being.

Even the will of the plateau inherited the power of this person, so the will was born and became the source of the weirdness.

"Since it has already appeared, why hide it?" Wang Xuan said in a deep voice.

Huang Tiandi and others also realized the problem. If it wasn't for the reappearance of that person's power, how could these pictures appear?
"You are here."

At this time, on the cold black altar, a figure suddenly appeared, very vague, with a hoarse voice, like a ghost whispering.

Wang Xuan and the others all looked dignified. Strictly speaking, this person should be their predecessor, the first creature in the world to step on the path of sacrifice.

But this person is also the true source of the weirdness, whether it is the plateau outside the world or the weird family, they are all born because of him.

"You used to be the first existence above the Dao of Sacrifice in the world, but you are no longer you after all!" Wang Xuan asked calmly.

The one in front of me is not the former supreme being, but just a shadow, a shadow of that supreme being.

It was all because of the sacrifices of the strange clan, offering sacrifices to that supreme being again and again, and finally a shadow gathered.

The black shadow stood there, thick red hair suddenly grew on his body, and the whites of his eye sockets appeared like dead fish.

Black blood began to flow from his mouth, nose, and eyes, his hair began to wither and turn yellow, and gray mist filled his body.

The whole person exudes the strongest weird aura, which is extremely terrifying, and these are also the original source of weird substances.

"You're right, I'm not that person after all, I'm just a shadow!" Hei Ying sighed.

"About everything about you, can you still remember something?" Wang Xuan asked the question in his heart.

"Before me, there was nothingness, with few memories. After me, it is your world, as you have seen and experienced." Black Shadow said.

Soi Ying didn't hide anything, his current situation was very special, because he was just a shadow, and he had already lost too many things.

"Have you no memory of everything about yourself in the past?" Wang Xuan asked again, this was something he desperately wanted to know.

Regarding the origin of that person, how he stepped into the realm above the sacrificial path from scratch, and why he passed away like that in the end.

"A void!" The shadow shook his head, he only had an impression of the past.

"I really don't have any memory at all? Where did that person come from, and why did he pursue a higher realm?" Wang Xuan asked.

He was a little unwilling, and Huang Tiandi and others were the same, they were all worried, afraid that they would be like that person.

As long as they continue to move forward in the realm above the sacrificial path, will they eventually become terminally ill like that person and become a new source of weirdness?

But if they are allowed to stop there and stop pursuing higher realms, they will naturally be a little unwilling.

"For a long time, I have been asking who I am, but I have no memory, I can't remember the past, I am just a shadow after all.

However, my surviving memories, and some speculations, may be of use to you. "Heiying said slowly.

According to Sombra's surviving memories, or guesses, the former person suddenly appeared in this world from scratch.

No one knows how he cultivated to the state above the Dao of Sacrifice, but after stepping into that state, he is still striving to pursue a higher state.

According to the vague memory of the black shadow, that person seemed to be looking for a way home, but it was not easy to go home.

Not only does it require strong strength, but it also needs to find the right path.Moreover, in that person's hometown, there seemed to be some horror.

I couldn't wait to improve myself, and finally sacrificed everything about myself, which caused irreversible results.

He finally revealed a location, which was an indelible imprint deep in Sombra's memory, and then Sombra asked Wang Xuan and others to help him pass away.

He is just a shadow, with no past, no present, and no future. It is too sad to exist in this world like this.

In the end, Wang Xuan and the others chose to take action. In the bright light, the black figure was submerged and burned, and all the strange substances were ignited.

The five priests joined forces, and the source of the ominous power was also turned into ashes, purified, and completely annihilated.

(End of this chapter)

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