A hundred years of preaching in the ancient forbidden area, ruthless people come to worship

Chapter 533 What magic weapon?The leader must have misremembered!

Chapter 533 What magic weapon?The leader must have misremembered!

Just when the Styx leader was in doubt, Wang Xuan had already made a move, and directly threw out the Xiantian Lingbao Luobao money.

Without any suspense, as soon as the money was dropped, the two swords of A Bi and Yuan Tu fell uncontrollably.

The good and evil corpses of the Styx leader turned pale with fright, and wanted to regain control of the two swords of Abi and Yuantu, but they couldn't do so at all.

It has to be said that the innate spiritual treasure of falling treasure money is really too incomprehensible, it can drop any treasure under the innate treasure.

Under the innate treasure, no matter whether you are powerful or have infinite magical functions, in front of falling treasures and money, you will not be able to use them at all.

Just like at this moment, the two swords of Abi and Yuantu are the best innate treasures in themselves, adhering to the killing method of heaven and earth, and their power is so strong that they can also be ranked among all innate spiritual treasures.

What's more, the two swords of Abi and Yuantu have been practiced by the leader of Styx for many years, and they have long been indistinguishable from the leader of Styx.

If outsiders want to control the two swords of Abi and Yuantu, they can only be possible by beheading the leader of Styx, and then erasing the mark of leader of Styx.

But Luo Baoqian is so domineering, in front of the Styx leader, he let the two swords of Abi and Yuantu escape from his control.

It wasn't over yet, just when Styx Master was blocked by the blessing pestle, Wang Xuan threw out the treasure money in his hand again.

The fire red lotus, another innate spiritual treasure of the Styx leader, was also out of the control of the Styx leader and fell down.

Without waiting for Styx Master to react, Wang Xuan had already seized the two swords of Abi, Yuantu and Yehuo Honglian into his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xuan swung his imperial fist and launched a storm-like attack on the good and evil corpses of Styx Sect Master.

Although Master Styx's good and evil corpses are strong, they are not as good as him, and he can compete with him only with the two swords of Abi and Yuantu.

Now, after losing the two swords of Abi and Yuantu, the strength of the good and evil corpses of the leader of Styx has been greatly reduced, so how can he be the opponent of Wang Xuan?
On the other hand, for the leader of Styx, what happened just now is beyond his comprehension.

It's okay to talk about blessing the pestle, but the big deal is that Zhunti Saint is scheming behind the scenes, but he has already reacted at this time.

Zhunti Saint is indeed terrifying, but this is the core of the Six Paths of Samsara, even a Saint cannot come here.

Even if the divine pestle of blessing appeared, it could only show that the person in front of him had something to do with Saint Zhunti, but it was impossible for Saint Zhunti to do it himself.

In other words, as long as he suppressed the holy pestle of blessing, even if he refined the person in front of him, the Zhunti saint might not be able to do anything.

But what's going on now?He hasn't even made a move yet, so the two top-grade innate spirit treasures are gone?

When he was all-powerful in the prehistoric world, he had never heard that there was such an incredible magic weapon in the prehistoric world.

What kind of magic weapon was that copper coin with wings just now?Has such an incredible effect?
Styx Master Styx flew into a rage instantly, wishing to devour the person in front of him alive, but he couldn't attack Wang Xuan at all now.

The innate spiritual treasure of blessing the divine pestle has begun to explode. Obviously, this is treating the leader of Styx as an opponent.

"Master Styx, thanks to you being the leader of a sect, I didn't expect to have such a little ability, which really disappoints me!" Wang Xuan said disdainfully.

He could feel that Master Styx's heart was in a mess. At this moment, just a little bit of stimulation could drive Master Styx completely insane.

A Styx leader in a state of madness is not scary, but an extremely calm Styx leader is really scary.

"Junior! Don't be arrogant, no matter what your origins or means, the ancestors will tear you to pieces!" Styx Master roared angrily.

But at this very moment, Styx Sect Master, who had some doubts about his life, was stunned by anger after being stimulated by Emperor Xuan's words.

Master Styx no longer calmed down, no longer hesitated, the blood river formation was fully activated, and he began to suppress and bless the divine pestle with all his strength.

And this is exactly what Wang Xuan is willing to see, the blessing of the divine pestle is not his magic weapon, and he cannot control the blessing of the divine pestle.

Innate spiritual treasures have their own spirituality, but there are very few treasures that have been born with spiritual wisdom like the chaotic clock. At least the blessed divine pestle has no spiritual wisdom.

When being controlled by Maitreya, because of the means left behind by the Zhunti saint, the blessed divine pestle naturally regarded Huang Xuan as an enemy.

But after the money was dropped, the blessing pestle was out of Maitreya's control, and the Zhunti saint was no longer in the prehistoric world.

In fact, after being dropped by the treasure and money, the divine pestle of blessing is actually in a state of being suppressed, and the spirituality is also sealed.

At this time, blessing the pestle is equivalent to being unsealed again, and as soon as it was unsealed, it encountered the blood river formation of the leader of Styx.

Instinctively, the blessed pestle naturally thought that the leader of Styx was targeting him. If it didn't fight back, would it still wait to be suppressed by the leader of Styx?
The leader of Styx really didn't think too much, or he never thought that the magic weapon of the saint could be sealed by others.

Seeing the divine pestle of blessing, the Hierarch Styx already instinctively thought that this treasure was given to Emperor Xuan by Sage Zhunti, so how could he think of anything else.

Because of this, a fierce conflict broke out between the divine pestle of blessing and the leader of Styx, which can actually be said to be a misunderstanding.

If the leader of Styx didn't take the initiative to make a move, making Jiaji Divine Pestle feel threatened, whether Jiajia Divine Pestle would pay attention to him, I'm afraid he would have to say something.

But now, Styx Master Styx has regarded the divine pestle of blessing as a threat, and if he wants to seize Emperor Xuan, he must first suppress the divine pestle of blessing.

The fierce confrontation between Master Styx and the blessed divine pestle just gave Wang Xuan the opportunity to get rid of the good and evil corpses of Master Styx.

Losing the two swords of Abi and Yuantu, the strength of the two corpses of good and evil has been greatly reduced. Under Wang Xuan's domineering and boundless fist, they can only drift with the flow.

"Master Styx, you are indeed nothing more than that, no wonder you fell that year, and now you will face the same fate!" Wang Xuan said.

While speaking, under the shocking light of the fist, the two corpses of good and evil who were constantly obliterated by the domineering fist had completely disappeared.

Master Styx's expression changed drastically. The obliteration of the good and evil corpses did not mean that they disappeared completely. If he wanted to, he could still condense again.

But this is not an easy task. After all, the two corpses of good and evil were chopped out of themselves, and if they want to be chopped out again, they must pay some price.

Moreover, the obliteration of the good and evil corpses will have a considerable impact on oneself, and even weaken one's own strength.

What's more, after the two corpses of good and evil were wiped out, now only the Styx leader is left, and his combat power has been greatly reduced.

The leader of Styx remained silent. He is now in a dilemma. In the long years, who can push him to such an extent?

But the person in front of him is obviously just a junior, and he had never even heard of this person when he was rampant in the prehistoric world.

However, the method was so good that even his good and evil corpses were beheaded, which made him wonder whether Wang Xuan was a disciple secretly cultivated by the Western Cult.

How can I fight this?The person in front of him is a temporary choice no matter in terms of means or his own strength, not much worse than him.

What's more, behind this person is the Zhunti saint. Although the saint can't make a move, it doesn't mean he can't do anything.

Just like blessing a divine pestle, the saint only needs to give some random things to kill a quasi-sage, and I am afraid it is not difficult.

"Junior! You are lucky this time. When the ancestor is resurrected in the future, you must look good!" Styx Master said coldly.

The anger didn't go to his head. As a giant in the prehistoric world, if he had only this ability, he wouldn't be able to dominate the situation for so long.

Although he was very angry and unwilling, he knew that his chances were not great, so he might as well take advantage of this hard-won opportunity.

Even if he can't take the person in front of him, with his means, he can still leave behind some backup hands to help him resurrect in the future.

"Master Styx, I originally wanted to kill you completely, but if you are willing to cooperate, it's not like there is no chance!" Wang Xuan said.

The ancestor witch of Hou Tu asked him to face the leader of Styx alone, in order to completely kill the leader of Styx and eliminate the hidden dangers in the six reincarnations.

As long as the influence of the Styx leader is gone, it will not be difficult for Tu Zuwu to control the six reincarnations and slowly suppress the seven emotions and six desires in the future.

But to Wang Xuan, helping the Houtu ancestor witch actually doesn't have much to do with whether he kills Styx leader or not.

In other words, even if Master Styx is spared, or even revived, the problem is actually not that big of a problem.

The key is to let the leader of Styx out of the six realms of reincarnation, so that he can no longer control the seven emotions and six desires, and the Houtu ancestor witch will naturally be unaffected.

As a matter of fact, the Houtu ancestor witch is naturally still unable to determine why the Styx leader can become the existence that controls the seven emotions and six desires.

I'm afraid the Styx leader himself doesn't understand this question, and he doesn't even know that he can actually control the seven emotions and six desires.

From Wang Xuan's point of view, Styx Sect Master is actually just an introduction, and it is not so much him who is in charge of the emotions and desires, but someone else.

"Junior! Don't think that some means are arrogant. What conditions can you negotiate with the ancestor?" Styx Master said in a deep voice.

Although he already had the intention to retire, it wasn't entirely because of Emperor Xuan, more importantly, he didn't have much time and didn't want to waste it any longer.

As for cooperating with Wang Xuan?What else is there to cooperate with?The Zhunti saint once made him fall, so how could he cooperate with Western religion?

At this time, the Blood River Formation had already trapped the divine pestle of blessing, and judging from the meaning of the leader of Styx, it was obvious that he wanted to take this innate spirit treasure for himself.

After all, he had a grudge against Saint Zhunti, so there was no psychological burden for him to snatch the blessing pestle, which was also an innate spiritual treasure after all.

What's more, his Yehuo Honglian and A Bi's and Yuan Tu's two swords have already fallen into Wang Xuan's hands, and he happens to be missing a magic weapon.

"There's nothing we can't talk about, even if it's to bring you back to life, as long as the conditions are right, it's not impossible!" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Whether the Styx leader can be resurrected or not, he actually doesn't care, not even the ancestor witch of Houtu.

Obviously, the leader of Styx is just a chess piece, and he is also a chess piece that cannot control his own destiny.

Even if he and Houtu Ancestral Witch revived the leader of Styx, it is still a question of whether Daozu Hongjun and Tiandao let him continue to live.

Of course, that has nothing to do with him. The condition he can offer to Master Styx now is to create conditions for the resurrection of Master Styx.

"Aren't you a disciple of the Western Sect? Then how did you get the blessing of the divine pestle?" Styx Master Styx was slightly startled, and said solemnly.

He is not stupid, if Wang Xuan was a disciple of the Western Sect, he would never have said what he said just now, this is not the style of the Western Sect.

Because of this, on the contrary, it made him even more puzzled. How could a disciple who is not a Western religion be blessed with a divine pestle?
After thinking about it carefully, he felt more and more that Wang Xuan was not simple, and couldn't help turning countless thoughts in his heart, and began to seriously think about what Wang Xuan said just now.

"I have never said that I am a disciple of the Western Cult? As for the blessing pestle, it was naturally snatched from a disciple of the Western Cult!" Wang Xuan said.

"Could it be that you are so easy to deceive when you are an ancestor? The magic weapon of a saint is so easy to grab?" Styx Master Styx said angrily.

What are you kidding?In the prehistoric world, who would dare to snatch the holy man's magic weapon?Not to mention whether it can be successful, is this purely looking for death?
If you dare to snatch the sage's magic weapon, the sage can kill you with a single thought, and it really can't make you snatch the sage's magic weapon.

"In the prehistoric world, saints are not really invincible, why can't they grab their magic weapon?" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

Styx Master Styx looked at Wang Xuan in astonishment, he was either a fool or ignorant to say such a thing.

But no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Wang Xuan was neither ignorant nor a fool, but why could he say such a thing?
What's more, the blessed divine pestle, an innate spiritual treasure that originally belonged to the Zhunti saint, did appear in Wang Xuan's hands.

"Who the hell are you? Since you want to negotiate terms with the ancestor, you might as well reveal your identity first!" Styx Master said in a deep voice.

He has already realized something, about Emperor Xuan's identity, this will be the key to his next choice.

If Wang Xuan really had an extraordinary background, it would not be impossible for him to see hope and reach a cooperation with Wang Xuan.

"For the time being, I am the deputy leader of the Jiejiao!" Wang Xuan said.

The identity of the deputy leader of Jiejiao is enough to explain everything. There is indeed a saint standing behind him, but he is not the quasi-sage saint that Styx leader guessed.

"So that's how it is! No wonder the blessed divine pestle is in your hands, tell me your conditions!" Styx Master said.

Everything is already clear, with the saint of Tongtian Cult Master present, and the blessed divine pestle is in the hands of Wang Xuan, naturally it is not a big problem.

Even though Master Styx has been dead for many years, he still knows that Master Tongtian holds the Four Swords of Zhuxian, which is not comparable to the two saints of Western religion.

"I was entrusted by the Houtu ancestor witch to kill you. Only in this way can the predicament of the six realms of reincarnation be resolved.

But if you are willing to take the initiative to withdraw from the Six Paths of Samsara, the effect will be the same, so you can even be resurrected again! " Wang Xuan said.

To solve the plight of the Houtu Ancestral Witch, the easiest way is to kill the leader of Styx, which is what the Houtu Ancestral Witch asked Wang Xuan to do.

For this reason, the ancestor witch of Houtu tried his best to suppress the seven emotions and six desires, which allowed the Styx leader to reappear, but this time was destined not to last long.

If the leader of Styx cannot be killed during this time, after the time has passed, the leader of Styx will disappear again and become the existence in charge of the seven emotions and six desires.

At that time, things have not changed in any way, and the ancestor witch of Houtu will still be greatly affected because of his all-out suppression of emotions and desires.

If there is no accident, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will be completely out of control. As for what will happen in the end, no one can predict.

But this is actually not the only way. The key is that the master of Styx is in charge of the seven emotions and six desires. If this link is removed, the master of Styx is actually not the key.

"It's just to let me out of the six realms of reincarnation? Don't you want to treat me as a fool?" Styx Master Styx sneered.

There is no free lunch in the world, how could he not understand this truth, naturally he did not believe such a good thing would happen.

Being in the six realms of reincarnation, although he controls the seven emotions and six desires, he has no consciousness and no wisdom, so he is not the real him.

Only by breaking away from the six realms of reincarnation can he be truly liberated, and even have the hope of resurrection, so he naturally has no reason not to agree.

This seemed to be very beneficial to the Houtu Ancestral Witch, but it was even more beneficial to him. He did not believe that Emperor Xuan offered such a good condition.

"There is indeed something that I need to trouble the leader of. Among the six reincarnations, there is a disciple of the Western religion that needs to be resolved by the leader!" Wang Xuan said.

As long as the leader of Styx is willing to break away from the six realms of reincarnation, everything else is just a detail, and there is no need to care about it at all.

In fact, the Styx leader has not realized until now that he exists in the six reincarnations, and how much influence he has on the Houtu ancestor witch.

This is actually not surprising. When he was in charge of the seven emotions and six desires, the Styx leader's own consciousness was asleep, so he naturally didn't know many secrets.

In charge of the seven emotions and six desires, slowly overwhelming the ancestral witch of Houtu, the leader of Styx may even replace him and become the new master of the six realms of reincarnation.

Of course, without his own consciousness, the leader of Styx is just a puppet, even if he becomes the leader of the six realms, it is not him.

"Hmph! My ancestor, I had an enmity with the Western Sect. I killed a mere disciple of the Western Sect!" said Styx Master.

He didn't say any more, although he was still [-]% skeptical and [-]% skeptical, but he still agreed to the matter.

Anyway, even if it doesn't work, the situation won't be too bad. Why don't you give it a try? What if it succeeds?

"Since this is the case, please wait a moment, the ancestral witch of Houtu will respond soon!" Wang Xuan said.

The Houtu Ancestral Witch should be powerless to interfere with what happened here, but these things cannot be hidden from the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

Master Styx is willing to voluntarily break away from the six realms of reincarnation, which is naturally a dream for the ancestor witches of Houtu.

As for exactly what to do, Wang Xuan didn't know, but the Houtu Ancestral Witch definitely knew, so there was no need for Wang Xuan to worry about it.

"Junior, since the cooperation has been reached, the ancestor wants to return my magic weapon?" Styx Master said in a deep voice.

The two swords of Abi and Yuantu and Yehuo Honglian were taken away without a sound, which is the fundamental reason why he was willing to compromise.

If there are still two innate spirit treasures in hand, no matter how many sweet words Wang Xuan has, he will definitely refine Wang Xuan first.

As an ancient giant, he would not trust others easily, and he would not entrust his fate to others unless there was something he couldn't do.

"The leader is joking, why did he have any magic weapon? It must be because the leader has fallen for too long, so he remembered it wrong!" Wang Xuan said.

What a joke!The Xiantian Lingbao that has already arrived in his hands, and you still want him to hand it over?Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Master Styx snorted coldly, and didn't continue to say more. He knew very well in his heart that those two innate spiritual treasures were also the price he had to pay.

Although this made him very upset, he knew very well that at this moment, trying to get back the two innate spirit treasures was tantamount to nonsense.

"Styx, since you have already made your choice, I hope you will not backtrack!" A moment later, the voice of Houtu Zuwu sounded.

"Hmph! Patriarch, I have always said one thing and one thing. Now that we have reached a cooperation, I will definitely keep my promise!" Styx Master Styx said.

Even though he said so, neither Emperor Xuan nor Houtu Ancestral Witch would completely believe in Styx Sect Master.

However, the Houtu Ancestral Witch obviously approved of Wang Xuan's method, if Styx Master could take the initiative to break away from the six realms of reincarnation, she would be less troubled.

The next moment, the figure of Master Styx disappeared, and the Houtu Ancestral Witch had already made a move, and the next step should be to cut off the connection between Master Styx and the six reincarnations.

"Sure enough, he took away the blessing pestle. Although this magic weapon is good, it is not so easy to get!" Wang Xuan said with a sneer.

He took away the two top-grade innate spiritual treasures of the leader of Styx, and the leader of Styx took away the blessing pestle.

However, the blessing of the divine pestle was nothing to Wang Xuan, and now he was taken away by the leader of Styx, he didn't feel a pity at all.

I just don't know, when the Zhunti sage returned to the prehistoric world and found that the blessing pestle was taken away by the leader of Styx, what would his reaction be?
The chaotic zone has returned to calm again, and there has been no movement, which is actually good news.

"Thank you for your help this time, you have done a lot better than I imagined!" Hou Tu Zuwu's voice sounded.

With the sound of this voice, the chaotic zone finally changed, six colors of light emerged, and a woman appeared afterward.

Not only was this woman extremely beautiful, but she also had an indescribable aura that made people feel awe at first sight.

"Congratulations to Zu Wu for getting out of the predicament, it seems that Styx Master has never backed down!" Wang Xuan bowed and said.

Those who can appear at this time can only be the descendants of the great virtues.Afterwards, the Tu Zu Wu was able to manifest his real body, which also explained many problems.

Ever since he went deep into the Six Paths, he has only heard the voice of the Houtu Ancestral Witch but not seen him, which also shows that the Houtu Ancestral Witch is in a bad state.

Now, since the Houtu Ancestral Witch can manifest his real body and appear in front of him, it means that the situation of the Houtu Ancestral Witch has improved.

"As long as we can really see the hope of resurrection, Styx will naturally not go back on his word. It's really surprising to me that you would choose this way!"

Houtu Ancestral Witch looked at Wang Xuan with incomparably sharp eyes, as if full of deep meaning, as if he wanted to see through Wang Xuan thoroughly.

In fact, when Wang Xuan had just penetrated into the six realms, she knew many of Wang Xuan's secrets, and knew that this was a variable that did not belong to the prehistoric world.

The reason why a variable is a variable is because it represents uncertainty, and this is what she needs to break the deadlock.

However, at the beginning, he just had the mentality of giving it a try, and there was no guarantee that any Emperor Xuan would succeed.

But judging from the final results, what Wang Xuan did was far better than she imagined, and there were even some things that she had never thought of.

Not only did this not make her curious about Emperor Xuan, how could a variable that did not belong to the prehistoric world be so inconceivable?

"Master Styx is far more useful alive than dead. What's more, beheading Master Styx may not necessarily solve the plight of the Zuwu!"

Wang Xuan said with a smile, the pool of reincarnation of the Six Paths is bottomless, but it is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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