A hundred years of preaching in the ancient forbidden area, ruthless people come to worship

Chapter 582 With the luck of humanity, stop Daozu for a moment!

Daozu Hongjun has made a move, and even the sage of Taiqing thinks that he can't change anything at all if he makes a move at this time.

Who dares to make a move at this time?Even if he made a move, could it be possible to stop Daozu Hongjun?If you can't stop it, isn't it a dead end.

"It's them? Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, why would they make a move at this time? How dare they make a move?" the Taiqing Saint said in a deep voice.

As soon as the eight figures appeared, the Taiqing sage could naturally see that they were the three emperors and five emperors of the human race.

This is something no one expected. Since the consummation of merits and virtues, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have suppressed the luck of the human race in Huoyun Cave, and have never made a move.

It was already inconceivable that the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns would make a move, not to mention that the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns would still help Wang Xuan stop his teacher.

Helping Wang Xuan could be said in the past, but trying to stop his teacher, no matter how you look at it, is wishful thinking.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, although the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are the ancestors of the human race, they are only eight quasi-sages.

The eight quasi-sages are naturally very powerful, but it also depends on who they are compared with. Compared with saints, let alone the eight quasi-sages, eight thousand quasi-sages are all ants.

As a sage, he does know some details about the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, and knows that the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns cannot be viewed from a conventional perspective.

But so what?No matter how difficult the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were, they were still nothing in front of Daozu Hongjun compared to a saint.

Just like at this moment, after the appearance of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Daozu Hongjun did not have any emotional fluctuations at all.

Perhaps, for Dao Zu Hongjun, the appearance of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns is actually equivalent to the appearance of a few dust particles.

This is naturally insignificant, it will not affect him at all, his goal is still to kill Emperor Xuan.

"Ancestor Dao! Today, I am waiting to come here to stop you for a moment with the luck of the human race!" Emperor Fuxi said in a deep voice.

While speaking, the luck of the human race was condensed, rolling in from the prehistoric world, panicked like a big sun, hanging high in the chaos.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and they all looked at the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in disbelief, even the six saints were no exception.

"Using the luck of the human race to stop the teacher, isn't it afraid that the luck of the human race will collapse, and the human race will lose the position of the protagonist of the world?" Yuanshi Tianzun said in disbelief.

At the beginning, Emperor Xin desecrated Empress Nuwa in the Nuwa Temple, why couldn't Empress Nuwa attack Human Emperor Xin, but instead sent the three demons from the Xuanyuan Tomb?

It's not because the Human Sovereign condenses the luck of humanity, even a saint can't directly attack the Human Sovereign, nor can he bear the consequences of doing so.

It is conceivable how powerful the luck of humanity is. This is a power that even a saint cannot ignore, and it can even be said to be taboo.

It seems unbelievable to block Daozu Hongjun with human luck for a moment, but it is possible.

But why didn't the saint know that even if he could really stop Daozu Hongjun, the price he would have to pay would be extremely huge.

That is the teacher of all saints, Taoist Hongjun!When they collide with each other, the luck of humanity will definitely shake, and the entire human race will be affected.

Why is the luck of humanity so powerful?Isn't it because the human race is the protagonist of today's world, that the fate of humanity is in panic.

But if Daozu Hongjun was stopped, the luck of the human race would definitely weaken dramatically.At that time, how can the human race retain the identity of the protagonist of heaven and earth?
At the cost of the future of the entire human race, to help an outsider?Even the six saints couldn't figure out why the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors would do this.

"Okay! Very good! Variables are indeed variables. It seems that you already know the real purpose of conferring the gods!" Daozu Hongjun said.

Since his appearance, Daozu Hongjun has never shown any emotions, but at this moment, Liu Sheng felt a change.

Their teacher's voice was not only full of biting chill, but also a hint of surprise, which they had never seen before.

Doesn't this mean that the appearance of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors not only exceeded Dao Zu Hongjun's expectations, but could really stop Dao Zu Hongjun?
"Taozu is right, the fundamental goal of conferring the gods is to make the Heavenly Court flourish, so it is natural to subdue everything in the prehistoric world.

Whether it is a saint, or a saint lineage, or a human race, all existences that threaten the heavens have been suppressed! " Wang Xuan said.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, he managed to calm down after all, suppressed his own injuries, managed to stabilize his realm, and was no longer incapable of fighting.

As he expected, although Daozu Hongjun made a move, he did not continue to make a move after seeing the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

This actually shows that Daozu Hongjun really wants to suppress the human race and let the sky rule over human beings, but he doesn't want the human race to perish.

This is also very normal. The prehistoric world has existed for countless years, and there is a reason for the emergence of a world protagonist like the human race.

Although there is no eternal protagonist in the world, at this time, the human race is undoubtedly the most suitable, and Daozu Hongjun cannot bear the price of the demise of the human race.

Of course, if the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns had the slightest hesitation, Dao Zu Hongjun would still do it, but the eyes of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns were all so determined.

However, when the six saints heard what he said, their expressions changed, and their eyes unconsciously focused on Daozu Hongjun.

Especially the three saints Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin and Zhunti, what the deputy leader of Jiejiao said just now is closely related to them.

Suppress the saints and the saints' lineage, and make the heavens prosperous. If this is the case, what will happen to them in this calamity?
"You're right, at this point, there's no need to cover up some things, but do you think this is the end of it all?
You once asked me if I was a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and now I can tell you that I used to be, but I am no longer! " Daozu Hongjun said.

Whether it was the person in front of him or the appearance of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, it was indeed beyond his expectation.

But it only brought him some surprises. After the surprises, the mass calamity will still end today.

Moreover, since he has appeared in person, even if there are some accidents, the final result will still not change in any way.

It just so happened that all the unstable factors in the prehistoric world were present, and he could save a lot of time by solving all the problems at once.

"Hahaha! I have long wanted to learn the Taoist ancestor's brilliant moves, and I am very curious about the realm of being in harmony with the Tao!" Wang Xuan said.

Daozu Hongjun said that he used to be the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, but now he is no longer. This naturally means that he is already above the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

What is the realm above the Hunyuan Dajinxian?Although he didn't know this question, he was very curious.

Dao Wuya, he is still on the road, there is nothing more gratifying than this, not to mention that he can still fight Daozu Hongjun.

As the first saint in the prehistoric world, what kind of realm he can see with the existence of being in harmony with the Tao is really exciting.

I'm afraid, whether it's the six saints, or Ye Nannan and others, they are all looking forward to Daozu Hongjun's action at this time!
After all, for these people who are working tirelessly on the road, there is nothing that can make them look forward to more than seeing a higher realm.

"Don't worry, you will meet soon, and you will definitely be satisfied, but before that, there are still some things that need to be dealt with!
Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Jieyin, Zhunti, do you know that you have made a big mistake this time? " Daozu Hongjun said.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he is not in a hurry to deal with Emperor Xuan. The time for this Conferred God Quantity Tribulation has come to an end, and he needs to deal with the six saints first.

Hearing Daozu Hongjun's words, the six saints were silent, but they all came to Daozu Hongjun obediently.

The teacher of the saints is not just talking, even a saint, in front of Taoist Hongjun, must bow his head and look down, just like a child who has made mistakes.

"Teacher, please punish me!" Liu Sheng said in unison with his head lowered, not daring to vent his anger.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xuan couldn't help shaking his head, this is the authority of Daozu Hongjun in the prehistoric sky, which cannot be shaken at all.

Why did Daozu Hongjun deal with the six saints first? Didn't he take advantage of the opportunity of the end of the Conferred God Calamity to completely grasp the six saints.

After all, now it is different from before, there are more existences like him in the prehistoric world, it is inevitable that the Six Sages will have other thoughts.

Perhaps, in Daozu Hongjun's view, all the variables that do not belong to the prehistoric world have appeared, and anything can happen.

If the Six Saints suddenly intervened in the battle with him, Daozu Hongjun might really capsize in the gutter.

It's better to get rid of Liu Sheng first before everything is a foregone conclusion, so that the battle with him can be foolproof.

This means that Daozu Hongjun has long-standing authority. No matter what he says now, I am afraid that the six saints will not dare to object.

"Compared to the prehistoric world, you are too powerful. From now on, you are outside the 33rd heaven and cannot enter the prehistoric world again," Daozu Hongjun said.

Before that, they were actually a little uneasy in their hearts, for fear that their teacher would severely punish them.

Now this punishment is actually not serious. Although the six saints hesitated a little, they were secretly relieved.

"Follow the teacher's instruction!" The six saints did not dare to say more, and all nodded their heads.

It's just that they can't set foot in the prehistoric world, and they don't really want to do anything to them, and it doesn't touch their roots.

Moreover, it is said that you can't set foot in the wild world, but if you want to intervene in the affairs of the wild world, there are still other ways.

"It's your turn. You bet on the movement of the human race, but you can't do it again. From now on, you are not allowed to step out of Huoyun Cave."

Daozu Hongjun looked at the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns with an extremely indifferent expression. After the arrangement of the Six Saints, it was naturally the turn of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns.

In any case, the human race is the protagonist of today's world, even if he has been in harmony with the body, he cannot ignore the fate of humanity.

"The human race is safe, and we will not take half a step out of Huoyun Cave, but if the human race is in trouble, we have no choice but to take action!" Emperor Fuxi said.

This is their bottom line. The reason why they took action to stop Daozu Hongjun this time is, in the final analysis, for the sake of the human race.

It is actually very simple to keep them from stepping out of Huoyun Cave. As long as the human race is still the protagonist of the world, they will abide by the agreement.

Daozu Hongjun nodded, he could only subdue the human race, but he really didn't want to let the human race go extinct, otherwise he would have shot just now.

Moreover, after the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation, even if the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors gathered the luck of the human race, they would not pose much threat to him.

"This is the Meteor Sacred Pill. Take it for the six of you. From then on, if you violate the agreement, you will die suddenly!" Daozu Hongjun said.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the six saints all widened, and they looked at each other in disbelief, their eyes full of horror.

In front of their teacher, they naturally did not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest, and they also knew that they were absolutely no match for the teacher.

But no matter what, they are also immortal, immortal, almost omnipotent saints!

Now, their teacher actually took out the Falling Saint Pill. Just by hearing the name, it is known that this is a pill that can make a saint fall.

Aren't saints immortal?Aren't saints immortal?This was their original cognition, but looking at it now, they were wrong.

The saints are not really immortal, just the fact that this cognition is broken is enough to make the hearts of the six saints turn upside down.

Is it too late to eat?This was not a problem, because the six saints knew very well that they had no choice at all in front of Daozu Hongjun.

"The Dao ancestor still calculated, swallowed a elixir, and from then on, life and death are involuntary!" Wang Xuan sighed.

He knew that with Daozu Hongjun's method, it was impossible to just stipulate that the six saints could not step into the prehistoric world.

Because this is only a verbal restraint, if the Six Saints backtrack, Dao Zu Hongjun will not take action himself.

But it was different after eating the Meteor Saint Pill. No matter what Daozu Hongjun was going to do next, the six saints could only watch obediently.

Only in this way can Daozu Hongjun really rest assured to fight him against the six saints, and then completely solve his variable.

Daozu Hongjun did not speak, but looked at the six saints coldly, and great pressure suddenly surrounded the hearts of the six saints.

The two saints, Jieyin and Zhunti, couldn't bear it first, took the two Falling Saint Pills, and swallowed them directly without any hesitation.

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little hesitant, picked up a Meteor Saint Pill, and didn't swallow it for a long time, and couldn't help looking at the Taiqing Saint.

Master Tongtian was expressionless, and didn't go to get the Meteor Pill, but just looked at his teacher, not knowing what he was thinking.

Saint Taiqing was also expressionless, and he was also looking at his teacher, but his appearance was somewhat strange.

That gaze was neither the hesitation of Yuanshi Tianzun, nor the firmness of Master Tongtian, but it really seemed to see through his teacher.

"Teacher, let's forget about this Meteor Saint Pill, I will return to my Wa Palace, and I will never step into the prehistoric world again!" said Nuwa Saint.

Her expression was extremely calm. Logically speaking, this calamity had nothing to do with her, and she should not have participated in this battle.

Even if her teacher had already prepared the Meteor Saint Pill, it actually had little to do with her, that's why she said that.

It is her limit not to step into the prehistoric world anymore, she has no interest in taking the Meteor Sacred Pill, but she is actually still looking forward to something.

"Teacher, forgive me for being rude, I don't want to take this Meteor Saint Pill, and I ask the teacher to take back my title of saint!" Said the saint of Taiqing.

As soon as this remark came out, the other five saints all looked at the Taiqing saint in shock, it was hard to believe that the Taiqing saint would say such a thing.

The Taiqing sage who is the head of the six sages doesn't want to take the Meteor Sacred Pill, but let Daozu Hongjun take back the holy position, what is this saying?
Could it be that after being sanctified, can the position of saint be taken back?
Sorry, forgot to post!

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