A hundred years of preaching in the ancient forbidden area, ruthless people come to worship

Chapter 586 The situation is reversed, and the ancestral witch is resurrected!

Chapter 586 The situation is reversed, and the ancestral witch is resurrected!

The thin purple lines one after another are actually all condensed by the laws of heaven. The more thin purple lines, the more rules of heaven.

When the purple thin lines are intertwined into a net, it has actually formed a net of heaven, and within the net, the rules of heaven rule everything.

But the scope of this influence is not large after all. Compared with the vast chaos, the heavenly net is actually just a drop in the ocean.

However, Daozu Hongjun has been making arrangements all the time, and the Heavenly Dao net that is defeated every time does not completely dissipate, but hides.

When the next heavenly dao net appears, the once dissipated heavenly dao net will reappear, and the covering area will be larger.

The six saints have actually seen that this is like a quagmire. The more you struggle, the deeper you will sink, and eventually there will be no room for struggle.

Just like now, after the layout is completed, Taoist ancestor Hongjun can see that the area covered by the net of heaven is already extremely huge.

This is not the scariest thing yet. When the scope of Heavenly Dao's net is large enough and the rules of Heavenly Dao are complete enough, the power of Heavenly Dao can be fully displayed.

At this moment, under the net of the Dao of Heaven, the vast chaos has turned into a prehistoric world, and the Dao of Heaven has become the sole ruler.

This has nothing to do with strength, but an improvement in realm. Perhaps at the moment he gave up the holy position, he broke through his confusion and gained new insights.

His sword is still moving forward, and it is even sharper, as if it can cut through everything, even if it is the shackles of fate.

It's really unbelievable, as Lao Tzu's cultivation base is getting weaker and weaker, his aura has become more and more profound, which even the saint can't fathom.

This is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing. In the prehistoric world, the way of heaven controls everything, and nothing can compete with the way of heaven.

Seeing that the deputy leader of Jiejiao was about to die, his mood was a little complicated, and he couldn't tell what his emotions were at this time.

Under the net of the Dao of Heaven, this place has become another prehistoric world. The Dao of Heaven should rule everything, but this is not the case.

The help of Houtu Ancestral Witch is also indispensable. After reincarnation, this Ancestral Witch is not necessarily inferior to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Wang Xuan also felt this, and he exchanged a glance with the Houtu Ancestral Witch, and he suddenly realized everything, this is the arrival of the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

If Daozu Hongjun was willing, it would be easy to open up many worlds in this vast chaos, and he could even directly merge with the prehistoric world.

However, just allowing one's own power to come down is still to completely complete the formation of the Twelve Capitals, and it is also more powerful.

With the great array of gods and demons in the twelve capitals as a guide, coupled with the essence and blood of the ancestral witches given by the Houtu Wu clan, the ancestral witches were resurrected in one fell swoop.

"I should make a move at this time, and I really want to make a move at this time, but I can't, because I believe that he will not lose!" Tong Tianjiao said.

However, it was precisely because of the coming of the rules of heaven that the most critical link was made up, so that the ancestor witches could be resurrected from the dead! " Lao Tzu said.

Just like now, when other saints are still confused, he has actually understood what is going on in the scene before him.

What awaits them is to continue to become saints under the Dao of Heaven, looking down on all living beings outside the 33 layers of heaven, but they are extremely lonely and hopeless.

Originally, although it was just a glimmer of hope, since the Dao of Heaven was in charge of everything, it was basically impossible to strip out the rules transformed by the ancestor witches.

What kind of thing can make Wang Xuan so confident that he dares to face the power of the heavenly way directly, and he can be called an invincible teacher.

But just now, all the conditions were met, and the laws of heaven came, turning the vast chaos into another wild world.

The reincarnation of the ancestral witches in Houtu is actually equivalent to leaving the hope of resurrection for the ancestral witches, but it is still very difficult!

Perhaps it was also for this reason that Laozi suddenly had a clear understanding, and he seemed to be able to understand the thoughts of the deputy leader of Jiejiao.

At this time, under the gaze of everyone, the purple net shrouded chaos, the rules of the heavenly way were intact, and the power of the heavenly way descended.

But if he transformed into all things again, even if it was not as exaggerated as Pan Gu, it would still be enough to restore the prehistoric world, and even surpass it in the past.

But different from just now, the figures of the Twelve Ancestral Witches are no longer dull, and light gradually appeared in their eyes, which is the light of wisdom.

But because the ancestral shaman of Houtu transformed into reincarnation and reached an incredible state, it left a glimmer of hope for the resurrection of other ancestral witches.

Of course, it is still not an easy task to achieve this, and proving the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm is only the foundation.

If Wang Xuan was really defeated, he would draw his sword, not only to cut off his own shackles, but also to avenge the only person he valued.

Fortunately, this is not a prehistoric world, it is just chaos, no matter how superb Daozu Hongjun's methods are, it can't change this.

As for Wang Xuan's strength, and whether Wang Xuan has any other hole cards that he has not used, she is actually not very sure.

He can imprison any creature he wants, he can imprison any creature, and he can destroy any creature he wants.

In fact, he still wants to thank this person in front of him, a variable, a escaped one, although it has brought a lot of troubles, it has also brought him surprises.

Empress Nuwa once asked them, is this really reconciled?How could they be willing, but what if they were not?
All those who escaped failed. These saints who have long been trapped in the net of heaven, seem to be immortal, but they are nothing but dry bones in the tomb.

Since he gave up the holy position, although his cultivation base has been constantly weakening, his vision of seeing problems has been constantly rising.

"The end? Everything is just the beginning, but if you want to see Daozu's true strength, it seems that you must have enough bargaining chips!
That being the case, the Twelve Witch Ancestors, you should reappear in the world after many years of fall! "Wang Xuan said loudly.

"It's over! With a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian like you, the prehistoric world will be more prosperous in the future!" Daozu Hongjun said.

After several wars, the prehistoric world has been broken several times, and the origin is missing, which made some of his plans take a long time.

Among the twelve ancestor witches in the past, except for the ancestor witch Houtu, the other eleven ancestor witches have been resurrected after falling for a long time.

At this time, there is no need for any means at all, and Daozu Hongjun can determine the rules of heaven and earth with a single thought.

"Impossible! How long has it been? It's already unbelievable that he can refine the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals to such an extent!

But now, Daozu Hongjun has turned the chaos near the prehistoric world into an existence like three thousand small worlds.

If it is said that Wang Xuan has no support, she will never believe it, now it depends on what Wang Xuan's support is.

However, during the gradual resurrection of the other eleven ancestral witches, the Houtu ancestral witches also opened their eyes in the formation of the gods of the Twelve Capitals.

To put it bluntly, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were formed by Pangu's essence and blood, inherited the legacy of Pangu, and were originally part of the prehistoric world.

But he couldn't draw his sword. This was a battle that belonged to Emperor Xuan, a battle that represented infinite possibilities, and he couldn't intervene.

In the prehistoric world, the saints are almost omnipotent, but they are not really omnipotent, so they cannot resurrect the ancestral witches.

Those three thousand small worlds were originally transformed from the fragments of the prehistoric world, and they have the same root and origin as the prehistoric world, and the Dao of Heaven also controls the three thousand small worlds.

A variable that does not exist in the prehistoric world, a Dao fifty, Tian Yan four nine, is likely to be a variable that escapes.

After all, the ancestral witch of Houtu has already incarnated in reincarnation, once she leaves the six realms of reincarnation, there will be unpredictable consequences.

And as his voice sounded, amidst the rumbling noise, the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of Gods appeared again, and the form of the Twelve Ancestral Witches roared to the sky.

Although the ancestral witches fell, but because of the legacy of the Great God Pangu, they turned into the rules of heaven and earth and merged into the way of heaven.

Just like the Great God Pan Gu at the beginning, after he incarnated all things, the originally lonely world became alive and there were countless creatures.

Could their teacher be indifferent to the resurrection of the ancestral witches?Think about it, it's all impossible.

But how could they not know that Emperor Xuan's fall actually had a deeper meaning, which was directly related to their future.

Words follow the law, change the world, these are not enough to describe the Taoist Hongjun at this time, he is now the real god of creation.

In terms of their enmity with Emperor Xuan, they wished that Emperor Xuan would die immediately, which was naturally what should be done.

At this time, inexplicable rules emerged. They were originally part of the rules of the Heavenly Dao, but at this time they broke away from the Heavenly Dao.

It has been incredible to prove the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but they still cannot escape the shackles of heaven, so what can they do?

After all, he was born from three parts of Pan Gu's primordial spirit, inherited the legacy of Pan Gu's great god, and also bears the mark of Pan Gu's opening the sky.

In this battle, he wanted to see the true strength of Daozu Hongjun, so as to gain a glimpse of a higher realm, but Daozu Hongjun didn't let him do so.

The ancestral witches have fallen, and even the six saints actually don't want the ancestral witches to be resurrected, and of course they can't do it.

At this time, Wang Xuan let alone escaped into the depths of chaos, his life and death, everything about him was no longer under his control.

After all, just relying on the power of heaven, Daozu Hongjun is already invincible in the world, so how can he show his own strength?
Therefore, if you want to see the true strength of Dao Zu Hongjun, not to mention the power to break the rules of heaven, you must at least be able to match it.

The boundless evil spirit gathered, and the power that originally belonged to the rules of heaven, all merged into the formation of the twelve capitals of gods and gods.

Even if Wang Xuan really died and disappeared, he also fell during the journey of pursuing the Dao, and even though he died, he would have no regrets.

All the rules are made by him, all things exist because of him, and all destruction is in his mind.

The aura on his body is rapidly weakening, from the quasi-sage realm where the three corpses were cut to perfection, to the Daluo Golden Immortal realm, and then to the Golden Immortal realm.

"There is no suspense anymore. Although this person is a variable, he still cannot defy the sky!" Yuanshi Tianzun said.

In fact, he had made a choice a long time ago, he should have drawn his sword at this time, even if he was facing his teacher, the invincible way of heaven.

Chaos is no longer an existence of nothingness, but has turned into worlds. It is not a prehistoric world, but it is very similar to three thousand small worlds.

You know, in the prehistoric world, the reason why the ancestral witches could not be resurrected has a lot to do with their teacher.

Now that such a choice has been made, it is natural to anticipate the situation in front of him. He had the opportunity to leave, but he insisted until now.

In a short period of time, not only is he no longer a sage of heaven, but he has also become an earth immortal, and is even turning into a mortal.

And Daoist Hongjun, who is in harmony with the Tao, controls the power of heaven, and within this range, he is naturally an invincible existence.

Moreover, for some reason, from the first time he saw Wang Xuan, he had never doubted this person, even at this moment.

To be precise, it was the Houtu ancestor witch who used the Twelve Capitals gods and demons to penetrate time and space and let his power come to this place.

At this moment, the eleven witch clans have been revived, and the power of the ancestor witches of Houtu has descended. There is no regret in the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals.

He has been wiping the Qingping sword in his hand, and the sword intent on his body has not weakened by half, but has a tendency to intensify.

The most important thing is that although this place has turned into a prehistoric world, it is not a prehistoric world after all, and the power of heaven is incomplete.

Among the rules of heaven, there are naturally the rules transformed by the ancestor witches, which provides a possibility to strip these rules.

But what surprised the saints was, under the enveloping net of the Dao of Heaven, the rules of the Dao of Heaven should be in charge of everything, how did this person in front of him draw his salary from the bottom of the pot?

Eleven of the twelve ancestral witch figures raised their heads to the sky and roared furiously. Their eyes shone with agility, and their ancient consciousness was revived.

"The ancestral witches have indeed fallen, but they are the descendants of Pangu, and they also have the legacy of the great god Pangu, and the key is the ancestral witches of Houtu.

How can the ancestor witches be resurrected again? That's how he did it in the net of heaven? " Yuanshi Tianzun asked in disbelief.

The only thing that hasn't changed is Houtu Ancestral Witch. She didn't fall, so naturally she didn't come back from the dead.

But also because of this, the other five saints looked at him more and more strangely, as if they saw something incredible.

But the person in front of him has done it, so that's all, after all, he has proved the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is not surprising to resurrect the ancestor witch.

"He won't fall so easily. After all, he made an agreement with me, and it hasn't been completed yet!" Empress Nuwa said.

But for Wang Xuan, she thinks she has enough understanding, in her opinion, this is a person who makes decisions before acting.

Originally, the ancestral witches should be completely dispersed and become part of the rules of heaven and earth. It is basically impossible to reunite.

Even the Zhunti and Yingying two saints, who wished for Emperor Xuan's immediate death and disappearance, had complicated expressions at this moment.

"He really won't be defeated. If there is any power that can resist the teacher, I think I should know!" Lao Tzu said.

What's more, today's Houtu Ancestral Witch is not the former Houtu Ancestral Witch. This is the Houtu Ancestral Witch who has been reincarnated.

How could he not know that the Houtu Ancestral Witch after reincarnation is, in essence, an existence on par with the way of heaven.

From now on, with the Tu Zu Wu as the leader, the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons formation is no longer comparable to the power of the peak, but surpassed the past.

"It's only the last step. Although the Taoist ancestor is strong, he is not invincible!" Wang Xuan muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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