A hundred years of preaching in the ancient forbidden area, ruthless people come to worship

Chapter 622 Still want to play the trick of counting birds with one stone?

Chapter 622 Still want to play the trick of counting birds with one stone?

In the depths of the prehistoric world, as soon as they came here, Emperor Huangtian and the others felt something strange at the same time.

Here, indeed, as Houtu Zuwu said, there is an invisible abyss. Although they can't see it, they can feel it.

"Sure enough! The vitality of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world was not completely cut off, but fell into this abyss!" Huang Tiandi said in a deep voice.

Here, they can clearly feel that the vitality of heaven and earth is still born every moment in the prehistoric world.

But as soon as these heaven and earth vitality appeared, they were pulled here by invisible forces and disappeared into the invisible abyss.

They have tried to refine the chaotic energy, turn it into the vitality of the heaven and earth, and supplement it into the prehistoric world, but it didn't work at all.

Looking at it now, it was indeed a waste of effort, because no matter how much vitality they refined, they would all be swallowed by the invisible abyss.

With such a bottomless pit, it is impossible for the vitality of the world to exist in the prehistoric world, which is why the current situation occurs.

"Is this immeasurable calamity? Why do I feel that this situation is a bit weird?" the leader of Tongtian said in a deep voice.

Regarding the immeasurable calamity, everything they know comes from legends, but how did this legend come about?

In the entire prehistoric world, I am afraid that only Daozu Hongjun has some understanding of the immeasurable calamity, and it may be that Daozu Hongjun deliberately passed it on.

Therefore, they actually know nothing about what immeasurable calamity looks like and what kind of calamity will occur.

Whether this invisible abyss in front of them exists because of immeasurable kalpas, they also don't know.

But for some reason, he just felt that the invisible abyss in front of him didn't seem to have much to do with the immeasurable calamity.

No!To be precise, this invisible abyss should not appear in the immeasurable calamity, but this invisible abyss is somewhat related to the immeasurable.

It seems that the abyss in front of me can only appear with the help of the immeasurable calamity, not that there must be this abyss in the immeasurable calamity.

"You're right! The immeasurable calamity is the catastrophe of destruction, and the goal is to bring everything into ruins, and it should not be devouring!" Lao Tzu said solemnly.

He still remembered that Emperor Xuan once said many things about immeasurable, among them was about the purpose of immeasurable calamity.

It is because the contradiction between heaven and earth has reached an irreconcilable level, that's why immeasurable calamity will come and everything will be ruined.

This is equivalent to the end of the service life of a building, which has become a dilapidated building, and will naturally be completely demolished and rebuilt.

Since the purpose of the immeasurable calamity is to make everything in the prehistoric world into ruins, there should not be such an invisible abyss that swallows the vitality of the world.

After all, turning everything into ruins is not the ultimate goal of the immeasurable calamity, it is to overthrow and start over and create a brand new prehistoric world.

"In this way, all of this must have something to do with that Taoist ancestor!" Huang Tiandi said in a deep voice.

They all knew that immeasurable calamity was not the scariest thing, Daozu Hongjun was the real enemy.

Even the coming of the immeasurable calamity came from the hand of the Taoist ancestor. It is not surprising that such an invisible abyss appears.

There is even a high probability that they will encounter even more unimaginable things next, and they have already prepared for it.

That being the case, there is nothing to hesitate at this time. Now that they have discovered this invisible abyss, they will naturally have to attack with all their strength.

Whether it is to prevent the situation in the prehistoric world from deteriorating, or to destroy Daozu Hongjun's plan, they must take action.

"You should have discovered that this abyss is invisible and invisible, unless it can swallow the vitality of heaven and earth, otherwise it would be difficult for us to notice it.

A shadowless and invisible existence, even if we want to deal with this abyss, I am afraid it will not be an easy task! "Hou Tu Zu Wu said.

She was the first to discover this invisible abyss. Although the time was tight, it was not that she had never tried to make a move.

It was because there was no way to stop her that she left here first and brought the three Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxians here.

It is nothing more than wanting to gather the strength of everyone, and everyone will act together to see if they can suppress the invisible abyss.

Even if it can't be completely suppressed, just restricting the invisible abyss will change the situation in the prehistoric world.

The four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then broke out with all their strength, suppressing towards the invisible abyss.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's strength has surpassed that of a saint. This is a terrifying strength that can destroy the prehistoric world and open up the world.

At this time, when the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian unreservedly burst out with their full strength, even the prehistoric world could not bear it.

Amidst the loud bang of "rumbling", the entire prehistoric world was shaking, as if it would collapse completely in the next moment.

However, it is naturally impossible for Huang Tiandi and others to destroy the prehistoric world, and they all controlled their own strength within a certain level.

Without destroying the prehistoric world, they are already doing their best to gather four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm to suppress the invisible abyss together.

"Impossible! With our strength, we can't even touch the invisible abyss?" the Master Tongtian said in disbelief.

The expressions on the faces of Houtu Ancestral Witch, Lao Tzu and Huang Tiandi also became more serious, they also failed.

Gathering the power of the four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is already an unimaginable force, and no one expected such a result.

They knew very well that since this was probably the work of Daozu Hongjun, it was naturally impossible for them to suppress it easily.

But in the current situation, with the combined power of the four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, they couldn't even touch the invisible abyss.

When they exploded with full strength, in front of them, there was still a void where nothing existed, and there was no invisible abyss.

Even when they condensed their power at the position of the invisible abyss, they still didn't touch anything.

But they do know the existence of that invisible abyss, because that invisible abyss is actually devouring their strength.

The combined power of the four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, which even the prehistoric world could not bear, is actually being swallowed up now?
What kind of existence is that invisible abyss?Even if the four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians joined forces, they couldn't achieve any results?
"I said a long time ago that with just a few of them, no matter what they find, they can't stop it!" Daozu Hongjun said disdainfully.

It was indeed beyond his expectation that his method was discovered in advance, but the impact of this matter was not great, and he didn't care at all.

Just like what he said, even if he is discovered in advance, if there is nothing he can do about it, so what if he is discovered in advance?
At this time, the four Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians have already made a move, and they must be very desperate at this time.

After all, knowing that the problem is in front of you, but there is no way to solve it, and watching things deteriorate, there should be nothing more uncomfortable than this.

"Ancestor Dao, you really have a good way to devour everything, plunge the prehistoric world into immeasurable calamity, and achieve your own goals by the way.

But Daozu, you want to eat fat all of a sudden, but you just don't know if you can hold it! "Wang Xuan said coldly.

In fact, he has seen all the experiences of Emperor Huangtian and others, so he naturally knows where the problems Huangtian Emperor and others are facing.

The current situation is very clear, because of the existence of the invisible abyss, the vitality of the world in the prehistoric world has been swallowed up.

Without the vitality of the heaven and the earth, the Dao will not be manifested in the world, the prehistoric world will inevitably enter the era of the end of the Dharma, and it will become an immeasurable calamity if it is not an immeasurable calamity.

Huang Tiandi and others have clearly found the existence of the invisible abyss, as long as this abyss is suppressed, the situation can be alleviated.

But the four Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxians have already shot with all their strength, but they can't even touch the invisible abyss, so naturally it can't be said to suppress the invisible abyss.

It's useless to use all your strength, and next, unless things turn around, Emperor Huangtian and others have nothing to do.

Obviously, this is Daozu Hongjun's plan, which can make the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian helpless, and only Daozu Hongjun can do it.

However, Emperor Huangtian and others only saw the abyss that plunged the prehistoric world into the Dharma-ending era, but they did not notice other things.

In his eyes, the entire prehistoric world is actually weakening at this time, and the source of the world is continuously flowing into that invisible abyss.

If this situation continues, it will be like an immeasurable calamity, and everything in the prehistoric world will fall into ruins.

But unlike the immeasurable calamity, after the prehistoric world is completely destroyed, there will be no chance of reconstruction.

Because, the origin of the prehistoric world has flowed into that invisible abyss, without the origin of the world, how can we create a world similar to the prehistoric world?

Unless you follow the example of the great god Pangu back then, and use your own strength to forcibly break through the vast chaos, and then perform the feat of opening up the world.

But the Great God Pangu back then was only half a step away from the Dao, and his strength was even higher than that of Daozu Hongjun today.

Even so, after Pangu created the world, he eventually died of exhaustion, and finally had to incarnate all things to achieve the prehistoric world.

These people, one counts as one, even regardless of personal life and death, I am afraid that they will not be able to reach the level of Pan Gu.

Daozu Hongjun was indeed extremely terrifying, if he didn't make a move, it would be nothing but an unsolvable problem, making Huang Tiandi and others can only sigh.

But in his view, the matter is not unsolvable.It's not that Zu Hongjun's methods are not clever, but that Zu Hongjun is too greedy.

Daozu Hongjun wanted too much, and the immeasurable catastrophe came, not only because he wanted to influence Ye Nannan and others to prove the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Moreover, the immeasurable catastrophe descended on the prehistoric world, completely changing the pattern of the prehistoric world, making some of their methods completely ineffective.

In today's prehistoric world, the way of humanity has completely overwhelmed the way of heaven, and coupled with the way of authenticity, it is no longer possible for the way of heaven to stand up.

In other words, the prehistoric world has become his home field, and Daoist Hongjun, who has been in charge of the prehistoric world for countless years, no longer has any advantage at all.

But with the coming of immeasurable calamity, the way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of humanity have become irrelevant, which means that his advantages have been wiped out.

This is actually Dao Zuhong's second purpose, and besides this, Dao Zu Hongjun should have other purposes.

What he sees now is that since the invisible abyss is devouring the origin of the prehistoric world, it must be the good fortune left by Pan Gu.

When the Great God Pan Gu incarnated all things, he left all good fortune in the prehistoric world, which is why Daozu Hongjun stayed in the prehistoric world.

All good fortune is in the prehistoric world, and the invisible abyss devouring the origin of the prehistoric world is equivalent to devouring the good fortune left by Pan Gu?

As for Daozu Hongjun not having other plans, he hasn't seen it yet, but that doesn't mean there isn't one, it's just that it hasn't been revealed yet.

However, it was also because of this that he said that Zu Hongjun's appetite was too great, and he wanted to eat into a fat man all of a sudden.

The more thoughts, the more goals, the more scattered the energy will be. It seems to be comprehensive, but in fact, every aspect is not incomprehensible.

It's not that they are so unbearable. Dao Zu Hongjun still wants to play the trick of counting birds with one stone, so he looks down on them too much.

With Daozu Hongjun's strength and means, if they really concentrated on one point, it might be really troublesome for them to deal with it.

now!It seems that there is no way to do it, but as long as you find something, you can break through the surface and make all kinds of plans of Daozu Hongjun come to naught.

"You think too highly of yourself. From the beginning to the end, you don't know who you are facing!" Daozu Hongjun said coldly.

He knew that the person in front of him had seen something, but this was in his expectation, after all, he was defeated by the person in front of him once.

If you don't even have this ability, you are not qualified to be his opponent at all, and it is even more impossible to fight him in the final battle.

But with him here, even if the person in front of him saw something, he would have no chance to tell the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in the prehistoric world.

In other words, how could it be possible to stop him by relying on the strength of the four Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxians themselves.

All planning is proceeding in an orderly manner, he doesn't even need to do anything now, as long as he waits for a while, he will be invincible.

And at that time, no matter how unusual the person in front of him is, no matter how many cards he has, he will still die.

"Leaving aside what will happen to the prehistoric world, those disciples of mine are about to prove the Tao. Could Dao Patriarch Hongjun just be watching?" Wang Xuan said with a smile.

At this moment, although Emperor Huangtian and the others were trapped in the prehistoric world, facing the invisible abyss, there was nothing they could do for the time being.

But his five disciples are proving the way in the chaos at this time, and judging from their aura, Ye Nannan and others are about to succeed.

Daozu Hongjun can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, thinking that he has the chance to win, but how can he know that he is actually sitting more steadily.

As long as Ye Nannan and the others break through, even if Daozu Hongjun has the means to defy the sky, he will not be afraid at all.

"It's impossible for them to succeed! Besides, even if they succeed in proving the Dao, what are the five Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians?" Daozu Hongjun said in a deep voice.

This was indeed the only thing he miscalculated. He never thought that under the influence of the immeasurable calamity, those strong people of the human race could successfully prove the Tao.

Judging from his aura, he was not far away from proving the Dao. Naturally, he couldn't sit idly by and could only use some means in advance.

However, because of the hasty shot, he was not sure of victory, so he could only take it as an attempt, and stop it if he could.

If it can't be stopped, there will actually be five more Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians, which will have an impact on him, but the impact is not too great.

(End of this chapter)

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